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October 18, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-18

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In Government.. .

-ml m! !!


A Washington

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Univers;ity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday._

Publsned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten~ News Service.
a Yp34 195=
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re pubication of all news dispatches credited to it or
rift otherwiise credited in this paper and the local news
p1blied Herein. All rights of 'republication of special
cip~ces are reserved.
tred At the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
6nd class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
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Anin Arbor, Michigan Phone: 2-1214.
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"Weot 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ae.
tricago, Il.
Telephone 4925
449WT EDITOR .. .. . ... ..... .... WILLIAM R. REED
News Editor................Elsie A. Pierce
Pdtor*a Writers: Robert Cummins and Marshall D. Shul-
'Might Editors: Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Rich-
frd G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Nea, and
irad Weissman.
*01PORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred
Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman.
WNOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy A. Briscoe, Florence H.
Davies, Olive E. Griffith,Marion T. Holden, Lois M.
King, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
"EP9RTERS: E. Bryce Alpern, Leonard Bleyer, Jr., Wil-
errd CbenolArnolde'S. Daniels, Willam JohnDe acey
Robert Eckhouse, John J. Frederick, Carl Gerstacker,
Warren Gldders, Robert. Goldstine, John Hinckley,
S. Leonard. Kasle, Ricard LaMarca, Herbert W. Little,
Earle J. IAuby, Joseph S. Mattes, Ernest L. McKenzie,
Arthur A. Miler, Stewart Orton, Georgem S. Quick,
-Robrt D. Rogers, Wiliam Scholz, Wilam E. Shackle-
ton, Thchard Sidder, I. S. Silverman, William C. Spaller,
Tuure Tenander, and Robert- Weeks.
Helen Lo~ise Arner, Mary Campbell, Helen Douglas,
Beatrice Fisher, Mary E. Garvin, Betty J. Groomes,
Jeanne Johnson, Rosalie ~anners, Virginia Kenner,
Barbra Lovell, Marjorie Mackintosh,; Louise Mars,
Roerta Jean Melin, Barbara Spencer. Betty Strick-
root, Theresa Swab, Peggy Swant,and Elizabeth Whit-
Telephone 2-1214
N 'S BUINES S MANAGERS..............
DVEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS: Local advertising, William
Barndt;.Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Con-
tr ts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgeuth;
CGrulbonl and National Advertising, John Park;
=ftsBfid Advertising and Publications, Lyman Bitt-
yRUS BES ASSISTANTS: Jerome I. Balas, Charles W.
$ ,iull, D G. Bronson, Lewis E. B~lkeley, John C.
Cfrk Robert J. Coopr, Richard L. Coushore,Herbert
D. FalendrJon T. Guernsey, Jack R. Gustafson,
Morton :4 cobs, Ernest A Jones Marvin Kay, Henry
J. Kose, William C.Kncht, R. A. Kronenberger, W-
liam R. Mann, John P. McLean, Jr., Lawrence M. Roth,
Richtrd M. Samuels, Jcih D. Staple, Lawrence A. Star-
. .sky, Nrman B. Steinberg.
tWOME'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Bernadine
Feld, etty Greve, Helen Shapland, Grace Snyder,
Betsy >axter, Margaret Bentley, Mary McCord, Adele
"i1an Campus
FOR THE AST YEAR the campus
Fd has enperienced the benefits of
vieran class elections. Not only have they been
j~ean in the sense of being honest, but in the
-ense that they are devoid of anl that class elections
a meatto students of th e pst.
I.soer regulations last year, designed to "take
,Dirty politics out of campus elections," officers
,f the present junior class were elected on a total
tf 63 votes cast out of a possible 1500. The pres-
ubt, of the class was elected on a total of 40

The election was undoubtedly "honest," although
it could probably also be described as "sad." Pol-
itics were purged, not only of crookedness, but of
interest and fun as well.
Class officers, with the exception of the dance
committees, exist for few other purposes than
the actual election. At the turn of the century,
they were battles between the usually victorious
independent students and the fraternity lineup.
Later they became campaigns between two fra-
ternity factions organized as political parties, with
independents and dormitories swinging the balance
of power.
It was in such flurries as these that budding
campus politicians cut their eye-teeth on log-
rolling, whipping the party elements into line,
campaign speeches, and other elements of real
old-fashioned politics. There were so-called crook-
ed elections, but campus political dishonesty is
not necessarily harmful.
Not only was the old politics fun for all con-
cerned, but it served to unite the class as a whole,
and thus contributed materially to class and school
spirit, so sadly, lacking in recent years.
The Men's Council has appointed a committee
to draw up election plans for this year. Among
other things, this committee should recommend
that last year's restrictions be removed.
If,.after all, the students who voted, the officers
who ran for office, and the fraternities who backed
them were satisfied with the old system of party
caucuses, party slates, and all the other trappings

future of Michigan's civil service
policy cannot but follow the announcement that
Governor Fitzgerald has named Prof. James K. Pol-
lock of the political science department to head
the committee which is to investigate civil service
needs and draft a program to fulfill them.
It is not necessary to elaborate upon Professor
Pollock's qualification for the task. Often before
he has brought a fine combination of practical and
theoretical knowledge to the investigation of gov-
ernmental problems. His frequent selection for
increasingly important work is eloquent testimony
to his success in the past.
His service is an excellent example of the
changed place of the educator in our society. No
more is the professor bound solely to the library,
class room, or laboratory. More and more he is
combining the knowledge he has gained ,there
with an alert appreciation of the problems of pres-
ent day government.
It is a service which is proving of the greatest
value. That prominent members of the University
faculty are active in these public affairs is not
only gratifying to the members of the University
community but also to citizens throughout the
'AsOthers See It
Fraternity Debts
(From the Brown Daily Herald)
THE STEP recently taken by Tau Delta Epsilon
fraternity in its decision to go on the inactive list
of Brown Greek letter houses this year is com-
mendable indeed. Although it may seem to dim
the lustre of fraternities here in its immediate
effect, in the long run it will rebound to their
Few indeed are the fraternities which are sens-
ible enough to see that a losing financial game is
not compensated for by the glories of brotherly,
instead of friendly activities. All too many of them
would be willing to go into arrears on rent, to let
house bills run and to bleed their members for
the sake of maintaining the false front of stability
and continuity. Brown's local fraternity, on the
other hand, accepts an issue when it comes, with-
out dodging.
The temptation for Tau Delta Epsilon to con-
tinue in active operation was undoubtedly strong.
Yet, without pressure, the members decided to do
the opposite. They acted on a cold survey of facts.
Members were few and financial responsibilities
were heavy. Rather than take a chance on get-
ting a huge freshman delegation this year to
help bear the load, members wisely postponed their
reopening. It is notable that they closed the house
with no debts outstanding.
We congratulate the members of Tau Delta
Epsilon on taking such a step and wish them
well when they see fit to reopen.
Comeback Of The Kings
(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
PERHAPS we should have heeded the ancient
lyric's injunction to "say au revoir but not
good-by." But what with that flight to Holland,
the dreadful night at Ekaterinburg, the Austrian
widow and her brood in impoverished exile in
Belgium, old Ferdinand, gray "Fox of the Bal-
kans," loping away from baying Bulgaria, Europe
staggering in the ruins of Armageddon-it looked
like the twilight of the kings. The shadows deep-
ened as the Bourbon boulevardier, Alfonso, sur-
rendered the tarnished glory of Castile, to count
the hopeless hours beyond the Pyrenees.
Is the clock turning back? The Republic of
Greece passes into the shadow, seemingly, with
the resignation of Premier Tsaldaris, the asump-
tion of power by the monarchist Gen. Kondylis and
the hurrying footsteps of King George.
From Vienna comes the word of the pre-
tender, Archduke Otto, that only the deception of
false leaders "prevented his return as emperor
three months ago."
In the distant thunderings of Ethiopia, Victor
Emmanuel may conceivably be reading Il Duce's
epitaph and the renaissance of the House of Sa-
Certainly Lachesis seems to be weaving a royal

purple thread into her endless skein of events.
Mixed Values
(From the Daily Illini)
A CHICAGO PAPER spreads a big black streamer
headline across the page declaring 10,000
Ethiopians are killed by bombs and every stu-
dent and faculty member gasps in righteous in-
On the same page in type only one degree
smaller that same paper runs a headline announc-
ing that 35,769 people were killed in motor ve-
hicles in 1934 and the same readers nod their
heads sadly but accept it as inevitable.
That is the strange thing about the human
race. They worry themselves sick about a catas-
trophe over which they have no control and which
takes part thousands of miles away, but, because
it is less dramatic and part of their environment,'
with a hardened indifference, they dismiss a
catastrophe of even greater dimensions which
is apt to destroy themselves.
No average, everyday citizen can put a stop to
the bloody murder taking place in Ethiopia, it is
just such persons who can demand sane automo-
bile legislation from the state.
- Perhaps Sherman was right about war being
hell, but the adjective is hardly adequate to de-
scribe the present accident situation.
Anent last Saturday's game, the Indiana Daily
Student says:

GOSSIP says that President Roosevelt just'
grinned when the indispensability in Washing-
ton of Messrs. Ickes and Hopkins, as the work-
relief November deadline neared, was urged upon
him as reason for omitting them from his fishing
cruise plans. Certainly he took them along with
much to indicate that they were reluctant vaca-
tioners. Both were deeply engrossed in their jobs
here. -
Yet, with the presidential party heading home-
ward, it appears that the absence of these two
chief lieutenants on the work-relief front has pre-
cipitated no crisis. Nothing seems to have come
up in their camps that a radio from the Hous-
ton could not decide. It might be that the dif-
ference of view between them on procedure would
have blossomed had they been left on the job while
the President went fishing. That, more than like-
ly, is one of the reasons Mr. Roosevelt took them
along. There could be no added controversy which
would reach the public and furnish fuel for Re-
publican backfires while the two men were with

FP NDAY, OCT. 18, 1935
VOL. XLVI No. 15

* * *


ANOTHER REASON, however, was unquestion-
ably the time it would take to get the whole
work-relief business through Comptroller General
McCarl's office for necessary legal approval. Mc-
Carl's crew is about swamped. In the eyes of
Ickes and Hopkins, who, whatever their differences
on work relief policy, are unquestionably in agree-
ment as to the vitally important political role
they are playing right now, the general is probably
politically suspect.
They are not the type to forget that McCarl
is a 14-year Republican hold-over in office, that he
once was connected with the Republican national
committee, or that alluring visions of a Republican
nomination next year for high office have been
dangled before his eyes. And his 15-year, no-reap-
pointment term, expires next year.
There was a time when congressional Democrats
became so aroused at McCarl that talk of amend-
ing the law to bring him within range of presi-
dential removal was in the air.
* * * *
ROOSEVELT ACTION, since rebuked by the su-
preme court, in removing the late William E.
Humphrey from the federal trade commission,
might well have given McCarl cause for worry.
Yet for some reason the White House made no
move against him but instead obviously has sought
his cooperation. Perhaps Senator Norris, McCarl's
original Washington sponsor, had something to do
with it.
Be that as it may, McCarl has since enjoyed the
distinction of having Senator Vandenberg propose
removal of the non-reappointment ban in his
interest. That he would be reappointed in the
unlikely event of such action next session is more
than doubtful. The White House already is look-
ing elsewhere by all reports. You can even hear
names mentioned, including that of Daniel Bell,
acting director of the budget.
A Warner Brothers picture starring Kay Francis with
George Brent, Genevieve Tobin, John Eldredge, Ralph
Forbes, and Clare Dodd.
Based on the well-known theme of "what's good
for the goose is good for the gander," this picture
is quite successful, with a lot of laughs, a lot of
good acting, and a little too much plot. The
latter defect may be overlooked in the scramble.
At the start we find Kay Francis, the former
wife of Ralph Forbes who is now married to Miss
Tobin, uncorking a plot to steal her former hus-
band back just to show the aforementioned hus-
band-stealer what it's like. Her purpose is car-
ried through all sorts of complications with the de-
nouement coming in Kay's mountain lodge, where
she has lured all the principals, including a pair
of jewel thieves who only serve to make things
more involved.
And of course Kay is deterred from her orig-
inal purpose by the arrival on the scene of George
Brent, who is about to run off with Forbes' second
wife. All in all there are three couples in the reg-
ular action, and for a time we were hard put to
decide which was Mrs. Summers (Forbes' wife)
and which wasn't, and if any of them were, which
was first and which second. Yes, we'll admit it
all sounds very complicated but we were even
more mixed up and we saw it.
There is also an aunt in the picture, one of
Hollywood's latest fads, who does very little but
sit around and marke very timely and humorous
It's all very cleverly worked out in the end and
it's a well-done picture, but one or two less ramifi-
cations wouldn't have been missed and might have
added to the enjoyment.
A separate rating must be given to Ted Weems'
band, for it is by far the best stage attraction
that has been in the Michigan for a long while.
Our only regret is that such things have to be
in Ann Arbor but for one night -if they stayed
longer it would give all of us a chance to hear and
see them. The applause which followed every
number the orchestra played during the 40 minute
program was the most we have ever heard in
a local theater. Individual pats on the back went

to Elmo Tanner, the whistler, "Red" Ingle and
"Country" Washburn.

Identification Pictures for all stu-
dents are now available in Room 4,
University Hall. They should be
called for at once.
J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students.
University Committee on Disci-
pline: The Subcommittee on Disci-
pline'of the University Committee on
Student Conduct, after due inquiry,
has found that Mr. Ascher Opler, '38
Lit., and Miss Edith Folkoff, '38 Lit.,
have been guilty of willful and inex-
cusable violaton of the rule of the
University prohibiting the distribu-
tion of printed matter on the Campus
without authorization by University
authorities. The Committee has
therefore ordered that Mr. Opler and
Miss Folkoff be suspended from the
University until such time as they
give reasonable guaranty in writing
to the Dean of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts, and to
the Dean of Students and the Dean
of Women respectively, that in the
future they will refrain from willful
violation of the rules of the Uni-
University Committee On Disci-
Out-of-town Football Games: Per-
mission to drive to out-of-town foot-
ball games will be granted provided
the student applying for such per-
mission will be accompanied by one
of his parents or by a parent of one
of the students in the party. The
privilege can also be extended pro-
vided a member of the faculty is in-
cluded in the group and will assume
responsibility for the trip. Definite
evidence of such arrangement must
be presented to Room 2 University
Hall together with the make, type
and license number of car to be used.
W. B. Rea, Assistant to the Dean.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: No course may
be elected for credit after the end
of the third week. Saturday, October
19, is therefore the last date on which
new elections may be approved. The
willingness of an individual instruc-
tor to admit a student later would not
affect the operation of this rule.
Sorority Social Committee Chair-
men: are requested to (1) place on
file in the office of the Dean of
Women athonce a list of party chap-
erons for the year; (2) turn in the
written acceptances of two couples on
the party chaperon list at least three
days before each party; (3) see that
a written statement from the sorority
financial adviser accompanies the ac-'
ceptances of the chaperons.

ism;" October 18, Room 303 Chem-
istry Building. Anyone interested is
cordially invited.
Geology 11 and 12: The make-up
Final for these courses will be given
Wednesday, October 23 at 2:00 p.m.
in Room 2054 N. S.
Candidates for the Ph.D. Degree in
English: The preliminary examina-
tions will be given in the following
American Literature, October 19.
Nineteenth Century, October 26.
Eighteenth Century, November 2.
Renaissance, November 9.
Criticism, November 16.
Middle Ages, November 23.
Linguistics, November 30.
Anyone desiring to take these ex-
aminations should register in the
English Office, 3221 Angell Hall, by
Friday, October 18, at 4:30 p.m.
H. M. Jones.
Choral Union Concert Program. Gi-
ovanni Martinelli, tenor; Queena
Mario, soprano; Doris Doe, contralto;
and Ezio Binza, bass-baritone, will
give the first concert in the Choral
Union Series, Saturday evening, Oc-
tober 19, at 8:15 o'clock in Hill Audi-
To avoid confusion and embarrass-
ment, concertgoers are respectfully
invited to give careful consideration
to the following obvious regulations:
the following obvious regulations:
The concert will begin on time, and
doors will be closed during numbers.
Please detach from season ticket cou-
pon Number 1 and present for admis-
sion, instead of presenting the entire
season ticket. Those leaving the
Auditorium during intermission will
please present their seat stubs for re-
admission. Parking and traffic regu-
lations as usual, will be under the di-
rection of the Ann Arbor Police De-
partment, and the Buildings and
Grounds Division of the University.
The program is as follows:

Bates To Speak
At Conference
Of Social Work
J. C. Armstrong And Leon
Frost Will Preside At
Round Tables
(Continued from Page 1)
at any other time in human history,
and said leisure can be made bene-
ficial by proper training and provision
of proper opportunities.
Dr. Lowell Carr of the department
of sociology, led a discussion of "De-
linquency and Probation." In con-
nection with the discussion, former
state senator Herbert P. Orr of the
State Crime Commission spoke on
Michigan's proposed probation camp,
and Arthur Crampton, secretary of
the Boy's Council of Flint discussed
the organization of volunteer proba-
tion work.
Following Mr. Crampton's talk, a
panel of six persons chosen from the
audience discussed the problem of
convincing the general public of the
value of social work. This group was
lead by A. L. Nique, county agent of
Pontiac, and C. R. Dougherty, county
agent of Flint. The last speaker on
the panel was Fred Baxter, head pro-
bation officer of Wayne County 1ro-
bation Court, who discussed the
handling of a typical case.
Treat Children's Program
The discussion of "A State Program
For Department Children" was under
the direction of C. F. Ramsey
of the Michigan Children's Institute,
Mr. Ramsay introduced Mrs. Cecil
Brown, children's secretary of the
Michigan Children's Aid Society.
Mrs. Brown discussed the work of
private relief agencies as compared to
that of federal groups.
The next speaker was Judge J. G.
Pray, of the Washtenaw Juvenile
Court, who discussed the work of pro-
bation courts and officers. Mrs. Eliza-
beth Raeside, Miss Harriet Comstock
and Mrs. Mabel Sewall discussed
briefly the problems encountered in
relief and probation work, and held
a panel on the federal Social Se-
curities Act.
In another of the round table
groups, Dr. A. M. Barret, head of the
University-Psychiatric Hospital, read
and discussed a number of actual case
problems in which psychiatry has
been utilized. His talk was in rela-
tion to such problems as "the sensi-
tive child, the broken home, the psy-
chiatric inferior, truancy and the
mentally disturbed teacher."
Case Work Discussed
The round table on "the Super-
vision of Case Work" was directed by
Miss Effie Doane of the Illinois Emer-
gency Relief Association. Miss Doane
pointed out the importance of train-
ing social workers to place themselves
in the position of their clients, and
to develop a great deal of imagina-
tion and patience.
Lies headed a discussion of the
problems of unemployed youth. Rep-
resentatives of the WPA and NYA
chosen from the audience explained
the work of these two federal relief
organizations in detail, and also dis-
cussed the work of Youth, Inc., a
Michigan organization founded five
years ago, which has gained national
recognition for its relief work.
A consideration of 'Generic Case
Work" was lead by Miss Mildred A.
Valentine, who answered questions
concerning the interviewing of clients
and accurate recording of their cases.
Throughout her discussion she en-
phasized the fact that both record-
ing and interviewing methods must
be carefully regulated with the area
in which the work is carried on.
Two round tables on the subjects of
"Training Social Workers" and

"Problems of Administration" were
directed by Mrs. Cecile Whalen of
the State Emergency Relief Associa-
tion and Mr. E. S. Guckert of the
Community Fund, Inc., of Flint. In
both groups the audience carried on
a discussion of the problems which
were presented to them by the di-
rectors of the round table.

Thy Sweet Singing
Sleep, My Laddie Sleep
Miss Doe
Alma mia
Nel cor, piu non mi sento
Ultima Canzone
Mr. Pinza
Ah! love but a day
Oh! quand je dors


Attention Foreign Students: An in-3
ternational soccer team is being or-
ganized on the Campus. The first
game is Tuesday of next week when
the team will play Cranbrook School
team at Bloomfield Hills. Foreign
students interested should report to
Ted Wuerfel for practice Friday af-
ternoon at 4 o'clock at the Intramu-
ral Building.
J. Raleighe Nelson Counselor to
Foreign Students.
Manuscripts for Contemporary:
Manuscripts of a creative or critical
nature are wanted for the first issue
of Contemporary. They may be left
in the English Office, 3221 Angell
Academic Notices
History Make-up: The final ex-
ination make-up in all History cours-
es will be given at 9 o'clock, Saturday
a.m., October 26, in Room C, Haven.
Professor ,acques Errera, Professor
of Physical Chemistry, University of
Brussels, will give a lecture on "Infra
red absorption of liquids and isomer-
Ten Years Ago
From The Daily Files
Of Oct. 18, 1925
More than 2,500 University students
saw the Wisconsin-Michigan game
over the grid-graph in Hill Audito-
rium yesterday. Yells were led and
details of the plays which could not
be accurately pictured on the instru-
lent were explained to further the
semblance of reality.
Representatives of 31 colleges and
universities have accepted the invi-
tation of the University to attend the
inauguration banquet of President
Clarence Cook Little on Nov. 2.
Chief of Police Thomas O'Brien of
Ann Arbor told a Daily reporter that
he was extremely alarmed at the driv-
ing of University students. More
than 70 per cent of the arrests dur-
ing the past month were of students,
he said.
All of the major construction work
on the new Tniversity Hospital build-

Aria, "Waltz" from "Romeo et
Juliette" Gounod
Miss Mario
La Cara Rimembranza Donaudy
Mattinata Leoncavallo
Musica Probita Gastaldon
Mr. Martinelli
Goodnight Quartet from "Martha"
von Flotow
The Quartet
Duet: la ci daremla mano from
"Don Giovanni" Mozart
Miss Mario and Mr. Pinza
Duet: Ai nostri monti from "Il Trova-
tore" Verdi
Mr. Martinelli and Miss Doe
Duet from "Madame Butterfly"
Miss Doe and Miss Mario
Duet: I Mulattieri Masini
Mr. Martinelli and Mr. Pinza
Bella figlia dell'amore from "Rigol-
etto" Verdi
The Quartet
Events Of Today
Botanical Seminar meets at 4:30
p.m., Room 1139, N. S. Bldg. Profes-
sor F. W. Went, of the California In-
stitute of Technology, will talk on
"Plant Hormones."
Social Work Majors are urged to
attend a meeting for Rank and File
case workers, Michgan Conference
of Social Work, 4:30 p.m., Michigan
Union Ballroom.
Michigan Wolverine Members:
There will be a meeting of the general
membership of The Michigan Wol-
verine at 6:30 p.m. All members
please be present.
Party for Congregational Students
9-12:30, in Church Parlors. Varsity
entertainment, refreshments, orches-
tra. Admission 25c.
Chinese Student's Club Meeting,
Specal business meeting, 8 p.m., Lane
Hall. Please bring your membership
fee if you have not yet paid.
Stalker Hall Party. Tonight there
will be a Treasure Hunt for all Meth-
odist students and their friends. Meet
at Stalker Hall, corner of State and
Huron streets, 8 o'clock. There will
be a small charge to cover the cost of
Hillel Foundation: Friday night
services will be held in the Hillel
Foundation at 7:30 p.m. Rabbi Hel-
ler will speak on "The Joy of Liv--
Coming Events
Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honorary
fraternity will hold its first supper
Sunday evening at 6:30 in the Union.
All members must make reservations
at .he TTnion hfore undav noon.

chester, New York and vicinity are
cordially invited to attend this meet-
Graduate Outing Club will meet at
Lane Hall on Saturday, October 19,
at 2:30 for a hike down the river
where games will be played. Supper
will be served at an approximate cost
of 25c followed by election of officers.
The return trip to Ann Arbor will be
made in time for the concert.
Out-door Club will meet for its
first fall outing - a hayride and mar-
shmallow roast - at 7:30 p.m. Satur-
day at the Woman's Athletic Build-
ing. A small fee of not more than
25c will be charged. Everyone in-
Lutheran Student Club will have an
out door meeting Sunday, October
19, at the Saline Valley Farms. The
students will be guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Gray. Mr. Gray spoke to
the club last year.
Cars will leave the parish hall of
the Zion Lutheran Church on Wash-
ington Street at 2:30 o'clock.

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