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February 16, 1935 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-02-16

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The Weather
Occasional snow, colder to-
day; tomorrow generally fair.



E ait

. Editorials
Two Million 'Students' .. .
The Student Government

- .


Track Team
Scores Easy
Michigan Captures Eight
First Places Out Of Ten
Events From Gophers
Puckmen Win, 2-1,
In Overtime Game
Johnny Sherf Drives In
Winning Goal; Heyliger
Also Scores
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Feb. 15.-
WP- A great University of Michigan
track team invaded the Field House
at the University of Minnesota to-
night to easily defeat the Gophers
by a 57 to 28 score.
Michigan captured first places in
eight of the ten events, and had a
sprinkling of seconds and thirds to
build up its victory margin.
70-yard h i g h hurdles: W ar d
(Mich.), first; Osgood (Mich.), sec-
ond; Krause (Minn.), third. Time,
60-.yard dash: Stoller (Mich.), first;
L a n d e r (Minn.), second; Stiles
(Mich.), third. Time, :06.3.
Mile run: Brelsford (Mich.), first;
Smith (Mich.), second; Dahl (Minn.),
third. Time, 4:40.
Pole vault: Hunn (Mich.), first;
Kochevar (Minn.), second. Height,
12 feet, 3 inches.
440-yard run: Davidson (Mich.),
and Patton (Mich), first; Laird,
(Minn.), second. Time, :53.
Shot put: Freimont, Kostka, and
Krezowski (all Minn.). Distance, 44
feet, 2 inches.
Two mile run: Slocum (Minn.),
first; Alix (Mich.), second; Stone
(Mich.), third. Time, 9:39.
880-yard run: Smith (Mich.), first;
Bresford (Mich.), second; Rich
(Minn.), third. Time, 2:01.5.
High jump: Moisio (Mich.), first;
Larson (Minn.), second; Ree (Minn.),
third. .Height, 5 feet, 10 inches.
Mile relay: Michigan (Davidson,
Patton, Stiles, and Osgood). Time,
HOUGHTON, Mich., Feb. 15.-A)
- In a spirited overtime game here
tonight the University of Michigan
defeated Michigan Tech 2 to 1 in the
first of a two-game series which is
featured in the annual Winter Sports
Captain Johnnie Sherf sank the
winning score after the overtime per-
iod was but eighteen seconds old, and
the Wolverines, who used but one
spare player throughout the game,
protected the lead against the North-
ern Michigan collegians.
Crippled by the absence of their
regular goalie, Co-Coptain Johnny
Jewell, the Wolverine forwards played
a defensive game, resorting to long
range shots with an occasional rush.
In the third period, things got a
bit tense, but Referee Haug sent two
Michigan players and one Tech man
to the penalty bench, calming the
play down.
Mich. Tech. Pos. Michigan
Maid........ Go alie . ,.. B. Chase
C. Ferries......LW .....Sherf (C)
Croze (C)......RW.....Berryman
Alternates-Michigan Tech., Wert-
ner, R. Ferries, McLean, Pelto, Prout,
University of Michigan, Courtis.
First period scoring: Latimer

(Croze) 12:5.. Penalties, Berryman
(tripping). Olson (tripping).
Second period scoring: Heyliger,
9:30. Penalties, none.
Third period scoring : none. Penal-
ties: Sherf (tripping); McCollum
(boarding). Sherf and R. Ferries, ma-
jor, 5 minutes.
Overtime period scoring: Sherf,
0:18. Penalties, none.
Stops by goal tenders:
Maki ..............13 5 8 3-29
.Chase .............5 5 5 3-18i
Referee, Carlos Haug.
Investigate Cause
Of 'Macon Disaster
The secret of the disaster that
wrenched the dirigible Maconand
plunged the "queen of the skies" into
the Pacific was sought today in the
stories of five crewmen stationed in
the tail of the giant craft.
Faults in structure or design, or
a break in control gear have been
advanced as possible causes of the
Macon's crash. All testimony at

ongress Urges Legislation.
Against Un-Americacii Activities

WASHINGTON, Feb. 15. - (P) -
Legislation to protect the United
States from foreign "propaganda"
and revolutionary activity was recom-
mended to Congress today by a House
committee which spent more than a
year investigating "un-American".ac-
In its unanimous report to the
House, the committee headed by Rep-
resentative M c C o r m a c k (Dem.,
Mass.), charged in effect that Soviet
Russia has violated its pledge against
harboring groups which advocate the
overthrow of this government.
It reported that tons of Nazi prop-
aganda have been smuggled into this
country, and complimented "twenty-
odd-million Americans of German
birth or descent" for resisting ef-
forts "to bring them into the Nazi
These recommendations for legis-
lation were made:
1. That all publicity, propaganda
of public relation agents of foreign
governments, foreign political parties,

or foreign commercial firms be re-
quired to register with the secretary
of state.
2. That the secretary of state be
empowered to shorten or end the stay
in this country of a temporarily ad-
mitted foreigner if he disseminates
propaganda or engages in "political"
3. That the United States negotiate
treaties with other nations for the
deportation of undesirable aliens to
their native lands.
4. That it be made unlawful to
advise soldiers, sailors or reserves
to disobey their laws or regulations.
5. That the United States attor-
neys be empowered to prosecute per-
sons who refuse to testify before Con-
gressional committees.
6. That it be made unlawful "to
advocate changes in a manner that
invites to the overthrow or destruc-
tion, by force and violence of the
government of the United States" or
any state.
The committee reported it had "re-
1Continueci on Page 21

Burton Holmes
To Lecture On
Vienna Monday
Oratorical Association To
Sponsor Illustrated Talk
By Noted Traveler
Burton Holmes, one of America's
foremost travelers and raconteurs,
will present the seventh of the reg-
ular Oratorical Association lectures
at 8:30 p.m. Monday in Hill Audi-
The lecture, according to officials
of the Association, will be a screen
tour of "Vienna and Austria," and
will be supplemented throughout with
explanations by Mr. Holmes.
This is the first time since the or-
ganization of the Oratorical Associa-1
tion that the world-famous travel
lecturer has appeared on the series.
The adventurer has had his trav-
elogues presented i4 almost every
moving picture theatre in the United
States, and his efforts in making these
films have carried him into every
corner of the earth.
He has, for a number of years, been
engaged in making a new series of
pictures in color and motion. His ap-
pearance in Ann Arbor will be one of
the first since his return to this coun-
The films, according to advance
reports, are an introduction to places
and people of prime importance in
Austria and Vienna - From Maria
Jeritza on the summit of the Zug-
spitze to Franz Lehar in the orchestra
pit of the Theatre an der Wien, from
the great surgeons Steinach and Lor-
enz in their hospitals to the dead
Hapsburgh in the imperial crypt of
the Capuchin church, and from for-
gotten men of the bread lines to the
ski jumpers of the Semmering and
other centers of winter sport.
Mr. Holmes was educated at the
Allen Academy and the Harvard
School, Chicago. He delivered his first
lecture in Chicago in 1890 and since
that time has lectured in every prin-
ciple American city.
Tickets for the lecture are priced at
50 and 75 cents and may be purchased
at Wahr's Bookstore. High school stu-
dents are offered a special admission
price of 25 cents. After 5 p.m. Mon-
day, the tickets will be placed on sale
at the box office in Hill Auditorium.
NEW YORK, Feb. 15. - (P)-San-
uel J. Burger, theatrical promoter,
said today that two Hauptmann jur-
ors turned down large salaries for a
proposed barnstorming tour of the

Dr. Novy Honored
By his Colleagues
Of Medical Faculty
Honoring Dr. Frederick George
Novy, dean-emeritus of the medical
school, the faculty of the school have
presented him with an embossed
parchment copy of their resolution
in recognition of his past service.
Despite having reached the en-
forced retirement age, Dr. Novy plans
to continue his work as a-hobby. His
colleagues regard this as wholly nat-
ural, calling attention to the fact
that his whole life has been conse-
crated to the fight against disease.
Dr. Novy received his B.S. from
the University in 1896, his M.S. in
1897, and his M.D. in 1901. He went
abroad studying under Pasteur, at
the Pasteur Institute in Paris, and
at other centers of bacteriological re-
search. Today he has the distinction
of being the only living bacteriologist
who has worked with Pasteur.
Returning to America, he was one
of the pioneers in the rapidly devel-
oping science, and through his inde-
pendent research achieved wide scien-
tific fame.
Petitions For
Ward Revision
In Circuilationi
As a result of the negative action
taken by the committee of senior al-
dermen in the City Council on the
proposed amendment of Prof. Leigh J.
Young of the School of Forestry and
Conservation for redistricting the
wards in Ann Arbor, petitions for
referendum will be filed with City
Clerk Fred C. Perry Tuesday.
According to Professor Young, who
is an alderman from the seventh ward,
about 5d petitions have already been
circulated. He proposed this amend-
ment to correct the inequality in
numbers in the various wards. Ac-
cording to figures given out by City
Clerk Perry, the seventh ward, in
which most of the University faculty
and students are located, has nine
times the number of registered voters
than the fifth ward.
The proposal was brought up be-
fore a committee of the senior alder-
men in the City Council last Monday
night and was defeated by a five to
one vote.
The petitions, if the required num-
ber of signatures is obtained, will
make it mandatory that the question
of redistricting be submitted to the
voters at the next election in April.!
15,000 signatures are required on the
petitions if the issue is to be put to a

Minmes Initiates 1 9 Men
After Banquet At Uin ion
The Mimes of the Michigan Un-
ion initiated 18 student members,
and one honorary faculty mem-
ber last night following a banquet
in the small ball room of the Mich-
igan Union.
Russel McCracken was chosen as
an honorary member of the or-
ganization and student members
elected were David Zimmerman,
'35, Henry Hall, '37, Vaudie V.
Vandenberg, '36, Paul Bauer, Spec.,
Dwight Harshbarger, '37, Rich-
ard Moriarity, '36E, Truman C.
Smith, '35, Stewart Johnson, '37,
John Flaherty, '36, Edward Adams,
'36, Robert Rutherford, '35, Har-
old Strickland, '36E, Dewitt Snyder,
'36, Jack Kerr, '36, Charles Living-
ston, '36, Shirrel Kasle, '37, Nes-
bit Haas, '36, and Lesley Drew, '36.
Survey Claims
New Deal Has
Been Failure
Methodist Group Claims
That Legislation Gave
Control To Bankers
President Roosevelt's New Deal
legislation has created greater un-
employment, lowered the American
standard of living, and brought the
bankers back into control of the gov-
ernment, according to a recent sur-
vey issued by the Methodist Federa-
tion for Social Service.
The survey, which was prepared by
Prof. Harry F. Ward of the Union
Theological Seminary and Winifred
L. Campbell, Secretary of the Federa-
tion, draws the conclusion that the
President has almost completely
failed to realize his promises.
"The standards of living and cul-
ture for the overwhelming majority
of the population is pushed steadily
downward," the report states. Pub-
lic works, the CCC, the blanket agree-
ment, the code provisions . . . . all
of these failed or were too slow.'
The survey further declared that
President Roosevelt has not kept faith
with the working class, pointing out
that minimum wages set by codes
have often become maximum wages.
"Section 7A has been almost com-
pletely nullified," the report asserts.
In regard to purchasing power, the
survey asserts that redistribution of
wealth has been upward instead of
downward, intensifying existing eco-
nomic disorder.
Attacking the position of bankers
today, the report declared that "the
New Deal measures which seemed de-
signed to restrain the money chang-
ers in the interest of all have served
instead to entrench them."
Churches Beoin
Activities For
New Semester
Services Take On Interest
After Examinations And
J-Hop Week-End
Church activities, which tempor-
arily slackened during the last two
weeks because of final examinations
and the J-Hop week-end, will be re-
sumed'tomorrow with a full and var-
ied program.
The Rev. Theodore R. Schmale will
deliver a sermon on "The Desire for
Power" in the service to be held at
10:30 a.m. Sunday in the Bethlehem

Evangelical Church. "Could the Uni-
versity Help You More?" will be the
subject of a discussion on a recent
article in The Daily which will be
held at 5:30 p.m. in the Student Fel-
lowship meeting.
The series of sermons on "The Old
Testament in the New Times" will
be continued by the Rev. Allison Ray
Heaps with an address on "The
Grasshopper Spirit" in the service at
10:30 a.m. in the First Congregation-
al Church. The regular correspond-
ing faculty lecture will be given by
Prof. William A. McLaughlin of the
romance language department on the
subject "The Catholic Church."
The program for the Congregation-
al Student Fellowship meeting at 7:30
p.m. includes renditions of Negro
spirituals by the African Methodist
Episcopal Church choir and String-
field's symphonic ballad "J o h n
Henry" by the Fellowship Symphony
Orchestra under the direction of
Thor Johnson, Grad.SM.
The Rev. Harold P. Marley,,pastor
Df the Unitarian Church, will give a
sermon on "Heaven's My Destina-
Hin " Thnrntnn Wi~ 'i 1n+,' nrnt. hn

Plan F or Next
Opera Made At
Mimes And Directors Of
Union Decide To Follow
Traditional Principles
At a joint meeting of a committee
of Directors of the Union and Mimes
of the Michigan Union, held Thurs-
day in the Union, general policies
and plans for the production of next
year's Union Opera were formulated.
It was decided at this meeting that
there should be no attempt to deter-
mine a particular type of pattern for
the show, but that it should follow
the same general principles which
have been employed in years past.
Tentative plans were made for an
advisory committee to be formed
from members of Mimes and the pres-
ent opera advisory committee for the
purpose of cooperating with students
desiring to write books for the next
show. Supervision and aid will also
be provided for students desiring to
write music.
It was explained, in regard to this
step, that with a board of experienced
advisers who would be available for
consultation on any difficulties which
the writers might experience, it would
probably not be necessary, as it has
sometimes been in the past, to revise
and revamp the book during produc-
tion. It was pointed out that books
should be submitted by next April 15
if possible.
In an attempt to put the opera
back on the basis of an all-campus
activity, rather than a profit-making
venture, it was decided that the scale
of prices would be lowered for the
next opera. The show will again be
produced in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
In explaining this action it was ex-
plained that the past policy of the
production of operas as financial ven-
tures was undertaken to finance the
construction of the Union building.
As that has been completed, it is no
longer necessary for the opera to
exist as anything but a student ac-
It was decided i(hat the show
should be produced earlier next fall,
probably late in November. The
traditional time was chosen this year
because the possibility of a road trip
made it advisable to hold it near:
Christmas vacation.
Members of Mimes will act as the
motivating and organizing force dur-
ing the period previous to the selec-
tion of committees and cast for the
Franklin College On
Anti-Chapel Strike
FRANKLIN, Ind., Feb. 15 -()-A
group of Franklin College students,
on strike against compulsory chapel,
demanded one or more scholarships
to benefit athletics in a resolution to-
The striking students contended
that only in this way can the college
obtain material for another "wonder
five" basketball team such as the
college had in 1922, 1923 and 1924.

Silent On etPolicy

-Associatea ress Pnoto.
New Ethiopian
Note Is Studied
By Mussolini
Premier Delays Decision
On Future Italian Action
In Africa
ROME, Feb. 15..-(/') - Charging
Italy with aggression and terming her
troop mobilization a menace to peace
negotiations, a second Ethiopian note
added today to the uncertainties
of the Italo-Ethiopian crisis.
Premier Mussolini maintained sil-
ence concerning the note and his fu-
ture policy. He conferred with mem-
bers of the fascist grand council.
It was indicated that the Ethiopian
question would come up in another
meeting of Italy's highest legislature
body late in the day.
In divulging the contents of the
note, the Ethiopian legation pursued
the same policy which aroused the ire
of Italian officials three days ago.
The tenor of the second message
was much like that of the first. Be-
sides accusing Italy of prejudicing
prospects for a peaceful settlement
of the dispute, it took direct issue with
Italian claims of Ethiopian aggression
at Afdub on Jan. 29, charging instead
that the Italians were guilty of a
"provocative" attack at that time.
Ethiopia, the communication said,
not only has refrained from all hostile
moves, but has not even massed its
forces near the frontier since the
clash at Ualual on Dec. 5.
While Italy tensely awaited devel-
opments, official circles said that any
announcement must be held in abey-
ance until a definite verdict on policy
is reached by Mussolini.
KANSAS CITY, Feb. 15.-(R)-
Leaping in front of a truck which
was bearing down on twin six-year-
old school girls here today, William
Burch, a patrolman, tossed them to
safety but was struck down himself
and suffered severe injuries.


Agyainst League, Final
Peace Poll- Cheek Shows



Michigan Undergraduates
Favor U.S. Entrance By
Majority Of 400
Vote Here Second
Largest Of Nation
Ballot Shows Approval Of
Government Supervision
Of Munitions Industry
Undergraduates in American uni-
versities are opposed to the entrance
of the United States into the League
of Nations and are also decidedly
pacifistic in their beliefs, final re-
turns in the Literary Digest College
Peace Poll indicate.
In opposition to the opinion ex-
pressed by other college students,
Michigan undergraduates, casting the
second largest vote of any one insti-
tution, voted in favor of entrance in-
to the League by a majority of 400.
Nearly 3,500 Michigan students voted
in the balloting.
Ballots were returned by 112,607
students in 118 leading American uni-
versities and colleges. Of these 49.47
per cent favored the entry of the
United-States into the League, while
50.53 per cent voted against it.
Pacifistic Vote Here
On the question of whether the
United States could stay out of an-
other war, the Michigan student vote,
as well as the national ballot, was
two to one in 'the affirmative.
Queried as to whether they would
fight if the borders of the United
States were invaded, American stu-
dents voted 92,125 -to 17,951 that they
would. Local unde'rgraduates ex-
pressed an affirmative answer by a
ratio of four to one. By an almost
equally large margin, both Michigan
students and all university under-
graduates balloted that they would
not fight in a war in which the United
States was the aggressor nation.
Against Large Army
Opposition to a national policy that
a "navy and air-force second to none
is a sound method of insuring us
against being drawn into another
great war" was voiced by a vote of
approximately 70,000 to 40,000. Local
undergraduates also expressed their
objection to this plan by a two to
one majority.
The most overwhelming vote qn
the Michigan campus was recorded
on the question of government con-
trol of munitions in time of war, when
more than 3,000 students voted in
favor of that policy, while only 300
cast ballots opposing government
control, a majority equal to 10 to 1.
College undergraduates, throughout
the nation, backed the policy by -a
similar margin.
Favors War-Time Control
A system of universal conscription
of all resources of capital and labor
in order to control all profits in time
of war was also overwhelmingly ap-
proved here and by all University
undergraduates. Michigan students
favored it by a majority of six to one.
The national vote on the question
bf whether the United States should
enter the League was closer than
the ballot on any of the other seven
propositions. More than 110,000 col-
lege students voted, and the majority
by which American entrance was op-
posed was slightly more than 1,000.
More than a third of the ballots
originally issued to American under-
graduates were returned in the
month-long poll, records show.
League Entrance Favored Here
On' all of the seven questions pre-
sented in the poll, with the exception
of whether the United States should
enter the League, the returns from
Michigan were similar to those from
the entire group of college students.
Queen's University in Kingston,
Ontario, was selected as the one
Canadian university to serve as an
indication of Canadian sentiment.
The questions asked the Canadian

students were substantially. the same
as those on the ballots for American
colleges - altered, of course, to fit
the special case.
The only radical difference from
the ratios returned by the American
colleges was concerning whether Can-
ada should remain in the League of
Nations. An overwhelming majority
of 87.4 per cent of the voters advo-
cated that Canada should remain in
the League.
JACKSON, Calif., Feb. 15. - UP)-

Tolerance For Japanese Asked
By Reeves After World Voyage

Relief Bill Is Termed'Grab-Bag'
In Indictment By Vandenberg

That Americans should not be hastyI
in judging political acts of Japan andI
China is the opinion of Prof. Jesse S.
Reeves, chairman of the political sci-
ence department, who has just re-
turned from a trip around the world.
"Americans will do themselves and
their country an ultimate favor if they
reserve their judgment sufficiently to
enable them to maintain a middle-
ground attitude- on Oriental affairs,"
Professor Reeves declared.
"The position of Japan in the world
picture is much too complicated to
enable even the expert on political
matters to draw concise lines." he

"In Japan there is something like a
boom," he said. "The Japanese are
selling their goods. They are import-
ing tremendous quantities, and they
are using their own product." Al-
though they are producing "quan-
tities of munitions and other war
materials," Professor Reeves believes
the greater bulk of the Japanese ac-
tivity is along commercial lines. The
electrical industry, in particular, has
greatly expanded, he said.
"To the casual observer," the polit-
ical scientist explained, "it appears
that the Japanese are a singularly
united nonnle who have a rmnann a r

WASHINGTON, Feb. 15- (A')-
Calling President Roosevelt's $4,880,-
000,000 relief bill a "gargantuan grab-
bag." Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg,
Michigan Republican, today urged
the Senate to defeat it and demand-
a more "rational and intelligent
prospectus." '
. In a blunt indictment of the meas-
ure's vast grant of power to Roosevelt,
Vandenburg, who has been mentioned
as a 1935 Republican Presidential
prospect, charged that the bill would
"retard recovery," "continue uncer-
tainty," prolong the "dole" and fail
to meet the relief problem.
The Michigan senator took the
floor after Chairman Carter Glass,
Virginia Democrat, explained in col-
orful language the amendment pro-
nosed by the Annrnnriations Cnm-,

-conference, when asked if he felt he
could spend the proposed $4,000,000
appropriation for work relief within'
a year or 15 months, smiled and re-'
plied he would do the best he could.
He declined to comment, however, on
the shaking up being given the pro-'
Vandenberg's speech was the sec-
ond Republican assault on the meas-
ure. Sen. Frederick Steiwer, Ore-
gon Republican, opened the fire yes-
The Republicans, hopelessly out-
numbered by Democrats, earlier had
agreed at a party conference today
to seek to limit the two-year bill to
one year. This was regarded as of
unusual political significance in view
of the fact that under the measure

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