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May 29, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-29

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a comprehensive and educational feature of the
library's service to the students.
The opportunity that is afforded for observa-
tion and appreciation is unique because of the
comparative infrequency with which an institu-
tion possessing the resources of the library is avail-
able for display. Within the last few months
exhibits varying from the finest examples of the
modern printer-craftsman's art to one of the first
copies ever made of the Koran have been shown
Each of these displays is the record of the in-
creasing prestige and success of the University li-
brary. Starting with a few specimens in restricted
fields, the cards accompanying each of the chang-
ing exhibitions show the rapid steps forward made
during recent years. Today the collections housed
in the rare book room bring students from through-
out the country to study irreplacable and prac-
tically unduplicateable volumes and manuscripts.
Much of the credit for these arrangements goes
to Miss Ella M. Hymans, curator of rare books, who

Pubied every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol. of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
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-1934 Ou dfOji 1935e-
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SPORTS EDITOR .................... WILLIAM R. REED
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Robert B. Brown, Clinton B.
Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred W.
Neal, Elsie Pierce, Robert Pulver, Marshall D. Shulman,
Bernard Weissman.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Rob-
et C~mmins, Fred Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Ray-
mond Goodman.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS Dorothy A. Briscoe, Florence H.
Davies, Olive E. Griffiths, Marion T. Holden, Lois M.
King, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
REPORTERS: E Bryce Alpern,Leonard Bleyer, Jr.,.Wil-
liam A. Boles, Richard Cohen, Arnold S. Daniels, William
D Lancey, Robert Eckhouse John J. Frederick, Warren
Gladders, Robert Goldstine, John Hinckley, S. Leon-
ard Kasle, Joseph Mattes, Ernest L. McKenzie, Stewart
Orton, George S. Quick, Robert D. Rogers, William
Scholz, William E. Shackleton, William C. Spaller,
Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks, Herbert W. - Little.
Arthur A. Miller, Israel Silverman.
Helen Louise Arner, Mary Campbell, Helen Douglas,
.Mary E. Garvin, Betty J. Groomes, Jeanne Johnson,
Rosalie Kanners, Virginia Kenner, Barbara Lovell,
Marjorie Mackintosh. Louise Mars, Roberta Jean Melin,
Barbara Spencer, Betty Strickroot, Peggy Swantz,.
Elizabeth Whitney.
Telephone 2-1214
WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGERS .. .. ...... .....
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local advertising, William
Barndt;Service Department Willis Tomlinson; Con-
tracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohgemuth;
Circulation and National Advertising, John Park;1
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BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Jerome 1. Balas, Charles W.
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sky, Norman B. Steinberg.
WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Bernadine
Field, Betty Greve, Mary Lou Hooker, Helen Shapland,
Grace Snyder, Betsy Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Mary
McCord, Adele Poler.
The Supreme
Court Decision. . .
death of the NRA.
Notwithstanding a certain sympathy for the
objectives sought by the measure, and full appre-
ciation for the sincerity of the administration, we
believe there is justification for the joy.
Two principles have been established as truths:
First, the United States is not going the way
of Italy, Germany, Russia, Poland, Spain, Mexico,
Turkey, or any other of the countries on the ever-
increasing list of dictatorships. We are, and are
thankfully, still a democratic republic.
Second, the government of the United States
is still a Federal government. The application of
the principleof nationalistic concentration of sov-
ereign power whether good or not has been halted.
These truths are not new, but are reestablished
in the face of their renunciation elsewhere. But
though their reestablishment was at the expense
of immediate expediency, we believe hopefully we
have not catapulted into chaos.
The statement of William Green of the A.F. of L.
is significant. Does it signify a period of indus-
trial strikes and acute conflict between the forces
of labor and capital? If }t does, thinks Dean
Henry M. Bates of the La School, iti an indi-
cation of progress, signifying an approach to a
more natural adjustment of the distribution of the
rewards of production to its various factors.

Will" the administration attempt to substitute
a voluntary NRA? Can such be established with-
out further adjustmentyof anti-trustlegislation?
We believe niot. Voluntary codes will. lead inev-
itably to chamber of commerce-ism; a growth of
monopolies uninhibited.
The reforms, the recovery hoped for through the
NRA will follow, but more slowly and through,1less
dangerous means. And if the functional imbal-
ance of the economic system slowly swings its
heavy weight upon the upward path before it
crumbles beneath a press of impatience, the truths
of a democratic government will have established
themselves as permanent.
Exhibits Of
The Lbrary.. .
N OPPORTUNITY that is peculiar
to this campus and yet one which

fashions and prepares the many
casional few minutes spent in
would well repay almost anyone
amount of time involved.

displays. An oc-
examining these
for the negligible

Letters published in this column should not be
construedsas expressing theseditorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, beregarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Musical Vigilantes
To the Editor:
This evening I inadvertently tuned in on a studio
from which a currently-famous waltz specialist
was broadcasting and, hearing what I took to be
the the strains of Wagner's "Liebestod," left the
dial at that number and settled back for what I
hoped would be a few moments' respite from the
bombardments of middle-class cacophonies which
habitually befoul the Sunday evening air.
To my surprise and disgust I soon realized that
this immortal melody had been paraphrased into
one of the saccharine and odious waltzes with
which it is the pleasure of the above-mentioned
popular band to vilify the air. I was surprised
at this temerity in musical prostitution, even
though designed for the canaille who have the
bad taste to comprise his audience.
Let him besoil, if he must, the ether with his
cloying and emasculated versions of "I Love You
Truly" and "The Kiss Waltz," but his greatest
usefulness to humanity will lie in steering clear
of the compositions of true artists.
If there are any who feel, with me, that there
is no excuse or justification for such an exhibition
of poor taste I would be interested in hearing from
them with the purpose of forming a Musical Vig-
ilante Society to aid in preventing further abom-
inations of this type. I feel confident that your
staff, with its nice appreciation of the Arts as evi-
denced by your splendid Sunday Supplements, will
be sympathetic toward this movement.
-A Music Lover.
As Others See It
Collegiate Prisoners
(From the Daily Trojan)
A MERICA is fast becoming a land of prisons and
To some this statement may sound ridiculous,
and admittedly it is a little far-fetched. - Never-
theless, it cannot be denied that our prisons are
becoming more and more crowded, and at the same
time college classes are crammed with more and
more students.
The idealist may reason that some day the ad-
vancing college enrollment may bring about a con-
siderable decrease in prison inmates. That is the
result to be eagerly awaited.
A recent prison survey revealed that the in-
mates were chiefly interested in current events,
economic problems, and politics. The college stu-
dent can recognize a Fio-Rito recording from a
Ray Noble rendition any minute, but fails to recog-
nize the importance of the Stressa conference and
does not know the meaning of the Wheeler-Ray-
burn bill.
Can it be that the college students, with their
physical and so-called intellectual freedom, have
allowed their minds to become more imprisoned
than those of our convicts? The evidence points
to that conclusion.
Perhaps there is more truth than poetry to the
saying, "Iron bars do not a prison make -"
College Oddities
(From the Minnesota Daily)
WHETHER or not they actually do more queer
things or whether it is just because more
newspaper men are engaged to observe them, col-
lege students and their teachers find themselves
in the news more often than most people. And
more than likely the things for which they break
into print are their oddities. The general public
looks on the college life as a little bit queer any-
way, and what it reads supports that opinion.
Out of Columbia comes the story of the stu-
dent who is working his way through college by

being the university's "waker-upper." For a con-I
sideration, paid in advance, he makes the rounds,
shaking out the sleepers in time for class. The
height of the university's social season is also peak
time for his unusual profession.
At the University of California a zoology pro-
fessor easily made the headlines by an appealing
experiment. He announced a few days beforehand
that he would graphically demonstrate to his class
that microbes are transmitted by kissing. On the
announced day he gave each student a nad of

College life once had a tang that makes these
days seem dull and academic, if we are to believe
this story coming from Dartmouth College.
The antics of the lads 50 years ago were allover-
<,hadowed by an incident occurring at a chapel
ceremony. As the solemn tones of the organ began
their slow beat, a corpse back of the alter was
seen to raise and lower its head in time with the
music. What made it more awful was the fact that
the corpse had been in life a notorious murderer,
whose body had been shipped to the medical school
laboratory. Ambitious students had kidnaped it
and strung it on wires from the chapel ceiling.
The average co-ed, says a student at the
University of California, thinks a flat tire' all
right if he has the jack.
* * * *
There has been a progress in progress at New
York University, which many a college student, who
thinks himself a potential author would have
gladly entered. A scholarship was offered to the
unpublished author who turned in the finest col-
lection of rejection slips. , Some added points were
given, we understand, for words of encouragement
which accompanied the rejections.
* *
They are talking about the student at a
nearby university who got kicked out of school
for being accused of cheating in a Russian
exam. He sneezed, and the professor insisted
that he was conjugating a verb out loud.
* * * *
There is a refreshing note in the story of a
sophomore at Birmingham-Southern College, who
finished writing the last page of a tiresome his-
tory examination, then wrote at the bottom: "If
you have actually read this far, I will buy you a
drink." When he got the paper back, the un-
ruffled professor had written, "I prefer to confine
myself to beer.
* * * *
"Examinations are as harmful to the intel-
lect as liquor and women."
---Prof Welch, Bowdoin College.
There will be no more knitting in Boston Uni-
versity class rooms.
After the professors complained that the knit-
ting distracted students' attention from their lec-
tures, a notice was posted reading "Absolutely no
knitting will be permitted in class rooms."
* * * *
Ncminated for the worst quip of the week
coming from the Daily Californian:
"Cleopatra may not have made Phi Bete,
but she certainly got Marc's."
* * * * *
Something we liked: Men are four: He who
knows, and knows he knows, he is wise - follow
him; he who knows, and knows not he knows, he
is asleep - wake him; he who knows not, and
knows not he knows not,hhe is a fool - shun him;
he who knows not, and knows he knows not, he
is a child - teach him.
A Washington
WHETHER the Senate's support of the- bonus
payment veto can be construed as shelving
that issue for this session, is uncertain. The size of
the margin, which bettered slightly the most op-
timistic predictions of administration supporters,
may suggest that it does. If it is so construed by
the alliance of bonus payment and currency ex-
pansion advocates, that 54-40 Senate vote may
prove in the end to have paved the way for a much
earlier adjournment of Congress than theretofore
was expected.
Had President Roosevelt succeeded in stemming

the tide only by a vote or two, the situation would
have been quite different. A bonus "rider?' on
every available "must" bill remaining to be enacted
could have been expected.
* * * *
THE SENATE debate made it quite clear that the
question of inflation was the real issue to the
minds of Senators; that they so interpreted the
President's veto message. The theme of those of
his supporters who joined in the war of words in
that last Senate scene was pitched to backing ad-
ministration fiscal policy in the "war on depres-
To the President and to big business and high
finance, that must spell assurance against any
mandatory currency inflation move, not in this
session alone but by this Congress. In the bonus
payment fight that issue has been met and de-
feated on its strongest rallying ground.
'JHE VOTE was interesting from a party stand-
point. The Republicans voting split 50-50,
with one, Norbeck, not voting but announced as in
favor of overriding the veto. Otherwise the party
stand was 11 to 11. And of the 11 upholding the
President's hand, seven come up next year for re-
election. They took chances of veteran vengeance
although the general views of most of them were
too well known for that to be certain.
A like number of Democrats up next year took
the same chance as against 13 who voted to over-
ride. And among the Democrats who stood by the
administration was Chavez of New Mexico (in his
first Senate vote), appointed to succeed the late
Senator Cutting, an ardent bonus payment advo-
cate. It was an especially grave decision for Cha-

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