Y16, 1935
Carpival rjo Be
Reproduced At
League's Iarty
Bridge Contest Will Be
Sponsored ,,By A ssecibly
Of Organization
The Ethel Fountain Hussey room
of the League will be transformed
into a carnival midway between 2:30
and 5:30 p.m. today, with shooting
galleries, all sorts of prize games, and
a fortune teller, all part of a party
sponsored by the League Council and
the Assembly. The proceeds are to be
given to the Undergraduate Campaign
Fund of the League, which is applied
to the building debt.
The Assembly, group of non-affil-
iated women, is arranging the bridge
party in the ballroom. Prizes will be
given to every ten tables. The prizes
each valued at $1 have been donated
by various Ann Arbor merchants, and
include candy, playing cards, trade
tickets at beauty shops and at book
At the same time there will be danc-
ing inthe Grand Rapids Room, with
Sue Mahler, '35, house chairman,
and Ann Osborn, '35, social chairman,
in charge. Dorothy Vale, '37, Mary
Morrison, '35, and Maureen Fries,
will play the piano for dancing dur-
ing the afternoon.
The games are in charge of Marie
Metzger, '35, reception chairman, and
her committee. The professional for-
tune-teller, will read palms.
The committee for the bridge party
includes Emiline Anderson, '35, gen-
eral chairntan, Jane Lambert, '35,
propefties, Kay Becker, '36, hostesses,
Ruth Clark, '35, posters, Geraldine
Ruff, '36, and Wilma Rattenbury,
'37, prizes. Bessie Curtis, '36, tele-
phoning, and Katherine Choate, '36,
Many Houses
Wi Entertain
This Week-end
Fraternities and sq~orities have
evenly divided the entertaining to-
The pledges -of Alpha Chi Omega
sorority are holding a formal dance
in honor of the active members with
Russ Armstrong's orchestra furnish-
ing the music. Jean Nelson, '36, is
in charge of the arrangements. Dr.
and Mrs. Howard McClusky, Dr. and
Mrs. C. F. Rueger and Miss Clara
Wilson will chaperone.
Rolland Water, '36E, is planning the
informal dance to be held by Phi
Mu Alpha fraternity. Messrs. Paul
and Arthur Schlanderer will act as
A "Joe College" party is birg
planned by Emily Marcus, '38, for
Phi Sigma Sigma sorority. Mrs. Lettie
Davies, Mr. and Mrs. F. Seitner and
Prof. and Mrs. Hirsh Hootkins will
Alpha Kappa Psi fraternity is en-
tertaining with an informal dance.
The chaperones will be Prof. and
Mrs. Earl Griggs, Hubert Ross, '35-
Spec.BAd., is in charge of the ar-
World's Richest Girl
Marries Advertiser
Inter - College Students And Faculty Artists
Mixer Will Be Exhibit Works In MeIllori al(H1
Held By *A.A.,,
Physical Education Club
Members Will Serve As'
Hostesses At Dance
A State inter-coils :e mixer will
be held at 2 p.m. today in the Wom-
en's Athletic Building. Members of
the Physical Education Club will actj
Faculty members and students alike
fcamire in the art exhibit now on dis-
play in the Alumni Memorial Hall.
Only Ann Arbor artists are being
given a chance to show their works
under the sponsorship of the city's
art association.
Prof. A. Mastro Valerio of the Col-
lcge of Architecture has a number of
etchings on exhibit. These etchings
dci] with the nude figure and are
as hostesses for the women from ,cr afil D eclning Nude, East
?MichiganState Normal,T Marygrove, Window," "On the River," and a
Western State Non State College ring."
Westeyn Statesy d Norathleg, P of. Frederic H. Aldrich, Jr., also e
Wayne University, and Nor'thern ,
StateeNormal.ioft College of Architecture, is ex-
Visitors will be v-elccmed by the b
hostess committee and given name ,
cards bearing the colors of their .
schools. They wvill be ushered to the b e
lounge on the second floor where they etitions
will participate in folk dancing and
a Paul Jones. L::t Le Fore
Dancing will be followed by a pro- e e o eOS s
....gramn of 20 different social games. I
Guests and students will form color P titien' for positions on the i
teams and will compete for prizes. League Council and the Judiciary L
A sports program at Barbour Committee had been re'ceived from f
Gymrrsium, including badminton, 46 women when the time limit ex-
bowling, archery, volley ball, table pired Thursday, it was announced a
tennis, deck tennis, box hockey, yesterday. The positions on the
-Associated Press P oto. bridge, volley ball or golf will follow Council which are open are president,
Deris Duke, tebacco heiress known as the "richest girl in the world," the social activities. treasurer and secretary, and three
was married in a surprise ceremony in New York to James Roberts At 5 p.m. the group will adjourn vice-presidents of the League, in ad- t
Crcmwcll, New Ycik advertising man. They are shown just before sail- to the University High School for dition to the chairmanships of the r
ing on the S. S. Conte Di Savoia for a honeymoon in Italy and Egypt. tea. Dr. Margaret Bell, director of 10 major committees.C
- --physical education, and Lavinia Although these positions are open i
Creighton, '35, president of the Phys- only to juniors, with the exception of f
Creghtn, 5, reidet o th Phs-two sophomore positions on the Ju-
I app Phi To Hold Hillel Independents Will ical Education Club will speak.w p m p
diciary Committee, 28 sophomores
Inellaslun Dinner Hold Dance And Meeting The committee assisting the prs- and freshm misunderstood the na-
ident are: Gertrude Penhale, '3Ed., ture of the oflces and handed in pe-
The B'nai B'rith Hillel Independ- and Bessie Curtis, '36, co-chairmen titions. However, their statements
Kappa Phi, Methodist women's sor- ents, following their official recogni- of the mixer; Frances Redden, '36Ed., will be considered for committee posi-
ority, will hold initiation ceremonies tion as a campus society given by hostesses chairman, Louise Paine, '36- tions after the other jobs have been
at 4 p.m. today in the Methodist Dean Joseph A. Bursley, will cele- ! Ed., folk dancing chairman. Henrietta filled.
.I.1.Cherrington, '35, sports chairman, The present Judiciary Committee
Church with a banquet following at brate this administrative action with Audrey Anderson, '36Ed., social games will personally interview the women
the League. Mrs. Samuel J. Harri- a dance to be held at 8 p.m. Sunday1 chairman, and Caroline Woodford, who handed in petitions this week-
son, of Albion, and formerly of Ann at the Hillel Foundation. '36Ed., tea chairman. end.
Arbor, will be the speaker at the At this time the group picture for
banquet choosing as her topic the monthly magazines will be taken, and___
theme for this year's program of the an election will be held to fill the
organization, "Threshholds." Guests posts of vice-president and corres-
will include members of the alumnae ponding secretary. Following the
group. election, plans are to be made for a
Those who will be initiated into sleigh-ride, and it is requested by Leo
the organization are Mary Helen Berzansky, '36, president, that all
Bowman, '38, Helen Byrn, '38, Treva members be present.
Culp, '36, Helen DeWitt, '38, Margar-
et Forsythe, '38, Helen Johnson, '35, CREDIT FOR W.A.A. POINTS
Bertha Kolb, '38, Mary Louise Mann, Transfer students with athletic
'37, Nilo Miller, '38, Bertrade Smith, points from other colleges report-
'35, and Mary Walker, '37. ing from 3 to 4:15 p.m. Monday
and from 1 to 3 p.m. Tuesday in
dil ing iwo pi tures. One is a still aUI. I. W )1 v ! 1L
ife study of a vase of lilacs, and th_
ot her is a wooded ln'ae Mrs
Aldrich's "Show Girl," tdhh is an Ann Arbor And Ypsilanti
ii painting, is also on display. Woinen's Groups Plan
Donald Gooch, 35Ed.. has sub-
nitted a water color, "Sunset," and Supper At Leaue
Lorene Davis' "Still Life" is likewise
done in water color and has the yel- Prof. James K. Pollock of the politi-
ow and green shades predominating. cal science department will speak it
Prcf. Myron Chapin of the College of
Architecture is the artist of the two the international relations supper
jaintings "Perce Rock" and Perce sponsored by the Ann Arbor and
at Night." Thcee are both done in Ypsilanti groups of the American As-
ils. Prof. Jean P. Slusser, has on sociation of University Women, the
exhibit a water color entitled, "Wat- League of Women Voters and the
rfall." League of Nations Association. The
Eunice Yost's oil painting, "Rub- supper will be held at 6:15 p.m. to-
lng Silver." is interesting because it morrow in the ballroom of the League.
has a great deal of still life com- Professor Pollock will speak on the
ined with the human figure. Eliza- "Saar Plebiscite and Its Afterm-tth."
eth Lorch has submitted an etching He will be introduced by Prof. John
which is described best by its title, P. Dawson of the law school. This
'Out in Back." will be Professor Pollock's only pub-
Jane C. Stanley's pencil sketch of lip lecture in the city on thi subject.
Angell Hall is a familiar sight to 'Reservations for the supper may
very student. Wilfred B. Shaw has be made by calling the League not
ikewise depicted a well-known scene later than noon today. Professor
n his etching, "Huron River." "Lazy Pollock will speak at 7:30 p.m. and
Day," an etching by Ambrose C. anyone wishing to attend the lecture
Pack, is also on exhibit. The pictures only may do so.
will be on display until March 1, art ----
association officials said. ALPHA EPSILON PHI
ZETA TAU ALPHA Emma Ruth Alper, '36, :s planning
ZTAu A~lh sL y n the rushing luncheon at which Alpha
Zeta Tau Alpha soi'ority enter- psilon Phi sorority is entertaining
ained six guests at a Valentine's tody
rushing dinner Wednesday in the
chapter house. The center-piece of -
-leeding hearts and green was-
lanked by red candles.
Graduate Students Will
Dance At Party Tonight
There will be a dance for'grad-
uate students from 9 to 12 p.m. to-
night in the Women's Athletic
Building. Admission of 35 cents
will be charged. Students in any
graduate school are invited.
DELTA PHI the undergraduate office of the
Delta Phi fraternity wishes to an- League will receive W.A.A. credit
nounce the pledging of Richard Was- for their points.
son, '37P.
Phone 2-1912
Gfl4D-§IBOUT .
of Brand New, Exquisite
Where To Go
Art Cinema League: "The Good
Companions," 8 p.m., Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theater.
Motion Pictures: Wuerth, "Peck's
Bad Boy" with Jackie Cooper and
"Have a Heart" with James Dunn;
Majestic, "Rhumba" with George
Raft; Michigan, "Sweet Adeline" with
Irene Dunne; .Whitney, "Havana
Widows" with Joan Blondell and
"Without Children" with Bruce Cab-
Exhibitions: Exhibition of Persian
miniature paintings, open from 2 to
5 p.m. daily, Alumni Memorial Hall,
South Gallery.
Dancing: Union Ballroom, Silver-
grill at League Ballroom, Chubb's,
Hut Cellar.
A BIRD in hand is certainly su-
perior but just how long will it
remain? That depends on how
well you're groomed for the occa-
sion. Calkins-Fletcher's carries a
complete answer to the hand ques-
tion in the form of Peggy Sage
Preparations. In this set are in-
cluded "Smoothie" and "Soltie"
creams (and whiteners for you lab
drudges) and there'. an indispens-
ible lotion to counteract the water
menace. Then there are two cuti-
cle preparations . . . a liquid and
the newer soap . .. to do away wit h
the barbaric custom of cutting,
SLITHER, slither, splash. . . there
goes a truck and a stocking!
This "Lunnon" weather is certain-
ly hard on the fairer sex but, as
usual, the Elizabeth Dillon Shop
has the situation well in hand -
by way of a big hosiery sale -not
just "hose" but Artcraft and all it
implies. Reductions run through-
out the price range . . . 79c to 50c;
$1 to 85c, and $1.35 to $1.10. And
the shades include all the smart
darker tones so good just now for
both daytime and evening.
AVE you heard? Of course you
have but it will bear a great
deal of repetition. .. the University
Fashion Shop is moving to i118 So.
University. The new quarters will
be the home of the same complete
line of lingerie, -,hosiery, trick
sweaters, and things and your fre-
qudnt inspection iscordially invit-
ed. It will be an informal shop
with plenty of room to "browse" so
just drop in any time for a "look-
see" . . remember it's 1118 So,
jARK ye ladies to the unbreak-
able rules of Cosmetology, the
Doxology of "Groominess": the.
scalp should be rubbed dry before
finger-waving (easy enough, isn't
it?), every other shampoo should
include hot-oil (a simple formula
to remember), and you should
have a facial at least once a month
(sounds more like a privilege,
doesn't it?) And the lace to
maintain these simple rules of pro-
cedure is indisputably the Di-
Mattia Shop .. . so be sure to make
your appointment early.
' ,
.{ til
j ti
c c -
..-"., .!
yx f
k i
i t
r+ / -..
The youngest, gayest, freshest,
fashion - knowingest collection
of dresses that we've seen for
many a moon! It may be win-
ter to the weather man ... but
these dresses are the very breath
of Spring !
elax this cAfternoon...
at the
[ Sponsored by the vIssernbly and <League]
It's Your
Treat I
Make it a real treat. Din-
ner and Supper Dancing
every week-end. Delight-
ful music, delicious food,
spacious dance floor.
Steak dinners and pas-
try our specialty.
Every Dress a Stitniing
Advaice Spring Style-
Every Dress a Marvelous
Hollywood Shop Value-
Beautiful New Prints . . . Lovely Crepes * ,
Black and White Contrasts ... Bright Shades
Fashionable Navv ...New leve-