U. S..Continues
Naval Building
Purpose Of Silent Action
Ih Nr Bargaining With
Other Air Powers
Involved In German 01 ympic Games Dispute
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23 - (;') -
For purposes of bargaining with other
air powers, the United States has
flung a cloak of secrecy around the
progress of its extensive naval avia-
tion building program.
Navy officials said today the move
was made at the urging of the naval
intelligence office, which has met some
difficulty in obtaining data on the
composition of foreign sky fleets.
By withholding information which
hitherto has been available to the
public, they said, the navy is in a po-
sition to use it for trading facts and
figures with other governments.
As a result, the department is hold-
ing in the strictest confidence all in-
formation as to how rapidly the build-
ing program will be pressed during
the present fiscal year, the number
of ships to be completed, types and
dates of deliveries of aircraft, and
the present number of naval pilots
and planes in first-class fighting con-
Navy spokesmen declined to say
whether they were eager to obtain in-
formation from any particular for-
eign government. They pointed out
that virtually every other nation care-
fully guards details of its air program.
Characteristics of warships have
been concealed for a long time, and
there have been frequent reports that
these; too, have been used to a limited
extent forswapping with other pow-
The navy and army have an agree-
ment, not always rigidly enforced,
that details and pictures of new air-
planes must be kept from the public
until the ships have been in service
a year.
In its broad outlines, however, the
navy'sairplane plan hashbeen known
for some time. It contemplates 1,910
first-class craft in operation by
the time the program to construct a
treaty navy is concluded in 1942.
Congress appropriated $26,715,660
for the current fiscal year for up-to-
the-minute planes and equipment and
authorized contracts up to $6,590,000
additional, to be appropriated when
That total of $33,305,660 was $7,-
405;027 less than the navy had sought,
officials said.
hsteCtue Plans
Foster Contest
List Speakers.
For Convention
Of Press Club,
President Ruthven, Three
Other Faculty Members
Are Included
A partial list of the speakers who
will address the 17th annual meet-
ing of the University Press Club of
Michigan on Nov. 14, 15 and 16, was
announced yesterday by Prof. John
L. Brumm of the journalism depart-
ment. The list includes President
Ruthven and three members of the
University faculty.
President Alexander Ruthven will
address the Thursday evening ban-
quet of the Club on an un-announced
topic. Prof. Preston W. Slosson of
the history department will speak on
"Neutrality and the Munitions Prob-
lem," Prof. Shirley W. Allen of the
forestry school will discuss the state
conservation problem, and Prof. Wes-1
ley Maurer of the journalism depart-
ment will address the general ses-
sion of the club on the topic "Spec-
trum of Though." Mr. Myrle Row-
leder, estate superintendent of adult
education, will speak on the proba-
tion problem in Michigan.
Senator Arthur H. Vandenburg who
was previously secured to give the
principal address at the Friday eve-
ning banquet will speak on the sub-
ject "Our Neutrality Policy," Prof.
Brumm said. Senator Vandenburg
was a member of the Nye-Vanden-
burg committee of the Senate which
recently concluded an investigation
of the munitions industry.
Two motion pictures will also be
shown, Prof. Brumm said. One will
show the procedure of city govern-
ment and the other, by Dr. Francis
S. Onderdonk, is a motion picture and
stills of war and war paintings.
Classified Directory
F' [I
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LOST: AT INDIANA game, section
three a blue-knitted belt, white tri-
angles at either end. Phone 2-2155.
LOST: Grey and red Schaeffer foun-
tain pen Monday noon between Jor-
dan Hall and Economics Building.
Betty Bingham, 556 Jordan. 2-3281.
STATIONERY: Printed with your
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TEACHER of popular and classical
piano music. Helen Louise Barnes.
Call 8469. 2x
TROY, N. Y., Oct. 22.- (1P) - Ruth
Nichols, whose cabin plane crashedI
here yesterday, killing her pilot and
injuring four others, today was still
reasonable. Free delivery. Phone
3006. 6x
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
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MAC'S TAXI - 4289. Try our effi-
cient service. All new cabs. 3x
in a critical condition. 'Physicians
said that she was showing some im-
Capt. Harry Hublitz, 41 years old,
I the pilot, fought desperately to save
the ship before it crashed, it was re-
vealed at an inquest.
-Associated Press Photo.
A reply that there was "no question of religion in European sports"
was made by Dr. Theodore Lewald (left), president of the German
Olympic committee, to charges by Jeremiah T. Mahoney (right), presi-
dent of the American Amateur Athletic Union, that both Jews and
Catholics are victims of discrimination. Mahoney suggested Lewald
Recalls.Days When University
Was Housed In Two Buildings
Will Provide Slogans For
Use On Signs Placed'
Along Highways
Aposter contest among the children
of Michigan was decided upon at the
Conservation Institute 'yesterday
afternoon at the Union as the proj-
ect of the Federated Garden Clubs
of Michigan for 1936.
The aim of this poster contest, as
deseribed by Mrs. Audrey DeWitt, of
the State Department of Conserva-
tion, is to provide the department of
conservation with slogans, which will
be used on signs along the highways,
and with ideas for printed posters.
Through the children, moreover, the
Garden Club intends to educate the
parents in the principles of conserva-
P. A. Herbert, of the forestry de-
partment of the Michigan State Col-
lege, addressed the Institute in the
afternoon, describing the organiza-
tion, ideals and rise of the 4-H con-
servation projects in Michigan. The
aim, Mr. Herbert declared, of this 4-
H club is to give the country children
the social training which they often
'are unable to get because they live
in the country.
Four years of work are organized
for-the-members of the club, Mr. Her-
bert added. Included in the first
year's training is the planting by the
member of 500 trees, his learning to
recognize trees, and his receiving an
elementary knowledge of forestry and
conservation in general.
Summer camps have been organ-
ized, and are in active operation dur-
ing the summer, he concluded, for the
members, who range from the ages of
12 to 20, and where they may take
field trips. This organization is spon-
sored by the Extension Division of
the Michigan State College.
The convention concluded with a
tea at the home of Mrs. James In-
glis, 2301 Highland Road.
Arthur S. Secord, new debating
coach, spoke at the Freshman Smoker
held by Alpha Nu, men's speech or-
ganization, last night. Paul Von Ber-
gen, '37, president of the society, stat-
ed that one more smoker would be
held for freshmen this semester and
that tryout speeches by prospective
members will be given soon.
B,.- -
Days when there was a fence
around the campus to keep out mules
and cattle, when the University was
housed in two buildings, when the
appearance of a college man in cer-
tain sections of. the "town" was the
signal for a fight, are remembered by
Mrs. Dora Gates, 1007 Myron Pl., a
life-long resident of Ann Arbor.
Graduated from Ann Arbor High
School in the midst of the Civil War,
Mrs. Gates was never able to attend
the University, for it was not until
1871, at the insistence of President
Haven, that the legislature granted
women students permission to enroll.
"The University was out in the
country then," she said. "There was
only one street running from the
'Two Injries,
One Fatality In
Air Accidents
One Michigan flyer lost his life and
two others were injured in airplane
accidents yesterday.
William Klinger, 40 - year - old
Grandville mail carrier, walked into
the propeller of his hbmemade craft
at the Kent County airport, Grand
Rapids, and was killed. He had just
completed a successful test flight after
devoting his spare time for five years,
to construction of the plane, and had
descended from the cockpit to inspect
the motor.
At Muskegon, Glen Wilson, 21, was
seriously injured when a wing fell
from a plane in which he was making
a' test flight. The craft plunged 75
feet into a field.
Hal Ellington, a Detroit flyer, suf-
fered a wrenched shoulder when a
landing wheel broke and his plane
nosed over in making a forced land-
ing in a rain-soaked cornfield near
Cygnet, O. His companion, Guy Crit-
zer, also of Detroit, was unhurt.
Photo-Engraving Exhibit
Is Placed On Display
An especially prepared exhibit
showing the process of photoengrav-
ing which was given to the journalism
department of the University by The
New York Times, has been placed on
display on the second floor of Haven
It is a duplicate of a display in The
New York Times building at Times
Square, and is beng exhibted togeth-
er with other engraving displays pre-
viously donated by The Detroit News
and the Western Newspaper Union.
BATON ROUGE, La. - (/P)-
Louisiana politicians were excited to-
day over the disclosure that Gov. O.
K. Allen had qualified as a candidate
for the United States Senate to suc-
ceed the late Huey P. Long. Allen
Ellender, another Long leader, pre-
viously had qualified for the senator-
ial vacancy.
campus to the business district, andl
just a few houses and stores."
Recollections of incidents which to-
gether are a history of the Univers-
ity's development ,are still bright in
Mrs. Gates' mind. When the Medical
School was established, -she recalls,
the lanterns of students could be seen
on dark nights in the cemeteries,
as the medics searched for bodies.
They were required to supply their
own materials for study.
In 1875 the first dental school ever
attached to a state university was
added to the college group. It was
known as the College of Dental Sur-
gery, and occupied a building on the
north of the campus which had form-
erly served as a faculty residence.
She remebers her mother's reason
why Mason Hall, one of the first two
University buildings, has lasted until
the present. It was strongly con-
structed, she said, and the mortar for
the brick-laying was mixed with milk!
Often she was asked by contract-
ors to sell the milk of her three cows.
"Many a batch of cheese was stopped
in the process manufacture," she
said, "when the milk was sent away
to mix mortar."
T o Quizzed In
County Welfare,
Supervisors Complain Of
Lack Of Cooperation Of
Case Workers
At the meeting of the county board
of supervisors held yesterday, debate
on the problem of administering local
welfare relief was continued as C. H.
Elliott, county welfare relief admin-
istrator, and H. E. Spangler, manager
of the National Re-employment Serv-
ice here were questioned by the board,
Mr. Elliott pledged "all the co-oper-
ation possible under state and federal
laws," and said that the supervisors
are encouraged to work with his staff.
Several supervisors said that relief
case workers had not made regular
calls on them, and some said that they
did not even know the workers in
their district. Mr. Spangler asked
this morning for an appropriation of
$300 to cover office expenses not paid
by the government. He reported that
1,000 of the 2,600 workable persons on
his rolls had been put to work on pub-
lic projects or in private industry.
Martin J. Mol, county agent and
chairman of the old-age assistance
board told the supervisors that they
are required by law to pay the ex-'
penses of old-age pension adminis-
tration. He submitted a budget of
$1,083, and he reported that about
210 cases in the county are receiving
an average of $10 to $15 per month
from the state agency, there being no
federal funds available as yet.
THOUGH large, the Bell System is simple in structure.
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Working as one, these
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