Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday.
McClusky Talks
Over Radio On
Relief Fund Adviser
Classified Direetory
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1935 nesday and Friday, in Room 4307
VOL. XLV No. 98 Engineering Building.
Notices I Philosophy 201 will be given on
English for Foreign Students: A 4-6 in 402 Lib.
two-hour non-credit course in English
to be known as Backgrounds of Amer- Lectures
ican Life is being organized for for- Lecture: Angelo Herndon, of
eign students. The entire group will lanta, will speak at Natural Sc
meet Tuesdays at 4 o'clock in Room Auditorium, Thursday, February
1018, Angell Hall and will then divide at 8:15, on the Scottsboro-Her
into two discussion sections to meet, Cases. Auspices National Stu
cne at 4:00 Wednesday and one at League, International Labor Def
4:00 Thursday. The first meeting will
be held next Tuesday, February 19.
J. Raleigh NelsonEvns oday
A discussion of the normal and ab-
normal development of the child dur
Tu., ing adolescence was given by Prof
Howard Y. McClusky of the School
of Education yesterday over Station
WJR from the campus studios in
Morris Hall.
y 21,
Counselor to Foreign
S.C.A. Notice: All cabinet positions
for the coming semester are now
closed. There are available several
committee jobs calling for work on.
the Michigan Handbook, the All-
Campus Jamboree, a publication of
photos, and on lectures. All students,
men or women, interested in trying
out for the S.C.A. should phone the
secretary at Lane Hall, 8969, and
make an appointment for interviews.
Tryout positions lead to cabinet jobs
executive positions, summer coun-
selling jobs, and counselling jobs at
Freshman camp.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information: Mr.
Robinson of the National Recreation
Association will be in the office Satur-
day morning to interview seniors who
have had physical education, drama-
tics, music, or sociology background
and who might be interested in the
possibility of taking further training
at the National Recreation School in
New York City.
Kindly call extension 489, or stop
at the office, 201 Mason Hall, as early
as possible to make appointments.
Office hours 9 to 12 a.m.
Candidates for Chairmanships of
League Committees will be inter-
viewed by members of the Judiciary
Council together with the present
holder of the office for which the
candidate is applying, at the following
Candidates for the chairmanship of
the Theatre-Arts Committee will be
interviewed Friday from 4 to 5 p.m.
Reception Committee, Friday 5 to
6 p.m.
Social Committee, Saturday 10 to
11 a.m.
Candidates for the nomination to
a vice-presidency or to a position on
Judiciary Council, Saturday 11 to 12
House Committee Chairmanship,
Saturday 1 to 2 p.m.
Merit System Committee, Satur-
day 2 to 3 p.m.
Orientation Committee, Saturday
3 to 4 p.m.
Publicity Committee, Saturday 4 to
5 p.m.
Johnson O'Connor: Mr. O'Connor,
of the Human Engineering Labora-
tories of Stevens Institute and Bos-
ton, will conduct a two-day testing
program here on Feb. 20-21. Only nine
appointments are available. These vo-
cational tests are given personally and
individually. No preparation is re-
quired. Any student may apply for
appointment. The testing period is
two hours, and the fee is ten dollars.
For appointment call Miss Post, Dean
Sadler's office, Univ. 575. For other
information, call Prof. A. D. Moore,
Women's Badminton Tournament
for pairs entered from any house or
zone starting next week. Players to
sign up in pairs at Barbour Gymna-
sium, Medical recheck is essential.
Attention Women Students: Will
any new students of non-affiliated
women on campus, not already in a
Beta Kappa Rho members and in-
itiates are reminded that initiation
takes place at 8:30 p.m., Michigan
Dance for Graduate Students to--I
night in the Women's Athletic build-
ing from nine until twelve o'clock.
Admission 35 cents. Students in any
of the graduate schools are cordially
Copting Events
Acolytes: Meeting Monday, Feb. 18,
at 7:30 p.m., in Room 202 S.W. Pro-
fessor R. W. Sellars will lead with
a paper, "Reflections on the Decline
of Roman Culture."
Varsity Debate Tryouts: Men's var-
sity debate tryouts for the second
semester will take place Tuesday,
February 19, in Room 4003 Angell
Hall from 2 to 4 o'clock. All under-
graduate men on the campus are in-
vited to take part. Complete infor-
mation about the tryouts may be ob-
tained in Room 106 Haven Hall.
Society of Les Voyageurs: Installa-
tion of new officers and regular bus-
iness meeting following the supper
at 6:00 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 17. All
faculty and associate members are re-
1quested to be there.
Genesee Club: Regular dinner
meeting on Sunday, Feb. 17, at 4:30
in Union. Professor Slosson will speak
on "A Historian Looks At Life." Mem-
bers please make reservations with
president by Friday.
Outings for Graduate Students:
The Graduate Outing Club, whose
outings are for all graduate students
interested, no membership being
necessary, is sponsoring a hike Sun-
day afternoon at 3:00. Those inter-
ested in this and other outings should
meet at that time at Lane Hall. In
case of bad weather the group will
discuss plans for the coming semester
and some entertainment will be pro-
Monday Evening Drama Section:
Will meet Monday, Feb. 18, with
Mrs. Wm. R. Taylor, 2007 Washtenaw
Ave. at 7:45. Mrs. C. H. Langford
and Mrs. R. P. Briggs will assist the
Natioridal Student League meets
Wednesday, Feb. 20, Union, Room 304,
8 p.m. Problems of the Negro will
be discussed, in connection with the
lecture by Angelo Herndon.
harris Hall: Regular student meet-
ing Sunday evening at seven o'clock.
Professor Raymond Hoekstra of the
Philosophy department, will speak
on "Religious Values." All students
are cordially invited.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday: 8:00 a.m.
Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m. Church
School; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten;
11:00 a.m. Morning prayer and ser-
mon by the Reverend Henry Lewis,
choir Sunday, special anthems will
be sung by the men and boy's choir.
First Baptist Church and Roger
Williams Guild: Sunday, 10:45, Ser-
mon by Mr. Sayles, minister, "I Am
the Resurrection and the Life." Stu-
dent class at Guild House, 12:00 to
12:45, Mr. Chapman.
. 6:00 p.m. Roger Williams Guild
meets. Miss Helen Wolter, AMLS, as-
Discussing the development of the
normal child, Professor MClusky
said that at a very early age the child
goes through a stage of self-centered-
ness, which gradually changes to a
deep affection for the mother and
father. The next stop, he continued.
is a concentration of that affection
on members of his own sex.
"At about 12 and 13 years of age
in the case of girls and at about 13
and 14 years of age in the case of
boys, the youngster passes through
a period of extreme shyness and with-
drawal from former social contacts."
According to Professor McClusky,
after this usually short-lived stage
the youngster starts to take a greater
interest in the opposite sex, usually
spreading his attention with various
degrees of intensity among several
persons. "Ultimately," he added "the
child selects one partner as a mate,
thereby entering the adult stage of
development in the social and sexual
aspect of its life."
"Sometimes they turn back or re-
gress," he stated, "to an earlier and
easier form of adjustment when life
becomes too painful. Sometimes they
stay too long at the same level of
growth and seem to be unable to take
the next step ahead.
sistant classifier of U. of M. Library,
will speak on "A Summer in Soviet
A social hour with refreshments
will follow the program. A welcome
to every one.
Unitarian Church: Sunday evening
service at 5:15 o'clock. Rev. Marley's
topic will be, "Valley Forge," a dis-
cussion of the play by Maxwell An-
derson. 7:30 p.m. -Liberal Student's
Union meeting. Leaders of the recent
Michigan Youth Conference will
Hillel Foundation: Sunday, 11:15.
Services at the League Chapel. Serv-
ices will be under the direction of
Rabbi Heller. Rev. Harold P. Marley
will speak on "Heaven's My Destina-
tion" - a review of Thornton Wilder's
recent book.
Methodist Episcopal Church: Sun-
day, 9:45 a.m. - Class for young
men and women of college age. The
group discusses modern social prob-
lems and ideals of the church. Meet
in the balcony of the auditorium.
10:45 am.-- Morning worship serv-
ice. Dr. C. W. Brasheres has chosen
as a sermon subject "What Is Swear-
12:10 a.m.- All those interested in
a class meeting at this hour are asked
to meet today at Stalker Hall to make
further plans. Students and employed
people of college age are cordially
Stalker Hall for Young Men and
Women of College Age: 6:00 p.m. -
Wesleyan Guild Devotional Service,
After an introductory outline of "The
Code of a Christian" by Dr. Bra-
shares, groups will divide for discus-
sions. There will be supper and fel-
lowship after the meeting.
Congregational Church: Unified
service of worship and religious 'edu-
cation from 10:30 to 12:00. A pro-
gram of worship, sermon and lecture.
Mr. Heaps, the minister, will speak on
"The Grasshopper Spirit," continuing
the series on the "Old Testament
in the New Times." The lecture will
be given by Prof. William A. Mc-
Laughlin of the Romance Language
Department of the University. His
subject will be "The Catholic Church."
7:30 - The Congregational Student
Fellowship presents the Senior Choir
of the Bethel A.M.E. church and the
Fellowship Symphony Orchestra
under the direction of Thor Johnson.
The choir will sing a group of Spir-
ituals and the orchestra will render
3tringfield's Symphonic Legend,
"John Henry."
P1~'o cit ui-:e'nents with fCla' ified
Ad: etn t wrI! t. Phone 2-1'1.
The cesi=fie1 e-lumnas close at five
C Cl^ck p-ex ions to ca" o in ertio1.
Bo , uuoihlers nmay; be se .cr(d at 11
extr.'.a charge.
Cash linmavance lie per reading line
(onbai of five average wocrds: to
line) for one or two insertio.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Mtini:numi 3 lines per insertion.
telephone rate -15c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
JO;discount if paid Within ten clays
froim the date of last insertion.
Miniunum three lines per insertion.
By contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one
4 lines E.O.D. 2 months...........3
2 linres daily, college year ........7c
4 lines F.O.D.. college year ........7c
100 lines used as desired ..........9c
300 ines used as desired ..........8c
1.000 lines used as des ired ........7c
2,00 lines used as dewired........Ge
'lice above rates ore per reading linie,
basedi on eight reading lines per ich.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
b) . ,:": ine to above rate:s (or all caipital
lett ers. Add Gec per line to above for
bcid face, upper and lower case. Add
>c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
T'he above rates are for 71- point
selection in ihe country. Associated
Motor Services. Inc. 317 W. Huron.
Ph. 2-3268, "Let's get acquainted."
1 Ox
GRAPHING promptly and neatly
done in our own shop by experi-
enced operators at moderate rates.
O. D. Morrill's Typewriter and Sta-
tionery Store, 314 S. State Street.
FOR RENT: Ashare in large front
room with upperclassman. Phone
8544, 422 E. Washington.
FRONT SUITE -Good location,
near campus, for women. Phone
7238. 105
ILARGE, Attractive Suite for two
gentlemen. Three blocks from
campus. Telephone 23586. 104
ROOM, with breakfast and dinner for
faculty woman or graduate student.
Private family. Phone 2-2981.
CLEAN, large front suite. Graduate
or business women. 210 South In-
gas hone 7538. 106
LOST: Waltham wrist watch with
metal band. Has the name G. F.
Jaynes on back. Reward. Phone
2-1717, 102
LOST: Green Parker fountain pen.
Name inscribed, Frank White.
Valued as keepsake. Reward.
Phone 3897. 103
LOST: Masonic and diamond rings
in Angell Hall, 9018. Reward.
-Associated Press, Photo.
Robert E. Wcod (zbcvc), Ch(go
busincrsman, was askcd by President
Roosevelt to form an adviscry com-I
mittee to consult with him in the
spending of the prcprced $4,880,000,-l
000 wcrk relief fund. The senate
is still considering the measure.
Churches Present
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5. 6 and .7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main . 7x
WANTED: House-mnan job. Room,
boaird and $1.00 weekly. Am cour-
teous, eflicient, and neat. Age 55.
Box 105, Mich. Daily.
Varied Progr nis
(Continued from i'a ' I
at 10:45 a.m. in the First Methodist
Church. The Rev. Brashares will
present an introductory outline of
"The Code of a Christian" at the
Wesleyan Guild service at 6 p.m. in
Stalker Hall.
The Rev. E. C. Steilhorn will speak
on "A Christian's Peculiar Part" in
the service of 10:30 a.m. in the Zion
Lutheran Church. In the service at
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price.
STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006.
10:30 a.n. in the Tiinity Lutheran4
Church the Rev. Henry Yoder will!
deliver a sermon on "What Then
Shall We Have." "God's Verdict
Versus Man's" will be the Rev. C. A.
Brauer's subject in the service at
10:45 a.m. in the St. Paul's Lutheran
Legislation Against Un-American
Activities Urged In Congress
(Col ilikied frounIPage I)
Church. cently received evidence which jus-
A combined meeting of Lutheran tifies an inquiry into reports show-
students at 6:30 p.m. in the Zion ing interference by a consul of the
Lutheran Parish Hall will hear Mr. Mexican government assigned to San
Yoder discuss "My Life," a recent Bernardino, Calif., with the religious;
book by Paul Hoh, executive secre- practices and religious freedom of
tary of the Parish School Board of some of our people."
the United Lutheran Church. "This evidence has been submitted
The Rev. Harold P. Marley will to the state department and assur-
give a sermon on "Valley Forge," the ances have been given that an imme-
Maxwell Anderson play, in the twi- diate inquiry will be made," the com- I
light service at 5:15 p.m. in the Uni- 1 mittee said.
tarian Church. Leaders of the recent In the 15,000-word, 24-page re-
Michigan Youth Congress will partici- port, the investigators repeated some
pate in a symposium on "Problems i of the testimony obtained in hearings
Facing Modern Youth" at the Liber- throughout the country, and pre-
al Student's Union meeting at 7:30 sented separate summaries dealing
p.m. with Naziism, Fascism, Communism,
"I Am the Insurrection and the the "Silver Shirts" - which they said
Life" is the subject for the sermon were patterned after the storm troops
to be given by the Rev. R. Edward of Germany - and other organiza-
Sayles in the service at 10:45 a.m. in tions.
the First Baptist Church. Miss Helen The committee said that Nazis used i
Wolters, assistant classifier at the "all kinds of efforts and influence,
University library, will discuss "A short of force and violence," to "con-
Summer in Soviet Russia" at the solidate persons of German birth and
Roger Williams Guild service at 6 descent" in this country "into one
p.m. gIroup, subject to dictation from
The Rev. Henry Lewis will deliver abroad."
the weekly sermon in the St. Andrews At "youth summer camps" in dif-
Episcopal Church service at 11 a.m. ferent localities, the report asserted,
children were taught to recognize
Chancellor Hitler of Germany as their
But the report added that the com-
mittee's disclosure in open hearings
have started a "disintegration of
the movement."
Of Fascism in this country, it said:
"There have been isolated cases
of activity by organizations which
seemed to be guided by the Fascisti
principle, which the committee inves-
tigated and found had made no prog-
However, it reported there was evi-
dence which would "justify an in-
vestigation" of alleged "fascist activ-
ity by an Italian vice consul at De-
Although the committee held that
communistic activity in this country
is not such as to constitute an imme-
diate danger, it warned that there
must be protective action.
First floor bedroom and bath.
This charming eight-roomhouse
for sale in the South East Sec-
tion has both. Mrs. Ferguson,
721 Church. Phone 2-2839.
(Continued From Page 'z
trouble in China," he stated, "coupled
with the continued drain of silver
from the country, has resulted in
severe repercussions."
"Spain," Professor Reeves observed, !
"is about the hardest hit of any na-j
in n Firep nn th a f natrnfrv iI
"Religious Values" will be the sub-
ject of a discussion by Prof. Ray-
mond Hoekstra of the philosophy de-
partment before the student meeting
at 7 p.m. in Harris Hall.
French Movie Will
Be Shown Feb. 19
"L'Ami Fritz," a French motion
picture, is to be shown Feb. 19 in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater under the
auspices of the Romance Language
department. Two performances are
to be given, a matinee at 4:15 p.m.,
and one in the evening at 8:30 p.m.
In the title role is Lucien Dubose,
of the Comedie Francaise, with Sim-
one Bourday in the leading femin-
ine role. The picture was produced
by Jacques de Baroncelli.
Torrid tempo of Havana.
moonlit paradise of the
tropics... apicturesque,
glamorous setting foralove
st" impassioned as the
fiery do.nce of love itself!I
Lon, ana rance, on ue con rar yis
apparently in a healthy condition." zone get in touch with Lavinia Creigh-
England has made the most easily ton -Phone 2-2591.
visible gains of any nation, he stated.
Enroute home from the Orient, Pro- Academic Notices
fessor Reeves visited his colleague, Aero. 2-- Section II: This class will
Prof. J. R. Hayden, vice governor- meet at 10 o'clock on Monday, Wed-
general of the Philippine Islands. He -
praised Governor-General Frank
Murphy, former mayor of Detroit and LAST TI
explained some of Professor Hayden's aOANAB OS""
"The University of Michigan prac- DAILY15c TO 6 P.
tically runs the Islands," he said, and
commented on the fact that besides-NubU
the governor-general and the vice-
governor-general, many University -
alumni hold high positions in the gov
ernmental, professional and business SUNDAY
The story that
has proved .-
s~o success-
ful as a novel
and a play. x
c f s.
1HE -f
From the NOVEL by
(it 8 P.M.
The Miusical Romance That Held
Broaiway In Its Enchanted Spell
-E'f63 Capacit y Weeks.
Phone 6300
"We have chosen this British
film because of numerous re-
quests by prominent and
interested University and
with the Exotic Dancers- MARGO
towns paple. It is a faithful
1 -- -- - -- t'i .'- -- - 1 --. -
Ii - _______________________________
1 . I
- Added Enicymnent.-
fII .- - .- I I l ~ S S ~