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May 16, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-16

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THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1935

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A New Sort
Of Concentration.. .
TOR reports that it has unearthed
an undergraduate ghost writer who tells freely
about his work. This young man, apparently, has
made quite a success at it.
He got his start in high school upon contemplat-
ing the aversion of the average schoolboy to writ-
ing a daily theme. Arranging with a number of
eager clients, he was soon turning out 10 daily
themes at a quarter apiece. One of his'customers
won the school's English medal on his themes.
All of the subscribers to the service did well
enough to be able to go away to various colleges,
and now the ghost writer carries on a flourishing
mail order business from Columbia. Business is so
good that he's behind in his own writing. His rates
are not only reasonable- ranging from $3 for
2,000 words up to $12 for 10,000 words - but for a
small additional fee he will guarantee an A on any
paper. We can't say whether he is looking for any
additional work.
A suspicious faculty may rest assured that the
number of such supermen is definitely limited.


r °""h s m22."2raozwn ....- -u.
Pubilried every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
saociated follgiate cress
- 1934 frDIgije4t 1935E-
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11
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Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR........................JOHN HEALEY
WOMEN'S EDITOR ......................ENANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty,
Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Mac-
donald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker,
William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, Rleanor Johnson, Josephine McLean,
Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schnede,
Marie Murphy.
SEPORTERS: Rex Lee Beach, Robert B. Brown, Clinton B.
Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Richard
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Neal, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Jacob C. Seidel,
Marshall D. Shulman, Donald Smith, Wayne H. Stewart,
Bernard Weissman George Andros, Fred Buesser, Rob-
ert Cummins, Frd Delano, Robert J.Friedman, Ray-
raond Goodman, Keith H. Tustison, Joseph Yager.
Dorothy Briscoe, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf,
Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith. Har-
riet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Lois King, Selma Levin,
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grad, Jewel Wuerfel.
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Clarke, Gordon Cohn. Stanley Joffe, Jerome I. Balas,
Charles W. Barkdull, Daniel C. Beisel, Lewis E. Bulkeley,
John C. Clark, Robert J. Cooper, Richard L. Croushore,
Herbert D. Fallender, John T. Guernsey, Jack R. Gustaf-
son, Morton Jacobs, Ernest A. Jones, Marvin Kay, Henry
J. Klose, Donald R. Knapp, William C Knecht, R. A.
Kronenberger, William D. Loose, William R. Mann,
Lawrence Mayerfeld, John F. McLean, Jr., Lawrence M.
Rloth, Richard M. Samuels, John D. Staple, Lawrence A.
Starsky, Norman B. Steinberg.
WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betty Cavender, Margaret
Cowie, Bernadine Field, Betty Greve, Mary Lou Hooker,
Helen Shapland, Betty Simonds,rGrace Snyder, Betsy
Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Mary McCord, Adele Polier.
Making A College.
Education Pay . . ..
T HE UNIVERSITY deserves com-
mendation in its adoption of the
new degree program in the development of Amer-
ican culture. The basis for this praise rests not
only in the excellence of the program itself, but
in the fact, surprising as it may seem, that Mich-
igan is the first institution in the country to adopt
a plan of this sort.
The curriculum was devised to give students in
the literary college an opportunity to study the
progress of civilization in their own country and
to acquaint themselves with the cultural back-
ground of their everyday life. As the name im-
plies, it is purely a cultural program. The scheme,
of course, does not lend itself to anything of imme-
diate practical value.
However, a large majority of students will come
to college with nothing more definite in mind than
the idea of absorbing culture and.of "broadening"
themselves. In such cases it is often inadvisable
to require concentration in some rather narrow
field in which one may have no binding interest.
Yet concentration of some sort is a necessity as a
discipline. To the graduate, and to his prospective
employers, the important thing is not so much
what he has studied. but how he has studied. To
them it is of prime importance that some definite
and comprehensive scheme of study has been fol-

lowed. The hit-or-miss method of choosing 120
hours was never desirable, yet the present con-
centration system also has its limitations.
The degree program in the development of
American culture is comprehensive, and it is
planned. Those who enter upon the new curricu-
lum will learn the historical, the cultural and in-
tellectual, and the political, economic and social
development of the United States. Twelve de-
partments are cooperating in offering courses for
the new plan. At least four new courses have
been created for it and 28 courses are included in
The path has been cleared for an efficient car-
rying out of the plan, and there is fortunately no
red-tape in the way of entrance requirements. But
two prerequisites are necessary for students to
adopt the program and, when necessary, depart-
mental prerequisites for many of the courses can
be waived on the advice of the adviser.

In the Good Old Days--

As, Others See It
University And State
(From the Wisconsin Daily Cardinal)
T IS SIGNIFICANT that the recent meeting of
the third annual Wisconsin Collegiate Country
Life conference at the College of Agriculture was
not only attended by members of the university,
but in addition brought together a cross-section
of young people of rural Wisconsin, students in
high schools, normal schools, and colleges. The
integration of all the educational activities of the
state, which has been one of the functions of the
University, ably aided by President Glenn Frank,
has perhaps not been sufficiently brought to the
attention of those critics who accuse the university
as well as the president of a lack of interest in the
outside educational world.
The meetings of high school journalists, debaters
and-musicians, and in another field, the confer-
ence of superintendents of buildings and grounds
of universities and colleges which opened at the
university yesterday, are only a few of the many
activities which the university fosters, that serve
to bring together students and workers in many
fields of activity to their mutual benefit, under the
sponsorship of the university.
Not only the 8,000-odd students at the university
are affected by the work of their university, but
thousands of other students, in high schools and
other institutions, look upon Wisconsin as their
university as well, acting as a mother who serves
their needs faithfully and with forethought to
the future.
Finally This . ..
(From the Yale Daily News)
AS THE END of the year approaches, the ques-
tion arises of the form that final examinations
should take. Too often in the past stereotyped
tests have been given which proved little or noth-
ing beyond the students' inherent ability to absorb
a vast amount of "cramming" from tutoring schools
or sometime, unfortunately enough, an equal fa-
cility for sly glances upon well-prepared notes.
As such these examinations have been futile.
It would be much simpler and infinitely more
to the point if notes were brought right out into
the open. Of course, the idea of bringing an out-
line into an examination on Economics 10 is silly,
but the plan could be put into successful operation
in most of the honors and so-called "cultural"
courses. After all, success in later life depends
not on a vast amount of accumulated facts, but
upon the ability to organize these facts into some-
thing approaching a balanced whole. Organiza-
tion, clarity in thinking and conciseness would be
the keynotes in any policy such as this, and the
tutoring school student with his catch phrases and
"spotted" questions would be at a distinct disad-
vantage. At the same time the examination would
become an exceptionally valuable feature of the
course because of the opportunity it would present
for the unifying of purpose, for bringing all the
loose ends of a subject into distinct relation with
the main field. No such work as this can be done
when the student is forced to recite facts and to
give back to the teacher theories which he has
heard recited in class.
By this method of allowing the use of notes,
final examinations could come as a climax, not as
an anti-climax to a course. They would be an
integral part of that course, a final summing up
of what had gone before. Incidentally, they would
help to eliminate cheating by removing the possi-
bility of such a thing. Reliance would have to be
placed on a complete grasp of the whole subject.
The Price Of Pork
(From the Daily Iowan)
PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S silver policy is one
phase of the current New Deal program that
cannot be justified on any ground except the ex-
tremely questionable one of political expediency.
The benefits it showers upon the silver state minor-
ities and upon speculators, and the general effect
it has upon the supply of currency, are so heavily
outweighed by its disastrous effects in Mexico
and China as to be negligible.-
It is the obvious intent of this movement to so
direct its monetary program as to restore the 1929
price level, and to establish the 25-75 ratio between

silver and gold as provided for by Congress and
as recommended by Professor Warren. The wis-
dom or the fallacy of that objective is yet to be
Granting its wisdom, the objective certainly
does not require the ruthless disregard for help-
less nations that the current silver policy en-
tails. The extent of its effect upon silver nations

To all you collegians who may wonder what col-
lege is all about, we submit these definitions
gleaned from various university papers.
(1) College is a place where a student learns
appreciation, where he learns just enough to be-
come dissatisfied with himself, and desires to learn
and know more.
(2) College is a cultural and social institution
that puts off work for four years.
(3) College is an unavoidable and lamentably
wide-spread institution.
(4) College is the place where one neither sleeps
nor studies for the same reason.
(5) College is the place to rest after the stren-
uous labors of high school.
(6) A college would be like an insane asylum,
but you have to show improvement to getout of
an insane asylum.
(7) A college is a place where one learns to
sleep in an awkward position.
Here's a way of putting over a fast one. A
senior at the University of Maryland had pro-
pc.ed to a girl and she had turned him down.
"Ah, well, he sighed dejectedly, "I suppose
I'll never marry now."
The co-ed couldn't help laughing a little,
she was so flattered.
"You silly boy," she said. "Because I've
turned you down, that doesn't mean the other
girls will do the same."
"Of course, it does," he returneid with a
faint smile, "If you won't have me, who will."
To all you indolent students who neglect to
study for finals, we submit this unique way of
extricating yourself from the jam which is bound
to follow such an exhibition of laziness.
Discovered by a couple of ingenious students at
N.Y.U., this new method shows great promise and
will undoubtedly find its way into the hearts of
the undergraduates the country over. Here's the
When in need of a little outside help, simply
write a choice selection of crib notes in grape fruit
juice on your spectacles. (You are just unfortunate
if you don't wear glasses.) Ordinarily invisible,
these notes are easily read when the cribber
breathes upon the glasses. Maybe we shouldn't
have mentioned this!
Students who feel like calling a class strike
against a professor should heed the warning of a
certain class at the University of Kentucky.
Tiring of the monotony of a professor's lecture,
the members of a class signed a resolution not
to go to class on a certain day. When the professor
entered the empty room that day, he found only
the signed resolution.
The next day, when the students smugly en-
tered class, he gave them a 15-minute quiz, told
them exactly how to fold and endorse the papers
and then ordered the wearied and worried stu-
dents to tear and throw away the papers.
A Washington
THE CLAMOR for abandonment of New Deal
reform bills for this session in order to expedite
recovery by ending business "uneasiness," does not
seem to have reached the ears of House Demo-
crats. In the face of the most emphatic expression
of that idea, the National Chamber of Commerce
resolutions, they ganged up behind the White
House to put the banking bill through virtually
unchanged by a vote of 271 to 110. And they
did it without benefit of gag rules.
Since the banking bill was one of the specific
major moves recommended for deferment by the
Chamber as a spokesman for business generally,
action of the House can be construed as a pat
answer to the Chamber. The vote brought about
as near a straight party division as either House
or Senate has known at this session. Eleven Dem-
ocrats and three Republicans bolted; but it was
notable that most of the bolting Democrats were

extreme left-wingers. To off-set their defection,
10 of the 13 scattering votes cast joined the ma-
PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT did not see fit to pro-
vide the House with a text of the off-hand esti-
mate he made at his press conference of the Cham-
ber's attitude. It seems clear he did not need to.
House members are closer to constituent reac-
tion than anyone else in Washington. If the
Chamber's resolutions have set a fire under Con-
gress against the administration's reform legis-
lation, it must be burning very slowly, too slowly
to have reached the hill. The plain evidence of
the House action is that the Chamber's attitude,
if anything, has served only to strengthen the
President's hand in that branch.
One reason for it is that the Democrats have
had a suspicion all along that party politics, Re-
publican politics, had something to do with the
framing of the Chamber's broadside attack on the
New Deal. It synchronized with various Repub-
lican reorganization or revival activities.
HE BILL has a rough road to travel in the
Senate. By all signs, Virginia's legislative
little giant, Carter Glass, is preparing to give it


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