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February 22, 1935 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-02-22

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RUARY 22, 1935



Coal Dumped In Chicago Strike

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday.


[lassified Directory


be given Saturday morning, Feb.
at 9 o'clock, in 3221 A.H.


Army aviator fiances ied in Italy There is a small balance adaiabl
last week. for allotment by this Committee
The two - Elizabeth du Bois, 23 Members of the faculty desiring to
years old, and Jane du 'Bois, 20, make requests for s t
daughters of the consul general atmakedrequethrpecia grants axe
Naples - fell 3,000 terrifying feet. asked to have their requests in th
hands of the Librarian by noon of
Workmen found their broken bodies aus eb. 26.
half buried by the impact. y'V-. W. Bishop, Librarian
Inseparable as twins in life, the _..s_ ,br_
two were alone together in their ren- Student Loans: The Loan Commit-
dezvous with death. They paid six
fares to reserve every seat aboard the tee will meet Monday, Feb. 25,at 1:30
Hillman Airways transport plane p.m., in Room 2, University Hall. Stu-
-whose pilot, J. Kirton, thought he dents who have already filed applica-
was flying the sisters to Paris. tions with the Office of the Dean of
Students should call there for an ap-
pointment with the Committee.
S J. A..Bursley,.Chairman
Student Employment Bureau, Room
2, University Hall:
AT TIlE MICHIGAN All students registered with the
"ROMANCE IN MANHATTAN" Bureau, in both the general and the
FERA divisions, are requested to bring
Romance In Manhattan," co-star- their records up to date by adding
ring: Francis Lederer and Ginger Rogers,
and featuring David .HohlSidney their second semester clasdschedules,
Tuler, and others. Also a cart~oon, "'Bud- and also any changes of. address. This
dy's Theatre," a brevity, "See, See, Sen-
orit," and a historical short about is important.
Dixienan," and a news reelJ. A. Bursley, Dean of Students
Francis Lederer, ,Who is described in
previews of coming attractions as "the Students Now Eligible to Apply For
matinee idol of a million women" does Candidacy for a Degree are asked to
prove to be a charming co-star, and call for their slips in Room 4 U. H.
it is not difficult to perceive 1xow the,
fair sex is made .totfall, figuratively Acae mic Notices
speaking, at his feet. When Ledrer
is paired off with a beautiful young Make-up Final Examination in Bot-
star of the proven worth of Ginger any I wif be held on Saturday morn-
Rogers, an entertaining, if not note- ing, March 2, from 9 to 12 in Room
worthy, film is bound to result. "Ro- 2003 N. S. This will be the only
mance in Manhattan" is not strong make-up final examination for this
on plot; it concerns itself simply course to be given this semester.
enough with the adventures of a ____
youthful and handsome Czech imrni- Make-up Examination in English
ry illewh perfore enters the co n 159 (Professor Campbell's class) will
pretty young showgirl.
Those who remember the profound
impressions made here last spring
by the continental "idol" Walter Sle-
zak willhave little difficulty in Ad- Today - Saturday
miring the same characteristics in ~T R SD N
Lederer. Those who saw him withTEPRES ]DEN T
myopic Joan Bennett in "The Pursuit VAN ISH ES"
of Happiness" will appreciate his - an
peal. "Romance in Manhattan," is on ,RA YFO LOVE"
the whole, recommended as more d tSun. - Mon. - Tues.,
tan aequaeMyrna Loy - W . Powell
The shorts are of a rather high I yna Loy Win. Pol
calibre. The American historical squibE L nP
is interesting for its propagandizing aDIONNEQUINTUPLETS"
technique. -G.M.W.,J. I O
DAILY 15c TO 6 P.M. - 25c AFTER 6
W t
"T ersw>rx w iI ti if A D ,1 Y A r T? T1 TC

Zoology 31 (Organic Evolution): '*** '.
A supplementary examination for 1
those who missed the final will be!
held Saturday, March 2, at 9 a.m., in;
Room 2103 N. S.t
Psycholoby 31: For those who.
missed the final examination last se-I
mester a make-up will be given Wed-
nesday evening, Feb. 27, from 7 to Ut
10 in Room 3126, N. S.
History Make-up Examinations:
The make-up examinations in all,
history courses will be held at 9 a.m.,
Saturday, March 2,in Room C, Haven.
All students who have to take such
an examination must make arrange-
ments with their instructor before,
Wednesday, Feb. 27.
Dr. Aga-Oglu will give a talk on
Persian Miniature Painting in con-
nection with the present exhibit on:
Friday, March 1, at 4 o'clock in Alum-
ni Memorial Hall. Public is cordially j *
Events Today
Junior Engineerg Finance Com-
mittee and Class Olficers: There will
be an important meeting at the Un-
ion at 5 p.m.
Army and Navy Club dinner tonight
at the Michigan Union, 6:30. Major
A. B. Quinton, Ord. Dept.. U.S.A., will A shooting and iany lesser act
be the speaker. . a strike called in Chicago by a unio
ers, against coal merchants. Truck
Riflery for Women: The rifle range dumped in the streets, as shown ab
r at Palmer Field House will be open accident to a police squad car which
today from 4 to 6 o'clock.trrit-
t rrzrists.
A Tobogganing and Skiing Party"
will be sponsored by the U-M Outdoor Bu sy U niversity
Club this afternoon at the Arboretum.
The group will leave the Women's I
Field House at 2 p.m. and later re- Obscurity Of
turn for refreshments. Any student
interested is invited. Will those who
have their own equipment please By JOSEPH YAGER
bring it, as our supply is limited. One would not expect to find one
of the busiest departments of the
SComingUniversity in a corner of the Main
Coming Events Library basement next to the fan
Alpha: Epsilon Mu: Regular supper room and surrounded by piles of
meeting at 6 p.m., Sunday, Russian baled waste paper. However, such
Tea Room of the League. is actually the case, for in ,these
somewhat unimposing surroundings
Cosmopolitan Club meeting at 8 is carried on the important photo-
p.m. Saturday, Feb. 23, in Stalker stat work of the University Library
Hall. Dean C. S. Yoakum, of the The location of the department,
Graduate School, will speak. The Miss Alvina M. Wooford who is in
program of Norwegian singing by Mrs. charge of the work explained, has
Koella and refreshments will follow, nothing to do with the extent or
All foreign students and American+ quality of the work done, but was so
friends will be cordially-welcome. chosen only in order to insure safety
____from vibrations. The work done by
Cthe photostat room of the library.
Contemporary: All members of the she continued, demands a much
Business Staff are requested to at- greater degree of accuracy than is
tend an important meeting at the neaersrenodary thmeris
Student Publications Building, Sat- photography.
urday, Feb. 23, at 2 p.m. If it is im- The photostat room in the library
possible to attend, call Helen Sprague,
23281, at once. _ _the afternoon. After supper the group
All Women Students: There will be will learn old fashioned dances.
a skating party leaving the Women's Ann Arbor Stamp Club will hold an
Athletic Building Saturday at two xhnnborSa ndlbaniuehlda-
o'clock. Bring your own skates. Skat- exhibition bourse and banquet Sat-
ing will be either at the Coliseum or urday afternoon, Feb. 23, Michigan
Burn's Park. Union. All welcome.
Allied Youth Costume Party, Sat-
Elective Tap Class: A class in tap urday, 8:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Prizes
dancing for men and women students for funniest and best costume.
will be held in Barbour Gymnasiumf-s
on Tuesday evenings at 7:30, begin- Study Group of the Michigan
ning Tuesday, Feb. 26. A small fee Dames will meet Monday evening at
will be charged to cover the cost of D
wleusich e c r o 8 o'clock, Michigan League. Prof. Roy
the music. J. Burroughs, of the Economics De-
partment, will speak on "The Cur-
Swimming Club - Women Stu- rency System."
dents: Practices for the meet with
Ypsilanti, which is to be held on Lutheran Student Club will meet
March 2, will be held on Saturday, Sunday evening at 5:30 o'clock in the
Feb. 23, at 9:30, at the Union Pool. parish hall of the Zion Lutheran
Church, Washington Street. The
Outing For Graduate Students: All topics for discussion will be "The Ex-
graduate students who are interested periences of Jesus" and "Expression
are welcome to come on the Graduate of Jesus' Character." Supper will be
Outing Club trip to the Boy Scout served promptly at 6 o'clock.l
cabin at Scio Saturday afternoon and
evening. No regular membership is Hillel Foundation: Sabbath evening
required by the club, which wishes services will be held at the Founda-

simply to give graduate students such tion at 7:30 p.m. The class in Tal-
opportunities as this. The group will mudic personalities will be conducted
meet at Lane Hall at 2:30. Trans- by Dr. Heller immediately following
portation and supper will be provided the services. The biography which
at a cost of 35 cents. If the weather will be discussed tonight issthat of
permits, there will be winter sports in: Rabbi Akiba.
it's 25c until 2 P.M.
on Sindays only!

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance lle per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephone rate -15c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
10% discount if'paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract, per line -2 lines daily, one
month ..................8c
4 lines .E.OD., 2 months..........c
2 lines daily, college year.......7c
4 lines E.OJY., college year.......7c
100 lines used as desired........c
300 lines used as desired.........Sc
1,000 lines used as desired.......7c
2,000 lines used as desired... ..6.c
The above rates are per reading line,
.aeonegt redn lns prich.

LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price.


STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006.
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main . 7x


Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capital LOST: Log Log Duplex slide rule.
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add Name of owner in case. Liberal re-
l0c per line to above rates for bold face ward for return. Tel. 2-1003.
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7% point -_--- _ _---
type, le .FOUND: A man's white evening scarf
in Engineering Bldg. Owner may
TYPEWRITING have by calling 2-3342. 115
GRAPHING promptly and neatly, -
done in our own shop by experi- 'NEW AND USED CARS - Largest
enced operators at moderate rates. selection in the country. Associated
O. D. Morrill's Typewriter and Sta- Motor Services, Inc. 317 W. Huron.
tionery Store, 314 S. State Street. Ph. 2-3268. "Let's get acquainted."
11x lox

-Associated Press Photo.
s :f violence marked the opening of
n of teamsters, chauffeurs and help-
drivers were coerced and coal was
)ve. Below is the scene of a strange
twas wrecked in the pursuit of strike

A Comedy Club Presentation
Department in In Review
e f lMinnie Boggs will amuse and de-
rary asem ent light you as she did her first audience
last night at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. She is a unique character,
here was one of the pioneers in this fresh, whimsical, almost fantastic,
sort of work for libraries, and during and made of the sort of thing which
the perikd of over fifteen years in makes an ordinary comedy spirited
which photostating has been done and backboned. .Her creator, Ray-
here, a large number of jobs involv- mon Van Sickle, has obviously slaved
ing the reproduction of whole books over her, has worked himself into
and newspaper files have been done many a lather about her, and is un-
Of the more interesting of these doubtedly proud of his results. But
larger jobs are the photostating of he should not consider himself
the files of the Kentucky Gazette,, through because "Why Minnie Boggs"
the first newspapei- to be published is not yet a finislhed production.
this side of the Allegheny Mts., and No one can deny that Mr. Van
of the Detroit Gazette, the first news- Sickle has an acute feeling for com-
paper in the territory that is now: edy. It is so acute that he overworks
Michigan. The Kentucky Gazette was 'it and strives so hard for a comic
in demand by a large number of ii- effect that the result is more crude
braries, and over twenty photostatic than subtle, more pushed than na-
copies of its files were made. Work of tural, and more striking than flowing.
I the above type is being done at pres- But his talents outweigh his short-
ent for the Middle English Dictionary comings, and one cannot help prais-
that is being compiled by the English ing his potentialities before consid-
department. Copies are being made of ering his mistakes.
a number of old books so that the "Why Minnie Boggs" is the story of
material in them may be available in a very homey but secretly expansive
a more legible and more easily han- young small town seamstress who has
dled form to the men working on dreams. In the first act she inherits
the dictionary. a large sum of money, an apartment
Another thing that is being done in New York, and a dog kennel on
at present in the photostat roonm is Long Island. Her friends are com-
the copying of a number of old vel- pletely abashed by her good fortune
lum pages in the possession of the and cannot understand her absurdly
library for Professor Lefort of the quaint outlook on the whole matter.
University of Louvain, Belgium. These However, the second act finds her in
pages are from manuscripts that were New York, the head of her own, ex-
formerly in the White Monastery clusive dress shop, hiring a press
which was located on the Sinai Pen- agent ,buying 50,004 yards of chiffon,
insula. It seems, Dr. William W. a race horse, and backing a musical
Bishop, librarian of the Universitya cmedy-rseand backing a mical
explained, ta fe hsmnse~ comedy - literally putting her finger
exlanethat after this monastery 'nt everything that comes to here
passed out of existence over a hun- into everythng thawom stocher
dred yasaoitsmncrpsfl mind (and these things always occur
into tyheahans of AabuscripteArab to her in her dreams). She has man-
knew that they could get moe fraaged to work all her old friends into
these manuscripts if they sold the her enterprises and has them about
pages separately than they could if her constantly reminding her of what
they sold each manuscript as a whole. a fool she is making of herself. But
Thus, the pages became separated she dreams on so steadfastly in her
and today are found in different li irrational and hilariously amusing
braries and museums all over the way that one is willing and eager to
world. Professor Lefort is trying to expect anything from her.
fit together the material that the The plot is subordinated by the
manuscripts contained by means of characterization of Minnie herself,
photostatic copies. and the fact ;that it is not unified may
The work of the photostat room, possibly be excused for this reason.
Miss Woodford explained,- is strictly However, there is a big jump between
of a non-commercial nature and is the first act and the rest of the play,
done for a }very small fee for anyone and the second act Minnie is some-
connected with the University. what puzzling in comparison to what

she was in the beginning. There is
need for a tying up of all the ele-
ments involved in this.
Comedy Club, under Mr. Van
Sickle's excellent direction, has creat-
ed a very pleasing production, and
most of the cast give extraordinary
performances. Of course, Minnie her-
self, as played by Evelyn Malloy, is
the'mainstay of the whole play, and
in creating the role as she has, Miss
Malloy puts herself in the top ranks.
Sarah Pierce, as Pearl Barton, proves
her versatility and turns in a grand
performance. William Dixon is stead-
fast as a dependable boy friend, and
David Zimmerman as the press agent,
puts a great deal of nerve into his
' --C.B.C.
GLASGOW, Mont., Feb. 21-(P)---
Two planes of the United States Ar-
my's "Arctic Patrol," grounded here
several days because of motor trouble
and other damage, may leave this
morning for St. Paul to rejoin the
CHRIS Says.:
That you haven't tasted a
real meal until you've tried
Small Rib Steaks 40c
Luncheon .... 35c
$6.16 WORTH for $5.00
Next to the Michigan Theatre
An unusual double-feature program
Shows at 2:00 - 4:48 - 7:00 - 9:48
-- ---nd --
Shows at 3:35 - 8:35
The Majestic brings you another
outstanding picturepraised by
evecry critic and ev ery audience
that has seen it
because he fell in
love with the pic-
ture of a girl he f
had, never see!

PERSONAL launciry service. We take
individual interest in the laundry
problems of our customers. Girls'
silks. wools, and fine fabrics guar-
anteed. Men's shirts our specialty.
Call ior and deliver. Phone 5594.
G11 E.Hoover, 2x

"Th Smash
Author of "THE BEST YE
SeeJt Before New YorI

11-01l4 r' 14++-4-0 10


H "i


k Does!


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