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May 24, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-24

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FRIDAY, MAY Z4, 1935


- -
a c""
Pubxiiied every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications._
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
.r nd. the Big Ten News Service.
Assoidated Collegiate ress
s -1934 £,',)I,,,1935 -
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In Government... .
E PERIODICALLY, the thought has re-
curred that the ends of democracy
are best achieved where the public officials- are
equipped with the technical backg-round as well
as the good intentions to perform their duties.
The efficient performance of government duties
demands a man who, after he has demonstrated
~ his political ability by winning a post, need not re-
sort to the same kind of ability to hold it.
Specialization - in government even more so
than in business - ought to require the same de-
gree of trained personnel. This has been said so
often, but so little has been done about it in this
It might be pointed out that in England officers
are held to some extent at least by "career men"
whose training and education from youth is pat-
terned after the needs of government service.
Public offices in England, perhaps as a conse-
quence, have an honorable cast that is noticeably
absent here.
Gestures in the direction of trained public serv-
ants have from time to time made their appear-
ance. The University of Texas, a noticeable ex-
ample, has inaugurated a course of study leading
to a Master's degree in Public Administration.
Cynical Texas voters who have cast their ballots
by the "tit-tat-toe" method, or feeling that polling

is at best a matter of guesswork have not bothered
to participate at all, will be given some measure
of judgment for intelligently exercising their fran-
chise, and perhaps in time the demands of the elec-
torate for trained officials may be great enough to
make such training -irtually mandatory.
A more recent move, and one in which Michigan
students may participate, is the establishment of
interneships for undergraduate and graduate stu-
dents throughout the country to provide them with
a first-hand introduction to the Federal govern-
ment. Through the agency of the American Uni-
versity and the National Institution of Public Af-
fairs at Washington, D.C., about 80 young students
will be studying public affairs in Washington this
summer and during the year.
In addition to its primary function of enabling
those who will in time be candidates for public
offices to observe the congressional and executive
officeholders in operation, the Institution is en-
couraging others interested in journalistic, so-

Dignity And
The President.
T IS VERY LIKELY that President
Roosevelt's first term of office will
be one of the most memorable in America's his-
tory, for during it; more than once, he has made
history. Wednesday, he delivered to the Congress
his address explaining the veto of the Patman
bonus bill, and was the first President of the
United States to personally return to its source
a vetoed bill. Earlier in his term of office, he be-
came the first president to address by radio the
people whom he governs. These acts may be of
no great political significance, but they do serve
to show with what spirit he faces his duties and
President Roosevelt has demonstrated his sin-
cerity and eagerness to cooperate with the people
by his desire to come into closer contact with
them than any one of his predecessors. By such
acts as attempting to explain his reasons for veto-
ing a bill he has demonstrated his willingness to
cooperate with his associates. It is unfortunate
that many with party differences, persist in the
idea that the President is merely a politician, who
has no desire to understand his people, and give
them an opportunity to understand him, but is,
rather, being a jolly good fellow, in the hope
of getting more votes when the next election rolls
around. This is the point of view of a crank, for
who but a crank would insist that by explaining
to the comparatively ignorant masses the intrica-
cies of their government, and that by bringing
that government within the scope of each indivi-
duafl he is not doing a great service.
Tradition has always dictated that the head of
a government should remain aloof and distant, a
symbol of the dignity of his office, and not a living
example of the principles, for which it stands.
President Roosevelt has himself enough of the
dignity of his office, and enough of the character
which his office represents to be able, quite safely,
to come down from his lofty position, to make him-
self, as far as his people are concerned, more of a
part of the government, and less of a mere sym-
bol of it.
Dignity has often been called a mask for ignor-
ance, this may not be entirely so, but it is re-
freshing to find a man who is so sincere in his
views that he is willing to divest himself of his
dignity to expound them.
As Others Se I
Endowed Athletics
(From the New York Herald Tribune)
ONE OF THE ARGUMENTS perennially em-
ployed by apologists for the overemphasis on
football in college life has been the need of its gate
receipts. Other sports fail to pay their way and
must be supported by football, the lone money-
maker. Hence, the importance of an eleven that
will attract the public to its contests, the extra-
ordinary value put on coaches who can turn out
winning teams and the whole elaborate system of
stadia, schedules, training and promotion which
has transformed football from a game into a na-
tional spectacle.
The argument has weight, though there is some-
thing about it that suggests the happy after-
thought. The pressure for gate receipts is quite
as much the result as the cause of the football
mania. However, it has undoubtedly become a
major obstacle to football deflation and is evi-
dently so considered by President Conant of Har-
"To get away as soon as possible from the
vicious connection between football gate receipts
and expenditures for the athletic program," Dr.
Conant said, would put Harvard athletics on an en-
dowment basis like the other activities of the
university. "The president and fellows," he told
the Associated Harvard Clubs at their annual
dinner, "have agreed that they will endeavor to
build up during the coming years an endowment
fund for athletics - a capital fund, the income
of which will eventually become the support of in-
tercollegiate and intramural sports."
An entirely logical remedy, and probably a prac-
tical one for Harvard, though even Harvard, we
believe, will find it a bit slow. As for the great

majority of her sister institutions, one hopes that
their preoccupations with football will not now
find a new excuse in their inability to follow Har-
vard's example.
Spring And A Black Eye
(From the Chicago Tribune)
THIS IS THE SEASON when sap and the saps
. circulate most exuberantly on the campuses.
In the happy days of the Siwash period it would
have been the occasion for some spirited battles
between town and gown.
But the moden collegian reaches the limit of
his devilishness when he holds a pajama parade
and attempts to climb in a sorority house window.
Police took a hand in the proceedings (at Minne-
sota), but their intervention apparently was un-
necessary. The fellows they seized were in full
retreat, bearing scars of chair legs and high heeled
slippers wielded by indignant daughters of the
The baldish alumni who are beginning to be a
bit careful of what they drink will recall a lustier
tradition. In the, days when the University of Illi-
nois could dispute only half-heartedly the epithet
of cow college there were the perennial attempts
to steal the cadet corps' brass cannon, housed in
the old armory.
The rules of chivalry were followed strictly. A
sporting notice of the plot was always given. Since
the university boiler house crew which rallied to
the defense was limited in number, it was un-
sporting to assault any but the main door. There
were occasional untoward instances, as when the
hoi1r hnuse boss tanged a football nlaver on the


There comes a time when twice a year
You'll find that we all shed a tear
And in the blood of all our cronies
Comes a siege of playing horses - uh, "ponies"
And oh how we will all regret
The lecture notes we didn't get
The papers we forgot to write
Which means no sleep for us these nites -
Now's the time when we all mourn;
"Oh Lord! why was I ever born?"
And the proverbial Aloysius McNutt
Says "That's what you gt 'cause you've cut"-
Well this is just to remind youse folks
That these here - now exams aren't jokes
As history again repeats its annuals
By those lovely, regretful, delicious, obnoxious
The German custom of duelling was almost
revived in this country when a German student
at Eastern College took offense at the way a
fellow student portrayed Adolf Hitler in a bur-
lesque skit. The offended one slapped the actor
and challenged him to a duel. The matter was
finally cleared up in the. dean's office.
Theme song for final exams - "It's so Hard
to Remember but Easy to Forget."
From the deep South we learn of a profes-
sor who finally achieved a really brilliant ef-
fort under a moment of stress. Originally no
mere classroom gag, this will undoubtedly be
incorporated into the professorial archives
within short order, to create chuckles for
future generations of students.
This learned gentleman, on being informed
of the fact that he was the father of triplets,
was so overjoyed by the news that he rushed
immediately to the hospital where his wife
and newly acquired family were, and dashed
pell-mell into the room.
The nurse in charge of the situation, being
out at the time, was irritated upon her re-
turn to find the proud father present, and
chastised him in no uncertain terms.
"Don't you know better than to come in
here with germ-filled clothes? Why, you're
not sterile!'" she exclaimed.
Our friend the professor looked at the sweet
young thing in white and then said: "Lady,
are you telling me?"
A Washington
THE CHARTED COURSE for initiating projects
under the work-relief scheme looks like an old
fashioned mystic maze. As diagramed by Director
Walker's division of applications and information,
it looks as though there might be a lot of places
in the "procedure governing filing and routing of
applications" where they might meet themselves
coming back.
To the various state "ambassadors" .sent to
Washington by governors, to the mayors staking
their political hopes on getting a bite or two of
that upward of four billions for home consump-
tion, this must be quite apparent from examina-
tion of the Walker chart; the Walker division is
not the starting point. It is no mere case of filing
an application there to get it started through the
work-relief machine.
ONLY two sources for receiving either Federal or
non-Federal projects at the applications office
are shown. Purely Federal works must originate
in the government department or agency chiefly
involved; non-Federal with PWA. That strongly
suggests that Secretary Ickes first as PWA head
and again later as director of the allotments com-
mittee which is fed by the applications division,

is going to have much to say about what goes on.
That outline does not cheer project sponsors who
heretofore have encountered Mr. Ickes as to PWA
enterprises. He has proved himself a "tough"
administrator. There is bitter complaint among
lads who thought they had political inside tracks
at Washington, due to campaign services rendered
or whatnot, that such things have failed to count
with the interior secretary. It is an indoor sport
among them trying to figure out ways and means
of getting around, over or under Ickes.
As an off-set to the strong Ickes flavor to the
mechanism set up for non-Federal projects both as
to originating applications and as to allottments,
the chart shows Harry Hopkins' "works progress
administration" begins to function even before a
project is accepted and an allotment made. It
gets a shot at every proposal before it even reaches
the allotment stage. That is where the clash
of social purpose and purely utilitarian aspects
of a job is likely to come,
* * * *
UP TO NOW in New Deal relief and recovery
operations there has been'no particular reason
for an Ickes-Hopkins collision. They have worked
in widely separated fields. Hopkins has been con-
fined to purely relief work and mastership in his
own house. He retains that duty in the new or-
ganization. His office both originates its own re-
lief pronosals for virtual direct submission to the

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