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November 02, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-02

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parties were formed cannot live forever. For
many years it has been apparent that there was
little important differences in Republican and
Democratic beliefs. The passing years of our
crisis are continually emphasizing this fact
Therefore, we believe that voters of America
are increasingly concerned now with individuals
and not parties. Old loyalties are being aban-
doned. A candidate in the future will not be
elected with Republican votes nor with Demo-
cratic votes.
The task of the politician of today, if he is to
achieve anything, is to cast off the cloak of old
allegiances in favor of one a bit less tattered and
torn. The time may not have been ripe 10 years
ago -it certainly is now.


The Conning Tower

Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
5soe#ted @ioegiatt rt
-.1934 ] j H14)ezl 1935
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to itor
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Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
SPORTS EDITOR ....................WILLIAM R. REED
News Editor ..............................Elsie A. Pierce
Editorial Writers: Robert- Cummins and Marshall D. Shul-
Night Editrs: Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Rich-
ard G. Hershey, Raph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, and
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SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred
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WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy A. Briscoe, Florence H.
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REPORTERS: E. Bryce Alpern, Leonard Bleyer, Jr., Wil-
1iam A. Boles, Lester Brauser, Albert Carlisle, Rich-
4rd Cohen, Arnold S. Daniels, William John DeLancey,
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Warren Gladders, Robert Goldstine, John Hinckley,
S. Leonard Kasle Richard LaMaca, Herbert W. Little,
Earle J. Luby; Joseph S. Mattes, Ernest L. McKenzie,
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ton, Richard Sidder, I S. Silverman, William C. Spaer,
Tuure Tenander, and Robert Weeks.
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Beatrice Fisher, Mary E. Garvin, Betty J. Groomes,
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Barbara Lovell, Marjorie Mackintosh, Louise Mars,
Roberta Jean Melin, Barbara Spencer, Betty Strick-
root, Theresa Swab, Peggy Swantz and Elizabeth Whit-
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS: Local advertising, William
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tracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohgemuth;
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BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Charles W. Barkdull, D. G. Bron-
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FAlender, Jack R. Gustafson, Ernest A. Jones, William C.
Knecht, William C. McHenry, John F. McLean, Jr., Law-
rence M. Roth, John D. Staple, Lawrence A. Starsky,
Norman B. Steinberg, Donald Wisher.
WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betsy Baxter, Margaret
Bentley, Adelaine Callery, Elizabeth Davy, Catherine
Fecheimer, Vera Gray, Martha Hanky, Mary McCord,
Helen Neberle, Dorothy Novy, Adele Poller, Helen Purdy,
Virginia Snell.
Sheila Burgher, Nancy Cassidy, Ruth Clark, Phyllis
Eiseman, Jean Keinath, Dorothy Ray, Alice Stebbins,
Peg Lou White.
To The
Homecorners .
back in Ann Arbor to participate in
Homecoming. They are back to greet their class-
mates and fraternity brothers, their friends on
the faculty and in town --they are back to try
and recapture a little of the 'glamphere' of their
undergraduate days.
We do not know what 'glamphere' is either, but
it is necessary to invent a word that means: spirit,
glamour, atmosphere, cheering at football games,
receiving a grade of E and the multitude of
things that make up one's undergraduate ex-
We wish the returning alumni every success in
their pursuit of the elusive 'glamphere.'
Today's football game --the main event, so to
speak--is an appropriate one. Many of the old
grads will recall the exciting series played with
Pennsylvania in a day gone by. The renewal of

this satisfying series pleases everyone.
Nineteen thirty-five's Wolverine team is good,
they improve every week, and, although they go
into today's battle rated by many to lose, we think
the Quakers are going to quake. If we don't win,
it's still a great day.
Alumni, the town is yours. Treat it gently,
but have a good time.
Exit The
Old Line Partiesa.
Senator William E. Borah, "that
this country is largely Republican. Mr. Roosevelt
could not have been elected without Republican
votes. He cannot be re-elected without Repub-
lican votes."
Mr. Borah is a veteran politician. generally

As Others See ItI
Back To Small Towns
(From the Daily Iowan)f
ACCORDING to a recent news dispatch, Mar-F
quette, an Iowa town of 814 population, hass
no clergyman, doctor, dentist, lawyer, furnitureI
store, jewelry shop, shoe store, blacksmith shop,I
harness shop, printing office, implement store,2
newspaper, theater, photographer, bookstore,I
grain elevator, clothing store, coal dealer, cream-i
ery, or produce house.I
Can it be that there is a city ordinance againstc
business in this little village? The story gives no
reason for the lack of business enterprises in the
town. Unless the town is jinxed, or the trade ter-
ritory around it so limited, we can see no reason
why this is not the ideal location for several
smart college graduates. Surely the apparent
lack of competition ought to attract some of the
products of our professional schools. After all the
mere fact that 814 people are gathered togetheri
in one spot should create enough trade and indus-
try for at least one or two of these sorely needed
While Marquette has attracted much attention
because of its number of apparently unexploited
fields of endeavor, there are numerous other1
middle western towns that lack physicians, law-
years, newspapers, and business houses of various
types. If this country is to survive as a capitalistic
nation where free enterprise flourishes and prem-
iums are paid for brains and originality, the grad-
uates of our universities must look again to small
towns. If we are to carry on traditions of Yankee
ingenuity, originality, and independence which
have so colored the character of America for the
last 200 years, we must forget bigness and all
that goes with it, forget that the measure of
man's success is not in the size of his salary, but
rather in the good he can do for his community.
For those of us who still have a desire to be
our own bosses as much as possible in a highly
civilized system, we say look to the smaller town.
If this country is to continue to prosper and
grow as it did in the past, those of us who have
the training and ability should spread it out
and realize the responsibilities we have to the
country as a whole.
The Personal Touch'
(From the McGill Daily)
past by educationists and would-be educationists
that the duty of a teacher is to give more than
knowledge to his pupils -he must give part of
himself, his personality, as well. This applies to
no teacher more than to the university professor,
for his students are both intelligent enough and
eager enough to absorb whatever colour he may
throw upon his lectures beyond the mere state-
ment of facts.
The professor, in the course of his study and
teaching, has personally encountered the various
shadings of meaning and general trends of detail
that the student lacking in experience and prac-
tical knowledge in his study, appreciates. It is
therefore up to the professor to give what he can
to his students, making their courses more than
merely printed and articulated material.
No professor, it must be admitted, fails to do
this to some extent, but some, indeed, have made
the unconscious mistake of overdoing it. That is,
they colour their lectures with so much of their
own personal opinion that all element of "discus-
sion" disappears.
It is the wary and skilled university professor,
therefore, who strikes the happy medium, giving
his students the benefit of his own superior ex-
perience and stimulating activity in their own
Alcohol And Gasoline
(From the Chicago Tribune)
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR of the Tribune evi-
dence the widespread belief that the number
of automobile deaths in Cook county has increased
alarmingly since the repeal of prohibition. The
[facts do not bear out this thesis. Since repeal

the number of deaths in automobile accidents has
From Jan. 1 to Oct. 28, 1935, the number of
deaths in automobile accidents in Cook County
was 792.
The corresponding figure in 1934 was 1,002.
The corresponding figure for 1932, the last year
of prohibition, was 932.
If repeal is to be blamed for the slight increase
of deaths last year it must be credited with the
much more substantial decrease in deaths this
There is no slightest doubt that drunken drivers
are a menace. The question to be considered is'
not whether there should be drunken drivers, but
whether repeal has put more of them on the
roads than were there during prohibition. There
are no reliable statistics bearing directly on this
point, but the decline in the acciuent rate leaves

She'll find it very easy to be dead,
Who amply trots about her thousand chores
In flower garden, house and barn and shed, 1
Setting things right, both in and out of doors.
Quite simply she will meet all death's demands,s
For now, to fertilize our stony lifet
She gives her spirit daily, with both hands. I
The tonic zest of this old farmer-wife
Helps to enrich each creature that she knows.
Thus, when she dies to the recurring plow X
She cheerfully will yield her flesh; the rose 1
Will be her problem then, as well as now,
How amiably she'll give her bones to corn!
Living and dead, for this, her kind is born. E
Police Commissioner has ordered his subordinatel
officers to put an immediate stop to the gang war-I
fare. And a mighty good idea, too. Why do otherE
public officers not emulate the Police Commis-
sioner? Why doesn't the Commissioner of Motor<
Vehicles order his officers, cooperating with the
Police Department, to reduce motor accidents to
zero? And why lags the Department of Health?
Why not command every physician and surgeon
in what Mr. Walker and the unofficial welcomers
will call this great city to make any disease,
or disorder impossible?;
HARP; wish to dispose of one of my Lyon
& Healy beautiful toned concert harps;
$800. Y 81 Herald Tribune.
Is one of the Marx Brothers broke?
We are, and have been as long as we can re-
member, a Mark Twain reader, though one who
never went all the way with him, except with
"Tom Sawyer" and "Huckleberry Finn." But it
seems to us that Mark Twain might spin in his
grave if he could know of the solemn, ponderous
stuff that is being pulled every day of this his
centenary year. Committees for this and that.
practically hold a gun at your head, and say,
"Damn you, me an appreciator of humor at 8:05
p.m., December 6." There seems to be dozens of
committees, and dozens of dinners and celebra-
tions. We are not alone in saying that it will
take us a year or two to get back to liking
Twain again.
Sir: Tonight, my Old Farmer's Almanac tells
me is All Hallows Eve, and there will be apple-
bobbin' and charades and all that. Marshmallows
will be toasted over open fires and chestnuts
roasted in the hot ashes. Corn will pop in a mil-
lion houses, and the strains of ghost-played music
will echo from the haunted house through all Can-
opus Hollow.
And yet despite all this, no frankfurter manu-
facturer will be on the air exploiting the Hal-
lowe'enie. *
*Trademark registered.
The Hartford Courant's free cooking school
opened Tuesday. There were lectures; there are
lectures, for the school has a four-day session.
The lectures are preceded by organ recitals, and
everybody in Connecticut, to judge by the tele-
phone queries that have come to us, wants to
know what the program will be. Well, all that
we can do is guess:
"Oh, dear what can the batter be?"
"Pease pudding hot."
"Little Tommy Tucker."
"The Chocolate Soldier."
And of course, almost anything by Suppe, not
to say Will Marion Cook.
The sun peers down, the hills glance over,
the road runs back and the lilac kneels,
because the orchard shades a cart
with yellow shafts and yellow wheels.
A wagon that has yellow wheels
must stay at home with little will,
must ache to roll its yellow wheels
from Georgetown up to Hotchkissville;
from Hotchkissville to Farmington
must long to show its yellow pride,
to spin its suns through flying dust
homeward down through Riverside,

to flash its spokes through Redding Ridge
into the apple orchard's shade.
For such careering and such a blaze,
surely were yellow cart wheels made.
To yesterday's World-Telegram Mr. L. Powers
writes, and mentions "Gilbert and Sullivan's
operetta, 'Olivette,' " quoting the "Bob Up Serene-
ly" song. The song -the composer was Ed-
mund Audran and the librettists Henri Chivot
and Alfred Durn - occurs in "Olivette," all right.
The English adapter was Henry Broughton Farnie,
and, if we may risk memory there also was sung
in that operetta "The Torpedo and the Whale"
By the way, Audran composed also "The Mas-
I love to sniff the perfumed rose,
And sniff the salt sea breeze;
O rare delight when to my nose,
Wafts tang of good ripe cheese.
Oh, boy, to whiff a broiling steak,
Or bacon in the pan;
Sweet new-mown grass beneath the rake,
Smells sweet to any man.
But would that I were Cyrano,

A Washington
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.-The pros-
pect seen by the two Georgia
senators of an audience of 200,000
to hear President Roosevelt speak in p
Atlanta the day after Thanksgiving, l
nvites attention. On what is it based? c
That is a good-sized chunk of the t
population of the state. It is per-B
haps two-thirds of the population of
Atlanta. It comes within shooting
distance of the total vote cast ina
Georgia in any recent presidentialt
election. How can the Georgia sena-A
tors be sure?f
It is explained that the 200,000 fig-
ure is not just a vague estimate based
largely upon hope; but a definitea
organized program aimed at Gover-d
nor Talmadge, anti-Roosevelter-in-
chief among southern DemocratsA
since Huey Long's assassination. It
is said to be documented by seat
reservations at the twin mass meet-
ings planned and already fortified byt
requisitions for railway equipment to0
mobilize the crowd. The state's ownn
facilities in that respect are describeds
as exhausted. Borrowing from near-c
by rail centers or even from distantt
car and engine pools, is in progress.
* * * *V
LL of which illustrates again thet
importance attached in the southF
to party regularity - Democratic
regularity, for by and large the solidI
south does not admit there is moree
than one party there. Jumping thet
party reservation is always a dan-
gerous expedient. Hopes and plans
of third party advocates elsewhere int
the country have bumped into that e
old southern political custom to their
own undoing.-
There may be doubt among Demo-
cratic leaders as to just when and
how to open up full blast in reply tot
"new deal" critics elsewhere in the
country. Field Marshal Farley hasp
intimated it was his idea of good
strategy to let Republican spokesment
fire away at will for some time yet
before oiling up Democratic machin-t
ery for organized counter attacks.
The politically adroit Louis Howe,
presidential secretary, feels the same,
* * * *
ALL that has nothing to do with
Georgia. It is busy with a party
discipline matter. It is out to prove
to the country, according to spon-
sors of the Roosevelt reception idea,
that Governor Talmadge does not
speak for the state at large in his
anti-Roosevelt attitude.
It will be interesting to see how it
comes out, particularly what Mr.
Roosevelt has to say. Watching his
tactics both at Albany and in Wash-
ington leads to the conclusion that
the President does not favor verbally
blasting his opponents by name, par-
ticularly those within his own party.
It seems to be his method not to erect
needless barriers to a return of any
of the "new deal" fold.
Here is a case where the President
is being invited to come down and
help along a move by Democrats of
his adopted state to put the bee on
their governor in sensational fashion.
Just how will he go about it?
The beautifully appealing story of
the once-obscure ccmpser Franz
Schubert is told in this Gaumont-
British production centering about
the young musician's difficulties en-
countered in construction of his un-
finished symphony in B minor. If

technical imperfections common to
most foreign-produced films and the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater's equip-
ment are discounted, it may be said
in all sincerity that the story is flaw-
lessly told in a manner most pleas-
ing to any cinema-goer who has risen
above the Warner Brothers plane.
"Unfinished Symphony" describes
with excellent attention to detail the
tangled life of the moody, unassum-
ing Schubert. When first presented
Schubert is performing his unfin-
ished work, dedicated to Emmie (a
youthful acquaintance) at a Court
Musicale. At the very moment when
he is inspired with an ending, the
theme of which has been eluding him,
the wild laughter of Countess Ester-
hazy interrupts him and literally
drives him from the salon.
With Emmie unable to comfort him
satisfactorilySchubert leaves to ac-
cept a post as music-master, only to
find that his pupil is Countess Ester-
hazy. They fall in love when he
is infatuated by her beauty and she
by his music. Countess Esterhazy
is subsequently driven by her father
into a loveless marriage, and when
Schubert returns to her to play his
newly-completed symphony as a wed-
ding present, he is once again inter-
rupted, this time by Caroline's weep-
ing. After destroying the ending of
the symphony, he pauses on his
homeward journey at a wayward
shrine where he is inspired to com-

SATURDAY, NOV. 2, 1935
VOL. XLVI No. 28
LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: Ap-
plicants for these scholarships may
earn the result of the awards by
calling at the office of the Assistant
o the President, Room 1021 Angell
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be
at home to members of the faculties,
their friends, and other residents of
Ann Arbor on Sunday, November 3,
from 4 to 6 o'clock.
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be
at home to the students on Wednes-
day, November 16, from 4 to 6 o'clock.
There will be no tea on Wednesday,
November 6.
Apparatus Exchange: The Regents
at their meeting in March, 1927, au-
thorized an arrangement for the sale
of scientific apparatus by one depart-
ment to another, the proceeds of the
sale to be credited to the budget ac-
count of the department from which
the apparatus is transferred.
Departments having apparatus
which is not in active use are advised
to send descriptions thereof to the
University Chemistry Store, of which
Prof. R. J. Carney is director. The
Chemistry Store headquarters are in
Room 223, Chemistry Building. An
effort will be made to sell the appara-
tus to other departments which are
likely to be able to use it. In some
instances the apparatus may be sent
to the University Chemistry Store on
consignment, and, if it is not sold
within a reasonable time, it will be
returned to the department from
which it was received.
The object of this arrangement is
to promote economy by reducing the
amount of unused apparatus. It is
hoped that departments having such
apparatus will realize the advantage
to themselves and to the University
in availing themselves of this oppor-
tunity. Shirley W. Smith.
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science,yand ThegArts: Instructors
are requested to send their "Fresh-
man Report Cards" to Room 4, Uni-
versity Hall, not later than today.
Faculty, Engineering Freshmen:
Reports to the Mentor System on all
engineering freshmen will be collected
from the faculty during the week of
Nov. 4. Report forms are being dis-
tributed to the faculty this week.
Mentors will confer with freshmen on
their standing during the week of
Nov. 11. Faculty members will please
take up routine questions with Miss
Edmands, Dean Sadler's office; refer
other questions to A. D. Moore, Head
Mentor, 268 W. Engr., Telephone 576.
Study Tours for Foreign Students:
The second in the series of study
tours for foreign students wishing to
acquaint themselves with the facili-
ties of the University and the points
of interest on the campus will be held
Monday, November 4. Students will
assemble promptly at 4 o'clock in
Room 201, University Hall, from
which place they will be conducted
through the Law Quadrangle.
J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor
to Foreign Students.
Angell Hall observatory will be open
to the public for observation of the
moon from 7:30 to 10:00 this eve-
ning. Children must be accompan-
ied by adults.
Women Students Attending the Il-
linois - Michigan Football Game:
Women students wishing to attend
the Illinois-Michigan football game
are required to register in the Office
of the Dean of Women.
A letter of permission from par-
ents must be received in this office

not later than Thursday, November
7. If a student wishes to go other-
wise than by train, special permission
for such mode of travel must be in-
cluded in the parent's letter.
Graduate women are invited to reg-
ister in the office.
Byrl Fox Bacher, Assistant
Dean of Women.
Presidents of Student Organizations
should report the names, titles and
classes of all officers to the Dean of
Students, Room 2, University Hall
not later than November 15. Forms
should be obtained in Room 2 for the
purpose. The following are the names
of student organizations as listed in
the Office of the Dean of Students.
Any organization which does not fur-
nish the required information by No-
vember 15 will be considered no long-
er in existence. Any active organiza-'
tion not listed should apply for of-
ficial recognition at once.
J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students.
Aeronautical Engineers
Alpha Alpha Gamma
Alpha Epsilon Mu
Alpha Gamma Sigma
Alpha Kappa Delta
Alpha Lambda Delta

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to thGPresident
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Beta Kappa Rho
Black Quill
B'nai B'rith Hillel Independents
Cercle Francais
Chi Gamma Phi
Chinese Student Club
Christian Science Organization
Cosmopolitan Club
Delta Epsilon Pi
Delta Sigma Rho
Deutscher Verein
Deutscher Zirkel
Forestry Club
Freshman Girls' Glee Club
Gamma Alpha
Genesee Club
Graduate Outing Club
Hillel Foundation
Hillel Players
Interfraternity Council
Iota Alpha
Iota Sigma Pi
Junior Mathematical Society
Kappa Beta Pi
Kappa Phi
Kappa Phi Sigma
Kappa Tau Alpha
Landscape Design Society
Les Voyageurs
Lutheran Student Club
Michigan League
Michigan Public Health Club
Michigan Union
Michigan Wolverine
Mortar Board
Mu Phi Epsilon
National Student League
Nippon Club
Omicron Kappa Upsilon
Oratorical Association
Panhellenic Association
Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Delta Kappa
Phi Epsilon Kappa
Phi Eta Sigma
Phi Kappa Phi
Phi Lambda Upsilon
Phi Sigma
Phi Tau Alpha
Pi Lambda Theta
Pi Tau Pi Sigma
Polonia Literary Circle
Rendezvous Club
Rho Chi
Scabbard and Blade
Scalp and Blade
Scouting Fraternity
Senior Society
Sigma Alpha Iota
Sigma Delta Chi
Sigma Eta Chi
Sigma Gamma Epsilon
Sigma Rho Tau
Sigma Xi
Sociedad Hispanica
Sociedad Latino-Americana
Stanley Chorus
Student Christian Association
Students' Theosophical Club
Tau Beta Pi
Theta Sigma Phi
Transportation Club
Undergraduate Council
University of Michigan Band
University of Michigan Forestry
University of Michigan Glider Club
University of Michigan Outdoor
Vanguard Club
Varsity Glee Club
Wesley Foundation
Women's Athletic Association
Women's Physical Education Club
Women's Research Club
Zeta Phi Eta
University Lecture: Oswald Garri-
son Villard, Contributing Editor of
the New York Nation, will lecture on
the subject "The Present European
Crisis," Tuesday, November 5, at 8:00
p.m., in the Natural Science Audi-
torium. The public is cordially in-

Coming Events
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet at Lane Hall on Sunday, No-
vember 3, at 3:00 for a hike through
Barton Hills. Supper will be served
at a cost of 25c. All graduate stu-
dents are cordially invited to attend.
Landscape Club Meeting, Monday,
7:30 p.m. Don Wolbrink will talk
about Isle Royale.
Convocation. On Sunday, Novem-
ber 3, The Reverend Fred Cowin and
Professor Preston W. Slosson will
speak on the subject of "Religion and
Politics Look at War," at 8:00 p.m.
in the Congregational Church. This
meeting is sponsored by the Inter-
Guild Federation and will follow the
regular guild meetings. The student
body and the general public are in-
Michigan Dames Child Study Group
hold its first meeting on Monday
evening, November 4, at 8 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. Karl Karsian, 1133
Forest Avenue. Mrs. F. W. Peterson,
the faculty advisor to the group, will

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