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May 24, 1935 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-24

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I ______________________

Adel Finishes'
iscovers Unique Facts
Concerning Gas Layers'
Surrounding Planets

By rd Displays Collection Of Live Antarctic Penguins

Twelye Musicals
To Be Staged
'At Navin Field

II Af ter Operation

Working in behalf of the Univer-
sity of Michigan and the Lowell Ob-
servatory (Flagstaff, Arizona) Arthur
Adel, resarch physicist, has just
completed a series of experiments
concerning the earth's atmosphere.
This series is the climax of a group
of studies having to do with planetary
atmospheres which Arthur Adel has
carried on during the past year. In
the course of this period Mr. Adel
has conducted tests concerning the
gaseous envelopes of Mercury, Venus,
Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and
the earth.
The latest experiments were on the
absorption of the sun's infra-red radi-
ation by the carbon dioxide, water
vapor, and ozone surrounding the
earth. The unique ability of these
three gases to perform this function
is almost completely resposible for
the climatic conditions which pre-
Among the other planets there are
many interesting peculiarities. Mer-
cury, for example, has no atmosphere
and on the side which is exposed to
the sun the temperature is high
enough to melt lead. The atmosphere
of Mars is an extremely rare one, so
rare in fact that clouds have been seen
in its atmosphere at the height of 15
miles above its surface whereas clouds
in the earth's atmosphere seldom
gain a height of more than five miles.
None of the planets but the earth
possess the compounds upon which
life as we know it is dependant, name-
ly water vapor, carbon dioxide, and
oxygen. The outer planets are cold
and contain deadly gases. Their
temperature, in fact, is less than min-
us 100 degrees centigrade.
Prof. Sharfman
Pubishes Study
Of Commerce
The third of a series of five books
dealing with an intensive study of
the Interstate Commerce Commis-
sioh by Prof. I. Leo Sharfman, head
of the University department of eco-
nomics, is to come from the press
this week, it was said yesterday at the
Writing under the auspices of the
Commonwealth Fund of New York
City, the Michigan man already has
dealt with the extent and diversity
of the commission's tasks, the valua-
tion project, the control of organi-
zation and finance and the rate struc-
tu'e. This volume will take up legal,
economic and administrative phases
of the commission's regulatory ac-
There have been numerous highly
favorable comments on the work al-
ready out, among which was that of
the United States Law Review, which
said: "It is of significant interest in
more than its immediate aspect ---
a notable contribution to the study of
the subject of administrative control
of the complicated relationship of
modern society."
Flood Inundating
Lowlands In South
OKLAHOMA CITY, May 23. -(A)-
Tawny flood waters surged over
lowlands in Texas, Oklahoma and
Louisiana today while 5,000 homeless
waited for the waters to recede.
More than 150,000 acres of rich
bottom land in Texas and Oklahoma
were under water and in Louisiana
the flooded area extended from just
below Shreveport in the northern part
of the state to the south-central sec-
tion below Alexandria.
The homeless in Texas - estimat-
ed at 3,000 - had fled from the paths
of floods along the Brazos and Quad-
alupe fivers. More than 500 per-
sons were removed to higher ground

-Associated Press Photo.
Admiral Richard E. Byrd, welcomed back to the United States in an elaborate ceremony at Washington, is
shown at Alexandria, Va., aboard the Bear of Oakland as he displayed a collection of penguins - the first
to be brought back alive from the Antarctic regions.j

Success Of Broadcasting Class
Results In Plan s For Expansion

Wagner Labor
Relations Bill
Hit By Sidley

University of Michigan's newest,
course, that dealing with the training
of students for radio announcing,
has proved such a success during the
year closing that plans for its con-
tinuation on an expanded pattern are
being drawn up, it was said yester-
day by Prof. Waldo Abbot, director'
of University broadcasting from the
studio at State and Jefferson Streets.
More than 100 students are finishing
the first term of instruction given by
the University in this field. '
It has been found advisable for stu-
dents desiring instruction in this lat-
est vocational training course to elect
courses in music appreciation, polit-
ical science, languages, speech, dra-
matics, writing, advertising, econo-
mics, history and something of busi-
ness administration. Actual trainingj
Rich, Poor Attend
Addams' Funeral
CHICAGO, May 23.- (1') - The
rich and the poor, the intelligentsia
and the "man in the street" came to
the bier of Jane Addams today to
pay their respects to the widely-
known social and peace worker.
Her body lay in state at Hull House,
the social settlement she founded,
while men, women and children from
all walks of life came to view her body
before the funeral services this after-
Gov. Henry Horner of Illinois and
Robert Maynard Hutchins, president
of the University of Chicago, were
among the honorary pallbearers at
the non-denominational services for
Miss Addams, who died in a Chicago
hospital Tuesday following a major
surgical operation. Tomorrow, the
body will be taken to Cedarville, Ill.,
her birthplace, for burial.
Meanwhile messages of condolence
poured into Chicago from widely sep-
arated points, including one from
Premier Ramsay MacDonald of Great
Britain and Mrs. Franklin D. Roose-
Dr. Alice Hamilton, first woman
professor at Harvard university, and
a life long friend of Miss Addams, was
at Hull House most of yesterday. She
denied a report she would succeed
Miss Addams as the head of Hull
along the Red river south of Durant,
Okla. Red Cross officials at Alex-
ander, Ia., estimated that there were
about 800 homeless persons in need
of immediate assistance.

before the microphone comes in the
student's junior and senior years,
when he enters the University broad-
casting service to study under Prof.
Abbot and actually to make an-
nouncements over the University sys-
An innovation introduced in theF
Michigan course is to be continued
next year, Prof. Abbot said. This
deals with the announcement of
sports through the use of motion pic-
tures. From the announcer's booth
the student is required to describe
vividly and accurately a screened
athletic contest to a critical audi-
ence listening in another room.
Students also prepare, direct and
present full daily, broadcasts over the
campus public address system, util-
izing the typical program style heard
over the air from actual broadcast-
ing stations. Enunciation, delivery
and pronunciation are criticized by
Prof. L. M.. Eich and Prof. Gall Dens-
more of the speech department. As
students overcome "mike fright," they
are used as announcers for the Uni-
versity programs broadcast during
the year over Station WJR, Detroit.
They also write and present three
programs of their own each week.
Experienced station broadcasters and
managers from Detroit give periodic
Life's Little Things
Called Chief Cause
Of Marital Trouble
RENO, Nev., May 23. - (A')- After
24 consecutive years on the courts,'
District Judge Thomas Francis Moran
believes the best way to remain hap-
pily married is "learn to overlook the
little things."
Not even Judge Moran himself can
say how many thousands of divorces
- involving rich and poor alike -
have been granted in his court. He
estimates, however, that his yearly
average for the past several years
has been "about fifteen hundred."
To the 67-year-old jurist, who was
happily married for 29 years beforeG
his wife, Mary Lloyd Moran, died last
fall, there is no hard and fast rule
by which married couples may avoid
"However," he said today, "it's the
little things that happen in every-day
life that may lead to trouble.' If peo-
ple would rise high enough intellec-
tually and spiritually to overlook the
little things, there would be no lack of
harmony in married or family life."

U. S. Commerce
Head Declares


WASHINGTON, May 23. - VP) -
Attacking the Wagner labor relations
bill, President Harper Sibley of the
Chamber of Commerce of the United
States said today it would go beyond
the lawful powers of the government
and breed "industrialtstrife."
"It would promote, not allay, in-
dustrial conflicts," he said, in a state-
ment. "Neither management nor
workers could have any assurance of
stability in their mutual relations."
The Wagner bill, which has been
passed by the Senate and sent to the'
House, would, among other things,
set up a strengthened national laborI
relations board, outlaw "company-
dominated" unions, and provide for
"majority rule" in collective bargain-
The bill, Sibley said, "would deny
to individual workers and minority
employe organizations any opportu-
nity to negotiate with their employ-
er." It would, he added, enable a
"bare majority of employes of a
unit" to obtain a closed-shop agree-
ment, thereby compelling all the em-
ployes to "join the union or forfeit
their employment."
He asserted the bill failed to pro-
tect employes against "coercion" by
outside labor leaders and "would pre-
vent an employer from having oppor-
tunity to protect his employes from
the activities of racketeering or other
destructive organization."
NEW YORK, May 23. - (R) -
Leaders of the steel industry launched
a concerted attack on the closed shop,
labor union activity and the Wagner1
bill at the 44th general meeting of
the Iron and Steel Institute today.
"We stand squarely for the open
shop," declared Eugene G. Grace,
president of the institute, in his key-
note address.
Grace called the Wagner bill "vi-
cious." T. M. Girdler, chairman and
president of the Republic Steel cor-
poration, termed it "the outstanding
legislative monkey wrench which to-
day threatens to jam the wheels of'
The sixth issue of The Michigan
Journalist, written and edited by the
students in the Department of Jour-
nalism, will be published today.

Operettas Scheduled For
Nightly Performance In
Twelve musical comedies and op-
ettas will be given this summer in
the "Opera Under the Stars" pro-
ductions, to be held in Navin Field
in Detroit starting June 8.
Each of the shows will be staged
nightly for a full week, according
to J. J. Schubert, producer. The
order in which they will be presented
is "The Student Prince," ,"Rose
Marie," "My Maryland," "Bitter
Sweet," "Wonderful Night," "Blos-
som Time," "Cyrano de Bergerac,"
"The Last Waltz," "Nina Rosa,"
"Land of Smiles," "Dream Girl" and
"Countess Maritza."
Among the noted stage stars who
will appear in these productions are
Leonard Ceeley, Gladys Baxter, and
George Huston. Ceeley, who opened
the Lafayette Theater in Detroit in
the production of "The Student
Prince," will be seen in the same role
in the opening show of the "Opera
Under the Stars" series.
Miss Baxter played the lead in
"Countess Maritza" in the New York
production, and is also an accomplish-
ed radio artist. She has also sungi
in grand opera. Huston, who created
the role of Cyrano in "Cyrano de
Bergerac," will be seen in that same
role this summer. He will come to
Detroit to take part in the series
following the close of the current
New York Eddie Dowling revue,
"Thumbs Up," in which he is fe-
tured. Last year he played the lead
in George White's "Melody," writ-
ten by Sigmund Romberg.
Other stars who will appear are
Helen Ford, Desiree Tabor, Grace
Worth, Ruth Reiter, Frank Baby,
Joseph Letora, Edith King, and John
There will be a different show each
week with nightly performances all
summer. All seats will be reserved,
and an admission price of 25 cents
will be charged.
Begin Investigation
Of NilesMystery
ST. JOSEPH, Mich., May 23.-(P)
- Investigation of the Niles, Mich.,
"torso mystery" was suddenly re-
sumed today by Sheriff Charles L.
Miller, of Barrien County.
Last March 20 a fisherman discov-
ered the upper portion of a male torso,
headless, in the St. Joseph River, near
the French Paper Co. dam at Niles,
Three days later the lower section of
the torso, minus the legs, was found
at Buchanan.
The authorities had sought in vain
for a clue to the mystery and had
listed it among unsolved cases. But
today Mrs. Henry Shorr and Mrs.
Rose Gillary, both of Detroit, are re-
ported to have talked with Sheriff
Miller, Prosecutor Edward A. Westin
and Coroner Louis C. Kerilhowske.
The conference, it was learned, con-
cerned the disappearance from De-
troit, Dec. 3, 1934, of Mrs. Shorr's
husband, a brother of Mrs. Gillary.
Mrs. Shorr is reported to have told
Sheriff Miller that her husband failed
to return after leaving home for an
appointment with Harry Fleischer
She intended notifying the police but
did not after receiving a Chicago tele-
phone call.
Amelia Earhart Insists
On Being Called 'Miss'
CHICAGO, May 23. - (P) - The
world's No. 1 woman flier made it
clear on her arrival by plane Wed-
nesday night to receive the Balbo gold
medal of the Italian government that
her name is Amelia Earhart and not
Mrs. George Putnam.
Correcting an interviewer who
called her "Mrs. Putnam," she ex-

plained: "My husband always calls
me Miss Earhart. It serves to identi-
fy me."

-Associated Press Photo.
Dr. Edwin Barnt Frost, noted
blind astronomer, director-emeritus
of Yerkes Observatory in Wiscon-
sin, has become seriously ill after
an operation in Chicago.
LANSING, May 23. - UP) - Gov.
Fitzgerald signed yesterday a bill that
will prevent perch and pike fishing
in the waters surrounding Les Che-
neaux Islands during April and May.
He also enacted into law a measure
opening the trout season on the last
Saturday in April, and permitting
white bass fishing in pike lakes and
non-trout streams all year.




! d f..

Flowering Lilacs
Begin Parade Of
looning Flowers
Li ac time has arrived in Ann Ar-
bor as evidenced by the hundreds
of lilacs in all parts of the city which
are reaching their full bloom. Spe-
cial arrangements and novel group-
ings of the lilacs are to be found
throughout the city.
The Arboretum at this time of year
is made doubly attractive by the
abundant lilac beds and a border
along Sunset road near Brooks St. is
also pleasing. At Felch park the
lilacs are equally as notable and they
are to be found in patches at the
Municipal Golf Course.
Japanese flowering quinces are be-
ing displayed in several parts of the
city and tulips which have been in
bloom for several weeks are now ap-
pearing at their best. Ann Arbor has
long been relatively famous as a town
of beautiful trees and flowers, and
the more ardent devotees of the gar-
dening art claim that at no time is.
the superlative quality of the town in
this respect so much in evidence as
in this particular season of the year.
In two more weeks almost every flow-
er and tree will be in full bloom, and
it is then that, although few sttidents
will have opportunity to appreciate it,
the city takes on an aspect that dis-
counts all the past bad weather.
Your FORD Dealer
400 west washington Street

S end Your



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