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May 10, 1935 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-10

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0, 1935



A First National picture, starring Kay
Francis. George Brent, and Warren Wil-
liam. Directed by Frank Borzage.
This type of picture, a sophisticated,
flimsy, dressy problem play, isa per-
fect vehicle for Kay Francis, who,
without lavish clothes, her baby-talk
r's, and something to look worried
about, would have a pretty hard time
putting herself across to most au-
The title, "Living On Velvet," ac-
crues from an airplane crash in which
the mother, father and sister of one
Terry Parker (George Brent) are
killed, leaving him dead from the neck
up and with a reckless, irresponsible
attitude toward life. He is taken
to a party by his best friend where
he meets, falls in love with, and mar-
ries the hostess. From that point
on she attempts to restore him to a
normal frame of mind.
\This plot, which is obviously
threadbare, is saved from instilling
an unrelenting ennui into the audi-
ence by presenting many attempts
to be new, different, clever, and ultra-
sophisticated, and to make you for-
get that you have seen it over and
over again. The attempts, in the
hands of such a triumvirate as Fran-
cis, Brent, and William, are for the
most part, grossly ineffective, and
although the situations could be made
real and believably clever, they have
that far-fetched flavor which shows

wants from life with her husband,
the other in which the hero portrays
an intangible longing to fly again),
there are no genuine, convincing mo-
ments in the whole of "Living On
Velvet." But despite all this, you
may like the picture. It is enter-
taining to a certain point. But it is,
nevertheless, saturated with typical
Hollywood ballyhoo which most in-
telligent minds would like wiped
frcm the face of the earth.
Carrothers To
Lead Study Of
Will Meet With Committee
At Capital; Studebaker,
Dr. Zook To Be Present
George E. Carrothers, director of
the University Bureau of Cooperation
with Educational Institutions, left
yesterday for Washington, D. C.,
where he is calling a meeting of the
general committee for cooperative
study of secondary school standards,
of which he is the executive chair-

-Associated Press Photo.
Passage by the Senate of the Patman bonus bill, which provides for
issuance of S2,000,00,000 in new money, brought happy smiles to Rep.
Patman (right) of Texas and Senator Thomas (left) of Oklahoma, who
aided in maneuvering the bill through the upper chamber. A presi-
dential veto is expected.
Engineering Open House Will
Exhibit Furnaces And X-Rays



up the shortcomings of everyone who Representatives from all parts of
produced them. the country will meet with him and
With possibly two exceptions (one Dr. George F. Zook, director of the
in wvhich the heroine states what she national council on education, and the
Federal Commissioner of Education,
1a 1;J. W. Studebaker, to determine what
Board Pledges j shall be the standards for teaching
requirements, graduation, sanitation,
Drive Aoainst athletics, etc., in the public high
schools throughout the United States.
This investigation is supported by
Tuberculosis a grant of money from each of the
six regional associations whose repre-
In an effort to survive financial sentatives comprise the committee in
difficulties which threaten the exist- addition to a $25,000 appropriation
ence of the county branch of the given this year by the General Edu-
Michigan Tuberculosis Association, cation Board.
the board of directors voted yesterday The functions of this committee
to undertake a personal campaign are of utmost importance to all sec-
for $1,000 with which to continue the ondary schools, for 4,500 high schools
anti-tuberculosis work here. and three million pupils are affected
The importance of tuberculosis pre- by their decisions.
-r~r in t -4 - - --n-n onoa 1-,+- 10_____________1___


vention and care was stressed by the
board members who were of the op-
inion that, in the thousands of dol-
lars spent annually in Ann Arbor for
extensive health charities, some
money should be available for the
prevention of the spread of tuber-
While praising the other health
programs as being eminently worth-
while, various members of the board,
called attention to the contagious
element involved in tuberculosis.
Other diseases need extensive control
and care, the board stated, but only
very few possess the contagious and
virulent qualities of tuberculosis.
The board members wished to em-
phasize the fact that they were not
criticizing the other health programs
of the city, but that they were defi-
nite and united in believing that tu-
berculosis work is a major under-
taking and one that is worthy of
more general support from the com-
munity and the general public than
it has received in the past few years.

KANSAS CITY, Kan., May 9. - (/')
-Dr. Thomas Richmond thinks this
stuff about "in-laws" is all wrong. To
prove it he plans to charter a bus
to take 25 or 30 of his relatives to
the Rocky Mountains for a vacation
next summer. He will pay all ex-
"My wife's folks are grand people,"
he said.
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Co., 635 St. Paul Street, Rochester, New York.
Bausch & Lomb-

Nights were made
for LOVE...

English Bootmaker
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Jockey Boots from $4.95
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We handle all details Sri
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1. Wednesday, May 15, 8:15 P.M.
Artist Concert. Festival debut of HELEN JEPSON, Metro-
politan Opera Soprano. World premiere of "Drum Taps."
Howard Hanson, composer, conducting. The Chicago Sym-
phony Orchestra, The Choral Union, Frederick Stock, Con-
2. Thursday, May 16, 8:15 P.M.
Artist-Choral Concert. Festival debut of MARY MOORE,
coloratura soprano of the Metropolitan. "King David" by
Honegger. Ethyl Hayden, soprano; Myrtle Leonard, con-
tralto; Paul Althouse, tenor; Paul Leyssac, narrator. Choral
Union, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Earl V. Moore and
Frederick Stock, Conductors.
3. Friday, May 17, 2:30 P.M.
Young People's Concert. RUTH POSSELT, violinist. Or-
chestra accompaniment. Young People's Festival Chorus.
World premiere of "Jumblies" by Dorothy James. Eric
DeLamarter and Juva Higbee, Conductors.
4. Friday, May 17, 8:15 P.M.
Artist concert. GIOVANNI MARTINELLI of the Metropoli-
tan Opera, tenor. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Fred-
erick Stock, Conductor.
5. Saturday, May 18, 2:30 P.M.
Symphony concert. JOSEF LHEVINNE, pianist. Chicago
Symphony Orchestra, Frederick Stock, Conductor.
6. Saturday, May 18, 8:15 P.M.

. . . And there's no sense in cramping your style in hot
evening clothes.
The NEW WHITE TUX is the ideal blend of
comfort and fashion ... Cool and casual, with shape-
liness that lasts. It is made of
and authentically modeled by GOODALL . .. who
make this famous cloth ... We're showing it in smart
white double- and single-breasted jackets . . . with
black Palm Beach tux trousers.
Some men prefer the clever mess jacket ensemble
... and some buy both. After all, why not? Certainly
the price won't stop you:

TUX OR MESS JACKET SUIT . . . . $17.50
VEST OR CUMMERBUND . . . . . $3.75

111111 rW 1 1

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