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October 27, 1935 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-27

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Rich Oil Rights
Are Contested
In Court Fight
Widow Charges Ex-Judge
With Obtaining Control
By Fraud
MIDLAND, Mich., Oct. 26.- (P) -
A 62-year-old widow opposed a former
Wayne County circuit judge today in
a legal battle in Midland County Cir-
cuit Court for rich oil rights in Mid-
land and Montcalm counties.
Mrs. Emetelle W. Wilson, whose
counsel, Herbert E. Munro, said was
living on $26 a month from the county
welfare administration, charges that
former Circuit Judge Ernest P. La-
joie obtained control of oil rights
and properties by fraud.
Lajoie appeared before Circuit
Judge Ray Hart to answer Mrs. Wil,
son's charges, which he described as
He told the court he took charge
of properties of the late William J.
Wilson, oftDetroit, and his former
associates, to save his own invest-
ments and those of unit holders in
an oil well.
$1,500 A Day
Munro claims wells, on leases which
Mrs. Wilson says are justly hers, are
producing at the rate of $1,500 daily.
Fifteen producing wells and one on
which operations have been suspend-
ed because of a drilling accident are
Mrs. Wilson, in her bill of com-
plaint, charges that Lajoie obtained
an assignment of her husband's hold-
ings when Wilson was held in Wayne
County on a charge of violating the
"blue sky" law. Wilson pleaded guilty
to the charge before Judge John V.
Brennan, in Wayne Circuit Court,
and was admitted to probation for
one year.
nCharles H. Shell, a stock salesman,
and Bernard J. McGee, an associate
of Wilson, were charged with a sim-
ilar offense. The case against Mc-
Gee was not pressed, and Shell's
sentence was suspended, Lajoie told
the court today.
Lajoie said he appeared in the case,
notAs Wilson's attorney, but to pro-
tect $2,000 he had invested in Wil-
son's enterprises.
Order Asked For
The defendants, with Ernest P. La-
joie, include Leo P. Lajoie, a brother;
McGee, who is assisting Ernest P.
Lajoie in administering the oil prop-
erties; the Northern Oil Gas Co., the
Carter Lease, Inc., and Loyola M.
Platz, Ernest Lajoie's secretary.
Mrs. Wilson asked Judge Hart today
for an order permanently restrain-
ing the defendants from disposing of
any of the holdings formerly belong-
ing to her husband, and restrain-
ing the Pure Oil Co., of Ohio from
paying them for oil delivered from
the property.
Lajoie told the court he desired an
early trial to obtain a decision and to
"expunge the bill of complaint from
the record." He said a similar com-
plaint against him had been lodged
by Wilson with the Wayne County
Bar Association, and found to be
without basis.
Austria Shows
Aris Strength
In Novel Show
VIENNA, Oct. 26. - (P) - The new
Austrian government surprised the
nation and Europe's military observ-
ers today by lifting the veil from its
up-to-date war machine in a parade
which paralyzed traffic and disrupt-
ed Vienna's routine business.

A ceremony which had been an-
nounced as a review to restore the
old imperial colors to the regiments
of the new republic turned out to be
a spectacular display of technical
Agile little tanks no higher than a
man's shoulder maneuvered over the
Ringstrasse. New little cannons,
mounted on rubber-tired wheels and
drawn by single horses, were given
their first public showing.
Hundreds of trucks indicated the
reliance the new army places on mo-
bility. Overhead 36 planes, some of
them three-motored bombers, dipped
in salute over Heroes' Square.
The flag ceremony, long expected
and often postponed, united the new
army with the traditions of the old
Austrian and Hungarian military re-
Many of the old colors had been
borne to historic battles against the
Italians, French and Turks. Some
of the more modern battle flags bore
the initials of the late Emperor Franz

Will Give'Concert

Old Library' Replete With Tradition,
Memories Of Chimes And Whispers'


Noted Pianist,
To Play Here

Is No

Stranger To Ann

Rated as one of the greatest living
Russian composers as well as a pianist
and composer, Sergie Rachmaninoff
will appear here Wednesday, Nov. 6,
in the second of the current Choral
Union concert series. ¢.
Rachmaninoff will not be appearing
as a stranger to Ann Arbor's audience,
for his many previous concerts locally
have endeared him to local music
lovers. One of his most well-known
remarks is that "music must reveal
the emotions of the heart, and it is
this feeling which he will bring in
his appearance a week from Wedens-
Hess Will Also Play
The concert, which is the second
of the fifty-seventh annual Choral
Union concert series, will bring to
a local audience the first of the two
great pianists who have been secured
for this year's program, Myra Hess
being the other.
Rachmaninoff, in addition to being
one of the world's best known pia-
nists, is a composer of note, his first
opera being named "Aleko." Thou-
sands of his admirers who have never
heard 'of his really important works
know him as the composer of "Rach-
maninoff's C-Sharp Minor Prelude."
Since his first triumphant concert
playing his own symphonies with the
Philharmonic Society in London, he
has been a pianist of international
At the present time Rachmaninoff
makes his home in New York, having
been forced out of his native Russia
by the revolution.
Choice Seats Still Available
Following a recent appearance a
critic said of Rachmaninoff: "Among
living Russian composers, Rachman-
inoff unquestionably occupies first
place because of his pronounced in-
ventive power and finely developed
sense of tonal beauty. He has notable
achievement. He is a concert pianist
of distinguished ability."
Pres. Charles A. Sink of the School
of Music said yesterday that there
are still a number of choice seats
available in all sections which may be
obtained at the offices on Maynard
Because of misunderstanding re-
garding interviews for the sophomore
women's cabaret, the Judiciary Coun-
cil has announced that additional
interviews will be held from 2:30 p.m.
to 4 p.m. on Monday and from 4 p.m.
to 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday.
1 1 . - -

(Continued from Page 1)
dignified appearance to the exterior.
It was one of the landmarks and the
most centrally located building on
the campus.
The interior of the library truly
breathed of a studious atmosphere. On
the first floor of the building facing
the entrance was the circulation desk,
which together with the reference
room provided all the service to the
students. The reading room occu-
pied the circular front section of the
building in which -were numerous
desks, book cases lined along the
walls, and the much discussed border
line between men and women. The
room had a capacity of 150 students
- trivial compared to the many and
spacious reading rooms now avail-
able in the present library. The first
floor also contained the periodical
room and the library offices.
Finney Was Reference Librarian
The reference librarian was for
many years Byron A. Finney, '71, who
retired on a Carnegie pension in 1916
after 25 years of service. He was
commonly known as "Pa" Finney
because he was closely associated with
many of the students in his capacity.
No talking was allowed in the library
and it was up to 'Pa' Finney to repri-
mand the students who violated this
rule. When he spoe to a student
about this, his hoanse whisper could
be heard throughout the reading
room so that "Pa" Finney's whisper
became famous on the campus.
On the second floor was an art gal-
lery which added to the cultural at-
mosphere of the library but was of no
great artistic merit, although it con-
tained some famous pieces. It includ-
ed a marble statuary of "Nidia -
The Blind Girl of Pompei," by Ran-
dolph Rogers, a plaster cast of Lewis
Cass, famous Michigan governor and
statesman, and "Twins," by the
French painter, Bouguergeau. +
'Whispering Gallery' Famous
But it was not the art gallery that
was the center .of interest on the sec-
ond floor but the famed "whispering
gallery." This was a narrow, dark,
circular passageway surrounding the
roof of tie rotunda into which two
doors led, one from each end of the
gallery. The slightest whisper given
on one side of the passageway could
be distinctly heard on the other. This
was an uncanny situation to the un-
initiated but it was easily explained
by the circular and enclosed effect
of the gallery.
If the gallery could only re-utter
some ofthe whispers which have cir-
cumvented its walls, many humorous
incidents would come to light. It was
quite the accepted practice to take
the freshmen to the gallery and in-
BERLIN, Oct. 26. -(/P) -The fed-
eral bureau for handicrafts is seek-
ing to popularize the use of the more
formal and polite "sie" instead of the
familiar "du" -for "you"- among
employers when speaking to appren-
tices. It is held that "sie" implies
equality among masters, and those
who some day will be master work-
men, while "du" involves "unpleas-
ant connotations" of class distinc-

'Old Library' Was Landmark Of Campus

still in them a sense of fear for their
upperclassmates and a feeling of rev-
erence and awe for the potentialities
of the library.
One of the many incidents associat-
ed with the gallery concerned an
Ypsilanti girl who came to this camp-
us on a, "blind date." Not being
aware of the "whispering gallery" she
whispered to her girl-friend while on
one side about her feelings toward her
"date." Her escort was on the other
side and the different hues of his face
were only vaguely described because
of the darkness of the chamber.
First Library Kept In Detroit
The first library of the University
was consigned to the "dark corners"
of the home of C. C. Trowbridge in
Detroit, who was secretary of the Uni-
versity Board of Regents, and it was
later sent to Ann Arbor, -the sum
total of books being 12 volumes.
While situated in Ann Arbor the Gray
collection which formed the real foun-
dation of the present University li-
brary was purchased. But there was
no library proper and the books were
constantly shifted to several build-
ings on the campus which, each in
turn, became too small for the rapid
growth of the number of volumes.
During this period the library opened
once a week for the use of the stu-
dents although the faculty could draw
books. During the various periods of
its growth several students and mem-
bers of the faculty served as librarian.
It was not until the State Legislature
appropriated $100,000 for a new li-
brary in 1881 and after the dedica-
tion of the library in 1883 that there
was a permanent library and librar-
ian. This building was what is now
known as the "old library."
But during the 33 years of the "old
library's" life the number of volumes
rapidly increased until when the
number reached 250,000 volumes the
stacks were jammed and the books
were placed at diverse spots on the
campus, even though it was the larg-
Downtown, North of Postoffice

est library in the west and one of thej
best libraries west of Cornell, accord-
ing to Dr. Bishop's evaluation.
The library also was thoroughly
inflammable, having caught fire three
times but luckily the blazes were de-
tected in time and no damage was
done. The only part of the library
that was fire-proof was the book
stacks and these were preserved and
used in the new library.
It was because of the inadequate
capacity of the library and its in.
flammability that soon after 1900
there was agitation for a new library.
Finally, after repeated adjustments
which entailed the use of the art gal-
lery as a stack room, the University
received an appropriation for a new
library in 1915. The new building
was built at both sides and across the
front of the old stacks on the same
site of the "old library" because of
its central location.
The library was a living fac-
tor in the lives of the students; the
homey and intimate atmosphere it
generated are remembered and its
memory cherished by all former stu-
dents. The lasting impressions re-
maining with all who knew the "old
library" were the ivy, the chimes, the
atmosphere, and "Pa" Finney.
---Today, Monday, Tuesday-
First Ann Arbor Showing
"Country House" Cartoon

Classified Directory
CLASSIFIED FOR RENT:FDouble room, one-half
ADVERTISING block from the campus. Reason-
able. 510 E. Jefferson. 81
Place adv ertisemnents wxith Classified-
Advertising Department.Phone 2-1214 REASONABLY priced two room fur-
The classified columns closeatnfive nished apartment. Corner East
'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no University and Hill. State price.
extra charge. BX11Mcia al. 1
Cash in advance lie per reading line Box 101 Michigan Daily. 13
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions- PARTY WITH BUICK car wants
M rain3 line opr ssree or more driver to Florida. Phone 3591. 76
Telephone rate -- 15c per reading line
for two or more insertions. FOR SALE
1017 discount if paid within ten days FRSL
Minimumnthree lines per insertion.ys
from the date of last insertion. SLIGHTLY USED Tuxedo, size 38,
By contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one Fank Glen. 629 E. University. 82
month ...........................8c FrnGl.62E.Uiest.8
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ........8c -
2 lines daily, college year ........7c THREE formals, size 16 for sale,
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ..........8c peacock blue, black and gold. Al-
100 lines used as desired ..........9c
300 lines used as desired..........8c most new. Reasonable. Call 2-1750.
1,000 lines used as desired .........7 80
2,000 lines used as desired ........6
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
5c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line t above for STATIONERY: Printed with your
bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c name and address. 100 sheets, 100
per line to above rates for bold face envelopes. $1.00. Many styles.
capital letters.evlps 10.Mn tls
The above rates are for 7 point Craft Press, 305 Maynard. 9x
'iype.- -
WANTED Moved across the street to 1114
South University. Soft water.
STUDENT to share front suite with shampoo and finger wave, 50c.
senior literary. 517 Benjamin St., Special on all permanents. Strictly
1 block north of Intramural Build- sanitary. 8x
ing. 78 MAC'S TAXI - 4289. Try our effi-
NOTICES cient service. All new cabs. 3x
TEACHER of popular and classical UPSIDE DOWN ALL OVER
pianomusic. Helen Louise Barnes. JOHANNESBURG, S. O., Oct. 26. -
Call 8469. 2x ((P) Medical experts have become in-
LOST AND FOUND terested in a citizen of Johannesburg
whose heart is on the right side, ap-
LOST: 10-inch Post slide rule No. pendix on the left, and other organs
1459. Please turn in to lost and in reverse position. The man is 35
found department or N. McFadyen, years old, his health good.
630 Packard for reward. 19
STUDENT HAND LAUNDRY: Prices W atches" "
reasonable. Free delivery. Phone
3006. 6x THE TIME SHOP
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. 1121 S. University Ave.
Careful work at low price. ix
pecialFor Hallowe 'en
Cakes, Candies, Nuts, Nut Cookies and Ice Creams
Vanilla Peppermint Stick Orange Sherbet
Mixed Fruit-Rum Flavor Chocolate Chocolate Chip
Michigan Theatre Bldg. Dial 3644



A Laugh Laden Romance
From the first
Kiss to the



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