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October 25, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-25

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The Weather
Generally fair Friday and Sat-
urday; rising temperature Fri-

i E4r

5k i tgan


Speaking Of Jefferson,
Mr. Hearst ...
The Appointment
Of Dr. Elliott .. .



Troops Of

Abyssinia? Or Is It
Ethiopia? Some Say
Yes, Some Say No




Il Duce's Move Regarded
As Foremost Break In
War Tension
Annexation Of Rich
Province Is Made
Want Legalization Of Its
Possession Which Is Part
Of Ethiopia
ROME, Oct. 24.-(P)--Italy
threw the responsibility for reinforc-
ing European peace into Great Brit-
ain's lap tonight by announcing the
independent withdrawal of one divi-
sion of her troops in Libya.
A government spokesman disclosed
Premier Mussolini's decision with vis-
ible pride in the belief that it rep-
resents "a major contribution" to the
solution of the problem of peace, not.
only in Europe but also in East Af-
Italy emphasized that the reduction
was being undertaken without any
reference to a decrease in Britain's
naval strength in the Mediterranean.
The concentration of Fascist troops
in Libya had been interpreted by
London as a threat to Egypt.
Withdrawal Move Starts
Simultaneously, in a way which
indicated that the order was not an
idle gesture, the Steamship Sannio,
capable of transporting 2,000 men,
sailed from Naples for Libya to take
away the first contingent of approx-
imately 15,000 troops involved in the
withdrawal order.
Political circles here regarded the
move as the first definite break in the
tension which gripped the Mediter-
ranean area since Britain's powerful
Home Fleet steamed through the
Straits of Gibraltar weeks ago into
what Italy regards as "our sea."
The matter, of course, does not dis-
pose of the TtliT 3 fridfie.
But in informed quarters belief was
expressed that it lays a foundation
for a solution, impossible so long as
Italy and Britain were at loggerheads.
Victory Hoped For
War gains on two fronts gave Il
Duce accomplished facts with which
to confront the League of Nations
in an attempt to legalize Italy's Ethi-
opian conquests. Big and rich Tigre
Province, Paken by Gen. Emilio de
Bono, has been formally annexed.
Where troops have advanced from
the NorthandhSouth they have
planted the Italian flag with the pop-
ular expectation that the flags will
stay. These armies are ready for a
big drive on Harar, where they would
meet and thus link Italy's colonies of
Eritrea and Somaliland.
Italians hope a victory may come
next Monday, the thirteenth anniver-
sary of the Fascist march on Rome
and into power.
Southern Ethiopia
Scene Of Warfare
ADDIS ABABA, Oct. 24.--()-
Heavy fighting between Italians and
Ethiopians in the Webbe Shibeli riv-
er sector of southern Ethiopia was
reported here tonight, although of-'
ficial confirmation was lacking.
At the same' tme, Debjazmatch
Nasibu, governor of Harar Province
and a leading Ethiopian commander.
told the Associated Press at Harar
that large scale military operations
were impossible in the southern area
because of heavy rains.
He asserted "all reports of big
battles are pure fiction," after an
inspection of the low-lying Ogaden
"The rains will continue another
fortnight," he said, "thus blocking
Italian maneuvers which thus far
have been confined to sporadic air

raids and attacks on our frontier
posts along the Webbe Shilbeli river."
Debjazmatch Nasibu said his troops
were holding positions in mountain'
ravines and passes to strongly resist
any advance of the Fascist forces
under Gen. Rudolfo Graziani, com-
mander in the southern area.
Election Is Held
By Senior Medics
The senior class of the Medical

Isthe land of the dusky Haile Se-
lassie rightly called Ethiopia, or
should it be Abysinia?
Writing in the fall issue of the Al-
umnus, Prof. William H. Worrell of
the Oriental languages and litera-
tures department holds that Abyssin-
ia is correct and that Ethiopia is the
name of only a section of the land.
Earlier in the year the Internation-
al Geographical Association de-
clared that Ethiopia was the right
name. Professors in the University
geography department agree with
the International Association, ex-
palining that Abyssinia is but the
name of a plateau in, the country of
So what?
Newspapermen prefer Ethiopia be-
cause as The Daily pointed out it
"fits" in headlines better than Abys-
sinia. Nobody knows what the gen-
eral public prefers, but it is a fact
that if Ethiopia prevails, a good many
persons will miss saying, as they
leave a friend: "Well, Abssynia."


Court Grants
Elliott Plea To
Oust Voelker
Fitzgerald's Appointee Is
Given Decision By 4-3
Dissenting Opinion
Written By Potter

Lawyers, Doctors
Are To Tangle In
Gridiron Classic
The lawyers will be arguing with
the referee while the medics make
an incision through left tackle in the
battle of the century, now in the off-
For the challenge thrown down by
the lawyers (see today's editorial
page, and yesterday's, and the day
before's) has been accepted by the
incipient medicos, and in no uncer-
tain terms.
To the winner -sweet victory; but
to the losers -the scorn of 35,000
people, for the contestants hope to
stage their gridironclassic out in the
stadium, just before the Varsity come
out to tackle the Pennsylvania boys
- that is, if University authorities
are willing to play ball.
Another thing - the boys are
stumped on the matter of equipment.
Obviously if the Athletic department
doesn't consent to the use of re-
serve football equipment, the lawyers
can't face the medics in professional
clothing, and so their combined elo-
quence pleads for contributions of
football equipment of any sort.
Anyway, if." there's a kick-off,
there'll be medics on the field.


For Games


Class Of 1938 Searches
For Dormant Freshmen;

---- - .

Past Tea-Party Black Fridays
To Be Supplanted By Real War

Death Of Sharpe
Possibility Of
Ending In Tie


Are Supported
By Assembly
League-houses; Dormitory
Representatives Agree
On No Change
The Assembly, campus organiza-
tion for .non-affiliated women, voted
unanimously in favor of the present
I hours for University women at the
1 first meeting of the organization for
the year held yesterday.
The Assembly is composed of two
representatives from each of the six
league-house zones, seven represen-
tatives from Mosher Hall and the
same number from Jordan, four from
Martha Cook dormitory, and two
each from Betsy Barbour house and
Helen Newberry residence. The or-
ganization of the Assembly is com-
parable to that of the Panhellenic As-
sociation for affiliated women.
On October 14 nineteen campus
sororities voted unanimously in fav-
or of the present hours, Zeta Tau
Alpha casting the only dissentnig
vote. The sororities which voted
against any change were: Alpha Chi
Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Omi-
cron Phi, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha
Gamma Delta, Alpha Phi, Alpha Xi
Delta, Chi Omega, Collegiate Sor-
osis, Delta Gamma, Delta Delta
Delta, Delta Zeta, Gamma Phi Beta,
Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Phi Sigma, Pi Beta Phi,
Theta Phi Alpha and Kappa Delta.
The primary question under con-
sideration is whether or not women's
closing hours on Friday night should
be changed from 1:30 a.m. to 12:30
a.m. The question has arisen as a
result of the system initiated this
semester whereby all students are re-
quired to elect at least one Saturday
The proposed change was suggested
by the League Council and sent tol
all the sororities through the Pan-
hellenic association and to the As-i
sembly for opiniative voting.
LONDON, Oct. 24. - (P) - Wins-:
ton Churchhill, former chancellor ofl
the exchequer, told the house of com-
mons today that "the whole of Ger-
many is an armed camp."

LANSING, Oct. 24.-(W)-The state
supreme court awarded the office of
superintendent of public instruction
to Eugene B. Elliot, Republican ap-
pointee of Gov. Fitzgerald today.
The court granted the petition
ousting Paul F. Voelker, Democratic
holdover. The seven supreme court
justices who ruled on the case divided
4 and 3. The controlling opinion
ousting Voelker was written by Jus-
tice Louis Fead and was concurred in
by Justices Wiest, Butzle and North,
A dissenting opinion favoring con-
tinuance of Voelker in office was pre-
pared by Justice William W. Potter
and concurred in by Justices Bushnell
and Edward Sharpe.
Assumes Office
Elliott immediately assumed the
office, which has been vacant since
July 1. Maurice R. Keyworth, Repub-
lican, was elected to the office last
spring. He was killed in an automo-
bile accident before his term began,
however. Governor Fitzgerald ap-
pointed Elliott to begin the new term
starting July 1. Voelker instituted
court action, claiming that under the
Constitution he was entitled to re-
tain the office until a successor had
been elected, rather than appointed.
Voelker argued that no vacancy
existed because he was the lawful
occupant of the office until a successor
should be named at the polls.
The controlling opinion of the su-
preme court disposed of this conten-
Decision Close
The decision was a close one, with
four justices, all Republicans, voting
to oust Dr. Voelker ,and three, in-
cluding the Republican chief jus-
tice, voting to sustain him. Justice
Nelson Sharpe, who would have cast
the eighth ballot that might have
made the decision a tie, died last
Sunday after a. short illness.
Justice Fead, in his opinion, said,
"Mr. Keyorth qualified for the of-,
fice before his death, and, thereupon,
the term of Mr. Voelker ended on
June 30. Consequently, the office was
vacant on July 1."
Charge Collusion
In TestUtility Case
BALTIMORE, Oct. 24. - (AP)- Al-
leging collusion among some of those
interested in a case which seeks to
have the Utilities Holding Company
Act declared unconstitutional, the
Government today asked the Federal
District Court here to dismiss the suit.
In the suit, trustees of American
Public Service Co., of Baltimore -
now under reorganization - and Ferd
Lautenbach, a creditor, oppose -the
act's constitutionality. Burco, Inc.,
another creditor, affirms the legality
of the act.

United States
To TaKe Part
In Conference
Will Join Britain, France
And Others In Effort To
Restrict Navies
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24. -- (P) -
The United States formally consent-
ed tonight to join with Britain,
France, Japan, and Italy in an at-
tempt to salvage something from
the expiring Washington and Lon-
don naval limitation treaties.
It accepted with alacrity an in-
vitation by the British government to
participate in a naval conference in
London, beginning Dec. 2, aimed at
extending the principles of naval re-
striction incorporated in the pacts
which expire in 1936.
Simultaneously, on another foreign
affairs front, it was disclosed that
President Roosevelt and Secretary
Hull agreed at a series of conferences
today on the substance of a reply to
the League of Nations invitation for
comment on its sanctions against
It was learned on good authority
that their decision, as it now stands,
was to dispatch early a recapitulation
of the action taken by the United
States under its new neutrality law.
The reply would contain no comment
whatever on the League steps toward
halting the African conflict.
The projected London Naval Par-
ley called at a time of actual war,
and with a tense Anglo-Italian sit-
uation existing in the Mediterranean,
concededly will face towering ob-
stacles to any major accomplish-b
Kelly's Order
Is Denied By
Federal Court
CHICAGO, Oct. 24 - (P) - Mayor
Edward J. Kelly and his police were
swept out of the way of "Tobacco
Road's" return to the Chicago stage
by Federal Court order today.
After reading thelines the Mayor
termed "filthy and profane," Federal
Judge William H. Holly granted the
producers of Erskine Caldwell's
drama of life among the Southern
share croppers, a temporary injunc-
tion barring interferance by the mu-
nicipality for seven days. At the
same time he took direct issue with
Kelly's findings.!
"I do not find it indecent or ob-
scene," the judge said, as he set
tomorrow for further hearing on de-
tails of the case.
The judge took the script home
with him.
The producers' victory left them in
somewhat of a quandary. The li-
cense of the Selwyn Theater, where
the show has been running to capa-
city houses for six weeks, was an-
nulled by the mayor at the same time
that he closed the show.
The producers scurried about look-
ing for a new house and indicated
they did not expect to resume until
tomorrow night.
Certain gestures which the mayor
called indecent, Judge Holly said,
could be eliminated.

Three years ago, almost tothe day,
The Daily published an article in
which it was stated that "Class spirit
seemed to be dead or dying when last
night the freshmen and sophomores
met head-on, made mean faces at
one another, and went home. The
rampant class warfare of the past was
then duly shrouded and placed on
the shelf for, it would seem, all time."
In view of contemporary events,
and specifically the trouser-grabbing
and fisticuffs of last night, when
three-score outraged sophomores
routed freshman stragglers, the state-
ment of three years ago bobbles up
for radical revision.
For the campus now knows that
class spirit has returned, in the fierce
and unrelenting guise of long ago.
We're adding that class spirit is not
on the shelf, but off, and maybe it's
off to stay. That the freshmen and
sophomores hope class spirit is back
with us for keeps is a little too self-
evident to need amplification.
There was enough "he-man" stuff
last night to satisfy the roughest
type of meat-eater.

In many cases freshmen were
pounced upon and grilled by police-
sergeant sophomores in a futile at-
tempt to. discover the whereabouts
of the freshman class' mysterious
"circulars," or "handbills," which
were scheduled to appear in the
midst of the fighting.
Some first-year men took the stern
horseplay in the right way, or maybe
it's the wrong way, and attempted
to resist. Usually this resulted in
smashes to the jaws, bare thighs, ox
*backs of the yearlings. To add to
the fun, the sophomores stopped one
or two mysterious cars suspected of
carting the forbidden freshman "lit-
The State Street patrolman took it
all in the best spirit. As a matter of
fact he didn't interfere even when
traffic at the corner of North Univer-
sity Avenue and State Street was
blocked, nor did he budge from his
post under the stress of the sporadic
"raids" on State Street restaurants.
Black Thursday indeed foreshadows
a quite unsafe and harrowing Black
Friday tonight.


German Professor
Given Nobel Prize
STOCKHOLM, Oct. 24. - (AR) -
The German Prof. Hans Stemann to-
day was awarded the Nobel prize for
The award, carrying 160,000 kron-
er (about $42,000) was in recogni-
tion for Professor Stemann's investi-
gations in connection with embryon-
ic evolution.
BERLIN - Since 1919 Professor
Stemann has been at the University
of Freiburg, Baden, where he holds
the chair of zoology and has charge
of psychological archives.
Born in Stuttgart on June 27, 1869,
he studied at Heidelberg, Munich and
Wuerzburg and later was professor
at Rostock University.
In 1924 he was named second di-
rector of Kaiser Wilhelm institute of
biology at Dahlem, near Berlin.
Fifteen Men Named
To Debating Squad
Fifteen men were named to the
Varsity debating squad as a result of
final eliminations held Wednesday
evening. The members, who held
their first meeting ydsterday, will
remain on the squad for the first
The debaters chosen were: Ward
Allen, '36; William Beeman, '37E;
Collins Brooks, '37; Ira Butterfield
'37; Ray Carroll, '37; William Cent-
ner, '38; Clifford Christenson, '37;
Irving Copilowish, '38; Fred Dens-
more, '36; Harold Greene, '36; C. Eu-
gene Gressman, '38; Howard Meyers,
'37; Alvin Schottenfeld, '37; Harry
Schiderman, '38; Albert H. Stein, '37.

Toy Appointed
To Judgeship In
Supreme Court
Succeeds Justice Sharpe ;
Crowley Becomes New
LANSING, Oct. 24-Attorney-Gen-
eral Harry S. Toy was appointed to
the State Supreme Court today by
Governor Fitzgerald, who named Re-
gent-Elect David H. Crowley of De-
troit to succeed him.
Toy's appointment, which came as
something of a surprise in state polit-
ical circles, is to fill the justiceship
left vacant by the death of Justice
Nelson E.Sharpe Sunday. He will
hold office until the 1936 general
election, at which time he will run
for election for the balance of the
eight-year term.
Crowley, long a personal friend of
Governor Fitzgerald, was elected to
the regency of the University last
spring and was to have taken office
Jan. 1. It was expected here today
that he will resign at that time in
order.for a successor to be appointed
by the Governor.
Toy was sworn in as supreme court
justice within an hour after his ap-
pointment, while Crowley came to the
state capital late yesterday to take
the oath.
Toy, who served two terms as.
Wayne County prosecutor came into
state-wide recognition during the
1934 campaign when he was electec
attorney-general. Both he and
Crowley are Republicans.

Chapman Is Elected Head
Of Sophomores In First
Directs Fruitless
Search For Hurd
Men Of '38 Swarm Over
Campus, Near Library,
An indignant sophomore class who
thought "these freshmen are getting
too darned cocky" ganged together
nore than 200 strong last night to
give battle to a freshman class which
didn't show up and forced the '38
warriors to ferret them out of their
rooming houses individually.
Promises for a battle royal loomed
as the sophomore class congregated
at 8:30 p.m. in the playground of
University High School and began
laying plans to completely subjugate
she freshmen during Black Friday
and to then march on to a victory in
the annual fall games,
Unanimously they elected Elliot
Chapman, a 132-pound literary col-
lege student with radiating pep, as
their leader.
Manifesting his ability to lead the
'38 class immediately upon being
chosen, Chapman led a band of?15
to the rooming house of big Tim
Hurd, a fo4411 player who was elect-
ed to lead ttbe freshman class yes-
terday afternoon, while he sent the
remaining sophomoric warriors off to
let all Ann Arbor know that his class
was on the warpath.
Hurd Protected
If Tim Hurd doesn't yet know that
he has a protective landlady, he was
told so last night by his fellow-room-
ers when he got home from "having
dinner with his father," which his
landlady said he was doing. But even
her vituperative tongue couldn't stop
the rampant sophomores who spent
some little while searching the nooks
and corners for the freshman captain,
but of no avail.
Chapman led his scouting party to
the corner of Hill and State Streets
where he met the remainder of his
army. Forming into a dozen ranks
stretching the width of State Street,
the now - confident sophomores
marched down State Street chanting
"To Hell With '39" to the tune of
"You're in the Army Now."
The fiery little leader then un-
;overed another plot. He, with a
dozen other sophomores, attended
the freshman mass meeting in the
Natural Science Auditorium yester-
day afternoon. The freshmen, after
electing Hurd as their leader, read
heir official denunciation which, they
evealed, was going to be printed by
lie Ann Arbor Printing Co. for de-
! verance shortly after 9 last night,
Swarm Printing Shop
Making theirsway to the printing
* ompany they swarmed among the
'inotype machines and small print-
.2g presses until they found the one
Alich was turning out the defiance
posters of the class of '39.
Reading of themselves character-
,ed as "sophisticated slime of se-
rated sissies," "obnoxious, odorous,
Afactory, ossified otterheads," "punks
:,f preverted paradoxism," and "ho-
gans," and told to "hold thy heads
r you shall lose them," it was an
angry band which awaited the print-
ng of the thousand copies for which
the freshmen had paid in advance
,;even dollars.
Up the diagonal the band marched.
The Library was searched for wearers
of pots. Three were found. Here
the sophomores found their first ob-
stinate captive when, surrounded by
a large circle of sophomores, he re-
fused to curse his class. But "diplo-

macy" won out and he submitted.
Group Finds Frosh
Up Forest avenue tne group went,
routing out freshmen along the way.
The usual procedure was to remove
their trousers, place them under a
street light, and command them to
yell "To Hell With '39," which was
so distasteful to them. Then, re-
leased, they would hustle back to their
rooming houses, they shirt tails flying
as they went.
Back to the printing company they

University Is Compared With
Cambridge By British Student

Team, Eager For 'Lion Hunt,'
Leaves For 'New York Jungles'

Although students don't have to
attend classes, and although there is
only one examination for a year of
only 24 weeks and although you
can get a degree in only three years,
there are two things lacking at Cam-
bridge University, England - co-eds
and Pretzel Bells.
But in spite of that, Eustace Neville
Fox, Grad., who is here from Cam-
bridge on a Commonwealth Fund Fel-
lowship prefers the great British in-
stitution to the University of Mich-
Speaking in a rich and rapid Brit-
ish accent, he gave his views yester-
day on the difference between English
and American Universities.
"There is a higher scholastic stand-
ing at Cambridge, you know," he
said, "because there are fewer stu-
dents attending and because of the
entrance requirement. And also for
the same reason there is more of a
trend toward specialization on the

declared, and he said, "There is more
freedom of speech back home, al-
though perhaps not so much freedom
of action."
Fox had never seen anything that
resembled a great American college
football game until he came to Mich-
igan, but now, full of enthusiasm, he
is wondering if "our passing attack
can beat Columbia." There is more
participation in sports at Cambridge,
he said. With an average of 290
students in each college, all take part
in some form of athletics- rugby,
soccer, cricket and tennis, although
only the best make the university
clubs, he said.
British students "root fairly vigor-
ously" at the inter-college games, but
decorum reigns at the inter-univer-
sity matches, which are serious af-
fairs, Fox said. He had never heard
of anything that compares with "your
college yell" before he came to Amer-

Coach Kipke's 33 Varsity football
players embarked last night - on a
train that was a half hour late - for
the New York jungle to go "Lion
hunting from the air."
At least that was how Kipke termed
the expedition. "I don't know whether
we'll win or not," he said. "I hope
we do, and if we do, it will be because
we bag the Lions with an air attack."
Captain Bill Renner, however, ex-
pressed the confidence and spirit
which ran through the squad as they
waited for the tardy train. "I think
we'll take 'em," said Renner. "It'll be
a fight, but I think we can do it."
And Tiny Wright, Chris Everhardus
and Cedric Sweet were laughing over
how they were going to bring back
some Lion skins as trophies.
All the coaches were in a good

Franklin Cappon, when the trair
failed to show up, remarked to Harr:;
Tillotson, ticket sales manager, who
is making the trip, that "Guess we'll
have to postpone the game now." And
one of the players said, "No, sir. We're
out for Lion scalps." It was a long
sigh of relief heaved by Danny Hul-
graves, '36, team manager, as the
last- man boarded the train, and his
worries, at least until morning, were
The team, which pulled out at ap-
proximately 7:15 p.m., was expected
to arrive shortly after 8 a.m. today.
A sight-seeing tour of New York City
was scheduled for players and coaches
for 10 a.m., and a short signal drill
this afternoon. A Michigan Alumni
banquet will be held in downtown
New York tonight, Mr. Hyde said.
More than 4,000 Michigan alumni
have bought tickets out of the Ann

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