V -
Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
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Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
News Editor ...........................Elsie A. Pierce
Editorial Writers: Robert Cummins and Marshall D. Shul-
Night Editors: Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Rich-
ard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, and
Bernard Weissman.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred
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WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy A. Briscoe, Florence H.
Davies, Olive E. Griffith, Marion T. Holden, Lois M.
King, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
REPORTERS: E. Bryce Apern, Leonard Bleyer Jr., Wi-
liamTA.Boles, Lester Brauser, Albert Carlisle, Rich-
ard Cohen, Arnold S. Daniels, William John DeLancey,
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Warren Gladders, Robert Goldstine, John Hinckley,
S. Leonard Kasle, Richard LaMarca, Herbert W. Little,
Earle J. Luby, Joseph S. Mattes, Ernest L. McKenzie,
Arthur A. Miller, Stewart Orton, George S. Quick,
Robert D. Rogers, William Scholz, William E. Shakle-
ton, Richard Sidder, I. S. Silverman, William C. Spaller,
Tuure Tenander, and Robert Weeks.
Helen Louise Arner, Mary Campbell, Helen Douglas,
Beatrice Fisher, Mary E. Garvin, Betty J. Groomes,
Jeanne Johnson, Rosalie Kanners, Virginia Kenner,
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root, Theresa Swab, Peggy Swantz, and Elizabeth Whit-
Telephone 2-1214
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Sheila Burgher, Nancy Cassidy, Ruth Clark, Phyllis
Eiseman, Jean Keinath, Dorothy Ray, Alice Stebbins,
Peg Lou White.,
Hallowe'en Pranks
derland"; to us they are more weird still. It seems
the modern American child will no longer learn
his alphabet or how to read in English class but
will investigate the mysteries of how to use the
telephone; how to entertain guests and be a guest;
how to write notices, recipes, telegrams and ad-
vertisements; how to enjoy newspaper comic
strips and how to attend the cinema and listen
to the radio.
Among the thousand references in the new
curriculum, Shakespeare is mentioned six times.
Restoration dramatists of such lesser literary lights
have been replaced by S. S. Van Dine, whose
"Bishop Murder Case' 'is recommended to teach
children to play tag with authors of intricate
and subtle mystery stories." Paul Siple's "A Boy
Scout with Byrd" and Post and Gatty's "Around
the World in Eight days" will replace out-moded
hero tales.
Film and radio are greatly emphasized. Radio
study will enable the next generation "To find
and enjoy satisfying sermons, lectures and other
uplift broadcasts." "To be interested in ethical
and intellectual problems. To distinguish between
genuine sentiment and insincerity or sentimen-
tality. To remember and use strikingly effective
statements or illustrations.'
The learned Council, doubtless having heard
the rumor that the art of conversation has waned,
have taken care of the whole matter with the
following course:
"Social Objective: To have a sufficient stock of
jokes, anecdotes, limericks. To slip in an occa-
sional pun or amusing comparison of something
mentioned by another. To yield to the comic
spirit and enjoy the fun-making by others. To
gain conciseness by substituting participial phrases
for adjective and even adverbial clauses."
When the movement spreads to the English
departments of the college there will probably
be classes in "How to Yell at Football Games,"
"Variations in Telephonic Date-Breaking," "Min-
ute Speeches to be Delivered Over a Glass of Beer"
and "How to Give Directions to a Cab Driver"
We will not attempt to criticize the "Experi-
mental English Curriculum," for it evaluates itself.
We will observe that the picture of a nation of
telegraphing punsters gives us the shudders.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
To the Editor:
Your article on the name of the seat of war
was timely. Please help us by getting an authori-
tative pronouncement on the following matter of
local interest.
Shall we say
or what?
Shall we say
or just plain bell-tower?
In other words, shall we speak English because
the bells are being cast in England, or French be-
cause they will, doubtless, be played by visiting
Belgians, or Italian because Italy can teach our
architects something about the design of graceful
The Conning Tower
Let all who call the Duke sublime
Because the trains now run on time
And clean is each Italian street,
Turn homeward now lest they should meet u
Those trains, from scheduled time set free, f
Once more crowded with soldieryo
Whose blood, afire with Christian wrath,
Must clense each tropic mountain path
Mr. W. R. Hearst has been writing a good
deal recently, and there is a lot to be said for a
his style; to us, at least, it has charm. But he is
an unforgiving fellow. On Wednesday night, in w
the Hollywood Barber Shop, 1570 Broadway, at I?
Forty-Seventh Street, Martin Krompler was shot.
The Times's subhead fixes the place as the "Broad-p
way Barber Shop." But the American, in an enor-u
mous headline, had "Gunmen Wound 2 in Times7
Sq." Why, Mr. Hearst, even Jersey City has its t
Journal Square.h
Of course, there is Post Avenue, too. There is nof
Herald Tribune Street, but there is Herald Square, q
and appropriately melting into it, Greeley Square.h
Atlantic City has invited Mr. Hearst to make
his residence there, and the town of Weston here-s
by invites him to dwell in that garden spot of
Fairfield-and-No-Favor County. For neighbors,
he will have members of his staff - Leo Marsh, of 1
Westport; William Soskin, of Wilton, and Gilbert
Gabriel, of Towners, N. Y.
ROME, Oct. 23.- WP)- Effective Nov. 5, nos
newspaper in Italy will be allowed to publish moret
than six pages.
Every time we get a poem from Baron Ireland wet
feel that we ought to make another solicitation
about the sale of Conning Tower manuscripts.f
Money received goes to the Tribune Fresh Airt
Fund or some other organization or person desig-
nated by the buyer.
One of our bad habits--though we insist that
it is not all bad --is that of taking things for
granted. Once we print a notice that Conning
Tower manuscripts are purchaseable, and we think
that once is enough for all time. It is like telling
somebody that you love her, and adding "Con-
tinue thinking that I do until I tell you other-1
wise." Or, as the printers say, tf; meaning till1
Connecticut's tercentenary celebration has end-t
ed, but the minnesingers still are articulate. Our
favorite poetical celebrant is Nellie E. Bourke, ofl
Thomaston. Her poem, "Connecticut," printed in
the Waterbury Democrat, is too long to quote in
full, but, here are some of the more memorable
Mark "The State of the Chater Oak!"l
Where our great Charter did elope.
"Answer to a Perfect Dream."
Of United States cities, "Golden Queen!"
Hartford! most brightly gleaming
With intellects every meaning.
Riches of nature and finance;
The best to see, you have a chance.
Connecticut's other cities sustain
Important places in the Hall of Fame.
Your beauteous, quaint old towns
Abound with what always renowns,
Majestic mountains, valleys and hills;
Fine settings to thy great, large mills.
This state's great, noble trees,
Dainty, sweet flowers and pretty leaves
With shade and dreamy ease,
The most fastidious please.
The history of this state
Is like silver lining to a cloud;
Clear, noble, powerful to relate
Of what her natives can be proud.
Her motto, "Qui Transtulit Sustinet,"
Tells us a grand old story.
Here, the nation's honor is well kept.
Connecticut's ablaze with glory!
Thy newspapers are works of art.
In all that's good they have a part.
We get from them the latest news,
Styles, pictures, intelligent views,
The best in literature and art
In their annals have a part,
In everything it's plain to see
Connecticut tops the highest tree.
That the drama reviewers of New York have
decided to award a prize for the best, in their
opinion, play of the year is an interesting piece of
news. But that the prize will be a medal robs the
award of much of its joy of receipt. Our feeling is
that the prize should be about $1,500 in immediate
cash, and a medal. But a medal only? No.
And now the book critics should form a circle
and award their own prize to their own choice
of fiction, verse, and history. Of course, it would
be a lot of fun for the winners of these prizes if
the Pulitzer committee's choice coincided with
the critics'.
It has been suggested that the columnists de-
cide on who of their number should receive a prize
for the year's best column, or the highest average
of excellence, but one of the cynical spoiled darlings
of the Press says that it wouldn't work: that
each of us would get one vote.
Thomas Benton, of Hollidaysburg, Pa., was sure
there were prowlers in his garage the other night
Off The Record
The man who pushes his spectacles
p on his forehead and then hunts
or them all over the house has an
qual in the woman who peered out
f the windows at the top of the t
Mashington monument.d
"Oh, there's the Lincoln memorial,"c
he said as she gazed out one win-a
"And there's the capitol," she saidh
is she peered through another. f
Then she turned to the guard andt
sked, "But where's the WashingtonI
Ever so often a new ghost story i
pops up about the eerie, meandering,
underground passages in the capitol.
The newest one is told by a lieu-f
enat of the guard who was makings
his nightly rounds with a flash-light.-
In Statuary hall he saw a shadowc
flit from one stone figure to an-
other. He waved thle light and shout-y
ed. Only an echo answered. He blew
his whistle. The shadow still slid
Then he gave chase - and caught a
surprised janitor who is deaf.
Secretary Wallace probably heardI
this one about meat prices.I
A Washington butcher was break-
ing the news softly to a housewife
that the price of pork chops had gone
up. She answered with an angry dis-
sertion ending:
"Oh, that man Wallace. He ought
to be fired."
The butcher clapped his hands to,
his head as a woman standing near
by looked startled and left the store.;
"Lady, lady," he moaned to the
first woman, "you shouldn't have said
that. That was Mrs. Wallace."
J. Edgar Hoover, chief of the
G-Men, received the following
unusual plea:
"Wife left me. No job long
time. Positively must have her
back. Tried everything else.
What can you do?"
Caddies get a little tangled when
Representative Hamilton Fish, Jr., of
New York, arrives at the first tee.
He plays left-handed and swings on
the side which is usually safe terri-
tory for the onlooker.
Virginians were treated to a little
historical "ribbing by two experts
when Stratford, the birthplace of
Robert E. Lee, was dedicated.
Two members of the famous Glass
fami c met on the speakers' stand;
Mrs. Blair Bannister, assistant treas-
urer of the United States, and Miss
Meta Glass, president of Sweet Briar
college, both sisters of Senator Carter
Glass. d
"So sorry you didn't drive down
with us," said Miss Glass with a
twinkle in her eye. "We stopped at
Wakefield, the birthplace of Wash-
ington -you know, George Washing-
Mrs. Bannister suppressed a smile
and answered:
"Well, we stopped for lunch with
Mrs. Casanova Lee - you know, the
Lees of Virginia."
FERA secretaries 'felt a little
faint when they thought of fill-
ing the request of one man who
"Please send me names and ad-
dresses of the people on relic f
Ten Years Ago
From The Daily Files
Of Oct. 25, 1925
Jake Schaeffer, international bil-
liard star and holder of the world's
18.2 balkline billiard record, will play
the winner of the University billiard
tournament in an exhibition match
at the Union tomorrow, it was an-
The president and the secretary of
the Interfraternity Council, Jackson
Smith and John P. Rowe, left for New
York City to attend the annual na-
tional conference of the Interfra-
ternity Councils.
Senator James Couzens will preside
over the Cambridge-Michigan debate
to be given Thursday in Hill Audi-
torium. The subject of the debate
was to be: "Resolved: That this House
Pities its Grandchildren."
President Clarence Cook Little will
be the first speaker of the annual con-
vention of the University Press Club
which opens Thursday.
The first University broadcast will
be given tonight. President Little,
Fielding H. Yost, Dr. Harley A.
Haynes, director of the University
Hospital, Wilfred B. Shaw, general
secretary of the Alumni Association,
and Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the po-
litical science department will speak
on the program and the Varsity band
will play.
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on' Saturday.
VOL. XLVI No. 23
Senate Reception: The members of
he faculties and their wives are cor-
dially invited to be present at a re-
ception by the President and the Sen-
ate of the University in honor of the
new members of the faculties to be
held on Tuesday evening, October 29,
from 8:30 o'clock until 12 o'clock in
the ballrooms of the Michigan Union.
The reception will take place between
8:30 and 10, after which there will
be an opportunity for dancing. No
individual invitations will be sent out.
Rhodes Scholarships: Candidates
for the Rhodes Scholarships should
see the Secretary of the History De-
partment on or before October 28 in
order to secure a time for conferring
with the Committee. No conferences
will be allowed with students who
have not made an appointment.
A. L. Cross.
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Instructors are
requested to send their "Freshman
Report Cards" to room 4 University
Hall not later than Saturday, No-
vember 2.
Mid-semester reports will be called
for at the end of the eighth week.
Several copies of "Problems in Col-
lege Physics" by W. W. Sleator are
wanted at once. Copies in good con-
dition will be bought at the Stu-
dents' Supply Store, 1111 S. Univer-
sity Ave.
Organ Recital Cancelled. Palmer
Christian has cancelled the organ re-
cital scheduled for Wednesday after-
noon, October 30, because, of absence
from the city. Accordingly, the next
organ recital will be given as an-
nounced on Sunday, November 24.
Voice Recording: The high fidelity
recording equipment installed in
Morris Hall is ready for use by mem-
bers ofthe University faculty and
for students. For appointments and
prices of making records call Morris
Hall, Ext. 393.
University Lecture: Dr. Gilbert
Bagnani, Director of Italian excava-
tions in Egypt, will give an illustrated
lecture on the subject "The Excava
tions at Tebtunis," Tuesday, Novem-
ber 5, at 4:15 p.m., in the Natura
Science Auditorium. The public i
cordially invited.
Oratorical Association Lectur
Course: William R. Castle will speak
in Hill Auditorium next Thursday a'
8:15 p.m. Single admission and sea
son tickets are available at the Hil
Auditorium box office 10:00 to 12:0
and 2:00 to 4:00 daily.
Events Of Today
Stalker Hall: Class for students a
12 o'clock. Mr. Kermit Eby will lea
the discussion on "The Christian Ap
proach to Government."
Wesleyan Guild at 6 o'clock. Rabb
Heller will speak on "The Politica
Horizons of War and Peace." Fel
lowship Hour and supper at 7 p.,
All students are invited to attend.
First Methodist Church: Mornin
Worship at 10:45 o'clock. Dr. Bra
shares will preach on "Christ's Wor
to a Medic."
First Presbyterian Church. At 9:4
The Student Forum meeting at th
Masonic Temple will consider th
subject "Religion as a Constructiv
10:45 Dr. Lemon preaches: "Tw
Worlds at a Time" the second ina
series entitled "What All The Worl
is Thinking."
5:30, Student Fellowship Hour wit
a plate supper, followed by the pro
gram in charge of new students. Th
theme for the panel discussion will b,
"Religious Perplexities." At the clos,
of the formal program there will b,
a recreation program and also a fire
side forum in a faculty home.
Harris Hall: Regular student meet
ing in Harris Hall at seven o'clocl
The Reverend Henry Lewis will speac
on, "The Responsibilities and Privi
leges of Students in Social Action.
All Episcopal students and thei
friends are cordially invited.
1 Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church
Services of worship today are: 8:0
a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.n
Church School; 11:00 a.m. Kinder
garten; 11:00 a.m. Choir Sunday
Morning Prayer and Sermon by tlh
Reverend Frederick W. Leech an
special musical program by the mei
and boys choir.
Congregational Church: 10:30 Sei
vice of Worship. Mr. and Mrs. Ev
erett Blake recently returned froir
Turkey, will be guests and will spear
on "Conditions in the Near East.
sponsibility" will be presented by Rev.
Howard R. Chapman, University Pas-
tor, and a discussion of the topic
will be conducted by Mr. Umbach,
president. Closing at 12:40.
6:00 p.m. Dr. James A. Woodburn
will speak on "The Progress of
Student And Fellowship Supper at
6:00 p.m. Student Fellowship Sup-
per followed by talks by Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Blake on "The Youth Move-
ment in the New Turkey."
First Baptist Church, 10:45 a.m. R.
Edward Sayles, Minister will preach
on, "Isaiah, The Prophet Majestic."
Church School at 9:30. High School
group at church 7:00 p.m.
Zion Lutheran Church. E. Washing-
ton and S. Fifth Ave., E. C. Stell-
horn, pastor.
9:00, Church School. 10:30, Church
Service with sermon on "Christian
Forbearance" by the pastor. 5:30,
Lutheran Student Club will meet in
the Parish Hall. 6:30, Dr. W. E. For-
sythe will speak to the student forum
on "The Student and His Health."
Trinity Lutheran Church, E. Wil-
liam at S. Fifth Ave., Henry I. Yod-
er, pastor.
9:15, Church School. 10:30 Chief
Service with Sermon by the pastor
on "What Is Christian Teaching?"
5:30, Lutheran Student Club will
meet in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall
at 309 E. Washington St. 6:30, Dr. W.
E. Forsythe will speak on Student
and his health.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church: Third
and West Liberty Streets. Carl A.
Brauer, pastor.
9:30 a.m. Church School. 9:30 a.m.
Service in German. 10:45 a.m. Morn-
ing service and sermon "The Joy of
Being on the Lord's Side." 6:00 p.m.
Student Club supper and fellowship.
This will be followed by Pastor
Brauer's talk on "The Origin of the
Protestant Churches."
Unitarian Church: 5:30, Twilight
Service,Mr. Marley will speak on the
recent book of Dr. Alexis Carrell,
"Man the Unknown."
6:30, Buffet supper, students invit-
ed. 7:30, Liberal Students' Union,
Mr. Clarkson will speak on "Modern
Hillel Foundation: There will be a
- meeting of the Michigan Chapter
l Hillel Independents at 8:30. Election
s of officers and Hallowe'en party.
Bring membership cards or dues.
Hillel Foundation: There will be an
open forum at the Hillel Foundation
t at 8:00. Rabbi Heller will lead a
1 discussion on "The Role of the Stu-
0 dent in the Peace Movement."
Scalp and Blade meeting at the
Union, 5 p.m., room to be posted. All
members are requested to be present.
d Alpha Epsilon Mu meeting, Rus-
- sian Tea Room of the Michigan
League, 6 p.m. All members please
be present.
towers? Is "ringer" which we can say
technically as "carilloneur"?
as corrects
-Norman Anning.
And The Fall Games ...
than half a decade were brought to
a successful conclusion yesterday. Much credit
is due the Men's Council for its part in reviving
such aworthy tradition. One unfortunate inci-
dent, however, marred the entire program.
Thursday night the jubilant underclassmen
completely overstepped the bounds of propriety in
an invasion of the General Library. Carried away
with a rough-and-tumble spirit of enthusiasm, a
horde of freshmen and sophomores, hooting and
yelling and in general making intolerable nuisances
of themselves, tore into the building and dashed
through the main study hall in a search for vic-
tims. The resulting confusion made study im-
The General Library is definitely a sanctuary of
quiet and study. Its efficient management so
preserves that atmosphere. It is a reflection on
the fall games tradition that such an incident
hampered the efficient management of the library.
Undoubtedly the guilty parties should be taken
to task - just as they were last year when over-
enthusiastic underclassmen invaded a sorority
house - for their inexcusable violation of the rules
of proper conduct.
Five And Ten ,
A POPLEXY must have seized many
careful observers of trends in edu-
cation when they read "An Experimental Curricu-
lum in English" issued Friday morning by the
National Council of Teachers of English.
For years many scholars have been deploring
and viewing with alarm the increasing tendency
to let method blind educators to content. Educa-
tion schools, backed by legislation, have forced
prospective teachers to take a certain amount -
[As Others See it
Sports Scribes' Slang
(From the Minnesota Daily)
ONE OF THE GREATEST contributions of all
time to American literature is now being
spurred on, like a wind storm out of the North,
by Joseph Louis Barrow, the former Alabama
shanty-owner who has driven like a thunderbolt
to the top of the American pugilistic ranks in less
than 18 months.
Driven by the meteoric rise of the Michigan
Mauler, sports scribes far and near are cramming
figurative language into their glowing accounts.
Louis has now become Messrs. Dead-pan Joe,
Dark Angel, Brown Embalmer, Ring Robot, Ala-
bam' Assassin, Sepia Slasher, Tan Thunderbolt,
Detroit Dynamiter, and Wildcat Warrior.
Critics everywhere agree that the exploits of the
Coffee-colored Crusher have pushed former record
language figures out of the American literary pic-
ture. Such one-time high water marks as Sultan
of Swat, Ruppert Rifles, Golden Gophers, Golden
Gridiron Horde and the more recent Charley's
Grimm Reaper have been relegated to the back-
ground in favor of the irrepressible onslaught
caused by the Tan Tanner's dramatic career.
Even headlines, such as Tempestuous Tigers
Curb Chicago Cubs, are responding to the modern
trend towards power in the sports page. Who
can say that the influence will not spread further?
Veteran scribes agree that the time is just around
the corner when war correspondents in Swarthy
Selassie's kingdom, chronicling the achievements
of Ethiopian snipers, will headline: Selassie's Sly
Snoopers Scrap Enemy Gains. Or maybe Hirsute
Haile's Hordes will advance and cause Dour Duce
to Deny Recent Retreat Rumors. Dour Duce will
retort that the glowering Lion of Judah is being
caged as Roaring Romans Razz Rases in New
Ethiopian titls.
Genessee Club: meeting at 4:30
p.m., Union. All students from the
vicinity of Rochester, New York are
invited to meet with us. Regular
members are especially urged to be
Coming Events
Economics Club: Professor F. H.
Knight, of the University of Chicago,
will discuss "Can Reason Govern So-
ciety?" at a meeting of the club to be
held Monday,October 28, 7:45, Room
302 Union. Members of the staffs
in Economics and Business Adminis-
tration, and graduate students in
these department are cordially in-
Junior Mathematical Club. will
meet Wednesday, October 30, 7:30
p.m. room 3201 A. H. Professor Nor-
man Anning will conduct a Heisel
Heretic Hunt. All interested are in-
vited to attend.
Luncheon for graduate students,
Wednesday, October 30, at twelve
o'clock in the Russian Tea Room,
Michigan League Building. Cafeteria
service. Bring tray across the hall.
Professor Preston W. Slosson, of the
History Department, will -speak in-
formally on "Modern Dictatorships."
Singers and Actors: Students eli-
gible for campus activities are invit-
ed to try out for Gilbert & Sullivan's
comic opera Ruddigore on Monday, 5
p.m., in the Laboratory Theatre or
call University Exchange 789.
National Student League meets
Monday at the Union promptly at
8 p.m. Miss Celeste Strack, of Cali-
fornia, now on a nationwide tour of
N.S.L. Chapters, will be the guest
speaker. This promises to be a very
interesting meeting. Everyone wel-
come. Bring your friends.