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October 30, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-30

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The Weather


Fair today and tomorrow;
rising temperature tomorrow.

A6pF 4hp
40owfitr t g an


Anniversary Of Depression .. .
The Letter Of The Law . .



Plans For
Homecoming Celebration
To Be Headed By Penn
Game And Pep Meeting
Portrait Of Baird
Will Be Unveiled
Penn Band And Varsity
R.O.T.C. Unit To Play
Prominent Parts
Michigan's annual fall Homecom-
ing celebration will get underway Fri-
day night - the eve of the Pennsyl-
vania game - when two of the Uni-
versity's most prominent alumni and
Athletic Director Fielding H. Yost
address a pep meeting at 8 p.m. in
Hill Auditorium.
The speakers will be J. Fred Law-
ton, '11, composer of "Varsity," and
Charles Baird, '95L, the University's
first athletic director who recently
gave more than $50,000 for erection
of a carillon here.
The keynote of the program for
Saturday - the actual Homecoming
Day - next to the football game, will
be the unveiling at 11 a.m. in the
Union of a life-sized oil portrait of
Mr. Baird. The funds for the port-
rait, which was painted by Ray
Gamble, were donated by members
of the "M" club. The portrait will
be unveiled by Mr. Yost, and Mr.
Baird will make a presentation
Pep Meeting Friday
At the ;pep meeting Friday night,
Mr. Lawton will present a new song,
"A Great Big Meechigan Day," which
he composed especially for the Home-
coming celebration. Dedicated to Mr.
Yost, it will be sung for the first
time. According to cheerleaders, it
is expected to take its place with
Varsity, "The Victors," and "The
Yellow and Blue."- -
The Varsity R.O.T.C. Band and
cheerleaders will be present at the
pep meeting, which William R. Dixon,
'36, president of the Men's Council,
hopes will be the "biggest :yet this
year." t
At 11 a.m. Saturday, the Band will
march from Morris Hall to the Union
to be present for the unveiling of the
Baird portrait. Many old alumni,
friends of Mr. Baird, are expected
to be present for this ceremony,
Dixon said. The, portrait will be
similar to those of Mr. Yost and
Keene Fitzpatrick, long-time Mich-
igan trainer, which were given re-
cently by Mr. Baird and which now
hang in the Union. Mr. Yost, who
was brought to the University by Mr.
Baird, is expected to entertain the
prominent alumnus, now a Kansas
City, Mo., attorney, at a reception
after the unveiling ceremony.
Fraternities To Decorate
A feature of Homecoming will be
the fraternity decorations, Dixon
said. To the house having the best
decorations, the Goldman Brothers
cup will, as in former years, be
awarded. A committee consisting of
Harold Goldman, George Williams,
'36, president of the Interfraternity
Council, and a member of the Col-
lege of Architecture faculty will serve
on the judging committee. The In-
terfraternity Council will cooperate
with the houses in decorating.
Immediately after the Baird port-
rait is unveiled, the Varsity R.O.T.C.
Band will march to the depot where

it will meet the 96 members of the
University of Pennsylvania band. The
two bands will then march to the
downtown section of Main Street,
where they will parade through the
town. A line of cars and marchers
are expected to accompany the mu-
At noon Saturday, the two bands
will have a joint luncheon at the
(Continued on Page 6)
Court Clears Way
For 'Tobacco Road'
CHICAGO, Oct. 9.- (A) -Federal
Judge William H. Holly indicated
today that he would issue a tem-
porary restraining order prohibiting
Mayor Kelly or other city officials
from interfering with the play "To-
bacco Road" at the Selwyn Theater.
Although the court last week is-
sued an injunction against stopping
performance of the play-which
police censors called "indecent"-

Farmers Who Ratified Corn-Hog Program

War Settlement Plans Collapse;
Grim Food Curb Begins In Italy;


China Eyed By



-Associated Press Photo.
Heads of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration expressed
pleasure over returns in the referendum which showed farmers of the
nation overwhelmingly in favor of corn and hog production. A group of
farmers is shown .voting at Liberty, Mo.
Pollock Claims Lengthy, Boring
Ballot May Injure Democracy

A sharp criticism of the length of
the American ballot is made by Prof.
James K. Pollock of the political
science department in the Annals
of the American Academy of Political
and Social Science, issued recently.
The "yardage" of the ballots has
become so great that unknown thou-
sands of voters are confused and
bored to the extent of staying away
from the polls on election days, to
the detriment of representative gov-
ernment, Professor Pollock declares.
"Democratic government has become
almost impossible for the voting pub-;
lie to manage," he writes.
"Eventhe hardy voter who takes
his pencil in hand faces a piece of'
paper resembling a bed sheet in size'
and a combination of a crossword'
puzzle and a roll call of the House
of Representatives in appearance,"
Professor Pollock charges.
So many offices must be filled by
popular election that no voter, how-
ever intelligent, can adequately per-
form his duty, he holds. "The result
is," his article continues, "that we
often get a complete negation of
democracy instead of an expression
of it."
The average ballot in 1932 con-
sisted of 565 square inches of paper,
containing 102 names and 3 propo-
sitions to be voted on, the professor
points out in his tract. "The wonder
is that people vote as often as they
do," he writes. "Despite the 'get
out the vote' movem-ents, large num-
bers of American voters are contin-
uously on vacation from their elec-
toral duties and even when on duty
are so overwhelmed with burdens
that they are forced to vote under
severe handicaps."
Suggesting a marked shortening
of the ballot, Professor Pollock pro-
18 Are Killed
As Grid Death
List Increases
Statistics Show Toll Is
Mounting; High Schools
Are Hardest Hit
NEW YORK, Oct. 29.- (R) - Foot-
ball has taken a greater toll of lives
in the first six weeks of this season
than during the corresponding period
a year ago, it was revealed today in
a survey prepared by Floyd H. East-
wood, a New York University instruc-
tor in education.
Although complete data is lacking
in some instances, Eastwood, who
compiled injury and fatality sta-
tistics for the American Football
Coaches Association and the National
Collegiate Athletic Association, said
there had been 18 deaths attributable
to football and five that cannot be
charged directly to the game.
A year ago, through Oct. 29. East-
wood declared 10 deaths had occurred
directly from football and five in-
directly. Reports on a number of

poses the election of as few officials
as possible to only those offices at-
tracting the widest constant public
attention and which control matters
of general public policy. Practically
all other offices, especially judgeships
and those involving administrative
work, would be appointed by a few
elected officials to whom they would
be directly responsible, under his
Four results might be expected
from such a system, he believes:
first, a larger turn-out of voters;
second, clearer, more important and
interesting elections; third, "and
above all," the possibility that voters
could understand, operate and con-
trol government from top to bot-
tom; and fourth, a reduction in elec-
tion costs, both to candidates and
Newly Formed
P eaceCouncil
A provisional meeting of the Uni-
versity Peace Council was held at 4
p.m. yesterday in Lane Hall.
The newly organized Council is
open to representatives of all camp-
us organizations, both student and
faculty. Yesterday the group decided
the Council will sponsor an Armistice
Day program, the- nature of which
has not yet been determined.
Margaret Norton, Grad., was elect-
ed chairman of the provisional com-
mittee of the Council, and within a
short time she will announce the
names of five associates. The .organi-
zations represented at the meeting
were the Congregational and Metho-
dist Church groups, the Hillel Inde-
pendents, the Student Christian As-
sociation, the National Student
League and the Presbyterian Church

Nipponese Soldiers Will
Launch Sham Battles
Along Railway Line
Peiping's Military
Council Convened
Chinese Peoples' Welfare
Is At Stake, Japanese
General Alleges
TIENTSIN, China, Oct. 29. - Io) -
Japanese soldiers will begin sham
battles along the Pieping Tientsin
Railway soon, it was announced to-
night, as Chinese officials studied
Japan's demands for limitation of
anti-Japanese elements in North
(An emergency session of the PFep-
ing Military Councildwas called early
Wednesday to consider the Japanese
demands. Nearly every important
North China political leader was pres-
ent as they were represented as be-
ing surprised by the Japanese action).
Officials Discuss Note
Announcement of the plan fur
autumn army maneuvers followed
upon frequent recent demonstrations
of Japanese military power, with re-
peated visits of Japanese detach-
ments to this city.
North China officials discussed the
note delivered by Japanese Consul
General S. Kawagoe, which said Ja-
pan felt China had not fully complied
with terms of the agreement of last
June which followed upon a series of
final Japanese incidents. Japan
charged Blue Shirts of the Kuomin-
tang (Chinese nationalist party) were
still active in North China.
(At Peiping a high Chinese official,
told the Associated Press: "We have
done our best to meet the Japanese
wishes for suppression of anti-Japan-
ese activities in North China. If the
Japanese tell us where the anti-
Japanese organs exist, we are ready
to suppress them.")
Chinese Warned
Maj.-Gen. Hara Dada, commander
of the Japanese garrison in Tientsin,
in a statement said: "We dare to
warn the central government of China
to observe strictly its obligations un-
der the North China agreement."
He declared Japan "fears for the
welfare of China's four hundred mil-
lion people as well as for peace in the
(Chinese national government of-
ficials at Nanking expressed the opin-
ion China had reached her limit in
willingness and ability to make fur-
ther concessions to Japanese de-
mands. They were dismayed at the
most recent manifestation of Japan-
ese censure, and there were indica-
tions they were somewhat defiant.)
Yesterday's Daily incorrectly stated
that Dean Joseph A. Bursley's fresh-
man luncheon clubs would meet on
Tuesdays and Wednesdays. There is
no meeting scheduled for today, or
any subsequent Wednesday. The
meetings are to be held on Tuesdays
and Thursdays.

His Strictured.

Nation Faces Food


Anglo-French Efforts To
Stop War In Ethiopia
Have Failed, Is Claim
Drive For Sanctions
To Be Strengthened
40 Million In Italy Line
Up For 6-Months' Diet;
Sales Restricted
LONDON, Oct. 29. - (R) - Efforts
of Anglo-French experts to agree
upon a plan for settlement of the
Italo-Ethiopian war have failed, it
was confirmed officially tonight.
On the heels of this disclosure,
Anthony Eden, Great Britain's "in-
ternational commuter," prepared to
return to Geneva to push London's
determinedsdrive for quick operation
of sanctions against warring Italy.
But his portfolio contains no peace
scheme to put up to the League,
high sources revealed. Eden, min-
ister for League affairs, will leave to-
morrow and Sir Samuel Hoare, for-
eign secretary, will follow him four
hours later.
Hoare's unexpected return, it was
emphasized, indicates no change in
Britain's policy of firmness, and
there was no likelihood of three-
power conversations with France and

-Az-sociated Press Photo.
When Benito Mussolini launched his aggressive war on Ethiopia,
commentators were unanimous in expressing the opinion that his task
of subjugating the last free African state would be both long and hard.
With a food shortage facing Italy, Mussolini has placed restriction
on the sale of goods and has ordered a war-time diet. He is pictured
above in two typical gesticulating poses.

Honesty Obviates
Identification Card
Use At Grid Games
Hail the fruits of honesty!
Simply because students didn't try
too often to dupe gate officials at
Michigan football games, no identifi-
cation cards will be demanded of stu-
dents this year, according to Fielding
H. Yost, director of athletics.
However, the Athletic Association
promises to drop its humanistic pol-
icy and demand absolute identifica-
tion if the students deviate from their
present truthful policies. Such ac-
tion would not be resorted to until
1936, Mr. Yost stated.
This action of the Association was
prompted by the fact that the resale
value of tickets is usually below the
University's price. Only in the case
of complete sell-outs, Mr. Yost con-
tinued, can the scalper hope to sell
the tickets above par value. This des-
crepancy in prices discourages a stu-
dent's selling his ticket, it was said.
Members of Sphinx, junior honor-
ary society, will meet at noon today
in the Union for a luncheon, San-
ford Ladd, '37, announced yesterday.

Women Granted
Later Closing
Hours For Ball
Dean Lloyd Allows 2:30
Pernission For Annual
Panhellenic Dance
Reversing the policy of the Senate
Committee on Student Affairs set
forth Monday, Dean Alice C. Lloyd
announced last night that University
women will be given 2:30 a.m. per-
mission for the Panhellenic Ball, to
be held Nov. 29 in the League Ball-
The committee had previously de-
cided that late permission would be
granted for only the four annual
1ass dances - the Frosh Frolic, Soph
Prom, J-Hop, and Senior Ball.'
The change was made last night to
enable sorority women to hold the
raditional breakfasts after the clos-
ing of the Ball, according to Sue
Thomas, '36, -chairman of the Ball.
the dance is to close at 1 a.m., as
)reviously announced.
This new ruling differs from former
Tears, when women were granted 3
a.m. permission, with the dance end-
ing at 1:30 a.m., making this year's
ball a half-hour shorter than for-
Another rule change is in the loca-
tion of the breakfasts, which are to
)e limited to either the respective
chapter houses or the League, Miss
Lloyd stated.
The Panhellenic Ball marks the
one occasion during the year when
the men are the guests of the sorority
No change in hours has been an-
nounced for the various other cam-
pus functions, including the Crease
Dance, the Slide Rule Dance, the
Architects' May Party, and the In-
terfraternity Ball. This year per-
missions for these dances will follow
the regular 1:30 ruling which is in
force for all Friday night functions.
Florida Governor
May Oust 'Tramps'
TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Oct. 29.-
(P)-Gov. Dave Sholtz said today

War Diet For Italy
ROME, Oct. 29. -,(R) - Premier
Mussolini lined up Italy's civilian
population of more than 40 millions
today for a grim and sacrificial fight
against sanctions.
Il Duce placed the country on a
six-months diet, instituting meat re-
strictions, and planned other econ-
omies in supplies, such as paper, fur-
niture, light and heating used by
Government offices.
A measure effective a week from
today restricts the sale of meats so
as to reduce the necessity of imports.
Butcher shops will be closed on Tues-
days. Sales will be limited on Wed-
nesdays and a curb was also put on
public dining. Restaurants may not
serve more than one meat or fish
dish at a meal.
Mussolini's sudden decision to act
before economic sanctions have been
imposed was construed in well-in-
formed circles as showing that he
takes the League's sanction plan ser-
Il Duce rejected as needless the
war-time card system used by other
nations, such as bread and meat
cards. He put his trust in his Fas-
cists to reduce consumption, assert-
ing "one can rely on self-discipline,
already tested, by the whole Italian
Mussolini today has 6,917,813 men,
women and children enrolled in the
Fascist organization.
Drop Predicted
For Thursday
The United States Weather Bureau
predicted cloudy skies and warmer
temperatures for Wednesday, but
warned southern Michigan that a
cold wave, on its way from the
West, will strike Thursday or Fri-
Helena, Mont., already plagued by
earthquakes, became the cold-weath-
er capital of the country Tuesday,
when the thermometer fell to five
degrees above zero at 9 a.m. In Al-
berta, temperatures as low as two de-
grees above were reported.
The cold wave is moving south-
eastward, across Montana and the
Dakotas, and is accompanied by snow
as well as sudden drops in tempera-
The cold wave is expected to be less
severe by the time it hits the Great
Lakes region, and will probably not
strike Michigan until Thursday at the
Arrest Ypsilanti Youth
For Threatening Family

Worley Plans Long, Exhaustive Study
To'Stoo High Traffic Toll In Detroit

No immediate plan of remedial ac-
tion, but a year's program of inten-
sive study and research to probe De-
troit's abnormally high automobile
accident rate was outlined yesterday
by Prof. John S. Worley, head of the
dtepartment of transportation en-
gineering and recently appointed
technical adviser of the Detroit Po-
lice Safety Drive.
"By all logical reasoning Detroit
should have one of the lowest auto
accident death rates of any of our
large cities," Professor Worley said.
"In Police Commissioner Pickert the
city has one of the finest commis-
sioners in the country and unques-
tionably the Detroit police force has
worked harder and more exhaustive-
ly on the problem of safe driving
than those in any of the other large

troit situation," Professor Worley
"For instance," he continued, "we
know for a certainty that the use
of alcohol slows down an individual's
ability to react, and is a definite
contributory cause of automobile ac-
cidents. Yet Milwaukee, boasting one
of the lowest auto accident rates in
the country, has one of the highest
rates of per capita consumption of
"New York, presenting the greatest
concentration of population in the
United States, ranks near the bot-
tom of the list as regards accident
rates. In Detroit itself," Professor
Worley continued, "you would expect
to find the largest proportion of
accidents in the locations containing
the heaviest traffic - the downtown

nite proof, nor has anyone been able
to put his finger on any specific
causes as basically contributory to
the accident rate.
"If I had any idea now of what
these causes are, I would wrap up
my bottle of medicine and send it to
Commissioner Pickert, and that's all
there would be to it. But the prob-
lem is not that simple.
"What we intend to do," he stated,
"is to take the mass of statistics
gathered by the police department
and spend at least a year studying
them, making exhaustive analyses.
If we hope to make any sense out of
these facts, we shall have to work
long hours and months of research.
We shall have to work 'like dogs,'
covering every conceivable angle or
phase of the accident situation.

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