ER 5, 1935
much as to death of interest. Ie says the way
to cure the ill is to translate the librettos into
English and make the opera a "darn good show."
In this suggestion he is seconded by the St. Louis
This speaking and singing in translation is
T supposed to let the audience know what opera is
all about. We doubt if many audiences have not
known the story of the particular opera they were
attending. If our guess is wrong, it is time they
learned there are any number of good books
giving the stories of all operas. Translation can be
objected to on the ground that English does not
lend itself to singing as well as the niore musical
and liquid sounds of the Romance languages. We
also suspect that one could not understand English
words when sung by a soprano.
e It is the Italians in the galleries that get the
most out of an opera anyway. Why spoil it for
n them?
Publisned every morning except Monday during the
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8PORTS EDITOR...................WILLIAM R. REED
Night Editors: Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Rich-
ard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, and
Bernard Wessman.
News Editor..............................Elsie A. Pierce
Editorial Writers: Robert Cummins and Marshall D. Shul-
FPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred
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ton, Richard Sidder, I. S. Silverman, William C. Spaller
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Barbara Lovell, Marjorie Mackintosh, Louise Mars,
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Telephone 2-1214
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Sheila Burgher, Nancy Cassidy, Ruth Clark, Phyllis,
Eiseman, Jean Keinath, Dorothy Ray, Alice Stebbins,"
Peg Lou White.-
A Cure For
Wild Thinking'.
REEDOM of discussion, declares1
Christian Gauss, Princeton's emi-
nent dean, is the best antidote for "wild think-
ing" among undergraduates.
Changes of our own day, he says, have made
the averae undergraduate consciously, "per-"
haps even too self-consciously, a young intellec-1
tual, a student and scholar."
This is an understanding analysis. We are cer-
tain that, so long as Dean Gauss recognizes that
increased undergraduate interest in economic and
political problems is "occasionally" bound to ex-
press itself in extravagant forms,' 'an undue dis-
turbance will not be raised at the Princeton cam-
pus when these events do occur, if they should
at all after a policy of free discussion had ob-
It is true that youth tends toward extremism.
Sometimes it thinks straight and sometimes it
does not. But a sympathetic understanding of
this tendency helps to prevent the regrettable
situation that sometimes is to be seen where the
administration of a university and the students
who tend tdward radicalism are to an extreme
degree mutually out of sympathy.
Our own university is fortunate in possessing
such ratifications as the Spring Parleys, the Fresh-
man Forums, the Quadrangle Club, and other or-
ganizations that make for sane discussions of
current problems. We have known and practiced
for many years the principle that free discussion
is not only the sine qua non of a liberal univer-
sity, but that it makes for sane and sober political
thinking among students and potential citizens.
Tibbett's Cure
For Opera ...
heretic, says grand opera is dying
on its feet. Tito Schipa offers to bet $10,000 that
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editoial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributorsare asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
The End
Dear Lawyers:
Have you no comeback? Can you be so easily
stumped by adversity? Do not use "a lack of
uniforms" as a blind behind which you may with-
draw to the obscurity you will so justly deserve,
if you ignore the maddened medics. We have
been challenged and are prepared.
If some of your numbers do not wish to play us
anything but tackle football, we are sure that
among the three hundred odd students in the Law
School there must be eleven men who prize the
honor of their school enough to play us a game
of touch football this coming Saturday at two
p.m. at the Intramural Field. We can guarantee
you plenty of action. If you refuse this last chal-
lenge we will have to ask our student nurses to
invite you to a game of field hockey.
A. Constantine, Tel. 3201.
P.S. Get eleven men and accept our challenge
-otherwise we will take it for granted that you
acknowledge your athletic superiors.
EDITOR'S NOTE: We have enjoyed this
Lawyer-Medic exchange of terse notes im-
mensely, but are requesting that future nego-
tiations be carried on privately. When you
have decided to play, let us know, and we will
all come around and yell.
[As Others See It
U. P. Short Cut
(From the Chicago Tribune)
A GROUP OF ENTHUSIASTS, interested in the
development of the upper peninsula of Mich-
igan, will meet at Escanaba at 9 o'clock a.m. Nov. 6
(and, mark you, that is eastern standard time) to
discuss ways and means of securing a WPA appro-
priation for the construction of a canal from a
point just north of Escanaba across Michigan's
height of land to Au Train Bay on Lake Superior.
The purpose is to provide a cutoff for the use of
ships plying between Lake Michigan and Lake
Superior. Of course the ore traffic moving from
Duluth, Ashland and Superior to the South Chi-
cago steel district is the principal tonnage item.
Proponents of the project visualize a saving of
forty hours' transit time, but the canal would never
accomplish that objective; first because the aver-
age lake vessel can negotiate the distance via
the Soo in forty hours, and second because the
transiting of a canal with frequent lockages and
reduced speeds in the levels between locks is not
comparable with distance computations in the
open lake.
Nevertheless the undertaking is at least no less
fantastic than 99 per cent of the New Deal projects
and the country would have something to show
for its investment. Pleasure craft might make use
of such a sheltered route.
Our 'Celebrated Alumnus'
(From the Southern California Daily Trojan)
THE GREAT GOD Paddock is on the loose
Disappointed because other crusaders were hog-
ging the headlines, the pseudo-journalist saw in
last Saturday's Trojan defeat an opportunity to
place the name of Paddock back on the sport
pages of the nation once more - a spot where
it has, to the joy of all, been noticeable through
its absence.
If "celebrated alumnus" and Charley Paddock
are synonymous, as the stories yesterday morning
would have you believe, then there are 5,000
students at S.C. who never want to be termed
"celebrated alumni." There is something utterly
despicable about attacking the coach of your o9
alma mater because he has lost one game, and
that against a major intersectional opponent.
The students at S.C. are thoroughly satisfied
with the Headman as a football coach, and
there is more spirit being shown now than was
ever evidenced when there was a steady parade
of national championships at Troy.
If Mr. Paddock thinks that the student body
is dissatisfied with Coach Jones, if he thinks that
any other person could possibly replace the
Headman in the hearts of thousands of Trojans,
and if he thinks that the present condition of
Trojan football is attributable to an "obsolete sys-
tem,' 'and not to the superiority of onnosing
The Conning Tower
Saturday, Ocober 26
EARLY UP, despite having indulged yesterday
in the grape with Jerry and Eva Kern on
the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary,
nor would I have done so save that the bottle
was reposing in a silver cooler, and I wish that
I had money enough to buy them a present of
Sam'l Pepys's silver two-handled porringer. So
to the office, and thence with M. Cooper and An-
drea and Dick Simon to luncheon, and there
met the comick artist Ham Fisher, and he told
us a tayle of a man whom he met inthe south, with
an admixture of Jewish and Southern dialect,
mighty comickall; and it seemed to me that George
Jessel once had a sketch mingling those dialects,
too. So to Baker Field, to see the Michigan eleven
defeat the Columbia; but I hastened from the
field in the third period, to go to the country, and
so to the 125th Street station, and I asked the
uniformed gentlemen whether the next train
stopped at Westport, and he said yes, so I boarded
it, and so did Mrs. George Baeir, and the con-
ductor said, "Didn't you hear me say 'Bridge-
port the first stop'?" Andrea said that we did
not; but he was adamant, like the railroad itself,
so a lady heard us, and said that her husband
was going to meet the train at Bridgeport, and
would be comin' for to carry us home. And he was
there, and he was Mr. A. G. Morgan, and so drove
us home which was the greatest piece of good luck
that I have had this year.
Sunday, October 27
A FAIR sweet day, and so for a ride to see
Marian Chase, and so home, and all after-
noon at work, almost uninterruptedly, and so got
supper for me and my wife, and so all evening
conversing on many topicks.
Monday, October 28
BY EARLY train to the city, and to my office
and at work there all day until late, and so
home, and thence to Emanie Sachs's to dinner, and
met there O. Harris the magistrate and Miss
Fannie Hurst, mighty fine in a white dress, and
Roger Baldwin, and I mighty taken with the
high intelligence of him, and he told about some-
body whose name I did not catch saying at Geneva
that the thing to do was to have no resistance, and
that for example Ethiopia should say to Italy, in
effect, "O.K., Ducey-Wucey, come on; what do
you want? Here it is." Nor do I think that is
foolish. But that argues real civilization, or uni-
versal Christian science, or any name that you
want to give it. And that would go further, then.
For a man would say to his employer, "I think
that my salary should be doubled.'' And the
employer would say, "Certainly." Or the employer
would say, I think your salary should be halved."
And the employee would say, "Certainly." So
Tuesday, October 29
NOW THERE is talk about the Quiet, Please
campaign, but the difficulty of the complaint
is enormous. For last night on the ground floor
of a house in West Ninth Street two gentlemen
were talking to each other, and they could not
have been five feet apart, but they talked and
laughed in such loud tones until two o'clock
that I could not sleep till they had ceased. But
which house it was I could not tell, nor whom
to complain to. So to the office, and early home
in the afternoon, and worked, and so in the eve-
ning with my wife to see "On Stage," and I found
a dull piece of what I thought was quarter-baked
metaphysics, and so home early, and waited for
my wife to finish writing a letter so that I might
mail it, and so she out to royster about town, and
I to bed, reading Helen Woodward's "Three Flights
Up," a fond recollection of the scenes of her child-
hood, and a great relief in that it did not say, like
most such books, "Oh, how unhappy was my youth,
and how terrible my parents!" For Nell seems
to have been happy.
Wednesday, October 30
TO0MY OFFICE betimes, and reading of Jas,
Walker upon the Manhattan bound for New
York gave me a great desire to be sailing on a ship
for anywhere, or to go even to Ann Arbor to see
whether Pennsylvania would be powerful enough
to beat the so-called lucky Michigans's. So till
seven at the office toiling, rejoicing, sorrowing.
And so home to dinner, and in the evening to see
a play called "There's Wisdom in Women," about
a concert pianist and his wife who gave up her
career of music for that of love, as though they
were mutually exclusive. And their estrangement
is eliminated because she, forsooth, remembers an
opus that he had composed, and which had gone
from his mind, which seemed to me as absurd as
the pattern of everything solved by the announce-
ment of Tiny Garments. The title seemed to me
ironical, and truly should have been "There's
Folly in Women." But the acting of it, by Miss
Ruth Weston and Mr. Walter Pidgeon in especial,
made much of it seem real.
Thursday, October 31
LORD, this day a letter from G. Brett who tells
me that I have had my last sail on the Sail-Ho,
he having sold it. But he tells me later that he
hath purchased another boat, a bugeye, and the
name of it is the Smith-Brown-Jones, it having
been named forty years or so ago in honor of the
Governor, the State Treasurer, and the head
of the Fisheries Department of Maryland. But
I am the lowliest tar that plows the water, and
would sail on any ship named anything. So all
day at the office, and in the evening with
Mabel to see a play called "The Body Beautiful,"
and I could think of nothing but Dot Parker's
characterization of a play called "The House
Beautiful," which she called The Play Lousy.
Friday, November 1
THIS MORNING I read that Mrs. Jas. Walker
said that her husband was not physically
strong, and that running for office was the one
thing that she would put her foot down on for
the present. If she means that he will not be at
A Washington
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3.-Many
observers, including Republican
party campaign planners, would be
glad to know exactly what was the
"philosophy" of the next administra-
tion budget arrived at in the President
Roosevelt's conferences with his chief
budget aides.
They got little help from the con-
ferees. They were given a surprise
long-distance glimpse of what it
might be by Rexford Tugwell, under-
secretary of agriculture, speaking
about that time in Los Angeles.
The budget isn't Tugwell's business.
But, his idea that it would be possible
to arrive at an actual budget balance,
to drop the device of "ordinary" and
"emergency" budgets during the next
fiscal year and bring all expenditures
within revenues, is worth noting. He
certainly might know the trend of
budget "philosophy" among adminis-
tration high command insiders if not
details of how it would be done.
Wherefore, Tugwell's interest in the
subject is of greater interest than
the off-hand arithmetic of his budge-
tary calculations.
* * * *
Spending Issue
A MORE influential Democratic
voice on budgetary matters than
thatvofTugwell suggested the same
idea of a budget balance during the
year beginning July 1, next, quite a
while ago. It was that of Representa-
tive Buchman, chairman of the all-
powerful house appropriations com-
mittee. He told the house a month
or two before the last session ended,
but after the general picture of the
huge appropriations the session would
make was nearly complete, that a
budget balance by "this congress and
succeeding congresses" was possible.
That was before the administra-
tion "spending" issue had been
worked up by Republican spokesmen,
by Democratic administration re-
volters, by the Liberty League and
others, to the pitch it has now at-
tained. At present the spending is-
sue looms as the one on which Re-
publican opposition seems able to
concentrate without much intra-
party dispute. Political writers are
beginning to paint it as the probable
chief issue of the coming presiden-
tial campaign. It is one that pending
cases before the supreme court do
not touch.
Turning Off Cash Flow
MR. ROOSEVELT'S budget "sum-
mation" and what has since hap-
pened, give glimpses of the effort im-
pending to change the spending pace
of the administration next session.
That has all been based on improving
economic conditions and increasing
tax yields. It is assumed, at any rate,
that the philosophy of the next bud-
get dealt with by the President and
his budget aides, was the practicabili-
ty of turning off the flow of govern-
ment cash designed to get the ec-
ohonic wheels roling again.
Take either the Buchanan or the
Tugwell estimates and it might ap-
pear good strategy to cut the ground
out from under the spending issue by
going into the campaign with a bal-
ancedbudget. That might notwin
back to Roosevelt support the busi-
ness interests said now to be so over-
whelmingly against him. It might,
however, go a long way toward ac-
celerating the recovery pace and that
in itself would react to help balance
the budget.
Tuesday, NOV. 5, 1935
VOL. XLVI No. 301
Choral Union Members. Tickets for
both the Rachmaninoff and the Don
Cossack concerts will be given out to
members of the University Choral
Union who are in good standing; and
who call in person between the hours'
of 10 and 12; and 1 and 4, Wednes-
day, November 6, at Room 107, main
floor, School of Music Building. Af-
ter 4 o'clock no tickets will be given
Students, College of Engineering:
Saturday, November 9, will be the
final day for dropping a course with-
out record. Courses may be dropped
only with the permission of the classi-
fier after conference with the in-
structor in the course.
Freshman Luncheon Club. Both'
Tuesday and Thursday Clubs will
meet on Tuesday, November 5 and'
there will be no meeting on Thursday
this week. All members are urged to
be present. The speaker will be Os-
wald Garrison Villard, well-known'
writer and contributor and Editor of'
the New York "Nation."
J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students.
Women Students Attending the Il-
linois - Michigan Football Game:
Women students wishing to attend
the Illinois-Michigan football game
are required to register in the Office
of the Dean of Women.
A letter of permission from par-
ents must be received in this office
not later than Thursday, November
7. If a student wishes to go o her-
wise than by train, special perm sion
for such mode of travel must be in-
cluded in the parent's letter.
Graduate women are invited to reg-
ister in the office.
Byrl Fox Bacher, Assistant
Dean of Women.-
R.O.T.C. Advanced and basic uni-
forms will be issued from Headquar-
ters Wednesday and Thursday be-
tween the hours of 10:00 a.m. and
5:00 p.m.
International Soccer Team: The
game scheduled for this afternoon1
with Cranbrook has been postponed
until Tuesday, November 12.
Children's Theatre: Final generala
tryouts Tuesday afternoon in the
Garden Room of the League at four,
o'clock. It is essential to come with
ten lines of prose or poetry memor-
Gilbert and Sullivan's Ruddigore:
Finaltryouts for principals Thursday
at 4:30 and for chorus Friday at 4:00,'
at the Laboratory Theatre. Students
interested must be fully acquainted
with the music and must therefore
attend rehearsals Tuesday and
Thursday at five at the Laboratory
Theatre, and Tuesday at eight in the
Glee Club Room at the Union. i
Academic Notices
Psychology 31, Lecture Section II.
Examination, Wednesday, November
6, at 2:00. Students from A - K in-~
clusive, go to Room 1025 Angell Hall.
Those from L - Z inclusive, go to
Room 231 Angell Hall. Please take
alternate seats. No blue-book is
Piloting and Navigation - N.A. 8:
(2 Hours credit). Offered by the Ex-
tension Division of the University,
will meet at 679 Ledyard Street in
Detroit at 7:00 p.m.,.on Wednesday,1
November 6. Transportation is avail-,
able for two additional students. Call1
Professor L. A. Baier, Ext. 445.
Psychology 31, Lecture 1. Examina-
tion Wednesday, 2:00 p.m. Students
with last names beginning with A - B
inclusive go to Room, B, Haven Hall;;
C - K inclusive go to West Physics
Amphitheatre; L - Z inclusive go to
Natural Science Auditorium. Please
take alternate seats. No blue-books
History 11, Lecture Section 1. Mid-
semester, Wednesday,November 6, S8
a.m. Mr. Scott's and Mr. Slosson's
sections in Room C, Haven; Mr.
Lonig's and Mr. Winnacker's sections
in Natural Science Auditorium.
History 11, Lecture 111, Midsemes-
ter examination, Thursday, Nov. 7.
University Lecture: Dr. Gilbert
Bagnani, Director of Italian excava-
tions in Egypt, will give an illustrated
lecture on the subject "The Excava-
tions at Tebtunis," Tuesday, Novem-
ber 5, at 4:15 p.m., in the Natural
Science Auditorium. The public is
cordially invited.
University Lecture: Oswald Garri-
Prof. John L. Brumm of the de-
partment of journalism left yesterday
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
son Villard, Contributing Editor of
the New York Nation, will lecture on
the subject "The Present European
Crisis," Tuesday, November 5, at 8:00
p.m., in the Natural Science Audi-
torium. The public is cordially in-
Rear Admiral Byrd Lecture: Tick-
ets for this number are now on sale
at Wahr's. Patrons wishing desir-
able seats are urged to make their
reservations early.
Choral Union Concert Program:
Sergei Rachmaninoff, pianist, will
give the following program, Wednes-
day evening, November 6, at 8:15
o'clock, in the Choral Union Series in
Hill Auditorium. The concert-going
public is respectfully invited to co-
operate by coming sufficiently early
as to be seated on time. The doors
will be closed during numbers. Also,
detach from season tickets coupon
number two, and present for admis-
sion. Members of the audience leav-
ing the auditorium during intermis-
sion, will be required to show their
tickets stubs for re-admission.
The program is as follows:
32 Variations, C minor ...Beethoven
Three Sonatas............Scarlatti
Sonata, B minor.............Chopin
(a) Poeme)
(b) Etude) ................Scriabin
Fairy Tale ..............M..Medtner
Barcarolle .............. Rubinstein
(a) Etude)
(b) Prelude) .........Rachmaninoff
Etude - Caprice ..........Dohnanyi
Events Of Today
Junior Research Club of the Uni-
versity of Michigan meets at 7:30
p.m., Room 2082 N. S. Building.
"Virulence of Bacteria" by Prof.
Walter Nungester of the Bacteriology
Department. An important business
meeting will follow.
Chemical and Metallurgical Engi-
neers: The regular luncheon for grad-
uate students in Chemical and Metal-
lurgical Engineering will be held at
12:15 in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. Pro-
fessor Wm. H. Worrell will address
the group on the subject, "Ethiopia
and the Ethiopians."
Adelphi house of Representatives,
men's forensic society, announces
that Mayor Robert A. Campbell of
Ann Arbor, former treasurer of the
University, will address the society
at 7:30 p.m. in the Adelphi room,
fourth floor Angell Hall. His topic
will be "My Experiences with Stu-
Tryout speeches for membership in
Adelphi will be heatd after the ad-
dress. All men students. are eligible
and can rtyout by giving a short
speech on any subject. Adelphi cor-
dially inyites every one to attend.
Student Christian Association Cab-
inet meets at 8:00 p.m., at the home
of Dr. and Mrs. Edward W. Blakeman,
5 Harvard Place. All members are
urged to be present.
Christian Science Organization:
There will be a meeting of this lor-
ganization tonight at eight o'clock in
the Chapel, League Building. Stu-
dents, alumni, and faculty members
are cordially invited to attend.
Kappa Phi, Methodist Girls' Club,
will meet at 5:30 p.m. at Stalker Hall.
Miss McCormick will speak to the
group on "The Girl's Adjustment to
College Life." All members are urged
to be present. Pledging of new mem-
bers will take place before the meet-
ing at 5 o'clock sharp.
Michigan Dames will meet at 8:00
p.m. at the League with the Bridge
Group under Chairman Mrs. H. R.
Lay in charge. Refreshments will be
served by' Mrs. R. C. Fuller and her
committee All wives of students and
internes are invited.
Coming Events
Varsity Women Debaters: meeting of
all women debaters Thursday, No-
vember 7, at 4 o'clock, in Room 4203
Angell Hall.
Phi Sigma meeting will be held in
Room 2116, Natural Science Bldg.,
Wednesday, November 6, at 8:15 p.m.
Dr. Josselyn Van Tyne will speak on
the Ornithology of Guatamala. Elec-
tion of new members will follow.
Please bring $1.50 for dues for this
Luncheon for Graduate Students:
Wednesday, November 6, at 12 o'clock,
Russian Tea Room, Michigan League
Building. Cafeteria service. Carry
tray across the hall. Professor Rene
Talamon, of the Romance Language
Department, will speak informally on
"Echoes from France."
Music Section of the Faculty Wom-
en's Club will meet at 1613 Shadford
Road, Thursday, 6:30 p.m.
Sigma Delta Chi: There will be a
Ten Years Ago
From The Daily Files
NOV. 5, 1925
President Clarence Cook Little will
give the initial address at the second
program to be transmitted from the
University broadcasting station from
9 until 10 o'clock Tuesday night.
Students who will be unable to fol-
low the Michigan squad to Grant
Park stadium next Saturday will
again be able to follow the team's
activities as portrayed on the grid-
graph in Hill Auditorium.
Endorsing the plan of the senior lit-
erary class to establish a $250,000
fund to provide a suitable memorial
to the class as "a constructive idea
offering great possibilities for the
betterment of the University," the
Student Council, at its meeting last
night at the Union, recommended
that the plan be fully explained to
the senior class at its next meeting.
Although showing slight improve-
ment, Chauncey Olcott, world fam-
ous Irish tenor, lies near death in St.
Joseph's Mercy Hospital here, ac-
cording to word coming from his bed-
side late last night.
Interest of individuals and insti-
tutions in Ann Arbor just at present
is centered in the proposed Women's
League Building.
Whether it is possible for a mod-
ern college woman to forget that this