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April 23, 1935 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-04-23

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)ance At Union, Reception At Leagtte Will Occupy Faculty, Sr


j -

Easter Ball To
Take Place At
Union Tonight
Special Dinner Will Be
Served On Terrace; To
Hear Bobby Grayson
The Easter Ball, the annual formal
charity ball given by the League of
St. Andrew's will be held tonight in
the ballroom of the Union. Mrs. Wil-
liam T. Buchanan is general chair-
man for the dance.
A special dinner preceding the
dance will be served on the lower ter-
race of the Union, and about 15 pri-
vate dinner parties are being ar-
Bobby Grayson's 11-piece orches-
tra from Detroit will furnish music in
the ballroom according to Mrs. Her-
bert G. Watkins, chairman of the
music committee, and Mrs. Theophil
Klingman, has made arrangements
for bridge in one of the small
rooms on the second floor of the
Union. A midnight supper has been
planned by Mrs. W. W, Newcomb.
Other committee members are, Mrs.
Daniel T. Quirk of Ypsilanti, chair-
man of tickets and printing; Mrs.
Earl H. Cress, chairman of the ticket
committee; Mrs. Albert C. Fursten-
berg, chairman of patrons; Mrs. B.
L. Thompson, chairman of flowers
and Mrs. Peter VanBoven, chairman
of publicity.
President and Mrs. Alexander G.
Ruthven and Mr. and Mrs. William
A. Comstock head the list of patrons
for the dance. Others are Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Cornwell and Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel L. Quirk, Jr., of Ypsilanti
and Mrs. Chester A. Barnes, Prof.
Laurence Bigelow, Dr. and Mrs.
James D. Bruce, Dean and Mrs. Jo-
seph A. Bursley, Prof. and Mrs. Philip
E. Bursley, Mrs. R. Bishop Canfield,
Mrs. Frank I. Cornwell, Miss Alice
Crocker, Mrs. Henry Douglas, Mr. and
Mrs. William H. Faust, and Dr. and
Mrs. Louis P. Hall.
The patrons and patronesses will
include also Dr. and Mrs. Harley A.
Haynes, Mrs. Evans Holbrook, Mr.
and Mrs. James Inglis, Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace W. Krag, Mr. and Mrs. Ern-
est F. Lloyd, Dr. and Mrs. I. D. Loree,
Dean and Mrs. Herbert C. Sadler, Mr.
and Mrs. William H. Sellew, Dr. and
Mrs. Cyrus C. Sturgis, Prof. and Mrs.
Morris P. Tilley, Mrs. J. J. Walser,
Dean and Mrs. Alfred H. Lovell, Mrs.
Ida Clements Wheat, Dr. and Mrs.
Udo J. Wile, and Prof. and Mrs.
Fielding H. Yost.
Ballots To Be
Cast For Queen
of Formal Ball
Voting for the senior woman to be
crowned queen of the Mardi Gras will
begin today. Names of 23 senior
women prominent in campus activities
appear on tze first elimination ballot
in today's Daily.
Students are requested to vote for
16 of the 23 women and deposit the
ballots in ballot boxes located at the
following places on campus: Union,
the League, Romance Languages
Building, the main lobby of Angell
Hall, Barbour Gymnasium, and at the
entrance of Natural Science Audit-
rium. Ballots must be deposited to-
day before 1 p.m.
Senior women on today's ballot are:
Isabelle McKellar, Sue Maher, Geor-
gina Karlson, Melinda Crosby, Maxine
Maynard, Kathleen Carpenter, Marie
Murphy, Barbara Sutherland, Eleanor
Blum, Virginia Cluff, Mary Morrison,
Betty Walz, Ella May Broome, Kay
Hildebrand, Jane Fauver, Marion
Wuerth, Kathleen Magee, Helen D.

Young, Billie Griffiths, Charlotte
Whitman, Maretta Martineck, Betty
Little, and Mary Stirling.
These women were nominated by
students on campus interested in
choosing them as queen of the fresh-
man Mardi Gras.

"The Rocky Twins" Will Appear In Revue

x }
Paul and Lief Rocky, who are knewn on the Continent where they
danced ivith lMistlnguet and Josephine Baker as "The Rocky Twins," with
ilelen tray, of the New York cast of "Roberta," wviii appear during
the Dramatic Season here. They will be a feature of the revue, "Up to
the Stars," which will open June 3.
+ *S
h r.t
r X ,9
UPaulaodLiTheSarsoHave First
american Showing In Festiva
This year Robert Henderson, fol- other numbers, Howard Dietz co
lowing the success last year of "Meet tributes, his "Bon Voyage" scene fro
My Sister," is presenting a revue as a "Flyin' Colors" which was originall
ramatic Festival production which played in the New York productic7
has never been presented before in by Ii ogene Coca.
America. The play is "Up to the Stewart Chaney, scenic design
Stars," which contains songs and for the Festival productions, has d
sketches by Noel Coward. Other signed elaborate scenic number, pa
scenes for the revue have been writ- ticularly for "The Rocky Twins
ten by the famous New York sketch Paul and Lief. He has createdi
writers, Norman Zeno and Howard number for them as French Wattea
Dietz. This will open Monday, June 3. figures, with costumes in cellophan
The Noel Coward material for this 4ith the twins as shepherds, Nir
production has been taken mainly Tarasova as their shepherdess, ar
from his London success, "Words and Walter Slezak as an old French pea
Music," produced at the Adelphi The- ant. S
atre under the management of Felcia Sorel, who is one of t
Charles Cochran. The numbers in- candidates for the position of balle
elude his recent hit song, "Mad ma at the Metropolitan Opera Hou
About the Boy," and other songs next year, will appear with her par
listed are "Four Debutantes," "Letting ner, Mr. Vilan, in several of her mo
Love Go," and "Weary With Life." successful dance creations.
One of Coward's most unusual
sketches in "Up to the Stars" is "Mild Colorful Displayvof
Oats," played by Ilka Chase and Mr.
dSlezak.His othr scenen nincu Ph l ograph S""die"
"Children from Vienna," i hc
Walter Slezak as an eight year old Now en Exhgibiio
Viennese toy expounds the latestOnE hbto
fantasies of Doctor Jung and Doctor
Freud to his nursery playmates, and An interesting study of photograp
the "Matter of Breeding" sketch. is now on display at Alumni Memori
The Norman Zeno numbers include Hall. The exhibit is being show
the hilarious scene between Mrs. here by the Ann Arbor Art Associat
Franklin Roosevelt and Mrs. Herbert and was arranged by the P3hotograph
Hoover on the recent occasion when Illustrators,' Inc., and the Nation
they both speak to the Girl Scouts. Alliance of Art and Industry.
Mrs. Roosevelt is played by JanetA
Fox, the New York character actress A number of the pictures on exhi
and niece of Edna Ferber, who physi- are direct color photographs. So
cally and vocally presents an exact are studies of table services sucha
replica of the First Lady of the Land. a fruit bowl setting on a bright lunc
Another of Zeno's sketches will be eon cloth, a table set for a form
the parody of the christening of the dinner, and another is a study of chi
Dine quridyn thleshursey.ngonghand glassware. A particularly colo
Dionne quintuplets nursery. Among ful photograph is a steamship adve
tisement which was taken at the ed
League Petitioners To of the pool ox board ship.
One of the most unusual pictur
Be Inter'iewed Today in the exhibit is a portrait showi
the clasped hands of an old woma
Interviews of applicants for po- and a number of others were tak
sitions on the League orientation of natives of various countries, and
committee will be held from 4 these there is great facial expressi(
to 6 p.m. today in the Undergrad- shown.
uate Office. This is the last chance A picture made interesting by t
to petition for a position on this use of shadows is entitled "Morni
committee. Mess Call at Staunton Military Aca
emy." In this a bugler is shown, a

Phi Tau Alpha
Club To Hold
First Reception
Members Of Society To
Present Program From
Hlerodas And Horace
Phi Tau Alpha, honorary classical
club, has issued invitations for a re-
ception to be given at 8:15 tomorrow
night at the League. Guests of honor
will be members of the Latin and
Greek departments of the University
and members of the classical faculty
and Classical Club of Wayne Univer-
sity, Detroit. In addition, all stu-
dents of Latin and Greek in the Uni-
versity have been invited.
Members of the society are to pre-
sent two of the mimes of Herodas,
translated into English and tpe ninth
sati-e of Horace, "The Bore," in the
or i~nal Latin. Arrangements for this
part of the program have been made
by Edmund Borgioli, '37, Manuel Le-
vin, '36, and Mrs. Cleo Torrey, '35,
and parts will be taken by Borgioli,
Levin, Mrs. Eleanor Urmston, Grad.,
Mrs. Mary Raft, '37, Helen Crawford,
'35, Bernard Etkind, '35, Melvin Beau-
dette, '35, Harry Russel, '35, Louis
Uelerhorst, Grad., and Lester Houck,
Grad. The introduction will be made
by Rolfe Haatvedt, Grad., president
of Phi Tau Alpha.
This is the first of such receptions
to be presented by the organization
and is being arranged by Elizabeth
SLawry, '35, vice-president, assisted by
Virginia Kirkwood, '35, and Mary Ed-
n- wards, Grad.
on IWhere To ro
e- Motion Pictures: Majestic, "Laddie"
r- with John Beal, Michigan, "Naughty
," Marietta" with Jeannette MacDonald;
a Whitney, "Behind The Green Lights"
u with Judith Allen and "Rendezvous
e, at Midnight" with Ralph Bellamy;
na Wuerth, "Clive of India" with Ronald
nd Colman.
the picture has been taken looking
he down at him through the columns of
,r- one of the buildings.
ise The exhibit includes two cigarette
- advertisements; one of a boy and girl
st leaning on a fence with fleecy clouds
as the background and the ofhpr

Dance Club, which will give its an-
nual dance recital Saturday after-
noon and night, May 4, in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, is primarily
interested in the dance as a contem-
porary art form.
Just as music and painting created,
out of the life of today differ radi-
cally from those arts as expressed
in past centuries, so dance that is a
vital expression of contemporary civ-
ilization takes a different form than
it did at the time of Louis XIV or
at the end of the nineteenth century
when the ballet reigned.'
Whereas the ballet was restricted to,
coquetish, cffeminite gesture, move-,
ment today is vigorous and direct.
The modern dance (the term is tran-
sitory) is a direct medium of expres-
sion rather than a link in a series
of tableau or a presentation of a nar-
It is an independent art form in
that it is a complete expression in
itself and is not, for instance, "inter-
pretive" of music. Emphasis is onI
structure, rhythm and design in
Having begun a revolution, the
modern dance is now establishing a,
discipline, though the specific styles
differ, and developing a body of men
and women for significant expression.
The outstanding dancers of Amer-
ica are in all probability Martha Gra-
ham, awarded the Guggenheim Fel-
lowship in 1932, with her group of
women; and Doris Humphrey and
Charles Weidman with a large group
of men and women.
Undergraduate Tea
To Be Given Friday
The monthly open tea for under-
graduate women will be given from
4 to 6 p.m. Friday in the League ball-
room. Both sorority and non-affil-
iated women are invited to attend.
Al Cowan's orchestra will play for'
Special entertainment will be pro-
vided by the Freshman Trio, Betty
Whitney, Carol Mahon, and Virginia
Hunt, who are to sing at the Mardi
Gras. Marilyn Fingerle, '38, will be
the accompanist.

Mr. Weidman and Miss Humphrey
appeared here last spring in the Dra-
matic Season and performed with
their group in January in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. The January
demonstration made the modern
dance more meaningful to Ann Arbor
audiences, for Miss Humphrey ex-
plained and illustrated how these
dances are built up.
This form has replaced tap and
musical comedy dancing in such hits
as "Life Begins at 8:40" and "As
Thousands Cheer." Moreover, it is
enthusiastically received on the con-
cert stage.
Although there is not as yet much
opportunity to study the modern
dance, a step indicating its coming
importance is the establishment of
the Bennington School of Dance,
Bennington, Vt.

Dance Will Be Presented As
Contemporary Art By Club

I' I

The New

Combines all the artistry and per-
fection that makes each "Empress"
wave an individual creation. Curls
and waves that sweep gracefully
back from the face and forehead
blend beautifully in back of the
head. For short or longhair in eith-
er Spiral or Croquignole treatment.





406 East Liberty Street


May Apply
J.G.P. Positions



shows a group of people on board a
There is also a group of composite
pictures. takenv at. the. World's Fair,
and another interesting and familiar
portrait was that of a number of
babies heads. All the photographs
in the exhibit are unusually realistic
and will be on display until April 28.

Sophomore women may apply
for positions on the central com-
mittee of next year's J.G.P. by
petitioning today or tomorrow in
the Undergraduate Office of the

Business Training for College Men
COLLEGF men from all parts of the country come to
Babson nstitute for specific preparation for business.
This unique resident school, founded by Roger W. Bab.
son,'gives sound training in finance, production, distribu-
tion, personal efficiency. Practical business laboratory methods.
Students follow office procedure. 16th year. Nine-month or two-year
courses. Write for information.
Queen of the Mardi Gras
CHECK 16 NAMES of the following candidates,

jl .


for GAY
Night Life

s s


which you wish to appear
row's Daily:

on the ballot in Tomor-

Party Frocks
that will bel
the life of any
$1 .75


{i Q

Isabelle McKellar
Sue Mahler
Gig Karlson
Melinda Crosby
Maxine Maynard
Kay Carpenter
Marie Murphy
Bobby Sutherland
Billie Blum.
Virginia Cluff
Jane Fauver

Q Mary Morrison
Q Betty Walz
LI Elltinay Broom
Q Kay Hildebrand
Q Marian Wuerth
Q Katherine Mage
LI 'Helen D. Yodun
B Billie Griffiths
L Charlotte Whitr
L Maretta Martin
L Betty Little
a a m. v.



' 1GH, wide and handsome
. that's the spirit of this
grand collection of livable,
lovable frocks. Wear them to
the classroom, for sports
activities, wear them every-
where and be sure of height-
of-f ashion chic and budget-
conscious econtomy. You'll
live in them from now 'til
fall . . . action backs, full
pleats, pockets, tricky neck-
lines and trimmings.




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