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May 10, 1935 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-05-10

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Architets all
To Be Attended
By 300 Couples
Fantastic Costumes, Jess
Hawkins And 'Cartoon'
Decorations Featured

Plans Homecoming

Nearly 300 couples will enjoy th
unique "cartoon" decorations, th
music of Jess Hawkins and his Vir
ginians, and the fantastic costume
of the dancers at the Architects' Bal
tonight in Granger's Ballroom.
Richard M. Robinson, '35A, gen
eral chairman, will lead the Ball, and
his guest will be Alma Miller, o
Manchester, Indiana. Other com
mittee chairmen include Don W
Lyon, music, George J. Bery and Fred
H. Graham, decolations, Carl B
Marr, tickets, Richard Pollman, floor
Samuel Scheiner, entertainment
Richard Stickney, patrons and Rob-
ert Taft, invitations.
Jess Hawkins' Virginians are regu-
larly featured at the Merry Garden
ballroom in Chicago, one of the "big
three" Chicago night clubs, including
the Trianon and the Aragon, and his
engagement here was made possible
through the special permission of the
Merry Gardens management. The
orchestra broadcasts over station WE
Decorations Include Tarzan
A last-minute innovation in the
general scheme of decorations for the
Ball is a huge picture of Tarzan,
holding up Mosher Jordan dormitory
by one arm. Co-eds may be seen
hangitig wildly from windows and
doors, trying to escape from tleir
"perilous" position.
The orchestra will play against a
background which represents a gigan-
tic pallette, with comic stripe charac-
ters clinging to the paint brushes
and peering out of paint bottles ar-
ranged in front of each player.
The few remaining tickets, priced
at $2, will be sold at the door of
Granger's, Marr announced. Cos-
tumes are 9ptional for those attend-
ing, but it is expected that approxi-
mately 60 per cent of the dancers
will wea costumes appropriate to
the "comic strip" theme of the Ball.
To Choose Council
For Outdoor Club
Thee new Council for the U. of M.
Outdoor Club will be elected Satur-
day at Sylvan Lake Country Club
when that group will hold its annual
spring party. Prom among the Coun-
cil members the president, secretary,
and treasurer will be elected later.
All University students wishing to
participate in outdoor sports are in-
vited to attend as well as members.
The afternoon will be devoted to
these activities as the members hike,
swim, and play baseball. After din-
ner the election will take place.
The group will leave the Women's
Athletic Building in trucks at 1:30
p.m. The cost of the transportation
and dinner will be approximately 65
cents. For reservations, call the
president, James C. Loughman, '35E.
Beautiful suits, superb tai-
lored. Tweeds and Novelty
Wools, Short fitted jackets,
Broken sizes and colors, but
every garment in this group
is a genuine bargain at the f
special prices of
$10.75 and $19.75

A Grand Collection
I $1.95 and $2.95
East William off State


ouglas R. Welch, '35, recording
se e etary of the Union, who is acting
as chairman of the general commit-
tee in charge of arrangements for
the Annual Spring Homecoming to
be held Thursday, Friday and Skt-
urday of next week.
Coiffures Must Be
SVersatile To Wear
WithSpring Hats

4 The advent of spring to Ann Arbor
seems to have been marked by no
more definite signs than a few rain-
drenched robins tugging at worms
and a few optimistic co-eds trying oh
the season's newest hats. The perky
sailors, modified bonnet styles, the
ever popular pill boxes each call for
a distinct hairdress, as many of the
women trying on innumerable hats
have discovered.
You may wear bangs with your
most devastating date chapeaux, but
what will happen to these "beau-
catchers" when you dash for your
eight o'clock and jam on a low-slung
sport hat with lots of brim? Your
streamline, informally nonchalant
bob may serve you well on campus,
but it will probably look incongruous
with a shell pink, drop-shoulder for-
Curls Are Indispensible
Theref ore, the ingenious young
wnman will experiment with her hair
to find the cut and curl that will ad-
just itself most easily to several dif-
ferent coiiffures. Most certainly,
curls are almost indispensable. There
are curls on the forehead, curls at the
nape of the neck, curls piled high at
the top of the crown. It is generally
I a good plan to have the curls soft
and full rather than tight. The small,
stiff curl can be carried off success-
fully only by the very sophisticated
"smoothie." Girls not classified as I
such should follow the fashionable
trend of the season, the trend to-
ward feminine simplicity.
The modified Hepburn bob adapts
itself well to campus or evening
clothes. For class, the hair, which is
cut fairly short all around, may be
worn in a careless, fly-away fashion,
well brushed up in back and brushed
off the sides of the face. In the eve-
ning, you may curl the bangs into
soft, fluffy curls, while the rest of
the coiffure follows this same pat-
Waves to Suit Hat Styles .
An entirely original hairdress
which gives an effect similar to the
braid, is the coiffure having an un-
broken line of curl across the top
front of the head. This forms a tiara-
like effect and is particularly good
for the girl who wishes to appear tall.
Pill box hats and shallow sailors
call for hair styles that are flat on
top, with all the detail at the back
and sides. The hair should be ar-
ranged smoothly on the crown of the
head and then wave slightly before
the curls appear.
Those who cling to the long hair
tradition (notice that there are no
in-between length bobs) may wear
the coronet braid or the coronet twist,
the twist being similar to the braid
except that the hair is made into
two long curls and then drawn about
the head instead of plaited.
Ornaments for the evening coiffure
are popular and very effective if the
wearer uses them tastefully. A gar-
denia behind the ear, a line of small
flowers worn just above the roll in
back, or a tiny, colorful-clip will often
complete and accent a becoming coif-
Albert Zbinden, '37SM, pianist, will
give a piano recital at 8:15 p.m. Fri-
day, May 10 in the School of Music
auditorium instead of a graduation
recital as previously announced.

Sororities Hold
Parties Toight
Dinners, Dances, House
Parties Share Limelight
With Architects' Ball
Fraternities, sororities, and organi-
zations of various types are enter-
taining with parties tonight. Din-
ners will be held before the annual
Architects' Ball, formal and infor-
mal dances are being planned, and
two house parties have been ar-
Kappa Alpha Theta sorority is en-
tertaining with a closed formal dance,
which is being planned by Betty Sin-
clair. '36. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Cary,
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Stuart, Mr. and
Mrs. R. W. Sinclair and Miss Helen
Ladd will chaperone the party.
Hold Spring Formal
Bertram Lebeis, '36, is in charge of
the closed spring formal dance to be
given by Delta Upsilon fraternity.
The party will be chaperoned by Dr.
and Mrs. Karl Litzenberg and Dr.
and Mrs. W. E. Scott.
George Wheeler's Blue Collegians
will play for the closed summer for-
mal dance at the Alpha Gamma Delta
sorority house. Helen Doris Young,
'35, chairman for the affair, has ar-
ranged for Mrs. Albert Reeves, Mrs.
Sarah Bernard Tennant, Miss Edith
Barnard, Mrs. Hugh Keeler and Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Parker to chaperone.
House Party Planned
Zeta Beta Tau fraternity is holding
a house party this week-end and will
entertain with a spring formal to-
night. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Rose
and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Auerbach
will act as chaperones. Joseph Roth-
bard, '36, is in charge of the arrange-
Mr. and Mrs. Mentor Williams will
chaperone the informal dance to be
given at the Unitarian Church by the
National Student League.
Alpha Rho Chi
Alpha Rho Chi fraternity is enter-
tainiag with an informal dinner be-
fore the Architects' Ball. Lee Mil-
ton, '37A, is in charge of the arrange-
The closed informal dance to be
held at the Chi Omega sorority house
will be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs.
Talbot Smith and Mr. and Mrs.3Clif-
ford Keen. Billie Faulkner, '37, is
chairman for the dance.
To Hold Closed Dance
Howard Ross, '36D, assisted by Ru-
dolph Raftshol, '36D, and Gordon
Glair, '36D, is arranging the closed
spring formal dance to be given by
Psi Omega fraternity. Dr. and Mrs.
Phillip Jay and Dr. and Mrs. Ralph
S. Moyer will act as chaperones.
Prof. and Mrs. I. L. Sharfman, Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Greenberg, Dr.
Bernard Heller, Mrs. L. Sykes and
Mr. and Mrs. I. Schaffer will chap-
erone the closed formal dinner dance
to be given by Kappa Nu fraternity
at the Huron Hills Country Club.
Howard Levine, '36, is planning the
To Hold Summer Formal
Robert Clarke, '37, is in charge of
the closed spring formal dance to be
held at the Sigma Alpha Epsiln fra-
ternity house. Dr. and Mrs. David
Reed and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Gibson
will act as chaperones.
A closed summer formal dance to-
night will be one feature of the house
party being held at Phi Epsilon Pi
fraternity. The party will be chap-
eroned by Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Conn
and Dr. and Mrs. Milton Goldham-
mer. Louis Goldsmith, '37, is in
charge of the arrangements. .
The members of the Trigon fra-
ternity wish to announce the election

of officers for the coming year. They
are: Keith Lance, '36, president; Jack
Cooper, '36E,, vice-president; Leo
Corkin, '37, secretary, and Robert
Warner, '36E, auditor.

W. A. A. Lantern
Night First Started
As Dance Festival
Lantern Night, the ceremony hon-
oring senior women which will be
held Wednesday, May 22, at Palmer
Field, is a tradition that has received
enthusiastic support since its inau-
The ceremony developed from the
annual spring Dance FestiVal, the
name being changed to Lantern Night
in 1915. That year it was held on the
boulevard, now the hockey field, be-
fore Observatory Lodge. Besides the
procession, each class formerly pre-
sented a stunt. The bleachers raised
for the occasion were filled despite
a charge of 35 cents for reserved seats
and 25 cents for the othes.
League Takes Interest
Because of the success of Lantern
Night, the League became interested
in it and wished to cooperate with
W.A.A. in its promotion. However, it
was decided to accept the League's
assistance but to keep Lantern Night
a function of the W.A.A. The League
cooperated that very year, 1919, by
serving coffee to all those present
at the picnic supper preceding the
The affair was of such importance
in 1921 the Grand Rapids Junior
College and Detroit Junior College
were invited to attend. The guests
proved an inspiration, and although
no special invitations have since been
sent, out-of-town guests are wel-
Proceeds Given To League
W.A.A. reciprocated in 1922 by
helping the League. The W.A.A.
board voted to apply the proceeds
from a nominal admission charge to
the League treasury.
The first Field Day was held dur-
ing the afternoon just preceding the
picnic supper in 1924 at which time
the finals of the spring sports were
played. This event was discontinued
until last year when it was re-inau-
gurated into the day's activities.
Instead of the completion of the
spring sport's program, Field Day
has become a contest between the
houses. The six women from each
house who have distinguished them-
selves in athletics during the year are
invited to participate and are enter-
tained by W.A.A. at dinner after-
Following supper, the line of march
led by Barbara Sutherland, '35, and
the eight women from each class with
the highest number of merit points is
formed. The block M made at the
further end of Palmer Field is so ar-
ranged that the seniors with their
lanterns are on the outside, illuminat-
ing the letter.
Mosher Hall Residents
Entertain At Informal Tea
The residents of Mosher Hall en-
tertained at one of the regular week-
ly informal teas yesterday. Women
selected to pour at the function were:
Jean Seeley, '36, Betty Scherling, '36,
Laura Jane Zimmerman, '36, Martha
Steen, '36, and Linda Crosby, '35.
Mary Andrew, '37, who was in
charge of the affair chose a center-
piece of spring flowers. Assisting at
the tea were Mary Albright, '38, Ruth
Carr, '38, Margaret Jack, '38, Ruth
Parsons, '38, Anna Thomson, '38, and
Dorothy Mittelstaedt, '36.
Medieval prose was the subject of
the discussion held by Phi Tau Alpha,
classical honorary organization, at
its meeting last night in the League.I
A series of short speeches were given
on the various phases of the subject.
Mrs. Elinor Urnston, Grad., was in
charge of the program, assisted by
Lester Houck, Grad., Edgar Smoth-
ers, Grad., Helen McKee, Grad., and
Louis Ueberhorst, Grad.

Annual Senior
Dinner I Held
By Dormitory
A special Senior dinner was held
at Helen Newberry Residence last
night when the Juniors entertained
the Seniors. The tables in the din-
ing room were arranged to form a
large S, and these were decorated
with tea roses and ivory tapers. Place
cards made of copper foil in shape of
oil cans were used.
Margaret Cutler, '36, house presi-
dent, presided, and introduced the
speakers. Each Junior addressed a
different Senior, and the Seniors re-
plied. The "oil can" that is present-
ed by the Juniors each year to a
Senior was presented to Elsa Van
Slyke. Katherine Choate was the
Junior who received the "alarm clock"
from the Seniors. Following a tradi-
tion, ivy was planted in the yard
after dinner, and each graduating
student received a boutonniere of
The Senior women of the house
who were honored at that time in-
cluded Constance. Cavender, Kath-
erine Choate, Helen Clark, Isabella
Currie, Jeannette Erlewina, Edith
Gold, Helen Grossner, Jean Hayward,
Betty Hill, Isabel Jackson, Elsa Van
Slyke, Marjorie Western, and Harriet
Ruthvens Enterta
At Honors Dinner
President and Mrs. Alexander G.
Ruthven gave a dinner last night at
the League in hohor of women of the
Far East who have won Barbour
Miss Poe-Eng Yu of Amoy, China,
and Miss Behice Sadik of Istanbul,
Turkey, were new scholars to whom
President Ruthven awarded Barbour
Following the dinner, which is an
annual affair. Mrs. Hanako H. Yama-
giwa of Japan spoke for the former
scholars. Others who addressed the
guests were Miss I-djen Ho of Soo-
chow, China, who spoke for the pres-
ent scholars; Miss Sadik, who spoke
for the new scholars; and President
Women Will Open
SpringGolf Season
The Women's Golf Association will
open its season at a luncheon at 1
p.m. tomorrow at the Barton Hills
Country Club House. Informal
bridge will be played after the lunch-
Jean Kyer, last year's city golf
champion and runner-up in the state
finals, will be the guest of honor at
the luncheon. Reservations should
be made by calling the club house
before tonight and transportation
will be obtained by calling Mrs. John
New officers of the organization
are Mrs. Russell Dobson, Jr., presi-
dent; Mrs. John Dorsey, vice-presi-
dent; Mrs. Hugh Gilbert, recording
secretary; Mrs. W. S. Peck, corres-
ponding secretary; and Mrs. A. C.
Curtis, treasurer.
Chairmen of the various commit-
tees are Mrs. Horace Stauffer, golf;
Mrp. Clarence Snyder, prizes; Mrs.
Reed Nesbitt, membership; Mrs. Emil
Arnold, social, and Mrs. Harold
Smith, publicity.
Kappa Sigma fraternity wishes to
announce pledging of Robert S.
Smith, '38, Baldwin, Mich., and Vic-
tor M. Zerbi, '37, San Juan, Puerto









I '


The Skirt Is L

e's the Newest
included at no extra charge.
DEARLY Everybody is
riding a bike these
ays, and of course, you
now half the fun is in
ing togged out comfort-
ly and smartly.
his three - piece costume
nsists of an action-back
irt . . . pleated shorts
th two patch pockets ...
id a wrap-around skirt
at fastens down the
ont with a row of large
arl buttons. It comes in
d and white, brown and
hite, and navy and white
velty pique.

T Alk
can't turn purplish
How they've done it, we
don't know, but it's just as true
as true can be; here, at last, is a
transparent, highly indelible lipstick
that just can't leae an,,rnlish udr (


"Unpleasant breath" cre-
ates a "Twin Personality".
Have a heart-don't make
the girls see double - you
know get cockeyed ideas
about you. Use Lavoris and
be "O. K." all the time.

$%" 95




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