As Others See It
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Pot Versus
Kettle. ..
T HE BATTLE between the Detroit
- Free Press and the University of
Michigan journalism department leaves us com-
pletely unmoved.
What's it for anyway -last place?
Hell Week...
More Fuzz Than Fire
EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Bingay's "Good Morning"
column from Tuesday's Detroit Free Press is here
reprinted in full.
CANNOT GO ALONG all the way with Mr.
Hearst's vigorous campaign against the Com-
munistic menace because I find elements of the
quixotic in it; yet after my Sunday night experi-
ence I am satisfied that there is enough of a
smudge to warrant a belief that there might even-
tually be a fire.
If there is no such danger Mr. Hearst's campaign
does no harm; if there is, then he is doing a real
public service (much as I dislike to admit it).
I do not think there is so much of a "red
menace" in our colleges as there is immature
thinking by teachers suffering from arrested in-
telligence. If universities could pay their teachers
salaries somewhat in keeping with that paid foot-
ball coaches they could command the services of
more capable men and the crackpots - as Al Smith
calls them-would be eliminated.
To get to the Sunday night affair. I was asked by
the Central M. E. Church to address the congrega-
tion on "The Freedom of the Press." I consented
as it is a subject close to my heart. When I arried
I found that aeyoungfllow naimed Maurer -
Wesley Maurer-- a professor at the University o
Michigan School of Journahium, wes also scheduled
to speak.
"Are we to debate?" he asked the Rev. Dr. Black
who presided over the services.
"Oh, no," the good Doctor assured hinm, "there
should be no debate." The idea of a debate in a
Sunday church service was far from his mind.
I spoke first and told of the fight of the American
press against Gin'ral Johnson's efforts to license
the newspapers; and told again the age-old story
3f the struggle for freedom of expression. Mr.
Maurer was then called upon.
His speech satisfied me that Mr. Hearst was not
altogether wrong. I do not think young Maurer is
a Communist; rather he is a Tugwellian emotion-
alist who makes up for a lack of logic with a com-
?lete faith in his own ill-formed opinions.
For half an hour he assailed the newspapers of'
America with all the fiery zeal of a soapbox orator'
:n Bug House Square, Chicago. As he mentioned
:ne as the personification of all his trumped up vil-
ainy, I slowly got the idea that I was being called a
murderer, a thief, a liar, a robber of widows, a
poisoner of wells, an enemy of my Country. I was
he one who robbed blind men of their pennies
md burned the orphan asylums. My summer vaca-
ions were spent in blowing up excursion boats
filled with happy-hearted little children. I was a
fiend in human form.
What all this had to do with freedom of the press
' was never made quite clear to the audience, as the
young man's vehemence robbed him at times of
The burden of his complaint, when he mentioned
'is subject at all, was that the newspapers of
he United States wanted freedom for themselves
1ut-did not want anybody else to have any. As proof
at this he pointed out that the newspapers did not
;ush to the defense of the syndicalists and the
Communists, give them aid and comfort and print
their vagaries.
The indignant Rev. Black sent me a note asking
ne if I did not want to answer him. I did, briefly.
There are about 200 radical newspapers pub-
lished in the United States (See Scribner's article,
January issue.) They say anything they desire.
'o American newspaper has ever protested against
heir publication or sought to curb them. They
have the same freedom of press that any other pub-
ication has. That is in keeping with our Constitu-
ion. Freedom of the press means that anybody can
ay anything he wants to say - within the estab-
ished law - in a newspaper or a handbill.
But the strange thing about all these radical
newspapers is that they do not get any circula-
tion. The auto workers' vote shows that there is
:nly a small handful of Communists in all Detroit.
"If Mr. Maurer thinks that his sygdicalist and
cmmunist friends are not getting all the atten-
ion they deserve in the way of exploitation," I said,
'why doesn't he start a newspaper for them? It
would not take much money and his brilliance
would brinm'such an immediate response he would
let a big circulation and make it a paying propo-
sition. Newspapers have to have money to exist
and their only known method of getting money is%
through a profit.
Freedom of the press begins and ends with the
tight to print. As Voltaire said, I said to Maurer.
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I
will defend to the death your right to say it."
I will go along with Mr. Hearst this far: I would
not want to send a boy of mine to the University of
Michigan to have him take a course in journalism
under a teacher with such fuzzy opinions on funda-
mental American principles, or one so lacking in
poise and good taste.
Young Mr. Maurer is a mere incident. I don't
think he could long influence a sensible boy with
his hymn of hate against the established order.
But what I'm wondering is how many more are
there out in Ann Arbor like him? What are the
taxpayers of Michigan paying for?
What, in fact, is the School of Journalism at
Michigan teaching the young men and women that
are sent out there? Many a city editor wonders,
Iyear after year. Who is there on the school faculty
with proper newspaper training? Is Mr. Maurer
representative of the rest of the crowd?
Does the head of the law department teach his
pupils law without being a lawyer? And does he
teach law, or does he crusade against windmills?
Does the head of the medical school know any-
thing about medicine or does he spend his time
I assailing the established schools of medicine?
The answer is, of course, that in both cases the
1 students are taught law and medicine and taught
i1 1 themwe 11.
A student at Cornell University had an awful
ime getting to sleep nights. Time after time,
be would turn in, only to toss about, sleepless,
until morning. He abstained from coffee and
cigaiettes and took all the favorite remedies
of his friends, but nothing seemed to help him.
Finally he catne across someone who laughed
at his4ale of woe.
"I used to be troubled the same way," this
fellow said, "but now I know wh t t o for it.
I keep a pint of good whisky in my ram, and
every night I take five or six shots at regular
"And that puts you to sleep?" the sufferer
"No, but it makes Mn. saisfied to stay
awake," was the quick re .
The old question of whether slang is all right
came up recently at the University of Oklahoma.
An English professor there said "emphatically no"
while an instructor in anthropology remarked: "I
wouldn't like to lecture without slang. It would be
to damn dull." The only cormment of'the headline
.writ' of the Daily Oklahom w as, "ah, nertz."
S fre2 r ic the L6rre
eO 'Aly recived an "A in a ce~is pbl
~:ak'ng. A::kci on a ir: t o :dc i he arac-
stics of an ideal spech, he aus e ;-d that it1
Iuld be "likr a woma's ki -hmn enough
tG cver the subject, ad so cnuh to be
Women are notoriously lacking, in a sense of
humor, but we must .laud this co-ed from the
University of Iowa.
During a campus convention dates were pro-
vided for some of the down-country boys, and one
of the boys was presented with a buxom lass for
the evening. During the ensuing conversation he
caught the phrase "Margaret Hall" and associated
it with his new partner. As the evening wore on,
he introduced her to his friends as "Margaret Hall"
and as she said nothing, he presumed that the
name was correct.
But he didn't need a halo to make his face
shine when someone told him that "Margaret Hall"
was a women's dormitory.
Here's an ad appearing in the Chicago Law
Bulletin: 'Northwestern '34: young attorney
with Ceasar's ambition, Plato's wisdom, De-
mosthenes' oratory, seeks law firm connec-
ON - ---- - 0 -
If you moved this semester,
why not let your friends know
your new address? The Daily
Classified Columns will print
your ehange of address for
a special cash rate of only 20c.
Avail yourself of this oppor-
tunity NOW by calling at the
Student Publications Bldg.,
420 Maynard Street.
I e a n tta a
:' r .
- -1- -, , - L- ;.&- I '- -
ure up to the University standards
and regulations in the control of Hell Week? Will
the University have to step in and "help them
help themselves" as they have on several other
occasions this year?
The fraternities failed in their responsibilities in
regards to finances, they failed in maintaining
proper scholastic standings, they failed in their
social responsibilities. Now with the coming again
of that period which has so appropriately been
dubbed Hell Week the fraternities might find.
or the University will reveal to them, that they
cannot parallel University standards in that field.
There is bound to come a day when a thoughtless
Hell Week rank will develop into a real tragedy.
When that time comes the University will act and
act with the same swiftness and sureness they did
in relation to social, financial, and scholastic
Some house members will stoutly assert that
their Hell Weeks have a definite principle. "We
must teach them that they are freshmen," one
fraternity man said. Dr. Forsythe cited a case
yesterday where a house once so thoroughly taught
a freshman his place that he became temporarily
mentally maladjusted. Last year a broken arm, a
bursted blood vessel the year before, an automobile
accident the year before that. Fortunately no per-
manent ill effects have resulted to date, but luck
can't last forever.
The question cannot be decided by the indi-
vidual houses, nor was it decided by Dean Bur-
sley's request last year that fraternities keep all
Hell Week activities within the houses. The ques-
tion must be decided by the supposedly best qual-
ified group -the Interfraternity Council. This is
the fraternity legislative body and its most mo-
mentous piece of business accomplished this year
was the imposition of a 50-cent rushing tax.
We ask this group to "clean up" Hell Week
in as positive a manner as the University has done
its sweeping.
We suggest the following revisions if the Hel
Amonr1-.,110c- - a -m1prntaa -1"(1) (Prin l
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief. the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
N.S.L. Rebuttal (Cont.)
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second and conclud-
ing part of Mr. Fisch's lengthy answer to Captain
Pack's letter of Feb. 1.3. The opening salvo was fired
To the Editor:
(3) As to the question of offensive and de-
fensive wars. It is in this connection that Captain
Pack unleashes a most astoundingly naive belief.
He states, with all the unwavering dogmatism
of a Tennessee Methodist's belief in Genesis, that
the United States is definitely pledged not to
fight any offensive war! Upon what existing facts
does Captain Pack base this beautiful theory?
Another fact. Who is to decide, when the drums
begin to roll whether the war is "offensive" or "de-
fensive?" Does Captain Pack think that the people
of the United States knew they were conducting
an offersive war to insure the profits of Amer-
ican investors in the last war? Of course not!
They were supposed to be making the "world
safe for democracy." They were "crushing the bar-
barian Hun," etc.
This oversimplification of the complicated im-
perialistic war situation into "defensive" and
"offensive" wars is a very clever move. But it is
just another old Army game. It's pretty crooked.
They are still trying to find the so--called "offend-
ing" nation in the last war. But it is a hopeless
search. Each of the bolligerent nations claims
the sancti.y of a "defensive" war to save the
fatherland, etc. And each kettle keeps calling the
other pot black.
(4) Captain Pack next produces some facts
which are supposed to utterly confound and put
to rout all the anti-war "theories" (so Captain
Pack calls them) of the N.SL. He states that
far better men than either the captain or myself
have died for the flag. Quite so! That's just the
point. One of the most tragic sides to modern war
is the great number of men whose services to
humanity could be of inestimable value but who
give their lives vainly for what they consider to
be their flag and all that it should imply. Hollow
mockery! One does not sneer at the flag as such.
One does not sneer at all. One only laughs bitterly
at the irony of a system which prostitutes the
symbol of one's great ideals to the furtherance of
its own selfish ends.
But the youth of the world are not going to be
led so easily into another blood-splurge: Look at
the recent student peace poll conducted by the
Literary Digest. The majority of students are op-
posed to war. Last year 25,000 students struck
against war on April 5. This year double that
number will strike. More and more students are
looking for an organization that will express and
concretize their anti-war sentiments into action.
I Th N. T. is such an omnnization. So then. Bill
Last Five Months- February to June
On Sa'le Wi hl Magazine