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May 29, 1935 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-29

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AY, MAY 29, 1935


All-Dental Ball
To Be Held In
Leaguie Tonight
Duane Yates' Orchestra
To Furnish Music For
First Annual Dance
The first All-Dental Ball will be
held tonight in the League ballroom.
The dance is being sponsored by the
members of the junior class of the
dental school and will honor the sen-
ior dental students. It is expected that

Nazirnova, Brent Appear In Shaw's Comedy

To Incorporate
Stanley Chorus
Under Leale

New Styles Decree Trip To Orient
Gay Ensembles In Will Be Taken
Latest Beach WearByPo so


________What goes to make up a bathing
suit? "As small an amount of cloth
Undergradluate (4oincil To as possible," declares the modern
Give Financial Supp ort vogue. The same question when ap-
plied to a beach costume, however,
For One Year calls for an entirely different answer.
While the conventional suit will re-
The Undergraduate Council of the main as brief as possible, the beach
Leage wll ivefinacia supor todress will take on an air as elaborate
Lheaey illUivernilsupty o- and gay as a fancy dress costume.
te' Staley Chors Univerity om-n So varied are the new creations in
en'sgle clu, fr a erid ofonedesign that a view of the beach will
year, it was decided in the last meet- serve to remind one of a scene from
ing of the council. The League will some midsummer romance. Here, for
also back the chorus in all its under- instance, is one of the new outfits.
takigs dringthe ear.It consists of a toga in sheerest white
ainsring t h ear. emn woolen thrown over a white bathing
Accodin t t he areeentsuit.
reached, the Stanley Chorus will Equally distinctive is an ensemble
be incorporated under the League of printed chintz trousers, a crepe
as one of its projec s and will scarf around the neck for a top and
receive support similar to, that ex- an enormous straw hat to set it off.
tended to the class activities. The The trousers, loose and full, are held
chorus will also adopt the inerit sys about the raist (by a ribbon band
tem for the choice of officers which is which ties at the back.


this dance will become an annual
affair and one of the outstanding
functions of the school year. It will
be similar to the yearly Crease dance
given by the lawyers, the Caduceus
dance sponsored by the medical stu-
dents, and the Slide Rule dance given
by the engineers.
Crowd Is Expected
"A capacity crowd is expected,"
stated Benson Bristol, chairman. The
-faculty, and various departments of
the school will be well represented.
The orthodontia department has an-
nounced that they will be 100 per cent
in attendance. Several fraternities
are planning to hold dinners before
the ball. Many private dinner-parties
have also been planned.
The dance is to be a spring formal.
A relatively plain decoration scheme
following the spring motif will be
carried out. It is requested by the
central committee that the women
attending do not wear corsages.
Duane Yates To Play
Duane Yates and his band have
been procured to play for the ball,
and plans are being made for the or-
chestra to broadcast from the floor.
The popularity of this orchestra lead-
er has brought requests for tickets
from other than dental students.
Dancing will be from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
and closing hours for all houses is to
be 1:30 a.m.
A limited number of tickets are still
available, and may be secured from
BensonBristol, '36D, chairman of the
central committee in charge of ar-
rangements for the dance, or any of
the committee members including
Wayne Oglestone, '36D, Leo Beldo,
'36D, Howard Ross, '36D, Bert For-
ster, '36D, James Baker, '36D, Louis
Kans, '36D, or Milton Kamler, '36D.
Holds Banquet
And Init' i ation
The Michigan chapter of Gamma
Alpha, graduate scientific fraternity, I
held its annual banquet last night in
the League. Harvey C. Diehl served
as the toastmaster for the dinner.
Followirig the initiation ceremonies,
the new members were welcomed by
Adolph Stebler. Ross Gortner, jr., re-
sponded for the initiates. Prof. Er-
mine C. Case, chairman of the depart-
ment of geology, gave the main ad-
dress of the evening. The final event
was the annual corporation meeting.
Those initiated last night include:
David Andrews, chemistry, Albert
Boye, scryemistr y, K(enneth rBristiol
chemistry; Arnold Nicholson, main-
malogy, C. H. Powell, mechantcal en-
ginerg ;Bernard uRottcafr
istry; and Carroll Van Gundy, zool-
Officers for the new year the Harvey
Diehgl, president; Adolph Stebler, vice-
presidnt; Kenneth Bristol, recsodng
ing secretary, Armin Heiz, treasurer;
John Spalding, house manager; and
Benard Rottschoefer, sergeant at
arms, who will replace G. T. Faust,
Andrew McNair, jir., Augustus Miller,
jr., Joseph Tidd, and Neil Richmond.
Marion Denny and Armin Helz were
Freshman Society
Honors 22 Women
Twenty-two freshman women were
initiated into Alpha Lambda Delta,
honorary scholastic society for fresh-
man women, Saturday afternoon at
the home of Dean Alice B. Lloyd.

Nancy Quirk, '37, head of the group
this year, presided at the initiation.
Following the ceremony, a buffet
supper was served and the new officers
for next year were elected. They are
Elda Faster, president, Irene Stilson,
secretary; and Ruth McConkey, treas-
Those initiated on Saturday were
Doris Kaphan, Irene Stilson, Miriam
Sanders, Florence MeConkey, Cather-
ine Purdon, Anne Davis, Alice Wood-
ruff, Elda Faster, Margaret Bentley,
Elinore E. Clark, Mary Louise Bier-
kamp, Helen Byrn, Mary Helen Bow-
man, Marjorie Evelyn Curdy, Jane
Helen Higbie, Sarah Mar'garet For-
sythe, Betty Jean GatwarI, Pamela

Nazimeva, Theater Guild star, end Ronmney Brent will pr.esent
Shaw's. 1atest ccmedy, 'The Simph ton of the Unexpected Isles," today
fei the last time. Starting Thursday Naimeva will play Mrs. Alving
in Ibsen's "Ghosls." Nazimova is noted as cue of the first to attempt
popularization of Ibsen in America'.

W. C. Rufus, associate professor of
astronomy and sccretary of thle Bar-
tour Scholarship Committee, with
Mrs. Rufus will leave on June 12 for
the Orient, where Professor Rufus'
Sabbatical year will be spent. They
will sail from Vancouver on the 5.5.
Empress of Japan.
Professor and Mrs. Rufus have
made two trips abroad, the last being
taken 20 years ago. They expect to
spend the greater part of the year
in Korea, where both Dr. and Mrs.
Rufus taught, The Christmas holi-
days are to be spent with Professor
Rufus' sister and brother-in-law, Mrs.
H. H. Underwood and President Un-
derwood of Chosen Union Christian
College at Seoul. After Christmas,
they will leave for the South Sea
islands, and then go on to Burma
and through India. Their next stop
will be South Africa, after which
they will sail to England where they
will visit for a short time before re-
turning to the United States.
A farewell luncheon was given in
honor of Mrs. Rufus Monday after-
noon at the Lantern shop by members
of the fine arts department of the
Ann Arbor Women's Club. Mrs. Ru-
fus has been chairman of the arts
and crafts section of the department.

Music School
Students Will

Uni1versity Staf f

Give Concerts At Conventions

Graduation Recitals Wil 1
Be Held By Orgni4
Vocalist Today .
Allen B. Callahan, Grad., SM, or-
ganist, and Mrs. Bertha B. Knapp,
Spec. SM, mezzo soprano, will give
their graduation recitals this after-
noon and at 8:15 p.m., respectively.
Mr. Callahan's recital will be present-
Cd in Hill auditorium, and Mrs. Knapp
will sing in the School of Music audi_-
toriult. *
Mr. Callahan, who studied under
Palmer Christian, professor of Organ,
and University organist now on leave
of absence, has been studying under
E. William Doty, professor of organ,
for the past semester, His program is
composed of "Chorale" by Andriessen,
"Discant on the Chorale 'Nun Freut
Euch Lieben' " by Ducis, "Prelude"
by Corelli, "Fantasia" and "Fugue in
G minor" by Bach, "Chorale in A
minor" by Franck, "Legend of the
Mountan" by Karg-Elert, "Prelude"
by Samazenilli, and "Rise Up, My
Love" (a duet from "Merry Mount")
to be played by Howard Hanson, its
composer, and Mr. Callahan.
Mrs. Knapp, who has been study-
ing under Arthur Hackett, professor
of voice, will be accompanied by Emi--
li" ars '35' M,'in a prgram that
will include "The Spirit Song" and
"She Never Told Her Love" by Hadyn,
"Golden Slumbers Kiss Your Eyes,"
an old English song, and "Somni De',"
by Handel.
In the second part of the program,
she will present "La Fleur Des Eaux";
and "Le Temps Des Lilas" by Chaus-
son, "D'UneDPrison"' by Hahn, and
"I Peure Dans Mon Coeur and
"Mandoline" by Debussy. The last
group of songs will be ".Ruh, Meine
Seele" by Strauss, "Fussreise," "Zur
Ruh," and "Mausfallen-Spruchlcin"

Faulty Are Attracted To
M e d i e a 1, Architeclural
Several faculty members of the
University staff are being attracted
to out-of-town conventions of various
kinds, and either have departed to
attend meetings or have indicated
their plans to do so in the near fu-
Dr. John Barnwell, Dr. T. M. Du-
rant and Dr. H. W. Pollard are at
Saranac Lake. N. Y., attending a
meeting of the American Tuberculosis
The National League of Nursing
Education will meet next week in
New York and will draw from here
Miss Marion Durell and Miss C. Jean-
ette Oswald of the University hospital
nursing school.
Dr. Carl Badgley of the hospital
staff is to attend a meeting next week
in Philadelphia cif the American Or-
thopedic Association.
The American Association of Thor-
acic Surgery will convene late next
week in New Yor'k City. Dr. Cameron
Haight and Dr. Carlton Peirce of the
Hospital staff plan to attend.
Prof. E. H. Gault of the school of
business administration will go soon
to Decatur, Ill., for a meeting with
retail store owners.
Prof. Emil Lorch, Prof. Wells Ben-
nett and Prof. R. W. Hammett of
the school of architecture are in Mil-
waukee attending a convention of the
American Institute of Architects.
~lo Hloiior Alunmnae
Of Training School

now being used by the other projects.
Interviews will be conducted by the
past officers of the organization in-
stead of by the Judiciary Council, the
method used by the League.
The main purpose of financial Sup-
port being offered by the League is to
assist the chorus with its library proj-
ect. In return the chorus has of-
fered to assist the League in any way
possible by furnishing musical pro-
The Stanley Chorus was organized
last year uinder' its present name.
Formerly it was the University Wom-
dependent oru~ganization euntil thi
week when it has officially become a
part of the League organization.
Group To old
The annual congregational meeting
of the Presbyterian church will be
held at 6 p.m. tonight, at which time
the contents of the cornerstone of the
present church, laid in 1860, will be
opened and examined.
Newspapers of the Civil Wa ea
photographs of the officers, and the
story of the building of the church
will all be shown to the congregation
of 300 expected to gather for a formal
farewell to the church. Two more
Sunday services will be held at the
present location, then the building
will e torn down in June, and a new
one will be built at the site of the
present church house on Washitenaw
The dinner, served at 6 p.m., by the
Woman's Association, in ,charge of
Mrs. John Comin and Mrs. Raleith
Bluch, will honor the members con-
nected by faithful service to the his-
especial honored are E F. M ills and
Miss Carrie Watts, and the elders
will be hosts and hostesses, receiving
the congregation.
The program, consisting of sketches
of church history and organization
reports is in charge of S. W. McAl-
lister. The choir will give numbers
under the direction of Miss Odina

And speaking of hats, here is what
is being done with them this season.
They are fashioned to resemble a
newspaper loosely caught together in
all imaginable shapes. .One might
wear one with a toile skirt, lined with
striped linen, in the gay color com-
bination of red, white and blue.
To go with the costume, there is one
quite elusive in its charm. The name
of the model is "La Siesta," and it
consists of knee-length shorts, and
bodice of printed crepe de chine. Over
them, with charming lack of logic,
is thrown a white silk jersey cape,
Vy femininekin design is a linen
dress for the beach. It may be made
up with a scalloped skirt, hanging
down in long flowing points to the
ground. If one wishes to be a bit
more conservative, one may select a
dark blue suit, over which may be
worn a toile beach robe in bright
parti-colored stripes.
So original, imaginative and col-
orful are these new creations that
they cannot but render the beach a
fantastic fairy play ground.
-NEW YORK, May 8. - The Jonkers
diamond, largest uncut gem of its kind
in the world, and weighing 726 carats,
is coming to America this week, its
owner, Harry Winston, New York gem
dealer, announced today. He bought
the diamond several weeks ago in
London. It will be insured for "more
than $1,000,000" during its trip across
the ocean.
Beginning and Advanced
H amilton
Business College
State & William Sts.
Phone 7831

..'what's left of your school-term
budiget will take you home by
YOU needn't hock your faithful
ticker to buy a ticket home. The
remnants of your school-term budget
will pay your fare by Greyhound.
Frequent departures enable you to
leave almost any time you like. As
you roll along springtime highways,
thet last dull headache of fina exam
and put you in the proper mood for
the best vacation ever! You'll find
too-less cost, wore fun more to see.
Michigan Union - Phone 4151
116 W. Huron St. - Phone: 4209

St. Joseph Mercy hospital
ing school will hold its annual
nae day today. Twenty-three


ua~e L1LLU~t~5 Will LJ~ LIIC OfgaillL~~dLlULl ~

byam Wlad De Sciidbyguests of honor at a banquet at 7 p.m.
Brahms.in the Union.
nA recita of pan hnumibers was i-S Ursula'sa hall will be th e scene
auditorium by Betty Jean Young, '38 celebration. Pink sweet' peas, the
SMade Marjorie Parson s,B.3 S pec dis f wer, wil be the chief decora-
well, instructor in piano, the main feature.



' . . -- - -9 1
by T ~T~ '
O u couldn't weur Ies )
swinmngto the both
r ~ tub) . Just brief trunks in 1
S$ 595ribbed titch with trifling
I striped brassiere. (It but-
tons soafoly to tne trunks.) Surely --
Other $39 Uthe lost vord in frcc rctin. Brown,
,fl~w red, dark blue, and bright green.
- ~9U~a4 J~'~.
* Sizes 32 to 410. --
~ 'i:by
Much like a rnan's cut-out
speed model . .. but speedier
since there's even less to
this. Its one-piece in tricl y Others $3.95 up
pebble stitch and comes in
black, gold, white or red,
with'contraeting bindings, in
sizes from 32 to 38.
I Iii



Attractive lack fabric cover.
Long-wearing and smart-looking,
too! Rayon lined; shurred pocket.
Strong basswood frame. Rounded
Scorners. Sewed hinges.
Sturdy Suitcase
Strong, black fiber
cover. Strong wood
frame. Reinforced.
Handy Packi

Water-resisting suede
cloth! Slide fastetier!





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