The Weather
Gcnerally fair today and to-
morrow; ris'n" temperature to-
day and in north tomorrow.
4 A6F
.AAt 4t an
Je Defendrai A La Mort
Confirmation For Idealists
Council Prepares
To Prevent Dirty
Election Activity
Will Not Permit Polling
Until Student Directories
Are Published
Require 'C' Average
Of Class Candidates
Only Students Presenting
Identification Cards May
Cast Votes
With the first literary class elec-
tions of the 1935-36 school year less
than two weeks in the offing, the
Men's Council is formulating plans
which will prevent a repetition of
last year's election activities, de-
scribed as "the dirtiest in the history
-of the school."
The senior class elections in all
schools under the supervision of the
Men's Council are scheduled for Wed-
nesday, Oct. 30, if the new Student
Directories are available at that time.
In case the appearance of the Direc-
tories is delayed, the elections will
be held a week later, William Dixon,
'36, president of the Council, an-
Identification cards which have
been revived this semester after not
being used for several years will be
an absolute requisite to voting, Dixon
stated. No student will be allowed to
cast a ballot unless the election of-
ficials are satisfied with his identity,
Dixon emphasized.
Proxy Voting Investigated
This action on the part on the
Council is directed towards prohib-
iting situations which last year al-
lowed charges of illicit voting to be
flung between election officials and
chairmen of the party caucuses. The
now defunct Undergraduate Council,
which has been -succeeded by the
Mn Council, investigated many re-
ports that proxy voting had been pro-
lifically indulged in, that freshmen
had been utilized to pose as sopho-
mores, and that certain students had
voted as many as four times in the
same election.
As a result of the investigation, 14
students were barred from further
participation in class politics during
the ensuing year. Dixon pointed out,
however, that the restrictions werec
valid only during the last school year.
A ruling decrees that students de-
sirous of competing in the class elec-
tions must obtain an eligibility cer-
tificate from the Office of the Dean
of Students. An average of C is
necessary to be eligible, Dixon stated.
Must Have C Average
The senior elections will be held
in all schools under the Council's su-
pervision, namely, the literary college,
the engineering college, the music
school, the education school, the bus-
iness administration school, and the
architectural school.
In all divisions of the University
supervised by the Men's Council, the
elections will name students to fill
the offices of president, vice president,
secretary, and treasurer. On the
junior class ballot there will also
appear officers for the J-Hop. In
accordance with the custom of al-
ternating the executive control of the
dance, the engineering school this
year will furnish the chairman and
two committeemen. Other elective
officers for the J-Hop include: fivel
committeemen from th'e 'literary
school, one committeeman from the
architecture college, the education
school, and the business administra-
tion school.
No Action Taken
Dixon stated that there has been
no definite action taken regarding the
senior prom, but that for the fresh-
man and sophomore classes the fol-
lowing rules shall apply: The mem-
bership, which is appointed, shall
total no more than eight, three of
which will be from the literary col-
lege and three, including the chair-
man, from the engineering school.
With the exception of the dance
committee there will be only two ap-
pointed committees for the three
lower classes. These are the execu-
tive and financial committees and
will be composed of five members.
Six committees of five members each
will be appointed from the senior
class. Honor councilmen, Dixon
pointed out, are elected in the pro-
fessional schools.
Here's Hoping Your
Parents' Connubial
Life Was Very Rosy
PALO ALTO, Oct. 23. -If your
mother chased your father all over
the house with a rolling pin, the sea
of matrimony for you will probably
be very troubled. But i on the other
hand, your parents led a happily mar-
ried life, your marital experience is
pretty sure to be rosy.
If it'doesn't work out that way, the
opinion of Dr. Louis M. Terman,
Stanford University psychology pro-
fessor, which was stated here today,
is wrong. Dr. Terman recently com-
pleted a survey on sex problems for
the National Research Council.
Questioning more than 600 persons
on the degree of marital happiness of
their parents, these are among the
tendencies he found:
One-third of the group were hap-
pily married, and one-third were
Wives quarrel more with their par-
ents than do husbands.
Men are more attached to their
parents than are women.
Mother-in-laws are a cause of con-
flict even among the happily married
women, 55 per cent of them declared.
'Twelfth Night'
Will Be Given
Ruddigore Or The Witch's
Curse' Also In Program
Of Play Production
"Twelfth Night" and the Gilbert
and Sullivan operetta, "Ruddigore or
the Witch's Curse," will open Play
Production's season this year, Valen-
entine B. Windt, director, announced
"Although a Shakespearean play
offers many difficulties in produc-
tion," Mr. Windt said, "the excellent
training which it offers to student
actors, and the encouraging recep-
tions which local audiences have given
to previous presentations, justified
our selection of 'Twelfth Night' as the
opening show." This play will be pre-
sented four days, beginning Wednes-
day, Nov. 13, and continuing through
Saturday, Nov. 16. A specially-priced
matinee will be given Friday.
This is the sixth Shakespearean
play to be presented by Play Produc-
tion, the others being "The Taming
of the Shrew," "Romeo and Juliet,"
"All's Well That Ends Well," "A Mid-
summer Night's Dream," and the lat-
est, "Othello," which was given last
"In order to give students who are
not enrolled in Play 'Production a
chance in campus dramatics," Mr.
Windt said, "we are offering them
the opportunity of trying out for
singing parts in "Ruddigore," which
Play Production is giving in conjunc-
tion with the School of Music and
the department of physical educa-
tion." All students interested in re-
porting for tryouts for the operetta,
which will be given the week of Dec.
8, were asked to report to Mr. Windt
between 3 and 5 p.m. today, and 11
a.m. to noon tomorrow. The music
for this production will be in charge
of the School of Music, while the
women's department of physical ed-
ucation will train the dance choruses.
Previous productions in which Play
Production has combined with these
two departments are "Iolanthe," "The
Gondoliers," "A Midsummer Night's
Dream," and "The Chocolate Sol-
Casting For Mirror
To Start In January
Dr. Heber D. Curtis, director of
the University Observatories, stated
yesterday that casting will commence
for the proposed reflector for the pro-
jected University Bass Lake Obser-
vatory about January first of next
The disc will be cast along the
same lines as the one which was re-
cently removed from the annealing
Plans Made
For Autumn
Class Games
Freshmen, Sophomores
Meet Today To Organize
For Contest
Clash Saturday On
SouthFerry Field
Games To Consist Of Three
Events; Flag Rush, Cane
Spree, PillowFight
Plans for the freshman-sophomore
class games to be held at 2 p.m. Sat-
day on South Ferry Fieldsand. for
the organization of both classes were
announced yesterday by William R.
Dixon, '36, president of the Men's
Freshmen will meet at 4:15 p.m.
today in the Natural Science Audi-
toriumand sophomores will meet at
-he same time in Room 25, Angel
Hall, to organize their forces for the
traditional interclass mock warfare.-
Both classes will go to the field en
masse. The freshmen will congre-
gate at the southwest corner of Wa-
terman Gymnasium at 1:30 p.m. Sat-
urday and the sophomores will neet
at the same time in front of the
There will be three games, the
cane spree, the pillow fight, and the
flag rush. For the cane spree each
class will select eight representa-
tives, each pairing off with a repre-
sentative of his opponents. Each pair
will be given an axe handle which
will be grasped firmly by both con-
testants. Each will then attempt to
wrest the axe handle from his op-
ponent, the victor being the one who
bests his opponent two out of threej
Representatives will be chosen and1
pairings will be made as in the caneI
spree for the pillow fight. Pillows
will consist of sacks filled with saw-
dust and will be used to knock the
opponent off the stuffed saw horse
he will be on.
Classes will participate in the flag
rush in groups. A flag will be
mounted at one end of the field which
it will be the second-years class'
duty. to protect. If the freshmen are
successful in removing the flag from1
the mast they will have won the
The Varsity Band will play and
there will be a loudspeaker system
to announce the progress of the battle'
under tentative arrangements.
Black Friday, traditionally the day
preceding the day of the games, will
be tomorrow, Dixon said. Violations
of decency during Black Friday acti-
vities will be strictly and rigorously
dealt with by the disciplinary com-
mittee of the Men's Council and the
University disciplinary committee
whether such activities are on Uni-
versity properties or not, Dixon said.
Naval Officer Dies
In Hospital Here'
William H. Stephenson, Naval lieu-]
tenant, retired, died late Tuesday at
St. Joseph's Hospital here.1
He and Mrs. Stephenson had made
their home here to be with their two
children, William B., '37, and Anna
M., who are attending the University.
Lieut. Stephenson saw service in both
the Spanish-American and World1
Wars during his 35 years in the Unit-
ed States Navy.
Two Students
Are Granted
Distributions Of N. S. L.
Leaflets Led To Their
Suspension Oct. 17
Give Guarantees Of
Future Orderliness
Promise In Writing Is
Accepted By Deans As
Both Attend Classes
Edith Folkoff, '38, and Ascher Op-
ler, '38, attended their classes yester-
day in good standing following the
lifting of their suspension from the
University for violation of a Uni-
versity rule prohibiting distribution
of printed matter on the campus
without proper authorization.
Both students were reinstated after
fulfilling the terms of their suspen-
sion by giving "reasonable guaranty
in writing to the Dean of the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts,
and to the Dean of Students and the,
Dean of Women respectively, that in
the future they would refrain from
willful violation of the rules of the
Miss Folkoff's application for read-,
mission was accepted Tuesday, and
Opler was reinstated yesterday.
The two sophomores, both members,
of the National Student League, were,
suspended Oct. 17 by the University
Committee on Student Conduct for
"wilful and inexcusable" violation of
the regulation.
The specific offense for which they
were punished consisted of distribut-
ing a leaflet, prepared by a N.S.L.
committee, after they had been in-
formed by Shirley W. Smith, secre-
tary of the University, that their ac-
tion was contrary to a University rul- I
According to the report of the Sub-
committee on Discipline of the Uni-
versity Committee, Miss Folkoff and
Opler were notified of the existence
of the rule by Mr. Smith on Oct. 7.
On the following day, according to
the report, both students again passed
out leaflets and again were warned
against a continuation of their ac-
The following day, Opler again dis-
tributed leaflets on campus and de-
clared his intention of continuing to
do so, while Miss Folkoff refused toi
state whether she would or would not.]
Miller Will Head ,
Medical Freshmen
James Miller became president
of the freshman class of the medical
school as a result of the class election
yesterday, William R. Dixon, '36, pres-i
ident of the Men's Council, announced
last night.
Edward B. Marshall was elected
president of the sophomore class of
the medical school Tuesday.
Raymond J. Koykka was elected
vice-president of the freshman class;
LeRoy .Bryant, secretary; Robert G.
Carney, treasurer; Joseph Kerzmann,
two-year member of the Honor Coun-
cil; and Robert G. Rickart, one-year
member of the Honor Council.
Other sophomore class officers were
elected as follows: vice-president,
Kyle E. Block; secretary, Jack M. Ja-
coby; treasurer, Roy F. Herschel-
mann; and as a member of the Honor
Council, John D. Morgan.
Ethiopians -
Last Stand
Against Fascist Armies
Saturday Classes Successful
In Distributing Peak Load
Compulsory Saturday classes have
successfully accomplished their pur-
pose of more evenly distributing the
class load for the first semester of
the 1935-36 school year, it wasstated
yesterday by Prof. George R.sLaRue,
head of the zoology department and
chairman of the faculty committee on
Approved by the Executive Com-
mittee of the Literary College in May
to relieve the class room burdens then
critically present, compulsory Satur-
day classes have removed the strain
from the Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday classes, Professor LaRue stat-
ed. The peak loads have been cut
down to the extent that congestion
does not exist in any of the recitation
periods in the literature- school.
To effect a transfer of the. peak
loads the executive committee decreed
thdt each department would be com-
pelled to schedule 10 per cent of its
class hours for Saturday. Professor
LaRue emphasized the fact that al-
though students were allowed a free
choice of classes many of the Satur-
day sections were filled and closed
before those of any other days.
Members of the faculty committee
were impressed with the smooth func-
tioning of the new plan. Misgivings
had been voiced in some quarters re-
garbling the student acceptance of the
new idea, but the work of the exemp-
tions committee revealed active stu-
dent discontent to be at a minimum,
Professor LaRue stated. A large ma-
jority of students who were exempted
gained the privilege because they had
jobs conflicting and because to have
a Saturday class would be to include
an unneeded element.
Professor LaRue cast a new inter-
pretation on exemptions when' he
stated that a certain percentage of
exemptions was vital, for the Univer-
sity would be unable to house all the
literature students during one day.
He also revealed the fact that to gain
this requisite number of exemptions
no pressure was applied, the number
being obtained by a natural function-
ing of the registration process.
Beer Baron Of
inkless Era'
Shot Down
Of 'Silver Dollar'
'Dutch Schultz,'
d Wounded
NEWARK, N. J., Oct. 23.- (/)-
Arthur "Dutch Schultz" Slegen-E
heimer, former New York beer baron,I
and two of his henchmen were shot
and wounded by two unknown assail-c
ants in a chop-house (at 12 E. Park1
St.) tonight.
Police identified Schultz's compan-
ions as Otto Berman, 46, of the Hotel
President, New York City,, and Ber-t
nard Rosencrantz, 36.
The wounded mnen were taken to
hospitals. Schultz, although struck
by more than one bullet, remained
conscious and walked to an ambu-
City hospital authorities said at
11:05 p.m. that Schultz's condition
was so critical that he was not ex-
pected to live.
Schultz had been at liberty under
$50,000 bail on a charge of income tax
evasion. Arrested a month ago in.
Perth Amboy, he has fought removal,
to the southern district of New York,
where the indictment charging him
with income tax evasion was returned.;
At the present time, his attorneys
are engaged in a move to have Fed-
eral Judge William Clark declared in-
eligible to sit at the removal proceed-
ings. They filed an affidavit charging
the jurist with prejudice, but Judge
Clark yesterday ruled himself eligible
to hear the case. Schultz immediate-
ly filed an appeal with the United
States Circuit Court of Appeals, Phil-
One of the most famous of New
York's prohibition days night clubs
and speakeasies was the "Silver Dol-
lar," owned and operated by one Ar-
thur Slegenheimer-more popularly
known as "Dutch Schultz."
Haunt of the big city's most fam-
ous night hawks, the Silver Dollar
was the nemesis of the very drunk;
tightly inlaid in the colorful linoleum
floor was a collection of shiny quar-
ters, half dollars and silver dollars.
Free entertainment was provided for
the patrons, who lingered on for
hours watching those who had had
just a little too much grovel on the
floor in an attempt to obtain the
tempting coins.
The large main room, which at the
noon hour served as a respectable
business-man's lunch room, was dec-
orated on the scheme of a German
beer garden, with brightly checkered
table clothes, large steins, and an old-
fashioned German band to provide
entertainment. The Silver Dollar
passed on into fame with the passing
of prohibition amidst much mourn-
ing. The lure of the linoleum dioor,
To Present New
Norwegian Play
Mime. Borgny Hammer,1
Cast To Produce Egge's
'Love AndFriendship'
"Love and Friendship," a new com-
edy by the famous Norwegian dra-
matist, Peter Egge, will be presented
at 8:15 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-r
delssohn Theatre by a New York cast
headed by Madame Borgny Hammei
of the New York Norwegian Theatre.
Although Peter Egge is noted as ar
author of plays dealing with human
temperaments, "Love and Friend-
ship" tells the story of a literature
professor who meets and marries a
beautiful but not-too-talented auth-
oress, and then finds himself in a sit-
uation, reminiscent of the action in
Noel Coward's "Private Lives."
Distinguished artists who are as-
sisting Madame Hammer in "Love
and Friendship" and in Ibsen's
"When We Dead Awaken," which
she is presenting tomorrow night, in-
clude Arvid Paulson, Irving Mtchell,
Elizabeth Cerf, Joseph Singer, Betsy
Marvin, and Madame Hammer's
daughter, Borgny Noreen.
Madame Hammer is making her
fourth successful American tour this
season. She appeared in Ann Arbor
12 years ago, when she presented a
part of her Ibsen repertoire, for which
she has become famous.
Ibsen's "When We Dead Awaken"
develops the general theme of an ar-
tist who so sublimates his ideas and
forms that he loses his own soul, and
it is not until the meets once again
his former model,.played by Madame
Hammer, that he again sets out to
regain it.
Cowboys Held
In Canyon By
Burning Brush
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 23. - (ID) -
A score of cowboys were believed
trapped in a canyon by clouds of
smoke, as fire and gale wrought an
estimated $1,000,000 damage today in
Southern California.
An emergency call was made for gas
masks to be used in attempts to rescue
the cowboys from Corral Canyon of
the Malibu area - beach resort of
movie stars. They were reported
struggling to save livestock from the
Four brush fires, the worst in years,
raged through as manyoutlying areas
and even licked at the fringes of sub-
For a time, Los Angeles Harbor was
gray with dust whipped up by winds
that howled at 45 to 50 miles an
Natives Massed Between
Ogaden Desert And Only
Railroad InCountry
Reports Say Italy
Has Captured Gitle
Selassie Consults Oracle
To Determine Date For
Great Advance
ADDIS ABABA, Oct. 23. -() -
Ethiopian warriors are massing in
the mountain passes that lie between
the Ogaden desert and the dark em-
pire's only railroad for a desperate
stand against the armies of Gen.
Rudolfo Granziani .one of Emperor
Haile Selassie's principal warlords re-
ported today.
Dejazmatch Nasibu, governor of
fertile Harar province in the south-
east, arrived at Biredawa on the rail-
way, with the news of the mountain
(A Reuters dispatch said a heavy
engagement was reported under way
on the southern front between the
forces of the Ras Desta Wemtu, Se-
lassie's son-in-law, and Italian troops
on the right wing of the Webbe Shi-
beli river front.
Ras Destu's troops, 200,000 strong,
previously were reported marching
Sown the Webbe Shibeli valley to
meet the advancing Italians.
Fortresses Bombarded
(Dispatches on Monday from both
Rome and Mogadiscio, Italian Soma-
liland, told of the bombardment and
seizure of the Ethiopian fortress of
Dagnerrei by native units of Gra-
niani's armies, with losses on both
;ides. Subsequent and unconfirmed
reports said the Italian forces had
rapttred Gitle, northeastof Dagner-
In the capital Selassie consulted his
oracle and soothsayer and on the ad-
vice of the mystic, decided not to go
north to the Dessye front until af-
;er Nov. 2, the anniversary of his
Evil might befall Ethiopia, the
;oothsayer said, if the Negus should
3o to the front prematurely, but suc-
'ess surely would follow if they wait-
'd until after the coronation cere-
ROME, Oct. 23. --() -Premier
Mussolini, it was reported reliably
tonight, considers that League of Na-
ions sanctions against Italy all but
bar Italian-Ethiopian peace negotia-
,ions between his country, France and
Great Britain.
Il Duce's asserted attitude was dis-
.losed as new hope for peace in Eu-
rope and in Africa arose from authori-
tative Italian quarters.
Withdrawals of one division of Ital-
ian troops from the African colony
:f Libya, it was officially indicated,
was likely, and a government spokes-
man expressed optimism over "un-
2onfirmed reports" that Great Brit-
ain contemplates withdrawal of four
big warships from the Mediterranean.
In official quarters, where reference
was made to Italy's willingness to talk
about the Ethiopian dispute, it was
stated that "so long as the sanction
machine works at Geneva" direct ne-
gotiations between the three powers
would be "difficult."
The statement indicated, an in-
formed source said, that Premier Mus-
solini wishes diplomats at Geneva
to check the drive for sanctions
against Italy before peace negotia-
tions begin.
From a high source came an ex-
pression of belief that "the danger of
hostilities with Great Britain has been
reduced by developments of the past
few days."
New Deal Program
Discussed By Ford
The development of the Roosevel-
tian program since 1931 was dis-
cussed by Prof. Robert S.Ford of the
economics department before a meet-
ing of the Citizen's Council held last
night at the court house.
The division of authority between
Harry L. Hopkins, WPA administra-
tor, and Harold L. Ickes, secretary of
the interior and PWA administrator,
uioc ci raccaA Iby frnfacrcn,. P+I ,.,
Students Who Work In Library
Stacks Are True 'Forgotten Men'
These are the days when the "for-
gotten men" are supposedly being re-
membered by either the national or
the state governments. But there are
still at least three men who are for-
gotten by Mr. Roosevelt and the entire
student body. These are the students
who work in the stacks of the General
Perhaps no three men receive more
threats and maledictions from stu-
dents for wasting the latters' time.
But there are, it seems, many reasons
for the long waits at the charging
desk, and these men are qualified
to explain these reasons. They know.
To the eight floors of stacks, only
three students are assigned to get
books. One man, perhaps the busiest,
gets all the ordered books located on
floors one and two. Another man has
for his "beat," the third and fourth
When asked what was perhaps the'
busiest time he ever experienced, one
of the students said that once in two
and one half hours there were calls
for more than 500 books. That is a
book on the average of every half
All the men working in the stacks
emphasized the importance of writ-
ing all the call numbers of the book
desired. "For," one of them said,
"there are now more than 1,000,000
volumes in the library. If the call
number is not exactly right, we will
look two or three rows or shelves
away from where the book really is
and thus be unable to find it."
One instance was cited where a
student wanted an English transla-
tion of Plato's Republic. He mis-
copied the call number of the volume