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October 18, 1935 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-18

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~THE mt1 MhTAN nAitY

"~ 4PIDAY, OCTOBER 18,,1931

Ethiopian War
En.ds Hope For
Iuge Loan Discussed To
Enlarge British Navy
To Former Size
LONDON, Oct. 17. - (/P) - What-
ever else develops from the Italian-
Ethiopian embroglio, authoritative
opinion here believes it has killed
disarmament in Europe.
Many responsible British statesmen
are outspoken in their belief that the
slow, grim roll of war drums has pro-
vided the dirge for the official burial
of the policy of beating swords into
There is a general feeling noted
here that Mussolini never would have
gone to the present length, had he
known a powerful British navy and
lnted British public stood between
him and his ambitions. And these
qiarters believe a peerless British
navy must be reestablished in the
interests of the British imperial heri-
Chancellor Calls For Action
"The time has come when we must
face realities, when we must bring
our forces up to the minimum re-
quired for our own self-respect," said
Nivville Chamberlain, chancellor of the
exchequer, recently.
"We have been gravely handi-
capped by the fact-the knowledge of
which is widespread upon the con-
tinent-that our defensive forces
have fallen to audangerously low1lev-
l' added Chamberlain, who, in his
present capacity, must find the mon-
ey for British rearmament.
There already is talk in respon-
sible financial circles of a "defense
loan" of 200,000,000 pound sterling,
qr $1,000,000,000, to finance the re-
ca.pturing of Britannia's supremacy
of the waves.
So, judging from present indica-
tions, ends an epoch in history-an
eapoch born amid the enthusiastic
declarations of the World War
weary statesmen at the Washington
naval conference, and successively
crippled in far Manchuria and along
the Rhine.
Coup De Grace In Africa
It remained for the coup de grace
to be administered in distant East
For the apparent collapse of naval
limitation, indicated by recent events,
is in large measure attributable di-
rectly to the Ethiopian adventure. It
was the necessity of safeguarding
British interests in that disturbed
theatre which brought home to all
Englishmen their real weakness on
the seas they once ruled.
Britain was forced to bulwark the
mobilization of almost her entire ef-
fective fleet in the Mediterranean
with bids for French support to in-
sure checking an Italian navy once
reckoned here as inconsequential.
It was upon the waves only that
post-war diplomacy had achieved any
signal success in the field of disarma-
ment. Washington and London con-
ferences succeeded in declaring and
prolonging naval building holidays,
but Geneva failed to slow up land and
air armament.
War Clouds Kill Optimism
The African warclouds already
have obscured all optimism noted
earlier this year for air limitation
security pacts. There has been no
further talk of cutting down air ar-
madas since it became apparent that
Mussolini was not to be thwarted by
The question of national defense is
expected to provide one of the key-
stone issues in the forthcoming na-
tional elections, with the present na-
tionalist government taking the view

outlined by Chamberlain. The la-
borites have agreed to support League
sanctions but the party is being lam-
basted from all sides for its military
economy and the treaty commitments
of the MacDonald government which,
opponents say, brought British forces
below subsafety levels.
This view was expressed by Ad-
miral Sir Roger Keyes, a member of
parliament, who said:
"Whatever else may be the out-
come of this present unrest, I think
it has brought home to the whole
country that if we are to exist as a
great empire we shall have to set to
work without delay to put our de-
fenses in order."

Prides Of British Navy In Mediterranean

Library Has
198 Volumes
Of Incunabula

Classified DOrectory

Colonel T.
Adds 17

M. Spaulding
Volumes To
Of Books

-Associated Press Photo.
"Britanunia Riles the Waves" used to be sung lustily wherever Eng-
lishmen foregathered but the nation now is told that the sentiment
belon gs in the past tense, a fact emphasized by the appeal made to
France for naval support in the Mediterranean. This photograph shows
part of Britain's conibined home and Mediterranean fleets with the
od'ney and Nelson, prides of the navy, in the foreground.
Old Resident Of Ann Arbor
Recalls University's istory

The General Library now has 211
titles of incunabula in 198 volumes,
increased by 17 during the past year,
it was announced by Ella M. Hymans,
Curator of rare books. Incunabula
are books printed within the first
fifty years of the invention of print-
ing, to be exact, those books printed
before 1501.
There are about 20,000 titles known
in the fifteenth century, according to
Miss Hymans. The earliest is the
Bible known as the "Gutenberg
Bible" which is one of the rarest and
most beautiful books in the world.
Most of the volumes in this collection
are bound in vellum and boards which
have been eaten through by worms.
Nevertheless, the print has not been
disturbed; neither is the beauty of the
volumes diminished, remarked Miss
One of the most constant con-
tributors to the library collection of
incunabula, according to Miss Hym-
ans, is Colonel T. M. Spaulding, '02,
who is responsible for the addition of
the 17 volumes during the past year.
They are given as a memorial of his
son, Stephen Spaulding, '27, who died
in 1925. The books are accompanied
by a special bookplate witha portrait
of his son.
In all, the Spaulding incunabula
collection numbers twenty-four titles
bound in 19 volumes. This offers a
vivid contrast to the number of in-
cunabula owned by the library twenty
years ago which numbered nineteen,
it was stated by Miss Hymans.
and a well-frequented whispering gal-
lery surrounding the Art Gallery.
Among other attractions in the Art
Gallery were a cast of the bronze
doors of the capitol in Washington,
this cast, as well as others, had been
prepared by Randolph Rogers, a for-
mer resident of Ann Arbor. He was
said to have molded figures out of
bread dough while working in a bak-
ery on North Main St. Later he went
to Italy where all of his principal)
sculpturing was done.-
It was while acting as janitor in the
old General Library that Mr. Lutz
became acquainted with Professor
D'Ooge. Of him he relates this little
"He never calne into the gallery
but that he would stop and talk, al-
ways in German, and if I were read-
ing, would always want to see the
title. One day I was reading one of
the works of Josephus. He asked me
if I thought that that was good read-
ing for me. I answered by saying,
'My father always said to try every-
thing and retain that which is best.'
He immediately replied, 'Yes, but can
a sheep go through brambles without
losing some wool?'
Another little incident character-

Place advertisements with classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
Yclock previous to day of insertion.
The classified columns close at five
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charg~e.
cash in advance 11c per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or more
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephone rate - 15c perreading line
for two or more insertions.
10% discount if paid within ten days
Minimum three lines per insertion.
from the date of last insertion.
By contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months........8c
2 lines daily, college year ........7c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months..........8c
100 lines used as desired ..........9c
300 lines used as desired..........8c
1,000 lines used as desired.........7c
2,000 lines used as desired ........6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Tunic type, upper and lower case. Add
Sc per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c
per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 71, point
TEACHER of popular and classical
piano music. Helen Louise Barnes.
Call 8469. 2x
reasonable. Free delivery. Phone
3006. 6x
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 1x
istic of bygone days revolves about
the old Medical School, then taught
by Dr. Ford and Dr. Herdman,
assisted by Dr. G. Carl Huber. By
way of introduction it might be said
that previous to the present century
the Medical School was confined to
the West Medical Building and a
small two-story frame building on
the present location of the West
Physics Building. This latter struc-
ture contained a dissecting room on
each of the two upper floors and a
storeroom for cadavers in the base-
One morning Mr. Lutz happened to
notice a very lathered horse pulling
a buggy containing three men into the
drive alongside the smaller building.
Two of the men jumped out, collared
the third, and hauled him over to the
basement door. The two men then
drove away. Naturally Mr. Lutz was
not surprised to find the sheriff of
a nearby town investigating the livery
stables in town. In a short time two
men were arrested, and were proven
to have removed a body from a grave
forty miles away, and to have driven
for several hours with that body be-
tween them.
Such incidents are now history, and
as such recall to the present genera-
tion that the University is constantly
changing. But to George Lutz these
recollections are the reward of his
47 years in the service of the Univer-

WANTED: Used typewriter, portable
or office model. State cash price
and full particulars. Box 100,
Michigan Daily.
WANTED: Student to share apart-
ment with me. Kitchenette, very
reasonable. Must be gentile with
clean habits. Call 5321. 67
FOR RENT: Suite, east, south and
west exposure. Private bath and
shower. Accommodates three. Ex-
tra room available if group of
four. Steam heat. Dial 8544. 422
E. Washington. 63
COACHING for voice students. Voice
building and singing. Private and
class lessons. Grace ,Johnson Ko-
nold, 1908 Austin. Phone 4855. For-
merly voice instructor in School of
Music. 5x
MAC'S TAXI - 4289. Try our effi-
cient service. All new cabs. 3x
LOST: A brown billfold containing
driver's license and laboratory de-
posit receipt. Reward. Edward Nel-
son. 1218 Washtenaw. Phone 8-2952.
LOST: Manx (tailless) kitten. Buff
colored. Near Tappan and Hill.
Phone Richard Johnson, 7376, or
return to 731 Tappan. Reward.
LOST: Black stetson hat at Research
Club in East Medical Building,
Wednesday evening. Phone 2-3445.
Downtown, North of Postoffice

LANSING, Oct. 17. - (4)- -Orville
E. Atwood, secretary of state, an-
nounced today that 1936 automo-
bile license plates will go on sale Oct.
I'll Take It to
1121 So. University Ave.
-in -
- plus -
with -

(Continued from Page 1)
ed overnight into several hundred
pieces. These were gathered up, very
carefully, placed in a cart, and very
ceremoniously buried as befitted the
great m~an. And as Mr. Lutz notes
in passing, the law class which bought
that statue had been rather badly
tricked into taking something that,
although resembling bronze in ap-
pearance, was less suitable for statu-
ary than brittle pewter.
Another instance illustrating the
high esteem in which statuary was
held during the earlier days of the
University is the fact that visitors to
the Museum in 1871 were required to
pay an admission charge to see a
statue of Nydia. At that time this
attraction, now in Alumni Memorial
Hall, was exhibited in a room built
onto the north side of Mason Hall.
The expansion of this same mu-
seum, which needed only two floors
in Mason Hall in 1871, down until the
present has carried it through a
floor in the old library, through the
building now known as the Romance
Languages Building to the present
spacious University Museums built in
Likewise the great increase in the
engineering college plant has been
almost wholly contained within the
span of Mr. Lutz's service. The orig-,
inal engineering shops were built in
1885, and housed the nucleus of the
future mechanical engineering de-
partment, headed by Professor (now
Dean-Emeritus) Cooley. In the base-
ment of the old building was a black-
smith shop, on the first floor a Cor-
liss engine which ran the machinery
used, on the second floor a carpenter
shop where the models and patterns
were made, and in the attic were
stored the old patterns.
Here, too, Mr. Lutz at one time
found himself working. And it so
happened that upon him Professor
Cooley once placed the job of firing
up an old steam boiler with which
the class of future mechanical en-
gineers was experimenting. So Mr.
Lutz began shoveling the coal in-
and kept right on shoveling it in for
some time in an effort to bring the
steam pressure up to the level de-
sired. He shoveled harder than he
had ever before shoveled in his life,
but the pressure remained far too
low. When finally Professor Cooley
appeared on the scene to demand an
accounting for the delay, he found Mr.
Lutz's strenuous heavings apparently
producing no result. Naturally he

then looked over the boiler itself and
quickly announced, "No wonder, the
old boiler leaks so badly the steam
all goes up the smoke-stack."
After the engineering classes had
grown out of the shops and a one-
story addition to them (now the Au-
tomotive Laboratory), the West Engi-
neering Building was erected in 1902,
and the East Engineering Building in
During the existence of daily chapel
exercises the first floor of University
Hall was given over to them. In this
large chapel room ten-minute serv-
ices, beginning at a quarter to nine,
were held every week-day morning,
and Mr. Lutz had the duty of tolling
a bell located in the tower of the
old General Library for five minutes
preceding the exercises. The students
attending were led by Professors
D'Ooge, Frieze, Olney, and Kelsey in
the services.
All of the student assemblies for
commencement, lectures, and concerts
were also held in University Hall be-
fore Hill Auditorium was built. Mr.
Lutz mentions that a large organ
from the World Fair of 1893 had been
placed in the hall, and that Joseph
Jefferson, Grover Cleveland, Theo-
dore Roosevelt, Corporal Tanner, and
many others have given addresses in
the hall.
While these famous personageswere
bringing the flavor of then current
events to the students in University
Hall, there was another sort of col-
lection of eventful happenings grow-
ing in another part of the campus.
The library was laying the founda-
tions for its present extensive array
of books. In those days it was housed
in athree-story building with semi-
circular frzont located on the same
site as the present library building.
This buildingbesides the stacks, in-
cluded several reading rooms, a cir-
cular Art Gallery on the third floor,

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