Kipke Drives
Varsity Hard In Preparing For Wisconsin Tilt
Kasley Is Honored
Natators Get
Michigan Men On List Of
Thirty-Five 'Best' For
1934-35 Season
Six of the thirty-five swimmers
mentioned by Bob Kiputh, coach of
the American Olympic tank team, in
his recently issued list of "best per-
formances for 1935" were members of
Michigan's National Collegiate and
Big Ten championship swimming
team last season.
Ex-Co-Captain Taylor Drysdale,
Captain Frank Fehsenfeld, Jack Kas-
ley, Ned Diefendorf, Tex Robertson,
and Frank Barnard were the Wolver-
ine swimmers honored. Of this list,
all but Drysdale and Robertson will
be back for Varsity competition this
Based On Big Meets
Kiputh used as basis for his choices
the National A.A.U. Outdoor and In-
door meets, the National Collegiate
championships, and the trip made by
the American team to Japan this
Although Kiputh is not too well
liked around Ann Arbor for consist-
ently refusing to risk the long string
of dual-meet victories his Yale team
has piled up by meeting Michigan,
Matt Mann, coach of the Wolverine
natators and himself a member of
the American Olympic Committee,
has nothing but praise for the East-
erner as an expert, and his latest
compiliation must be accepted as
authentic in swimming centers
throughout the country.
Dick Degener, who finished his ca-
reer as a Michigan diver in 1933,
stands at the head of the world's
springboard artists today, and easily
rates the first position on Kiputh's
list, but only Marshall Wayne and
Elbert Root of Florida, Al Greene of
Chicago, and Johnny Riley of Los
Angeles can compete on an equal
basis with Fehsenfeld and Diefendorf.
Drysdale Beats Japs
On the Japanese trip Drysdale
handily defeated the best back-
strokers Nippon could offer, and the
difference between the ex-Wolverine
leader and Adolph Kiefer, who nosed
him out in the National Outdoor A.
A. U. meet must now be considered
almost negligible.
Johnny Higgins of Providence is
rated "tops" among the breast-stroke
performers, but Michigan's Kasley
defeated him in Japan and should
reign supreme during the coming
Robertson, Big Ten 220 and 440-
yard free-style champion, and Bar-
nard, who outdid his team mate in
the distance events in the National
Collegiate meet, are two of the most
promising exponents of the free-style
in the country.
KALAMAZOO, Oct. 15. - (P) -
Joe Louis has spent the last two days
here, accompanied by two managers,
seeking a prospective training camp.
He explained a local site would be
convenient for a fight either in De-
troit or Chicago.
Jack Kasley, National Collegiate
and Big Ten breaststroke cham-
pion, was among the six Michigan
swimmers recently honored on
Olympic coach Bob Kiputh's com-
pilation of the nation's best per-
formers during the 1934-35 sea-
Graves Is Reelected
State A.A.U. President
DETROIT, Oct. 14. (M)-George
W. Graves began his sixth term as
president of the Michigan A. A. U. to-
day. He was reelected at the annual
meeting of the organization here last
Other officers will be Lloyd Olds,
track coach fo Michigan State Nor-
mal College, first vice president; O. R.
Benjamin, second vice president;
Roscoe D. Bennett, Grand Rapids,
third vice president; Glenn MacDon-
ald, Bay City, fourth vice president;
Charles H. Brennan, secretary; and
Jacob Mazer, treasurer.
Bennett precipitated a clash over
the question of U. S. participation in
the next Olympics at Berlin by the
introduction of a resolution on behalf
of the Furniture City post No. 258
of the American Legion, in Grand
Rapids. The resolution called upon
the Michigan A. A. U. to vote for
withdrawal of the American team.
Badger Plays
Are Stressed
In Long Drill
Everhardus Remains Out s
Of Uniform; Released By g
Hospital Thursday Noon v
Tackle Post Vacantt
Freshmen Stop Regulars
Effectively; Coaches Call
For More Pep In Squad
Stressing both the offensive and
defensive formations which he thinks
Wisconsin is most likely to employ
against Michigan Saturday, Coach
Harry Kipke gave his boys a real
work-out last night when he con-
cluded the practice session with a
half hour of hard running and some
live-bait tackling.
Chris Everhardus who was released
from the University Hospital only
yesterday noon, where he had been
confined with a mild concussion fol-
lowing the Indiana game, was on the
field in the afternoon, but was not
in uniform.
Kipke indicated that in the event
Everhardus is not able to play, eith-
er Bob Campbell or Chet Stabovitz
would take his place in the backfield
for the encounter with the Badgers.
Hanshve's Post Open
The vacant tacle position left by
Bud Hanshue, Kipke said, was. a
toss-up between Lincoln and Cramer,
with the latter having a little the
best of it up to this point.
During the first part of the prac-
tice yesterday, a freshmen team ably
assisted by Wally Weber's sentorious
bellowing succeeded in stopping very
competently a Varsity squad com-
posed of first and second stringers.
The freshmen played effective, heads-
up ball and broke through the Var-
sity line consistently to smear plays
before they got started. Kipke said
after the scrimmage that it had been
one of the worst of the season, even
worse than the first scrimmage fol-
lowing the State game a week ago.
Although Wisconsin has hardly
compiled a formidable record so far
this year, Oosterbaan's comment that
"they are a much better team than
the 27-0 score which Notre Dame
made against them Saturday would
indicate" has keyed up the whole
Michigan team to consider the Badg-
ers as a very dangerous foe.
Go At Full Speed
In order to inject a little speed into
the team, Kipke took the entire Var-
sity squad over to Ferry Field and,
dividing them up into three teams,
spent half an hour during which each
of the three teams ran plays at full
speed to the encouraging banter of
the whole coaching staff who wanted
a "little pep in it."
Then with the whole squad drip-
ping with sweat, Kipke called for a
short tackling session in which the
members of the team that started
Saturday were the tacklers and the
rest of the squad the ball carriers.
The only event of the live-bait work,
aside from some very good and some
rather poor tackling, was furnished
when big Jim Lincoln tackled Charlie
Grays, head on. Gray kept right on
driving as the shock of the impact
hurled both boys to the ground. Little
Charlie picked himself up and walked
stiffly away. Lincoln lay on the
ground, temporarily out of wind and
had to be given a little help when he
managed to get to his feet several
minutes later.
Sports of
- ____________- ----_______________
Pivot Position In Basketball
Speeded Up As Rules Change
Big slow centers, even though they
may have been real stars last year,
are going to encounter more than
their share of difficulty in the coming
basketball season and coaches de-
pending on this type of player to
make their teams winners are going
to be given a practical lesson in wor-
The major change in the rule book
is a result of the movement to do
away with the stationary pivot man
who ruled supreme in basketball for
a number of years. The new rule says
that a man can remain in the foul
circle for only three seconds. This
rule is not qualified as was the old
one, it being immaterial whether the
player in the foul circle has posses-
sion of the ball or not.
Must Change Tactics
The result of this change is that
tall centers of type of Leroy Edwards,
1935 All-American from Kentucky,
who loitered under the basket jockey-
ing for a position are going to have
to change their tactics.
This season they will have to do all
of their jockeying outside the circle
and when a player breaks under the
basket will have to either shoot, pass,
or dribble out of the circle again.
There will scarcely be time for much
of the faking that has always played
a major part in the executing of the
pivot shot in the past.
Bob Riegel, big Illinois center, Fred
Fechtman, Indiana's 6 foot 9 inch
may not be so great for he has always
done most of his passng and ball
handling from the pivot position in
the foul circle.
*With the season still about two and
a half months in the future, Coach
Franklin Cappon was reluctant to say
just what he intends to do to meet
the situation. There are a number
of styles that can be used. Forma-
tions with three men back and two
on the side or variations of this type,
the figure eight, and the double post
all offer advantages. Cappon may
adopt one of these or some other
style more suited to his material.
The other change in the rules is
the elimination of the tip-off follow-
ing a successful free throw. This sea-
son the ball will be put in play by the
team on whom the foul was called
from the out-of-bounds line.
Coach Cappon believes that the
probable result of this will be that
the fast break will be used more often
and by more teams.
Matt Mann, Varsity swimming
coach, will offer two series of
swimming classes for male mem-
bers of the faculty starting this
week at the Intramural pool. A
beginners class will meet Tuesdays
and Thursdays from 12:15 to
12:45 p.m. and a section open to
any faculty member will meet
Monday,Wednesday, and Friday
at the same time.
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