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February 16, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-02-16

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-4 ~ '- 4

tion to the highly popular radio programs which
alone were said to go to 600,000 persons, included
credit and non-credit courses in 11 Michigan
cities, extension lectures by members of the Uni-
versity faculty, library extension service, direction
of state forensic activities, the Bureau of Govern-
ment, Bureau of Public Service in the School of
Education, Bureau of Appointments and, Occupa-
tional Information, Museum Extension Service,
bureau of civic improvement, forestry extension
service, 'engineering extension service, public
health service, the Parent-Education Institute, the
Institute of Adult Education, and direction of the
FERA freshman colleges.
The super-University now recognizes no bounds
in its far-reaching education of Michigan people.
It begins to concern itself in the lower education
e brackets; it aids in the process as long as men care
to continue their studies.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions wil be disregarded.
The names of communicants wil, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
Cake Cutters
To the Edtor:
The symposium on student government, held
Wednesday night at the Michigan Union, brought
out a glaring fallacy in the N.S.L. plan of student
government. The plan virtually contradicts it-
self. In brief:
1. The N.S.L. is opposed to the present plan of
government as well as all other proposed plans on
the basis, as one speaker stated Wednesday night,
that they do not allow fair representation to all
campus organizations.
2. To overcome this obstacle the N.S.L. pro-
poses a government whereby there will be four ex-
officio members and 25 elected through a system
of proportional representation.
. 3. When N.S.L. leaders were asked at Wednes-
day night's symposium to name 25 organizations
that had a strong enough constituency to seat 25
members they admitted that that many did not
exist. However, they said, one organization can
seat as many as they wish if they have the con-
stituency to do it with.
4. That statement bears analyzing. There are
about five or six organizations on this campus,
outside of those ex-officio ones named in the N. S.
L. proposal, that are active enough and have a
large enough constituency to seat members. Lit-
tle thinking will show that some such organiza-
tion as .the N.S.L. will place about six or seven
5. In summary: The N.S.L. opposes other plans
because they do not balance the representation
in government, yet they would willingly propose a
system whereby they could seat more members
than there were ex-offlcios on the council.
As the old sage said: "I am in favor of dividing
the cake fairly, providing you let me do the cut-
ting." Joe Feldman, and the boys, would like the
-Russel F. Anderson, '36
Partial Agreement
To the Editor:
Your editorial "Three Times and Out . .. . ."
in the Feb. 14 issue of your paper, is incorrect in
some of the statements and quite confusing gen-
First of all, it is even more than "three times."
Then, not 12 but more than 40 million dollars has
been spent by the Government on building, main-
tenance and operation of Zeppelin type dirigibles
since 1918, according to recently published figures;
but this is neither here nor there, particularly at
a time when billion dollars becomes an elementary
monetary unit in governmental expenditures.
To accuse our aeronautical engineers of lack of
knowledge as to how to build dirigibles is unjust
and ridiculous, since neither the "Akron" nor
the "Macon" were built by American engineers,
although on American soil.
The "ZMC-2," built and delivered to the U. S.
Navy by the Detroit Aircraft Corporation in 1929,

has ever since been in continuous service without
any hitches. This novel type of dirigible with
stressed metal skin (defined by the Navy and the
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics as
"pressure-rigid" type) is incomparably superior,
aerodynamically and structurally, to the antiquat-
ed Zeppelin type and it is a product of purely
American engineering genius, as it was conceived
and developed by our own Ralph Upson.
Doctor (honoris causa) Hugo Eckner is neither
a Count nor an engineer, although he now pre-
sides over the Zeppelin Werke in Freidrichshafen.
He is a naval officer and, in addition, has more
than 30 years of experience in navigating these
delicate and fragile airships. Of course, expe-
l rience counts heavily here, and nobody can claim
more experience or compete with him in this re-
f spect. But even Dr. Eckner has had several nar-
row escapes with his airships in his transoceanic
As I look upon the pages of "25 Jahre Zeppelin-
Luftschiffbau" by Director Dr. L. Duerr, Berlin,
1924, I note that about 20 Zeppelins were built
before, and nearly 120 by the end of the World
War. Incidentally, the "Graf Zeppelin" carries
a serial number 130, or is it 129? All that we
remember from the war is that two or three of
these airships were shot down in France, one or
two in England and one in Belgium, making
total of four to six. Now, what happened to the
rest of the nearly 100 ships built during the war?
Well -they were destroyed in bad weather before
t they had a chance to cross the borderline and -
r in handling on the ground. . This is the price of
the glory!
The real question is, therefore: Shall we try to
p duplicate the stunt? Is it worth it?
3 England abandoned completely and definitely
the rigid (Zeppelin) type development four years
s ago. France did the same thing 11 years ago.
r Our Navy men claim that one airship of this type

Two senior students seeking campus political
jobs at the University of Illinois have startled
campus politicians by the following aims that they
presented to the nublic at large:
1. Revolving doors for cokes and smokes.
2. A class office for every backer.
3. No more registration cards to fill out.
4. No school on Washington's birthday, Lin-
coln's birthday, Roosevelt's birthday; no school
on the day of the Kentucky Derby: no school dur-
ing fire prevention week; no school during "Hell
Week." \
5. Mental tests for the faculty every year.
6. A course in marriage and love taught by
Mae West as guest lecturer.
7. No 8 or 9 o'clocks; no Saturday classes.
8. No finals, military training, or compulsory
9. Coke service during classes.
A journalism professor at the University of
Maryland told the story recently of a friendly
chat lie had with a sword-swallower from a
circus. The professor asked the fellow to
demonstrate his art, whereupon the man ap-
parently swallowed some pins and needles.
"But," protested the educator, "Those aren't
swords. They're pins and needles."
"I know it," replied the other freak, "but
I'm on a diet."
At Northwestern University, the office of the
dean of women keeps a card index of rooms for
rent. One card describing the room reads: "Room
has full sized bed large enough for two students
or one faculty member."
A graduate of the University of Southern
California recently went to apply for a job of
scenario writer at a studio in Hollywood, where
the executive insisted that the applicant be
a college graduate. The executive looked with
favor upon the applicant and asked him if he
had a college diploma. He received an affirm-
ative reply.
"Show your diploma," demanded the pro-
The applicant tried to explain that it was
not customary for college students to carry
their diplomas around with them.
"Well, then," demanded the movie mogul,
"say me a big word."
A basketball referee at the University of Okla-
homa is liked by the students but he has many
brusque ways of officiating. During one game it
was necessary to call numerous fouls on the star
of the Oklahoma team, and after each foul the
referee would ask, "Do you understand?"
After the third foul was called the referee again
asked this question, and the player finally re-
plied, "No, I don't understand, but I'm getting
used to you."
"When they take co-education away from
the schools, what will follow, I repeat, what
will follow?" asked a speaker on women's
rights recently at Purdue.
A loud masculine voice from the rear re-
plied, "I will."
A Washington
rTHE Roosevelt Administration is on the home
stretch. It turned the half-way mark in Jan-
uary. March 4 has only memory-jogging signifi-
cance for it. It either will surrender office or en-
ter a new term in January, 1937.
The fact that the half-way mile stone lies be-
hind may account for some of the new trends
detectable now in Roosevelt policy compared with

the last two years. The day either is here or not V
far distant for the President when campaign con-
siderations of 1936 must claim his attention in-
Roosevelt inner circle aides who ought to know
always have said that the President virtually
banned 1936 planning in favor of concentration on
recovery and reform problems. They conceive
that ban to have applied as much to party pat-
ronage matters as to crystallization of issues for
the next presidential race.
TjWO happenings of this January may indicate
that the situation has changed.
Against fiery criticism of Postmaster-General
Farley, political field marshalS for mixing party
politics and government business in his multiple
jobs, authoritative word has come down that he
now has been picked to run the Roosevelt reelec-
tion campaign.
Mr. Roosevelt no longer is looking for a successor
to Sunny Jim either as chief mailman or party
chairman. That is a direct about-face on prev-
iously announced plans.
Also, harkening directly for the first time to
the patronage complaints from Democrats on
the hill, Mr. Roosevelt has committed himself to
personal inquiry in specific cases of alleged fail-
ure of his lieutenants to grant job priorities to
IF these developments are straws in the wind, it
follows that President Roosevelt now is finding
time to weight inter and intra-party considerations
as to the next presidential election. It no longer
is a business to be left exclusively to Farley and
Louis Howe, the all but invisible presidential chief

~! !!'!




ERE'S GOOD NEWS for every family
that has always thought it couldn't
afford a modern refrigerator. Right now, you
can start enjoying all the conveniences for
which this up-to-the-minute appliance is
noted. For the New Air-Cooled Electrolux
actually pays for itself!
You'll say it's an opportunity you should
certainly take advantage of, And it is! In
addition to its exceptional 3-way saving,
Electrolux gives you other important advan-
tages no other refrigerator can match. Perma- _ _ _----
nent silence is one of them! Electrolux has no
moving parts to wear. No moving parts, PERMANENTLY S I LEN
either, to cause noise or become noisy.
Why not drop in today and get all the See the beautiful new models for
facts about this ideal modern refrigerator. self. No obligation.

4T. .
r your-

Religious Activities

The Fellowship of
Liberal Religion
State and Huron Streets
A Discussion of the Play of Max-
well Anderson and a considera-
tion of the possibilities of a re-
birth for America today.
Leaders of the recent Michigan
Youth Congress will present a
symposium on questions facing
modern youth.

Hillel Foundation
rcnei E st University and Oakland
Dr. Bernard Heller, Director
11:15 A.M.- Sernion at the Women's
League Chapel by Rev. Harold P.
--A Review of Thorton Wilder's
Mr. Edward Sherman will render a
violin solo,
Watch the D.O.B. notices for classes,
forums and lectures.
All new Jewish students and old stu-
dents who have changed their
addresses will please phone the

Zion Lutheran
C hurch
Washington at Fifth Avenue
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
3:00 A.M.- Sunday School, lesson
9:00 A.M. - service in the German
10:30 A.M. - Service with sermon on.
Text, Romans 1, 13-17.
5:30 P.M. - Student fellowship and
supper. Student forum.
6:30 P.M. - The Rev. H. Yoder will
speak on the topic,
"The Pattern of My Life"

First Methodist
Episcopal Church
State and Washington
Charles W. Brashares, Minister
L.LaVerne Finch, Minister
A. Taliaferro, Music
9:45 A.M. - Class for young men and
women of college age. Dr. Roy J.
Burroughs will lead the discus-
sion. Meet in the balcony of the
church auditorium.
10:45 A.M.-Morning Worship Service


St. Paul's Lutheran
(Missouri Synod)
West Liberty and Third Sts.
Rev. C. A. 33rauer, Pastor
9:30 A.M. -- Sunday School
9:30 A.M. - The Service in German.
10:45 A.M. - The Morning Worship--
Sermon by the pastor.





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