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November 02, 1935 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-02

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State Farmers
Will Back Tax
System Change
Grange Delegates Vote To
Support Revision Of Tax
Laws At Next Election
BIG RAPIDS, Nov. 1. - (P) - Del-
egates to the annual convention of
the Michigan State Grange returned
to their homes today, prepared tc
back up at the polls a legislative pro-
gram whose high points included a
revision of the taxation system and
sweeping changes in the state liquoI
control system.
Divergent views were reconciled at
a harmonious closing session and the
organization "went down the line" on
a platform it will ask other farm
groups to support.
Grange leaders said the farmers
would have the platform in mind
next year in scrutinizing candidates
for the legislature.
Federal Program Approved
Even a sharp attack on the agri-
cultural administration was smoth-
ered beneath a softly worded resolu-
tion approving federal agricultural
policies. The measure went unchal-
lenged from the floor after leaders
had stricken from it the three letters,
AAA. Representative Maurice Post,
Republican, of Kent County and oth-
er Grangers had asserted that 95 per
cent of Michigan's farmers were op-
posed to the agency.
In brief, the resolution urged con-
tinuance of the Federal farm relief
program "until such time as a better
means of equalizing the opportunity
of agriculture to realize a fair and
proportionate return for goods" is de-
Favor Saloon Act
The platform ao called upon the
next legislature to re-enact the pro-
visions of the old Warner-Cramton
Saloon act, providing that all drink-
ing establishments must close at 11
p.m. Related sections proposed a
minimum age limit of 21 years for
purchasers of alcoholic beverages, a
ban upon the employment of women
in drinking places, legislation to make
drunk driving a felony and the pro-
hibition of liquor or beer sales where
there is dancing.
The grange tax provisions includ-
ed: A proposal that the state sales
tax be reduced from 3 to 1 per cent,
and an income tax law and a specific
tax on intangibles be enacted to make
up the deficit in welfare funds; a plea
for adjustment of delinquent taxes so
that they may be paid on present
valuations, and not on the boom val-
uations of a few years ago; reduction
of the weight tax on farm trucks; a
levy of five cents a pound on butter
Ware Counsel
Closing Plea In
Parentage Case
Trial To Fix Housemaid As
Mother Of Illegitimate
Boy Involves Doctor
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 1. - (P) - Coun-
sel for Anna Ware, unwed house-
maid, drew toward a conclusion today
the evidence by which Miss Ware
seeks to prove her motherhood of the
disputed baby boy in the Muench-
Ware parentage case.
While a special commissioner heard
the 'evidence, the child was cared for
at the St. Louis Children's. Hospital
under supervision of the St. Louis

Court of Appeals.
Announced by Mrs. Nellie Tipton
Muench and her husband, Dr. Lud-
wig Muench, as their own, the baby
was in the fashionable Muench home
until Wednesday when the Court of
Appeals impounded it "as evidence."
Counsel looked to medical testi-
mony to assist in the. case. X-ray
photographs of the child's wrists and
hands were made yesterday in the
attempt to establish its age.
Miss Ware, in a habeas corpus suit
to recover a son born to her Aug. 17
in a midwife's home, accused Mrs.
Muench of obtaining the Ware child
with the intention of "palming it off
as her own."
When the Muenches reported the
birth of a son Aug. 18, Mrs. Muench
was preparing her defense against
charges of complicity in the Dr. I. D.
Kelley kidnaping. She was acquitted.
Mrs. Muench, sister of a Missouri
supreme court judge, has been ex-
cluded from the hearing as a result
of her denunciation of the court for
impounding the baby.

Jimmy Walker Returns To N. Y. In Triumph

-Associated Press Photo.
Crowds cheered, bands played, and harbor whistles tooted in a
lusty welcome to former Mayor James J. Walker when he returned
with his wife, the former Betty Compaon, to his native New York after
a three-year, self-imposed exile abroad. They are shown aboard the
liner Manhattan as it steamed up theybay to its pier.

Quakes Today
Very Probable,
Hobbs Predicts
Professor Emeritus Says
Ann Arbor Will Have A
Bad Quake In Future
(Continued from Page 1)
not known. At 1:12 a.m., the time
that the needle again came back onto
the chart paper, the vibrations were
"vigorous." They continued, decreas-
ing in intensity, until 2:45 a.m., she
explained, at which time the tremors
ceased altogether.
Miss Lindsey held that there is a
possibility that two distinct quakes
hit the vicinity, but because of the
fact that the needle went off the
chart this cannot be proved. Sev-
eral persons in Ann Arbor reported
to the observatory that they felt two
separate shocks.
The exact spot that the quake hit,
a spot possibly as far away as 1,000
miles, was not found last night, Miss
Lindsey reported. It may be a week,
she advised, before we know where
the fissures in the earth occurred,
she said.
It is all the more difficult to tell
because the observatory instrument
is known as a "distant quake seis-
mograph," Miss Lindsey explained.
That Friday's tremors rent the earth
at some near spot was known be-
cause of the short time it took the
seismograph needle to "build up"
vibrations, she said. The needle
started to make very minute
scratches on the paper and within
a few minutes had recorded marks
more than two inches apart.
The recording seismograph chart
which would have contained the most
distinct recordings came apart just
at the time of the quake's greatest
severity, further complicating an-
alyses of the tremors, Miss Lindsey
She termed the quake Friday "quite
intense," and "nearly as bad as that
in Montana." Slight quakes cause
tremendous damage when they come
in centers of population, she said,
while the greatest jars take place in
the ocean and are rarely noticed.
Although some earthquakes occur
in the earth at depths as great as
3,000 miles, this one was much closer
to the surface, according to Miss
Earthquakes are the worst, she
pointed out, when the fissures occur
at "faults" in the earth. "Faults"
are the places where the sections or
layers of the earth's surface come to-
The tremor here Friday morning
was the second recorded at the
observatory within 24 hours, the
other being the Helena earthquakes
at approximately 2:30 p.m. Thursday.

New Deal Fails
To Raise Price
Level To Goal
Administration's Two-Year
Effort To Restore 1926
Standard Falls Short
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. - (P) -
The Administration's two-year-old
drive to raise the price level was still
far short today of the original goal,
the 1926 level.
Two years ago President Roosevelt
launched his move to depreciate the
dollar by purchasing gold through
the Reconstruction Finance Corp.
The Labor Department's wholesale
commodity index was then 70.8 per
cent of the 1926 level. It is now 80.3.
In August, 1933, before the Presi-
dent announced his monetary plans,
the 1926 dollar would buy $1.44 cents
worth of wholesale commodities.
$1.24 Worth Today
Today, despite the depreciation
moves and talk of inflation, it will
still buy $1.24 cents worth of goods.
The same is substantially, though
not exactly, true of the retail pur-
chasing power of the dollar.
There have been no recent admin-
istration statements to indicate
whether the campaign to raise the
price level will continue. When
Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Secretary of
the Treasury, recently returned from
Europe, however, he told newspaper-
men that America was "ready to do
its part" in stabilizing world curren-
cies when other nations were "dis-
posed to do theirs."
Slight Drop Recorded
Except for the rise in the price of
farm commodities and food there has
been little change in the general price;
level in the last year.
A year ago the wholesale commodi-;
ty index was 76.2, or 5.4 per cent less,
than today, but all commodities other
than farm products and foods had an
index of 78 as compared with the
present figure of 78.4.
In the last month, the wholesale+
index has been dropping slightly, in-+
stead of rising, because of declines in
the prices of foods. A month ago it
was 81, the highest it has reached for+

Guard Walker
Apartment On
New York Visit
Former Gotham Mayor
Comes Home Following
Stay In British Isles
NEW YORK, Nov. 1.-(P)-A po-
lice guard kept an eye on Jimmy Wal-
ker's hotel apartment today - just
as in the days when he was mayor -
while Walker and his wife rested
after their tumultuous welcome home.
"All I want is two aisle seats on
the Isle of New York," Walker replied
to queries about his plans. He re-
peated that he is through with pol-
Mrs. Walker - the former Betty
Compton - also declared she would
not go back to her one time profes-
sion, the stage.
"Being a wife is sufficient job for
a woman," she said. "I love chil-
dren; that's what I want most."
The Walkers, who returned from
a three-year sojourn in Europe
Thursday afternoon, reached their
suite after a flying wedge of police-
men had rescued them from a cheer-
ing throng at the pier.
A freight elevator completed their
escape, but after driving to their
hotel behind a police siren, they faced
another crowd.
A man leaped to the running board
and embraced Walker.
"Hey, Jimmy!" cried the throng,
just as the crowd at the pier had
Walker, smiling but appearing fa-
tigued, escorted his wife into the
building. There they had a family
reunion with Mr. and Mrs. William
H. Walker and their family and Mrs.
Nan Walker Burke, the former may-
or's sister.
They weren't "at home" to besieg-
ing friends all evening. Reports said
Jimmy went to bed at 7:30.
Mrs. Walker, however, remained
up to talk with two intimates, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Newman.
Philatelists Seeing
Things In Boulder
Dam Stamp Issue
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. - (P) -
People who examine the new Boulder
Dam stamp issued by the Postoffice
are seeing things.
A few days ago one stamp-lover re-
ported he found, with the aid of a
magnifying glass, a tiny picture of
President Roosevelt tucked away
amid the decoration.
Today Robert King, government
stamp expert, took a squint and re-
ported he found a mountain climber,
the Liberty Bell (cracks and all),
September Morn, and the initials
But all these things are either ac-
cidental or imaginary, he said. The
stamp designer never intended them.
"You can find anything you want to
find, practically," he said. "Some
people can see a man in the moon.
I never could."
Long Follower On
Denocratic Ticket
MEMPHIS, Tenn., Nov. 1. - (P) -
Gerald L. K. Smith, Share-the-
Wealth disciple of the late Huey
P. Long, has become a self-avowed
Democratic candidate for President.
He announced last night he would
enter the April preferential primary
in Georgia - the stronghold of Gov.

Eugene Talmadge, who also is con-
sidered a possible Democratic starter.
"Who knows?" mused Smith with
a shrug. "I may be the next President
of the United States. Stranger things
have happened."
For support he looks primarily to
the nation's Share-the-Wealth so-
cieties, with a purported membership
of 10,000,000. Once pastor of the
Christian church in Shreveport, La.,
he was a national organizer for the
Long units and took over their lead-
ership on the assassination of the
Senator Sept. 8.

-Associated Press Photo.
Mrs. Blanche LaDu (above),
member of the Minnesota state
board of control, was elected pres-
ident of the American Prison As-
sociation at its convention in At-
lanta, the first time such an honor
was accorded a woman.
Chinese Dog owned
By Dope Fiend Has
Laugh On Reporter
A stout, grey-haired woman about
40 years old, posing as an osteopath
and claiming to be caring for a dope
fiend in the capacity of nurse, loaned
her Chinese dog to the inquiring re-
porter the other day and there'
hangs the tale.
The reporter promised to care for
the Chinese dog, which was reputed
to have been raised in China and of
Ching variety and, she said, had been
shipped over to her by a missionary
The reporter having become at-
tached to the black and white dog,
whom the nurse said was more com-
pany than the dope addict, wished
to borrow the dog again on Friday.
When he arrived at the house of the
osteopath, he was informed by the
owner that the osteopath was not
caring for a dope fiend but was one
The question is, did the reporter
cause supposed osteopath to go crazy
or was she crazy before he arrived?




Heads Prison Body

50c PONDS CREAMS ..........35c
15c PONDS TISSUES........... 10c
50c I OD EN T TOOTH PASTE ... . 29c
100 BAYER ASPIRIN .......... 59c
Heavy Malted Toasted Sandwich Hot Fudge
Milk 1Oc & Malted 20c Sundae 10c

Debate Squad Final Three-year Old Child
Elimination Is Held Dies In Hallowe'en Fire
SAN DIEGO, Calif., Nov. 1.- VP) -
The final elimination of the year Trapped in his flaming crib, a three-
for the freshman debate squad was year-old boy was burned to death
early today. No one else was in the
held yesterday when the size of the house.
squad was cut from ten to six mem- Police and fire investigators said
bers. there aparently had been a Hallowe'-
The freshmen selected for the en party in the house earlier in the
squad, as announced by Arthur Se- evening and expressed the belief that
cord, debate coach, are William Par- a live cigaret had been dropped on a
ham, Reid Hatfield, William Elbin, sofa.
Robert Rosa, Edward Macall, and
Robert Nebetoff. ruling, freshmen are not eligible for
Parham, Elbin and Hatfield will intercollegiate debating.
constitute the affirmative team and This is the first year that Mich-
Rosa, Macall and Nebeteff the nega igan has had a freshman debate
tive team. Because of a conference squad, Secord said.
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327 South Fourth
William P. Lemon
and Norman W. Kunkel
9:45 -- Student Forum. Mr. Kunkel
leader. Subject: "The Tide of

Roger Williams Guild
10:45 - Mr. Sayles speaks on
L2:00 Noon-Guild House. Mr. Chap-
man on "Experiencing God
Through"Nature." Discussionled
by Robert Campbell.

f ... .,.

State and Washington Streets
Music: Achilles Taliaferro
10:45 A.M.-Morning Worship Service






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