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October 22, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-22

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The Weather1
Partly cloudy Tuesday and
Wednesday; cooler Wednesday.


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Function Of Union Forums...
Death Picks A Holiday ...



_. _ - ..

Big Push'
Byltalian s
Three Towns Are Taken
As Graziani Drives On
Into Ogaden Province
Mussolini Peace
Proposal Sighted
Ethiopans 'Wiped Out' In
Battle At Dagnerrei; 14
Fascists Are Slain
ADDIS ABABA, Oct. 21.--()--
Fascist Italy's "big push" in Ethiopia
has started.
From Italian Somaliland, the army
of Gen. Rudolfo Graziani was driving
Monday toward Gorrahei, the heart of
Ogaden Province, in southeast Ethi-
opia. Three towns were reported
In the north, the main Italian army,
massed from Aduwa to Adigrat, await-
ed the signal for the drive on Makale,
strategic gateway to the mountainous
interior and to Addis Ababa.
These developments were officially
confirmed at Italian military head-
The apparent principal objective of
the Gorrahei campaign was Harar,
the principal city of eastern Ethiopia.
Graziani's forces, in their advance,
captured the rich oasis towns of Bur-
dodi and Sciaveli in the Sciaveli. Des-
ert region in the south of Ogaden
Province, an Italian military com-
munique said.,
The fortress of Dagnerrei, near one
of these oases, also was stormed and
captured by the Italians.
In their advance, the Italians pro-
ceeded along the Webbe Shibele river,
which disappears in the coastal
swamps of Italian Somaliland before
it reaches the sea.
The Shibele rises in the plateau
regions of southeast Ethiopia, flowing,
swiftly through deep gorges. But the'
Italian troops would leave the river
in their northward swing toward
Harar before reaching the plateau
Reports to the Italian headquarters
in the northern sector said Haile Se-
lassie was ready to sue for peace, but
there was no confirmation of this ru-
mor. The Italian plan of campaign
into the interior is already mapped
and field officers said the report would
not alter these plans.
From every indication, the Italian
plan is this:
To drive from the north and south
toward Harar; occupy virtually all
the eastern half of Haile Selassie's
empire and thus link the two Italian
east African possessions - Eritrea on
the north and Somaliland on the
ADDIS ABABA, Oct. 21. -- () -- A
Slow but forceful.movement of the
Italian armies into the interior of
Ethiopia was seen by Ethiopians to-
night as Premier Mussolini's plan of
campaign, as reports from all fronts
indicated general quiet.
It was believed also that Mussolini
may attempt to begin direct peace
negotiations through Italian minister
Count Luigi Vinci-Gigiuci, who still
remained in Addis Abba after being
given his passports and told to leave.
Observers saw the absence of ac-
tion on the fronts as indicating the

Italians plan to move forward grad-
ually, strengthening each position
taken, protectingthe rear and build-
ing roads behind them. An air bomb-
ing near the Setit river by Italians
who apparently expected to break up
what they believed was a concentra-
tion of Ethiopians was the only war
incident reported by the government.
MOGADISCIO, Italian Somaliland,
Sunday, Oct. 20.-- (Delayed) - W) -
Italy's southern army, storming a for-
tified enemy stronghold, was reported
officially today to g have wiped out
strong Ethiopian forces in a fierce
battle last Friday at Dagnerrei, in the
Sciaveli region near the Webbe Shi-
beli River.
(An official communique at Rome
said the Ethiopians left 50 dead, "very
many wounded" and scores of pris-
oners, while the Italian losses were
given as 14 dead and 40 wounded.)
Military authorities said the victory
was of the greatest political import-
ance to Italy.
Giving a description of the battle
of Dagnerri, an official announced in
Rome the victory meant "all the Scia-
veli region is ours."

Handman Calls Present Public
Debt A Drop In The Bucket'

Characterizing the present public
debt of the United States as a "drop
in the bucket" compared with the re-
sources of the country and its an-
nual income, Prof. Max Handman of
the Economics Department gave a re-
assuring view of government spend-
ing in the first series of the com-
munity discussions, at Perry School
Sunday afternoon.
Professor Handman pointed out
that in prosperous times the national
income of America has been between
80 and 90 billion dollars -at present
it is sixty billion. Therefore 10% ,of
the national income for three years
during normal times would liquidate
the entire national debt. Professor
Handman, however, pointed out that
government borrowing depends upon
government credit, "and rapid
changes in government and attacks
upon government credit might be
very serious."
In discussing the topic of govern-
ment spending Professor Handman
pointed out that the whole subject
was broader than the New Deal. As
the question comes home to the in-
dividual citizen it is a matter of taxes,
he said. "The tax collector is always
unpopular. The whole attitude, which
goes back to the beginning of history,
that taxes are too high, persists. But

the problem is meaningless unless we
answer the following questions:
What becomes of the money col-
lected? Is it collected equitably? Is
it spent wisely?"
In answer to the first question, Pro-
fessor Handman pointed out that in
1920 out of every $100 of taxes col-
lected by the government, $93.60 arose
either directly or indirectly from war
charges - debt, army and navy and
pensions. In 1926 this proportion
had been reduced to $77.90, with $9.00
allocated for general government ex-
penses, $3.90 for economic develop-
ment, $4.00 for public utilities, $2.60
for highways, $1.80 for social welfare,
and only 40c for education In Mich-
igan of every one hundred dollars
spent, $42.53 went for highways, $32.29
for education, and $8.24 for hospitals.
Governmental expenses were $8.36,
he said.
Similarly the expenses of the city
of Ann Arbor last year were $53,000
for police, $52,000 for fire protection,
and $42,000 for water, while the cost
of the government of the City was
$42,000, or 8%, which seems to be
about the regular proportion of gov-
ernmental cost, according to Profes-
sor Handman.
Taking these figures as they stand
he asked whether these taxes are too
(Continued on Page 21


Institute For
Women Meets
Union Ballroom To House
Convention; Wight And
Anthony WillSpeak
Organized to further the ideals and
principles of conservation in Mich-
igan, the Second Conservation Insti-
tute for Women of Michigan will or-
ientate its convention today in the
Union ballroom.l
A speech on "Justice for American,
Roadsides" by Harlean James, of thec
American Planning and Civic As-
sociatiol, will be featured this morn-
ing. Prof. Howard Wight, of the
zoology department, and Ernest An-
thony, Dean of Agriculture of Mich-
igan State College, will lecture in the
An automobile trip to Eber White
Woods and Saginaw Forest, conduct-
ed by Prof. Shirley W. Allen of the
forestry school will be the outstand-
ing activity this afternoon.
"Photographs of wildlife," loaned
by the Michigan Department of Con-
servation, "will be on exhibit today in
the Michigan Union in the corridor
leading to the ballroom, or in the ball-
room," Prof. Allen declared. A lun-
cheon will be held on both days at
the Union, the first of which is to
be addressed by Ben East, outdoor1
editor of the Grand Rapids Press.
The program of speeches of today
begins with President Ruthven's
greetings at 10:00 a.m., followed
twenty-five minutes later by Mr.{
Jones. Dr. Gries, of the American
Planning and Civic Association, at
10:45 a.m., will end the morning ses-
sion speaking on "The Situation in
Today's afternoon session includes
(Continued on Page 2)
James Wilson
Elected Head
Of Law Class
James S. Wilson, Jr., of Paris, Ky.,
was elected president of the senior
law class yesterday. He defeated
William R. Bagby by a vote of 69 to
The victorious candidate for vice-
president was Paul L. Adams, of Sault
Ste. Marie. - n. Barnako, of
Easton, !a., was chosen treasurer. In
the closest contest of the day, Francis
L. Sage was defeated for secretary
by Donald L. Quaife, of Highland
Park. The vote was 63 to 64; no dif-
ferent figures could be reached in
three recounts.
Elections in the sophomore medical
class will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow
in the Pathology Amphitheater, West
Medical Building. Medical freshmen
will vote from 5:15 to 6 p.m. tomorrow
in the same place, William Dixon,
president of the men's council said.
Ruth Nichols Hurt
In Plane Crack-up

Donason amed
Adviser On Project
Prof. Bruce M. Donaldson, chair-f
man of the fine arts department, has2
been asked to serve as regional ad-
viser to the treasury relief art project,
it was announced yesterday.
This Federal project is part of the
section of painting and sculpture of1
the treasury department and willt
employ from four to five hundredt
artists in the decoration of Federalt
buildings constructed by the treasuryx
department, Professor Donaldson
says. It is financed out of the treas-
ury allotment of Works Progress Ad-t
ministration and will function under
the Emergency Relief Appropriationr
Act of 1935. It is expected to remove
90 per cent of the artists employed by
it from the relief rolls, according to
Contest Judgesj
For Freshman
Awards Named
Prof. Cowden, Dr. Robbins1
And Prof. Burkland Will
Judge Hopwood Entries
The new judges and the contest
rules of the fifth annual FreshmanE
Hopwood Awards for excellence in
writing were announced yesterday by=
the Freshman Hopwood Committee,t
composed of Prof. P. L. Schenk, Al-<
lan Seager and C. F. Wells of the
English department.t
The judges will be Prof. R. W. Cow-z
den, director of the Hopwood Awards,1
Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the1
President, and Prof. C. E. Burklund
of the English department of the en-
gineering college.
Three types of writing are eligible1
for the contest, the Committee re-
port stated, and will include the fields
of essay, prose fiction and poetry.
Prizes of $50, $30 and $20, respective-
ly, are awarded for the best manu-
scripts in these three writing groups.
The judges reserve the right to re-'
distribute these prizes in the event
that merit in a particular field makes
such redistribution necessary.
All freshmen regularly enrolled in
a composition course in the English
departments of either the literary
college or the College of Engineering
are eligible for this competition, the
announcement revealed.
Limitations on the manuscripts en-
tered in each of the three fields in-
clude a 3,000 word limit on essays, a
10,000 word maximum length for
manuscripts in prose fiction, a limi-
tation of two manuscripts which may
be submitted by one contestant in
each of these fields and a limitation of
ten poems in that division of the
contest. The committee has also
ruled that a competitor may submit
(Continued on Page 2)
University Gets
$46,759 Donation
A grant of $46,759 was given to the
University from the estate of the late
Abby Kettele Babcock of New York
and Nice, France, it was reported
Mrs. Babcock died Dec. 5, 1933 in

Great Britain
.May Bargain
With Italians
League Of Nations Makes
Indirect Plea For Support
Of United States
Laval Denies All
Rumors Of Peace
Assembly Waits For Time
To Apply Boycott As The.
Germans Leave
ROME, Oct. 21. - () -- An Italian
government spokesman tonight gave
new credence to the likelihood Great
Britain will trade the withdrawal of
some of her great men o' war from
the Mediterranean for recall of Fas-
cist regiments from Libya.
"There are grounds for belief," the
spokesman said, "that statesmen of
the two nations are considering such
an exchange."
Again today- just before the
spokesman gave this guarded but sig-
nificant hint - Sir Eric Drummond,
the British ambassador, was closeted
with Fulvio Suvich, Il Duce's subsecre-
tary for foreign affairs.
Evenas the diplomats of Italy and
Great Britain talked, Mussolini's
forces marched deeper into Ethiopia
from the southeast, an official com-
munique said, and Il Duce at home
began a drive for funds to finance
the war.
PARIS, Oct. 21.-Premier Pierre
Laval today officially denied rumors
that he had transmitted to Britain a
new Italian peace plan. He insisted
that Italy had submitted no peace
GENEVA, Oct. 21.-The League of
Nations made an indirect appeal to
the United States and other non-
members today for support in its ap-
plication of international penalties
against Italy.
A letter signed by Dr. Augusto de
Vasconcellos, of Portugal, president of
the League's sanctions committee, was
forwarded to 11 non-members of the
League, including the United States,
Japan, Germany and Brazil.
It contained copies of all sanctions
and documents pertaining to the
Italo-Ethiopian dispute. It will be de-
livered to the United States through
Hugh R. Wilson, minister here.
Belgium, Bulgaria, Esthonia and
Norway applied the arms embargo to
Italy today, making a total of 22 nia-
tions which have done so todate.
Belgium also applied the sanctions.
GENEVA, Oct. 21.- (M) - Germany
strode formally out of Geneva today
as the League of Nations, in an atmo-
sphere of watchful calm, waited for
the day to apply a stringent boycott
on the wares of Italy.
Informed German sources said that
the Reich expected to maintain a
neutral policy much like that of the
United States; that it would take no
political, financial or economic ad-
vantage of the Italo-Ethiopian war.
Wherever possible, it was antici-
pated, Germany, will cooperate with
the League.
While the 52 powers constituting
the assembly, gave Italy a chance
to think about the possible effects of
their drastic "Buy Nothing From Mus-
solini" program, the twenty- second
nation today sent formal acceptance
of the League's recommendation for
an arms embargo on Il Duce's coun-

try. The latest adherents to the arms
embargo were Bulgaria, Esthonia,
Irak and Norway.
Frosh Forums'
First Meeting Is
In Union Today
The first of a series of Freshman
Forums designed to aid new students
on the campus to talk over and dis-
cuss various personal problems that
have arisen will be held at 4:15 p.m.
today in the lounge of the north lob-
by of the Union,
Prof. Bennett Weaver of the Eng-
lish department will help conduct the
forum, and Rush Bowman, '37, chair-
man of the committee in charge of
the meeting, will preside.
Two more forums will be held on
Tuesday of the following two weeks,
and Professor Weaver will also con-
duct these, it was stated. The Inter-
fraternity Council and the Student-
Faculty Relations committee of the
Union are cooperating in sponsoring

Balks At Plan
For Meeting
Manufacturers Turn 'Cold
Shoulder' To Conference
On NRA's Future
Send 'Regrets' To
The Administration
Employers Ask For Better
Clarification Of Present
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21.--() -
Administration plans for a conference
on NRA's future received a cold
shoulder today from the automobile
A letter to George L. Berry, in-
dustrial co-ordinator and organizer
of the meeting, asserted that the au-
tomobile business did not see any use-
fulness in the proposal and therefore
was declining to attend.
"Regrets" were expressed in writ-
ing by the Automobile Manufacturers'
Association, trade organization of the
industry, which includes such giant
employers as General Motors and
The letter was not made public.
Informed sources, however, said it em-
phasized that much of the informa-
tion obtainable through conferences
would be made available by the studies
now being carried on in NRA, and
suggested the need for further clar-
ification of the present NRA situa-
Other Refusals Reported
Business circles coincidentally re-
ported that many industries are be-
ing advised by Washington represen-
tatives to attend the conferences, ten-
tatively scheduled for next month,
mainly to register their objections to
new NRA legislation at this time.
These advices were said to stress
that failure to attend might leave only
persons favorable to NRA at the con-
ference, with the result that a wrong
impression of industry's viewpoint
would be presented. Also, other un-
favorable replies from important sec-
tions of industry were said by an
official to have been received by Berry.
Berry said that recently the bulk of
the replies had been favorable. He
also has expressed the opinion that
NRA should be continued at the next
session in some form, stressing that
the conferences were being held to de-
termine the viewpoint of business, in
line with the President's declaration
that NRA's future depended on the
desires of business.
But 9 Industries Ask Codes
Recent developments, however,
made darker the haze surrounding
NRA's legislative future. Industry
apparently has adopted a waiting
policy in regard to present code-mak-
ing opportunities. Only nine indus-
tries have asked for voluntary labor
codes, and another two dozen for
trade practice codes. The Federal
Trade Commission has approved just
one in the latter category.
Cadet Officers
Announced By
Local R.O.T.C.
Second Lieutenants Are
Appointed; Two Other
Staffs Are Filled

Additional appointments as cadet
officers of the Reserve Officers Train-
ing Corps were announced yesterday
by Lieut.-Col. Fredrick C. Rogers.
New second lieutenants, two for
each company, are to include, in the
alphabetical order of their company,
R. W. Boebel, '36, J. L. Marley, '37;
John Marks, '36; W. E. Eldridge, '36;
M. W. Crossman, '36; L. C. Fisher, '36;.
G. R. Ginder, '36; H. B. Ritze, '36E;
C. E. Shannon, '36E; W. F. Watson,
'36E; W. B. Marsh, '36E; A. F. Prop-
er, '36E; C. F. Haughey, '36E; and
W. H. Snair, '36E
Also P H. Clark, '36E; W. F. Wat-
son, '36E; J. R. Hodgson, '37; M. M.
Earle; '36E; G. R. Stewart, '36E;
A. F. Donovan, '36E; G. H. Zastrow,
Grad.; R. R. Trengrove, Jr., '37E; R.F.
Bowker, '36E; P. V. Holopegian,
Grad,; R. J. Jagow, '36E.; and J. H.
White, '36E.
The regimental staff will also in-
clude R. A. Price, Jr., '37E, as master
sergeant, and I. Achtenberg, '37E,
David Eisendrath, '37E, and F. R.
Walter, '37E, as staff sergeants.
The battalion staffs will have J. P.

150,000 Tower
To Be Erected To.
1Hold New Carillon

Victors Welcomed
Home By Students
Sunday Afternoon
Playing "The Victors," the Michi-
gan Band led a crowd of more than
3,000 persons in welcoming home the
Varsity football team Sunday after-
noon at the Michigan Central Depot.
It was the first time since 1933 that a
winning team has been welcomed
Captain Bill Renner acknowledged
a yell for the team saying that they5
were really glad to come back victor-v
ious. Coach Harry Kipke, lost anda
almost forgotten in the mob thata
swarmed over the tracks, finally el-a
bowed his way to the baggage cart to N
ask if anyone were nervous during N
the second half. Predicting that the
team would win the next game, and
possibly the next three, he concludeda
saying that he had offered the ballA
used during the Wisconsin game to t
Captain Renner. And a mighty cheero
went up as he quoted Renner's an-
swer: "I want the ball we use in the
Ohio State game." o
Rushing Rule
Changes Will °
Be Discussed 5
Interfraternity Council To b
Meet In Union Tonight; -
Election Scheduledp
Proposed changes in fraternity i
rushing rules will be the most im-s
portant topic under considerationt
when the Interfraternity Council w
holds its first meeting of the yearY at
7:30 p.m. today in Room 306, thet
Union, according to George R. Wil-p
liams, '36, president of the council.t
Although he did not disclose ther
nature of the proposed-changes, Wil-
liams said they are designed to correct b
the unsuitable aspects of the presentt
rushing rules as shown by the ex-
periences of the council during theg
rushing season just passed.a
The election of a successor to Fred-t
erickOlsen, who was selected to rep- d
resent the fifth district of the execu-
tive committee last spring but whot
did not return to school this year,r
will be held tonight, he said.I
Nomination of an alumnus memberv
of the executive committee will beF
made by the council and presentedt
to President Ruthven for considera-r
The advisability of continuing the
faculty-fraternity dinners and thes
question of cooperating with the po-
lice to prevent robberies of fraternitys
houses will also be discussed, Williamsl
The interfraternity scholarship cupf
will be presented to Phi Alpha Kappa.-
Contrary to a previous announce-
ment, Prof. Robert P. Briggs of the
economics department will not speakf
on the work done by the Committee£
on Fraternity Financial Standard Ex-e
emptions during the past year.
Subjects other than those mn-
tioned which fraternities desire to
have discussed must be presented to
either Paul W. Philips, '36, secretary
of the council, or Williams before the
Any fraternity man is eligible to
attend the meeting, Williams said,
but only members of the executive
committee and the lower staff, and
house presidents will be allowed to
enter the discussions.
Frazier-Lenke Bill
Is Declared Illegal

PEORIA, Ill., Oct. 21. - (IP) - The
amended Frazier-Lemke farm debt
relief law was held unconstitutional
today by Judges Charles P. Briggle
and J. Earl Major of the United
States District Court.
The ruling was given on petition
of William W. Young, Fulton County
farmer, who sought to come into court
under the amended law, passed by
Congress after the United States Su-
preme Court had held the original
measure unconstitutional.
The opinion held that the amend-
ment does not comply with the Su-

Campanile Will House The
51 Bells Presented By
Charles Baird
Structure Will Be
170 Feet In Height
To Be Erected Near Hill
Auditorium; Known As
Burton Memorial
A campanile to house the carillon of
51 bells presented recently to the Uni-
versity by Charles Baird, '95, former
athletic director, will be erected at an
approximate cost of $150,000, it was
announced yesterday by Dr. Dean W.
Myers, president of the University of
Michigan Club of Ann Arbor.
The new structure will be located
t Washington and Ingalls streets in
;he block now partly occupied by ill
Auditorium and it will consist of a
ower 170 feet high, twice the height
f the Michigan Union tower.
To be known as the Burton Mem-
orial, the campanile will be built in
memory of the late Dr. Marion Leroy
Burton, president of the University
:rom 1920 to 1924.
The exact date of the completion
of the building is not as yet definitely
set, but it may be finished by Com-
mencement in June, 1936, officials
said. The campanile will be con-
structed so as to make it possible to
incorporate it as a part of a building
for the School of Music which will be
built in the future.
At the time the carillon was given
to the University, it was planned tem-
porarily to house the bells in the tow-
er of the Michigan Union, but this
dea was abandoned when the exten-
sive cost of remodeling and construc-
tion of supports for the huge carillon
was estimated.
From restricted gifts to the Music
School a partial fund for the cam-
panile was appropriated but not until
the pledge of $25,000 which will be
raised by subscription by the Uni-
versity of Michigan Club of Ann Ar-
bor was the erection of the new struc-
ture assured.
Announcement of an additional
grant of $7,500 by Baird, '96, to buy
a clock to be installed in the top of
the campanile was also made yester-
.Seven years ago the local Universi-
ty Club, considered plans for a, cam-
panile as a memorial to President
Burton but because of the depression
was forced to abandon these plans.
Artists' drawings for the proposed
building were submitted, and it is very
probable that the new campanile will
be much similar to those designs.
Details as to the material for con-
struction of the campanile have not
as yet been decided, but work will be
started as soon as plans have been
perfected, according to officials.
The new carillon will not arrive
from England until early in the sum-
mer of 1936. After their installation
carillon concerts will be given at reg-
ular intervals, and it will be possible
to hear such concerts from miles
around, University authorities de-
Or. Rutbven
Will Address
Alumni Clubs
President Ruthven and T. Hawley
Tapping, general secretary of the
Alumni Association, attended the first
of a series of University of Michigan
Alumni Club meetings in northern
Michigan last night, when they ar-
rived in Ironwood.
The purpose of the trip is to inform
the alumni and other persons having
an interest in the University, of the

activities being carried on by the Uni-
versity, they said. At each stop on
the itinerary, except the last two at
which Mr. Tapping will not be pres-
ent because he is going to the Colum-
bia game, President Ruthven and Mr.
Tapping will speak before alumni
and others who wish to attend.
The itinerary is restricted to the
following cities in the 11th alumni
Ironwood, Oct. 21; Calumet, Oct.
22; Marquette, Oct. 23; Sault Ste
Marie, Oct. 24; Newberry, noon, Oct.


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