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October 27, 1935 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-27

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Ohio State, Minnesota

Win Big Ten Games; Penn Triumphs


Buckeyes Drub
Indiana Team
By 28-6 Score
Chicago Beats Wisconsin
To Win First Big Ten
Contest, 13-7
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Oct. 28. -
(P) -For five astonishing, almost un-
trelievable minutes, Ohio State's famed
"Scarlet warriors" football team was
shackled and licked by"Indiana today,
but it finally broke away with its
old, relentless force and crushed the
valiant Hoosiers 28 to 6 under an
avalanche of sec-
ond half touch-
Fifteen thousand
spectators, many of
:. them old grads who
came back hoping
against hope for an
Indiana upset,
" y' stood in amaze-
rnent as the Hoo-
siers, rated at no
' more than a 10 to 1
shot, pushed over a
ouchdown on a 42-
SCHMIDT yard pass from
Vernon Huffman to Roy Eads who
dashed 15 more yards for a total
gain of 57 yards and the score.
But no sooner had the cheering
died away than the Buckeyes capital-
ized on a bad Indiana pass from cen-
ter sent their one and only "jump-
ing Joe" Williams into action.
Taking Tippy Dye's pass, "Jump-
ing Joe" swept around his right end
for 13 yards and the tying score.
Dickie Beltz added a perfect kick
from placement to send the Scarlet
Scourge on its way to another tri-
umph, its-fourth in the season and
the tenth in succession.

Important Cog Of Unbeaten Minnesota Team

Gopher's Rally
Downs Purple;
Illinois Loses
Iowa Wins 19-0 To Retain
Unbeaten Record; Ozzie
Simmons Stars
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 26. - (P) -
Minnesota's great football line tamed
Ncrthwestern's Wildcats today while
fleet-footed Gopher backs combed the
flying fur of the invaders for three
touchdowns and a 21 to 13 triumph
before a homecoming throng of 54,-
Not until the last period were the
Wildcats subauea,
acwever, and then
it took the slip-
pery, fast-moving
reserve halfback,
Clarence Thomp-
son, to turn the
.rick after the first
Fingers had failed.
Thompson was
the spearhead of
the bruising, driv-
ing attack Minne-
sota unleashed in
the last half to
cpen its Big Ten BIERMAN
campaign with a victory and keep
unblemished its record of not having
suffered a defeat in three years.
The two winning touchdowns were
marked up by Thompson when the
Wildcat's forwards wilted. North-
western left the field at half-time on
the big end of a 13 to 7 score. Thomp-
son started the third period by re-
turning the Purple kickoff 42 yards
to his own 44. He alternated with
Roscoe in exploding through tackle
for four consecutive first downs to
the 17, from where Biese, Gopher
full, picked up 11 more.
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Oct. 26.-((P)-
Iowa's undefeated football forces
turned their full fury on Illinois to-
day, crushing the Illini 19 to 0.
The crowd of 25,000 sat in sun-
drenched Memorial Stadium to watch
the rout of the tricky, forward-pass-
ing Illini and with bulging eyes saw
the great open-field running of Iowa's
negro star fullback Ozzie Simmons.
Simmons, with a breath-taking gal-
lop of 71 yards, broke through center
on the third play after the second
period opened, dashed down the field
into the clear and raced on to a
touchdown, skillfully dodging the last
Illinois defense man. That gallop
took the heart out of Illinois and
started the heavier Hawkeyes on their
way to a decisive victory.
In the fourth period the Hawkeyes
crashed through the Illini line for
two more touchdowns on the punches
of Captain Dick Crayne, the Hawkeye
Lloyd George entered a recent
heavyweight boxing competition held
at Wembley. But this one came from
Wellington in Somerset and not Cric-
cieth in Wales. And by trade he is
- a barber.

Demon Statisticians Pick Penn

To Down Wolverines Saturday

The demon statisticians have al-
ready gotten out their pencils, com-
pared the scores of yesterday's foot
ball holiday and with the aid of that
old impressario, Mr. Comparative
Scores, have prognosticated in no un-
certain terms that Michigan will bow
to Penn next Saturday when the
Quakers journey to Ann Arbor to en-
gage Herr Kipke's proteges.
The bespectacled mathematicians
figure thusly. Penn beat Columbia
34-0, a week ago; Michigan beat
Columbia 19-7 yesterday; therefore,
when Penn meets Michigan next Sat-
urday, Penn will triumph. It's all
very simple, comparative scores show.
But the truth is that comparative
scores have never been indicative of
anything in football but a soft brain
on the part of the expert.
It has taken the ardent football
world considrable time to learn this,
but fallacy after fallacy have pretty
well eaten the heart out of the com-
parative score doctrine. Everybody
has learned but the pencil sharpeners.
Penn On Spot
When Penn met Columbia, it was
a team that had to win. The entire
student body would have ridden it
out of town had it lost another game.
The team managed to regain student
support only the day before it left
for New York. It was a desperate
last stand. The Quakers caught
Columbia on an off day, and the
result was a one-sided victory for
the big Penn machine.
Columbia was a vastly different
team yesterday when it played Mich-
igan. It was the Lions who were
Spartan Harriers Drub
Notre Dame Squad 15-44
EAST LANSING, Oct. 26. - (VP) -
The Michigan State College cross-
country team all but made it a clean
sweep of the top places in defeating
Notre Dame, 15 to 44, here today. It
was the second victory of the year
for a Spartan team that has not lost
a dual meet since 1931.
Edward Bechtold led the Spartan
harriers home in the fast time of
17:49.4 for the 3 -mile course. Ken
Waite was second, Nelson Gardner
third, Jimmy Wright fourth and Har-
old Sparks fifth, all wearing the green
of Michigan State.
Leo McFarlane was the first man to
break into the scoring column for
Notre Dame. He finished sixth ahead
of Art Green, of State.

playing the part of "last standers."
They had nothing to lose by defeat,
everything to gain by a victory, and
as a result they were willing to take
desperate chances.
Forward passes deep in their own
territory, laterals on the kick-off,
dangerous trick plays at all times
show only too clearly how badly Lou
Little's men wanted to win. But they -
couldn't win because they were op- ba
pcsed by a Michigan team that played fa
heads-up football and refused to al-(t
low Columbia's enthusiasm to make to
up for the apparent difference in the th
power of the two teams. Keeping 67
this fact in mind, it becomes self-
evident that the circumstances in a
the two games were entirely different, ha
and that the relative scores mean
less than nothing. af
Crush Lafayette ha
Penn yesterday whipped a vastly tw
inferior Lafayette team by the over- co
whelming score of 67-0, but even the
most kindly expert could hardly call ur
Lafayette, buffeted about so far this to
season by the smaller Eastern schools, -
a formidable opponent. The Lafay-
ette game may only serve to give the
Penn squad a bad case of overcon-
The Woverines on the contrary had
a real ball game on their hands yes-
terday. They will be aiming for Penn
and they are definitely improving
each week. Furthermore they will
be out to avenge the last Penn game
which was played in 1917 when the
Quakers walked off Ferry Field on
the long end of a 16-0 score. The
game shoud be one of the best of
the day and will in all probability
be a closely fought battle between an
Eastern and a Western team which
are both on their way up.
Oklahoma U. has ordered out foot-
ball broadcasts on the grounds they
cut down attendance.



-Associated Press Photo.
George Rescee (above), filling the left-halfback post on the Univer-
sity of Minnesota's unbeaten eleven came into his own as a runner in
the Gopher's 21-13 victory ever Northwestern yesterday when he
exploded the Wildcat line in the drive kciading to the winning touchdown
after the Purple had left the field at the end of the half with a six-
point lead. Heretofore the 195-pound Minneapolis product who tops
six feet by an inch had been considered primarily as a passing star and
a capable kicker.

CHICAGO, Oct. 26. -(P) --Out of
a medley of fumbles and intercepted
forward passes, Chicago's Maroons
fashioned their first victory of the
Western Conference season today over
Wisconsin's battling Badgers, 13 to
7, in a wildly exciting struggle at
Stagg Field.
While each team concentrated on
efforts to carry the football goalward,
an alert defensive play in the first
period set the Maroons up for their
first touchdown. Big Jay Berwanger,
as usual the workhorse of the Chi-
cago team, got off one of his long
kicks to Wisconsin's five-yard line
where Gordon Pedersen, tall end,
downed the ball. The Badgers at-
tempted to get away with a surprise
lateral pass play, behind their own
goal line, but Johnny Wilson fumbled,
Eddie Jankowski's lateral and Ewald
Nyquist for Chicago recovered two
yards from the goal.
Bill (Kayo) Lam, Colorado Uni-
versity's 147-pound quarterback, is
a broncho-buster ,crooner with a
dance orchestra,.player of six musical
instruments, sprinter, quarter-miler,
broad-jumper, boxer, wrestler and
amatuer actor. Last fall he carried
the ball 906 yards in 110 plunges.

ataneili Stars
In Michigan's
19 To 7 Victory
(Continued from Paae 1)

The Line-ups

Bissell and John Viergever, until his
removal, made the left side of the
Michigan line impregnable.
Unable to gain against the left,
Columbia tried the right side of the
Wolverine forward wall, but the
heads-up play of Sol Sobsey and Mel
Kramer held the Lions in check there.
After two years of inactivity on
the bench, broken only by little play
at odd moments, Johnson proceeded
to justify Kipke's choice in picking
him to pay a great part of the game
at right end. Battling every minute,
he broke up several Lion plays at
their outset and was on the receiving
end of Renner's scoring pass.
As in every other game to date the
Wolverines were outgained from
rushing, but as in the past weeks
almost all of these extra yards were
picked up outside of the 20-yard line.
The Lions more than doubled Mich-
igan gaining 309 yards to the visitors
145. The losers made 14 first downs
to the Big Ten eleven's 10.


LE E. Furey
L T Saffa
La Davis
C Checkovich
R3 Coviello
RT Klingensmith
RE Waldo
Q G. Furey
LH Barabas
RH Hudasky
FB McMahon
Referee-C. G. Crowell,

sunday supper special
grilled sirloin steak,
complete dinner 50c
dancing in the but cellar 9- 11


fingere operated

Swarthmore. Umpire-George H.
Lowe, LaFayette, Linesman-Austen
R. Lake, LaFayette. Field Judge-A.
W. Halmer, Colby.
Goose Goslin, who drove in the run
that gave Detroit the world's base-
ball championship, won't admit he
contemplates matrimony. "I can say
I'm fond of lots of girls, but I haven't
met the one yet I'm going to marry,"
grins the Tigers' bachelor.


.- Oratorical cAssociation Lecture


--I --



I ,!





.....Average Cost of lectures
SEASON TICKETS $3.50 - $3.00 - $2.75
"Our Relations With Other




10 until .12 and 2 until 4

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