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October 27, 1935 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-27

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Navy Bows To
Notre Dame In
Great Tilt, 14-0
Pilney, Layden And Stilley
Star As Irish Remain
Army Downs Yale
Michigan State Crushes
Washington, 47-13 As
U. Of D. Wins
BALTIMORE, Oct. 26. - Fighting
to keep their victory string intact for
the real test against Ohio State next
Saturday, Notre Dame unleashed a
passing attack that gave them two
touchdowns for a 14 to 0 victory over
a determined Navy eleven this af-
Failing to score
in the opening
quarter, the Irish
took the ball on
their own 20 at the
opening of the sec-
ond period and
marched to the 45-
yard stripe. Then
a pass from Pilney
to Gaul, who shook
off the Navy de-
fense, scored the
opening touch- LAYDEN
down. Stilley place kickec for the
extra point.
On the kick-off, following the score,
Pilney ran from his own 35 through
the Middies down the 10. A line buck
picked up five. Navy smothered a
plunge for no gain, but a short flat
pass, Pilney to Layden, gave Notre
Dame their second touchdown. Again
Stilley kicked the point.
Despite brilliant offensive play in
the last half, there was no further
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Oct. 26. -
Army'suundefeated team knocked
Yale out of the unbeaten ranks by
checking the Elis' winning streak 14
to 8, in a game packed with thrills
from the opening whistle. The game
was witnessed by 45,000 fans.
Monk Meyer, all-around back,
scored Army's first touchdown on a
six yard run around the Eli left end
Yale came back strong at the begin-
ning of the second quarter to come
within one point of a tie when Ros-
coe passed to Kelley for the touch-,
down. Henry Gardner was sent in
to attempt the extra point, but his
kick was partially blocked.
Monk continued his ' stellar play
passing to Russ Janzan, sub for Cap-
tain Shuler, for Army's second and
final touchdown. Goldenberg, Cadet;
fullback, converted to make the score
14-6 as the half ended.
Half way in the third quarter,
Ewart's pass to Kelley was inter-'
cepted by Meyer who was tackled be-
hind the Cadet goal line for a safety
making the final score, Army 14, Yale
EAST LANSING, Mich., Oct. 26. -
Michigan State's Spartans came back
today after their surprising loss to
Boston College last week, to trounce
Washington University of St. Louis,
47 to 13 before a crowd of 8,000 fans.
State led at the half, 19-0, and con-
tinued the onslaught in the second
period to score four touchdowns. Al
Agett, halfback from Tennessee, was
responsible for the Spartans scoring
rampage. He tossed two passes to
Art Brandstatter, fullback, and one

to Bob Allman, end, all of which ac-
counted for touchdowns.
Henry Kutchins, reserve end, tall-
ied on an end-around play. Hudgens,
Washington left half, went over from
State's five yard line to chalk up the
losers first touchdown. Bukant
slashed off right tackle from the
Spartan two yard stripe for Wash-
ington's final score. Kuhne kicked the
extra point.
DETROIT, Mich., Oct. 26. Uni-
versity of Detroit Stadium -Uni-
versity of Detroit handed the Vill-
anova gridders their first setback of
the season yesterday, inthe U. of D.
Stadium. The score was 19-15. It
was Villanova's first defeat in six
starts, and the first time its goal line
had been crossed this season.
The Wildcats led at the half, 15-6,
but the Titans scored once in each of
the remaining quarters to win. Lutz
passed to Jones from the 15 yard line
to register the deciding touchdown
for Detroit.
LeVoir New 'Handyman'
For Minnesota Eleven
ST. PAUL, Minn., Oct. 26. - (m)-
Minnesota has another football
"handyman" who is making good.
From 1927 to 1929 it was Bronko
Nagurski, the giant from Paul Bun-
uvn' sown north woods who doubled

SC 0 R E S
Ohio State 26, inaiana 6.
Iowa 19, Illinois 0.
Chicago 13, Wisconsin 7.-
Carnegie Tech 7, Purdue 0.
Michigan State 47, Washington U.
(Mo.) 13.
Minnesota 21, Northwestern 13.
U. of Detroit 19, Villanova 15.
Army 14, Yale 8.
Wayne 14, Buffalo 0.
Notre Dame 14, Navy 0.
Holy Cross 3, Colgate 0.
Alabama 17, Georgia 7.
Louisiana State 7, Vanderbilt 2.
North Carolina 14, Georgia Tech 0.
Pittsburgh 9, Penn State 0.
Dartmouth 14, Harvard 6.
North Carolina St. 20, Manhat-
tan 0.
N.Y.U. 7, Georgetown 6.
Syracuse 19, Brown 0.
Nebraska 19, Oklahoma 0.
Marquette 33, Mississippi 7.
Iowa State 6, Missouri 6.
Princeton 54, Cornell 0.
Boston College 19, New Hamp-
shire 6.
Pennsylvania 67, Lafayette 0.
C.C.N.Y. 14, Drexel 0.
Rutgers 27, Lehigh 6.
Mississippi St. 7, Xavier 0.
Temple 19, West Virginia 6.
California 21, Southern Calif. 7.
Stanford 6, Washington 0.
U.C.L.A. 33, Oregon 6.
Washington State 26, Oregon St. 13.
Idaho 14, Montana 7.
Pacific 7, Nevada 6.
Baylor 14, Texas A. & M. 6.
Rice 28, Texas 19.
Purdue Upset
BySkibos In
Close Tilt, 7-0

Wolverine Eleven
May Duplicate Feat
Of 1928 Grid Team
With Michigan scheduied to meet
Ohio State in the last conference tilt
of the season, the Wolverines have a
chance of preventing the Buckeyes
from winning undisputed possession
of the Big Ten Title and thus repeat-
ing Maize and Blue gridiron history-
that of Michigan's "comeback" team
of 1928.
The 1928 eleven stunned the foot-
ball world after early season defeats
at the hands of Indiana, Ohio State,
and Wisconsin by beating Illinois,
3-0, and Iowa, 10-7, in the final game
of the season. The latter defeat
kept the Hawkeyes from sharing the
championship with Illinois, who suf-
fered their only loss of the year at
the hands of the Wolverines.
This year's team is also trying to
stage a comeback, one to gain form-
er championship laurels. Although
they have beaten Wisconsin and In-
diana, two conference foes the 1928
aggregation failed to overcome, Mich-
igan can also be classed as a come-
back team if they beat Ohio State
in view of last year's disastrous sea-
son, during which the nation's foot-
ball critics attacked a beaten Wol-
verin team.
Probably the most important factor
in favor of Michigan will be Ohio
State's overconfidence. Ever since
the start of the 1935 season the Buck-
eyes have been heralded as Big Ten
and National Champions. Francis
Schmidt will have a tough job keep-
ing his proteges keyed at a high point
should they defeat Illinois, the game
which precedes the final tilt with
Coach Charles Bachman failed and
as a result Michigan State lost to
Boston College, which will stand as
one of the major upsets of the 1935
gridiron season. State undoubtedly
reached its peak against Michigan, a
peak which Ohio State may only be
able to attain for the Illinois game.
Another deciding factor favoring
Michigan is that the Wolverines will
not be playing under a mental strain
since they have everything to gain
and nothing to lose. On the other
hand the Buckeyes will be under
great pressure due to the fact that
an undisputed title hangs in the bal-
Loughran Does
Not Rate Louis
.Tops'_In Ring
LONDON, Oct. 26.-- (P)-Joe Louis
may be hailed generally as the great-
est fighter since Jack Johnson, but
Tommy Loughran, t h e veteran
"Philadelphia Phantom," doesn't rate
America's newest fistic sensation as
"Louis is good, all right," Lough-
ran said, arriving here for a series of
bouts against England's leading
heavyweights, "but he has to do a
lot more before he can be thought of
in the same category with Dempsey,
or even Tunney."
Conqueror of both Jim Braddock
and Max Baer, Loughran declared:
"I think American sports writers
have let Louis go to their heads a
"Baer went into that fight with
little hope of winning. His hands
have been almost useless for the past
Old-timer o the pugilistic wars
though he is, Loughran is hailed here
as the impetus needed to pull British
boxing out of thedoldrums. Bleak
years of yawning at such drab leath-
er-pushers as "Fainting Phil" Scott,

George Peterson and Len Harvey have
soured the clients to a point where
they stay away from their own exhi-
bitions and read wistfully of such
American "gigantics" as the Baer-
Louis "Battle of the Century."





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Tech Touchdown
Score Tallied
Boilermakers In

Is First

LAFAYETTE, Ind., Oct. 26. - (P) -
The scrappy band of Tartans from
Carnegie Tech, overcoming the odds
against them with a sparkling aerial
attack, came out of the East today to
whip the Purdue Boilermakers 7 to 0
and stun a homecoming crowd of 17,-
Turned back on the one-foot line
in the first period, Carnegie bottled
up the high-powered Boilermaker of-
fense in scoring territory, then un-
corked a perfect forward pass in the
final period to score their first vic-
tory over Purdue in a four-game in-
tersectional series.
Backed up in their 25-yard line by
a Purdue punt, the Skibos sent Jerry
Matelan through the line for five
yards. Then Matelan faded back and
tossed a long pass to Gene Rosenthal,
his running mate. Rosenthal hauled
in the ball on the Purdue 45 and out-
sprinted the Boilermakers' defenders
in a dash for the goal line. The
touchdown was the first score made
this year against Purdue, conqueror
of Northwestern, Vordham and Chi-
A bad break after Carnegie had
scored robbed Purdue of a chance
for a tie. Tommy McGannon, Pur-
due halfback, hauled in one of Sti-
sak's punts on his own 25-yard line
and was in the clear just past mid-
field, only to stumble and fall.
P.G.A., California Golf
Difficulties Are Settled
DALLAS, Oct. 26. - (A') - Robert
E. Harlow, manager of tournament
activities for the Professional Golf-
ers' Association, said here today that
all differences between the P.G.A. and
California tournament sponsors had
been smoothed over and the big guns
of golfdom would again boom in the
Far West this winter.
Harlow said he had received a
long distance telephone call from
George Jacobs, president of the P.
G. A., at Cincinanti, saying the win-
ter schedule had been finally ap-

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