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February 27, 1935 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-02-27

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a as a- a a aa *-1 - .7 a a1sL a
Ward To Seek N''ew Hurdle Mark In Last Home, Indoo:_

C t UG rL .R&


'esent Mark Bagpipes Wail And After Hurdle Mark
las Withstood Brooms Sweep 4 s - ::
Curlers Put On Act
Many Assaults_ *:::.


Moves To Boston



Wolverine Negro Star Set
Up Field House Record
During 1934
Willis Ward, in his final indoor ap-
pearance at home as a Wolverine
competitor, will try for a new Yost
Field House record in the 65-yard
high hurdles against Ohio State Sat-
urday night, a mark which would
probably stand indefinitely as a record
of the man who is generally accepted
as the greatest all-around track star
ever to compete for Michigan, it was
announced yesterday by Coach
Charlie Hoyt.
Holder of the present record at 8.2
seconds, Ward has been concentrating
on the event throughout the week,
Hoyt said, and will make a serious as-
sault on the mark which was estab-
lished and has stood in the face of the
toughest competition in the country.
Ward established the present rec-
ord last year, scaling it down from
the 8.4 seconds mark which he had
tied as a freshman, and has tied his
best time twice in competition during
the current season.
Stars Tried For Mark
The present record was established
after the former mark had withstood
the onslaughts of practically all the
best hurdlers which the Western Con-
ference has offered, including the
stars who gave the Big Ten a practical
corner on the outstanding hurdling
talent of the country for many years.
Among the hurdling stars of the
Conference who have run are Jack
Keller and Dick Rockaway, the flying
Buckeyes, DeHart Hubbard and Haw-
ley Eggleston, past Michigan stars,
and Lee Sentman of Illinois.
Only George Saling, of Iowa, one
of the greatest hurdlers ever to com-
pete, did not make an onslaught on
the Field House record while compet-
ing in the Conference.
Will Compete In Three Events
Other non-Conference stars who
have competed in the Field House are
Eugene Beatty, Michigan State Nor-
mal's 400-meter hurdles star, and Red
Simmons, another Huron hurdler.
No world's record is recognized at
the 65-yard distance, the race being
rut: at odd distances, with 70-yards
the recognized distance in the Confer-
ence team meet.
Ward will also enter the 65-yard
low hurdles Saturday, and the 60-yard
dash, but will not be entered in the
high jump. It was in the high jump
that Ward established his greatest
reputation while still in high school,
leaping 6 feet, 6 inches.
A heel injury, incurred in an indoor
meet this year, has kept the big star
from his favorite event, but has not
materially handicapped him in his
sprinting and hurdling.
Owens Not Satisfied
With Latest Record
COLUMBUS, O., Feb. 26. - P) -
Jesse Owens,,Ohio State University's
"Ebony Antelope," said today he
wishes he'd had some practice for
that new broad jump record he made
in New York last Saturday night.
With a little preliminary training
here he might have exceeded 26 feet,
thinks the yopng Negro track star.
As it was, he set a new world's in-
door mark of 25 feet, nine inches in
the National Senior A.A.U. meet in
Madison Square Garden, breaking by
almost six inches the record he set
a year ago.
Jesse, nominated by Track Coach
Larry Snyder as the greatest piece
of running and jumping machinery
in the country, doesn't have a chance
to train for the jump during winter
months. The Ohio State track team
works out on the lee side of the big
Buckeye gridiron stadium, the huge
piece of concrete acting as a wind-
breaker and nothing more.

Coach Ray Fisher has issued a
call for all Varsity baseball can-
didates to report in the Field
House any afternoon this week.
Upon reporting, the men are to
sign up and list their last after-
noon class to enable Coach Fisher
to draw up a batting practice
schedule. Batting practice will
begin in the cages next Monday,
March 4.


To the strident wailing of bag-pipes
and shouts of "Soop 'er up!" ("sweep
like the devil!") 70 members of the
Detroit Curling Club exhibited the
ancient Scottish pastime before 500
slowly congealing spectators at the
Coliseum last night.
The Old Man was there, smoking
(?) the usual unkempt cigar and also{
curling a stone or two at unwary cus-
tomers. A lot of faculty members
were also there, trying to explain the
game to cynical-looking wives. One,
apparently inclined toward socialism,
was explaining gravely that the
"sweeps" were called "workers" when
we walked behind him. His term was
descriptive, at least. The sweeps
whipped along the ice with a sort of
gliding side-step madly sweeping the
ice in front of the sliding stones with
willowy brooms.
Many and varied were the com-
ments they evoked, one woman re-
marking that "they'd certainly be
great at sweeping the snow off the
front stoop on a cold Sunday morn-
One old Indian curling on rink one
must have been the grandpappy of
all good curlists. All the vets had!
their plaid jackets plentifully garnish-
ed with medals, but our hero's coat
resembled nothing more than a coat
of chain mail, and some of the trink-
ets had even -overflowed to his over-
seas cap, in which he wore a chick-
en's tail-feather at a jaunty angle.
This ancient son of the Border could
bay more loudly at the inoffensive
"sweeps" and knock opponent's stones
out with greater success than any of
the others, so we conceded him the

~ m


be superior to the amateur game
but only as the professionals repre-
-ent mature development of the prin-
ciples upon which the amateur sport
is based, according to Billy Thom,
.,oach of the Indiana wrestling team,
which defeated Michigan here Satur-
clay, and probably the best-qualified
:man in the country to compare the
£wo games.
Thorn, one of the most successful
college coaches in the country, having
produced the Big Ten team cham-
Pions for the last four years and
saving lost but one Conference dual
meat in seven years, terms himself "a
professional, amateur-minded," for he
's also professional junior middle-
weight champion of the world.
Amateur wrestling, however, based
upon the fundamentals of balance,
leverage, and timing, represents to
Thom the finest of all competition,
and only as professional wrestling rep-
resents the development of those
principles does he see it as superior
to the amateur sport.

Willis Ward, Michigan's great all-
round track and football star, will
make an attempt to break his own
Yost Field House record in the 65-yard
high hurdles in his final home indoor
appearance against Ohio State Satur-
day night.
Big 10's Big 10
Bill Haarlow will have just one
more chance to pass Joe Rieff's in-
dividual scoring record when the Chi-,
cago team closes its season against
Wisconsin next week. To make a'
new mark the Maroon ace also willj
have to break this year's scoring rec-
ord of 23 points.
On the other hand, Bob Kessler
has a good chance to surpass the old
mark if he continues at the same pace
that he has set for himself in the last
few games. The Anderson flash will
have to make 36 points in two games
to pass the record.
The latest additions to the leading
ten are Bob Riegel of Illinois and
Kenneth Gunning of Indiana, who
have replaced Cottom of Purdue and

-Associated Press Photo.
Babe To lay,


Today is the last day for entrants
to sign up for the badminton doubles
tournament. The number of en-
trants is exceptionally large for a
tournament of this kind. Interest
seems to have been aroused through
the teaching of badminton in the
regular physical education class un-
der the direction of Miss Hilda Burr.
Through this system many who ordin-
arily would never have learned the
game have become skilled' players.
Gertrude Morris, '35Ed., is the stu-
dent manager and should be gotten
in touch with for further details.
The ping pong tournament has been
drawn and is posted on the bulletin
board at Barbour Gym. The first
round matches are to be played by
Monday, March 4. A match consists
of winning two out of three games.
Each game is 21 points. The winner
is responsible for recording her scoreI
and getting in touch with her oppon-

Time alone offers the possibility Hep M na e
Thom, who points out that the
youngest world champion ever to Be Executive
hold the title was 27, and professional
wrestling's value comes as it allows
the time for development beyond the NEW YORK, Feb. 26 -(.P)- Babe
period usually devoted to the sport Ruth today cast his baseball future
by amateurs. with the Boston Braves.
The commercialism in professionali.
wrestling which insists, upon "color" Given his free and unconditional
does not add or detract materially release by the New York Yankees, as
from the game, Thom says, for the the climax of a swift, dramatic series
effect is largely upon the crowds of negotiations, the 41-year-old slug-
which demand that "color," althoughofegtiationst eroldaslug-
the necessity of supplying the "show" ger quickly came to terms on a three-
often forces the wrestlers to neglect year contract as player, assistant
his fundamentals, manager and second vice-president of
The most successful of the profes- the Boston National League Club.
sionals, however, Thom points out, are Bis to National League
those who have mastered the funda- His shift to the National League,
inentals. ' where he will return to the town that
One of the greatest wrestlers who first hailed him as a great southpaw
ever lived, according to Thom, is pitcher 21 years ago, came as a start-
Farmer Burns who once observed that ling blow to American Leaguers to
he did not reach his prime until he whom Ruth has been an idol during
was 50 years old, illustrating the su- his glamorous record-smashing career
preme importance of the fundamen- as a slugger.
tals which Munn had mastered. It was revealed that two American
Weight and strength are of mini- League club owners were reluctant to
mum importance as compared with give Col. Jacob Ruppert their consent
the three fundamentals, Thom says, to let the Babe go, even though the
pointing out that Burns never weighed big fellow was entitled to his uncon-
more than 165 pounds, and could take ditional release as a ten-year man.
any man at any weight. They yielded only when it was made
Ihom himself received his early clear that no club in the league - ex-
wrestling training in the school con- cept the Yankees - had any propo-
ducted by Burns and his early idol sition to offer Ruth this season.
was Joe Stetcher, who lived near TheodelRuas thssean
Thom's Nebraska home. Thom later The deal was closed and formally
wrestled at the University of Iowa announced after a final conference
before entering the professional field, attended by Ruth, Col. Ruppert, own-
and his chief devotion is still to the er of the Yankees, and Emil E. Fuchs,
amateur sport, president of the Braves.
As A nrnfnccinnAoI 'Tnm hoc At


Baker of Minnesota.
Haarlow, f, Chicago.50
Kessler, f, Purdue. .49
Barko, f, Iowa ....50
Whitlinger, f, O.S.U..46
Froschauer, f, Ill... .34
Kehrt, f, Indiana . .34
Gunning, g, Indiana. 33
Riegel, c, Illinois . .28
Blackmer, c, Iowa . .26
Wilson, f, O.S.U. , .33





u c eves.1Ilini

' ,

House managers are reminded that /2
all matches in the bowling tourna- Fo
ment up to the quarter final round Remaf yinngao
must be played off by Saturday of ()
this week. Each manager is respons- For Cage Team
ible for getting in touch with therT
opposing house, and registering theE
resulting score and the names of the Three days of practice and two
players on the bulletin board at the more games remain before Michigan's,
Women's Athletic Building. cagers hang up their uniforms and
try to forget about a most uneventful
Freshman Track Team season. Saturday, the Wolverines will
tangle with Ohio State at Columbus;
To Clash With Buckeyes Monday they will conclude their ac-
Michigan's freshman track squad, tivities on the home court against
under Coach Ken Doherty, will open Illinois.
the telegraphic-meet season this Illinois holds a one-third interest
week-end, meeting a freshman team in a second place tie in the Conference
from Ohio State. standings, while the Buckeyes are
The Wolverine frosh this year will j one-half game behind.
be strong in the shot put, 440-yard If the Gods of Fate smile for Mich-
run, and distance events, according to igan and Chicago doesn't win its final
Doherty. Steve Mason in the quarter- game, the Wolverines will be spared
mile has been the outstanding per-, the ignominy of finishing in the Big
former in the early trials. Ten cellar.
Mason has run the quarter mile in The Wolverines figured prominent-
51.7 seconds without extensive train- ly in two important developments in
ing for the event, according to Do- their last two games with Wisconsin
herty. The freshman record for the thIoat tgaesawitheis s
run is 51.5 seconds. and Iowa. Last Saturday, the Maize
Bob Copper, with a throw of over and Blue provided the momentum for
40 feet, and Harold Schroeder in the Wisconsin's jump into the Big Ten
shot put, Ray Fink and Bill Staehle lead by losing to the Badgers, 33 to 19.
in the middle-distance and distance Iowa's seven-game losing streak,
events have also made good records. which even included a loss to Chica-

tempted to combine the fundamentals
of the amateur game with the color
necessary for success professionally.
With such a style Thom uses the or-
thodox fundamentals to wear his op-
Ponent down, he says, then uses a
spectacular hold to pin his opponent.
go, came to an end Monday night
when Michigan folded up in the sec-
ond half to lose, 37 to 25.
Although prospects for victories in
the two remaining games are slim,
Coach Cappon is still trying to find
a more effective combination. Mich-
igan's lineup for the Ohio State game
will probably include three revisions.
Evans, formerly a guard, and Tamag-
no will be at the forwards for Meyers
and Plummer, the latter two having
performed poorly in the last two
games. Rudness, whose speed and
elusiveness is somewhat offset by his
inaccurate shooting, will play the
guard post vacated by Evans.




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