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October 16, 1935 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-16

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Sigma Rho Tau
ToWelcome All
New Students
Stump Speakers' Society
Will Hold Ceremonies
Today In Union
This year's annual sprouting forth
of the Stump Speakers' Society, en-
gineering speech organization, in
honor of the newcomers to the en-
gineering college will be held at 7:30
p.m. today in the Union.
At that time the local branch of
Sigma Rho Tau, a national speech
group, will welcome all new students.
whether freshmen or upperclassmen,
who are interested in the publicly
vocal aspects of the engineers' or ar-
chitects' professions.
The old members, including Robert
E. mLow, '36E, president, and George
A. Malone, '37E, vice-president, wil
be on hand to secure their share of
the refreshments to be served, and to
quaff from the historic Tung Oil jug
with the prospective members.
Also expected to be in evidence are
Prof. F. Menefee and Prof. H. E. Hess,
of Wayne University, new national
president and secretary, respectively,
of the organization. Other faculty
members will also be present to ad-
dress or not to address the meeting as
opportunity beckons.
As an added inducement for care-
ful pronunciation and meticulous at-
tention the society is offering a prize
fbr the individual who can remember
the largest number of names at-
tached to persons whom he has met
at the meeting. The use of student
directories will be barred.
On the society's program for the
'coming year are several exchanges of
speakers between the various chap-
ters, and debates with other neigh-
boring colleges. For Nov. 5 a debate
with the Wayne University chapter
is planned on the subject, "Resolved:
That the United States Government
Continue to Build Rigid Frame Dirig-
Help Is Sought
For- lee Club
Fund Project
Memorial Fund To Begin
Soliciting Current And
Annual Subscriptions
The Albert A. Stanley Memorial
Fund will begin soliciting next week
for the support of the scholarship
and the promotion of the fund which
is intended for the benefit of under-
graduate members of the Varsity
Glee Club. The fund, established
this summer by the University of
Michigan Glee Club Alumni Ass-
ciation, honors the man who was at
one time director of the Musical
Clubs and the leader in Michigan's
musical activities for many years.
Stanley was also the founder of the
May Festival and received at hon-
orary M.A. degree in 1889.
The plan on which the project will
be operated is simple. Current and
annual subscriptions will be solicited
from the more than 1,500 former
members of the Varsity Glee Club
and the former Mandolin and Banjo
Clubs. The winner of the project
10 each year will be, according to the
terms of the project, "a young man
whose musical ability holds promise
for the future and who would not be
able to pursue further study in music
without the help of such a scholar-

The scholarship award each year
will be approximately $200 and will
be primarily for tuition expense. Ex-
cess amounts will be deposited with
the University as a trust fund to be
administered by .the University as
are other trust funds, and to be
used ultimately for an endowment
of the scholarship.
The fund is to be the objective of
the musical clubs' alumni in the
Michigan Alumni 10-Year program.
The work is being begun this fall in
order that the first scholarship may
be granted for the year 1936-1937.
Professor Willard
Departs For Tour
Prof. Hobart H. Willard of the
chemistry department is leaving this
morning for a brief speaking tour.
Today Prof. Willard will speak in
Erie and tomorrow in Pittsburg. The
subject for both these talks is to be
"Ultra-violet Fluorensce" and in both
cases will be delivered before local
sections of the American Chemical.
On Friday Prof. Willard will give
a lecture in Morganstown, W. Va., on
"Newer Methods of Analytical Chem-
istry." It is expected that the -audi-
ence for this lecture will be largely
composed of students and faculty
members of the University of West
Virginia, which is situated in Mor-

Metropolitan Opera Stars Appearing Here
FirstIChoral Union Concert Features
Famous Metropolitan Operatic Quartet

Featuring an opera singer who
didn't want to be one, a tenor who
started to be a cabinet maker, a bass-
baritone who studied to be an engi-
neer, and a soprano whose presence
was oily made possible at the last
minute, the first concert of the 1935-
36 Choral Union series will be given
Saturday night in Hill Auditorium.-
The Metropolitan Opera Quartet,
consisting of four of the top-ranking
stars of the operatic stage, will be the
vocalists in this concert. In the quar-
tet are Giovanni Martinelli, tenor;
Queena Mario, soprano; Doris Doe,
contralto; and Ezio Pinza, bass-bari-
tone, is a program of solos, duets, and
Addition of Miss Mario to the pro-
gram was announced recently by
Pres. Charles A. Sink of the School of
Music, who explained that the sched-
uled appearance of Eide Norena as
the soprano was impossible due to ill-
ness. Miss Norena is in Europe at
present on tour and is not able to
return to this country in time for
the concert.
According to President Sink, how-
ever, the sponsors of the concert are

very fortunate in securing the ser-
vices of Miss Mario in that she has
held a foremost place in the Metro-
politan for many years, and her radio
programs have made her known
throughout the country. For several
years attempts have been made to se-
cure the service of Miss Mario for a
concert here but conflicting operatic
xoles and tours have prevented her
appearance until now.
Mr. Martinelli is a familiar figure
to patrons of the Metropolitan, hav-
ing made his debut in 1913 as Rodolfo
in Puccini's "La Boheme." He came
to the operatic stage after having
been groomed by his father for a
career as a cabinet-maker in his
native Italy. His highlight in opera
was his assumption of the role of
Eleazar in Halevy's "La Juive," after
the death of Caruso. Canio in "Pa-
gliacci," Manrico in "Trovatore," and
Cadaradossi in "Tosca" are other
roles in which he has scored.
At the present time Martinelli is
known as 'The Ace of Tenors.m s
Doris Doe fought against going
into opera because she was deter-

mined to be a doncert and oratorio
singer, and all because she was a
contralto and felt she would be cast
as an ugly witch, aged mother, or
disgruntled nurse. When the oppor-
tunity to sign with, the Metropolitant
came, however, she relinquished her
former stand and has been with the
company since 1930. Her first role
was that of Brangaene in "Tristan
and Isolde."
Pinza, who studied to be an engi-
neer and just missed being a profes-
sional bicycle rider, is rated as a bas-
so who can rival tenors. He made
his debut in Rome in "Tristan and
Isolde" and was engaged for the New
York Opera while singing at Milan
under Toscanini. One of his most
famous statements is to the effect
that his career began in a bath-tub,
and he constantly gives encourage-
ment to vocalists of this type.
According to President Sink, the
sale of tickets for this year's series
has been the heaviest since 1929.
There are still a number of seats
available on all floors which may be
obtained at the offices of the School
of Music on Maynard Street.

Dr. M. L. Ward
Hits Haste Of
School System
Former Dentistry Dean
Says 'Inquiry Factor'
Is LackingToday
Dr. M. L. Ward, former dean of
the School of Dentistry and now di-
rector of research in that institu-
tion, is firmly convinced that the fac-
tor of "inquiry" is being sadly ne-
glected in the push and rush of the
modern educational system.
"Especially in a school of this sort,"
he said, "where the school is connect-
ed with so practical a thing as a
clinic, research comes harder."
Dr. Ward who obtained his D.D.S.
degree from the University in 1905
and was three years later professor
of dental metallurgy, has been con-
nected with the school for more than
a score and ten years, including 18
years as dean. He speaks from a rare
experience when he maintains that
dentistry students as well as students
in all other departments, were look-
ing too much for immediate bread
and butter from their pursuit of edu-
cation, and sometime, "pie and cake."
A little more of the spirit of in-
quiry among college students would
prevent the necessity of returning,
years later, for post graduate work,
Dr. Ward said. Toward that end, Dr.
Ward is now directing the whole of
his efforts,
"A great deal more can be obtained
from any course," Dr. Ward says,
"if the student will look a bit further
than graduation at the end of four
years, and will try to dig up intel-
ligence not found in merely listening
to lectures. The factor of inquiry is
sponsored by research of all kinds."
Increasing enrollment of students
in post graduate work is convincing
proof that students aren't getting all
they should from their courses, and
realizing it - after they are grad-
uated, Dr. Ward said.
5,000 Persons
Assigned Jobs
In ast Week
DETROIT, Oct. 15. -('P) - How-
ard Starret, Michigan director of the
National Re-employment service, said
today that more than 5,000 Michigan
men and women were assigned to jobs
during the last week. Placements
in private industry numbered 1,381,
while assignments on work-relief pro-
jects totaled 3,970, he said.
Starret predicted the number of
available assignments would exceed
the number of applications accepted
during the next week.
The number of applications han-
dled by the sixteen district offices
shows no sign of diminishing, the
director said. Leading the state were
the Detroit office, with 1,807; Muske-
gon with 1,382; Saginaw with 935;
Ann Arbor with 683 and St. Joseph
with 596.
At Ann Arbor, 553 persons have
been placed or referred to for em-
ployment, the office reported, while
in Saginaw the number was 695; in
St. Joseph 316; Sault Ste. Marie, 111
and Muskegon, 270.

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TEACHER of popular and classical
piano music. Helen Louise Barnes.
Call 8469. 2x
New Group IS
Called Intrigue
Of Republicans
Newly-Formed League Is
Not Non-Partisan, Say
Democratic Leaders
LANSING, Oct. 15,- (UP)-Wary
Democrats viewed with suspicion to-
day the formation of a Michigan
Constitutional Protective league.
Although Dr. Ferris Smith, of
Grand Rapids, has declared it will be
a non-partisan organization devoted
to combatting subversive activities,
Democrats are unable to forget that
former Gov.Wilber M. Brucker, wide-
ly accepted as a Republican candi-
date for United State senator, was in
the forefront as a speaker when the
league was launched here Saturday
The challenge to the economics of
the New Deal sounded by Robert
W. Irwin, Grand Rapids industrialist,
at the organization meeting echoed
warnings in their ears. Irwin told
his listeners Saturday night that the
philosophy of the national demo-
cratic administration is not the po-
litical philosophy under which the
constitution was written.
Don W. Canfield, executive secre-
tary of the Democratic state central
committee, declared that the move to
organize the league "looked like a
part of the Republican party's con-
spiracy to lead people to believe that
the national Democratic administra-
tion is opposing the constitution."
"If the movement is non-partisan,
why was not former Gov. William A.
Comstock invited as well as Brucker,"
demanded Canfield.
"Why was not Frank A. Pickard,
former chairman of the state liquor

Classified Dfreetory

LOST: W; ,allet with $35 cash, valuable
papers in Union taproom, Monday
noon. Reward~. Call David S.
Shetter, University Museums, 4121
or 6943. 60
WANTED: Used typewriter, portable
or office model. State cash price
and full particulars. Box 100,
Michigan Daily.
reasonable. Free delivery. Phone
3006. 6x
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. lx
ROOM for men, single $3.50; or
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MAC'S TAXI- 4289. Try our effi-
cient service. All new cabs. 3x
9025: 906 Packard. Special Garbrie-
leen perm., $5.00. Shampoos, finger
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nings. 62
control commission, invited as well as
Mrs. Fred M. Alger, a former Repub-
lican member of the commission?
Why was Parole Commissioner Jo-
seph C. Armstrong there and not W.
Alfred Debo, the former Democratic
parole commissioner?
"This looks to me like an attempt
to mislead the pomple on a consti-
tutional racket. Why don't the or-
ganizers come out in the open. I
don't believe there are more than 2,-
500 active Communists inl the state
for them to fight,"
State Treasurer Theodore I. Fry,
viewed in many quarters as the leader
l of the Democratic party, added his
co.mment to Canfield's. He said:
"I believe this is just more evi-
dence that the Republicans are get-
ting ready for the 1936 campaign.
Democrats are just as much inter-
ested in the constitution as are Re-
"The whole thing looks like a Re-
publican set-up. If I am wrong, it's
up to the organizers to prove that
they are non-partisan and in earnest
in their promise to organize groups to
combat Communism."
1121 So. University Ave.
Two Big Hits

Four Detectives Are 5,000 Doctors G T School

BatLed When Deer

As Medical Association Meets




DETROIT, Oct. 15. -(P) - The
Detroit police department had a dis-
concerting deer hunt on its hands to-
day -and a bad case of buck fever.
Two police uniforms were dam-
aged and the feelings of four blue-
coated huntsmen ruffled by a six
pronged albino buck with a flair for
stirring up international complica-
The deer was sighted recently in
Windsor, Ont., and evidently swam
the Detroit River last night to prance
into the jurisdiction of Lieut. Neige-
baur of headquarters station.
Officers Warren Raby and Leon
Risher were dispatched in response
to an excited voice which telephoned
that a white deer was running loose
downtown here at 2 a.m.
After a chase down a railroad sid-
ing, the patrolmen gingerly ap-
proached the deer. The animal rip-
ped Raby's uniform with its antlers,
leaped over the hood of the scout car
and vanished.
Patrolmen Joseph Buehler and
Richard Stanlake took up the chase.
They cornered the deer, but it bound-
ed gracefully over Buerler's head,
knocked Stanlake down, ripping his
uniform, and escaped.
"You fellows are terrible deer
hunters," said Lieut. Neigebaur.
Chain Store Tax Is
Upheld By Courts
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15. - (4P) -
The validity of the Michigan chain
store tax was, in effect, upheld Mon-
day by the supreme court.
At the request of counsel of all
parties to the controversy, the court
dismissed an appeal by the C. F.
Smith Co. and 20 other corporations
and 15 individuals challenging the
No explanation was offered of the
reason for the dismissal. The Mich-
igan supreme court has sustained the
gtraduated annual license tax on
chain stores running from $10 for
each store in excess of one, when
not more than three are operated_
under the same ownership or con-
trol, to $250 for each store in excess
of 25.
Today & Thursday
First Ann Arbor Showing

DETROIT, Oct. 15. -(P) -More
than 5,000 physicians and surgeons,
most of them general practitioners
- the present-day counterparts of
the "old family doctor"-are going
to school in Detroit this week to learn
the newest developments in their pro-
Their classes are clinics and lec-
tures by eminent specialists, and con-
stitute the twentieth annual assembly
of the Inter-State Post Graduate
Girl's Slayer To
Boe traced By
IRONTON, O., Oct. 15.-(W) -
Lawrence County officials who said
Ralph Fulmer, 24, confessed attack-
ing Miss Helen Shannon, 40, before
she was found slain Oct. 2, planned
today to take imprints of the youth's
Fulmer, a member of a CCC camp
who was arrested Saturday faced ar-
raignment today on a first degree
murder charge filed by the dead
woman's sister, Miss Elizabeth Shan-
The imprint of the youth's teeth
was to be compared with tooth marks
found by a fingerprint expert near
Miss Shannon's mouth.
Police Chief Dennis Callihan quot-
ed Fulmer as saying he did not kill

Medical 'Association of North Amer-
ica, an organization which has be-
come international in its scope,
Modern miracles of muscle-graft-
ing which enable child victims of
infantile paralysis to walk again were
described by Dr. Frank R. Ober of
the Harvard Medical school.
He explained the surgical tech-
nique by which a paralyzed foot
muscle might be replaced with a
nearby tendon not affected by the
Dr. Charles A. Elliott of the North-
western University Medical school re-
ported results he had obtained in
operations to reduce excessive thyroid
activity in patients over 50. He said
the method of treatment he described
had been applied successfully in the
cases of patients over 80, and was
found to increase tolerance to chronic
heart ailments.
Dr. George J. Heuer of Cornell de-
scribed his experiences in diagnosing
tumors of the chest region. He told
of their removal and of treatment by
The development of different types
of treatment for diabetic variations
shown to exist through exact methods
of blood analysis was predicted by
Dr. John P. Peters of Yale. Dr.
Peters discussed blood chemistry.
the stenographer, whose body was
found in a vacant lot. The chief
said the youth asserted the woman
struck her head on a curb stone as
she fell after he hit her with his fist.







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