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April 19, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-04-19

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The Weather

C, -, r

it AIga


Hopwood Trends Are
Revealed .. .
Scholar Recognized With
Russel Award .

Mostly cloudy and unsettled
in southeastern portions.





Professor E. S. Brown Describes
NRA Investigation By Senate

Take Post
Instructor In Astronomy
Department Will Work
Under Government
To Resign Position
Here OnApril 23rd
Research Here In Field
Of Star Spectroscopy
To Be Continued
Dr. Robert M. Petrie of the astron-
omy department announced last
night that he will resign April 23 to
accept a position as astronomer at
the Dominion Astrophysical Observa-
tory at Victoria, British Columbia.
Dr. Petrie's new position will be
directly under the Canadian govern-
ment. At the Dominion Astrophysi-
cal Observatory, he will work with
the second largest telescope in the
world, a 72-inch reflector. The ob-
servatory is located on a mountain
near Victoria and, according to local
astronomers, has the advantages of
clear weather and steady atmosphere.
Dr. Petrie has been on the teach-
ing staff of the astronomy department
here and attached to the observatory
for five years. His work in the Uni-
versity has dealt mainly with making
spectroscopic studies of stars, al-
though he has also worked on the
staff of the McMath-Hulbert observa-
tory at Lake Angelus, near Pontiac,
in an advisory position. This ob-
servatory is connected with the Uni-
versity astronomy department.
Dr. Petrie was a delegate from the
University last year along with Dr.
Heber D. Curtis, chairman of the as-
tronomy department, and Francis C.
McMath, observatory curator, to wit-
ness the pouring of the University's
giant telescope mirror at Corning,
N. Y.
Dr. Petrie is one of the youngest
members of the astronomy depart-
ment staff. He was graduated from
the University of British Columbia
and took his PhD. degree at the Uni-
versity in 1932. ,
He will leave April 23 to assume his
duties at Victoria.
Dr. Petrie's resignation was re-
gretted by other members of the as-
tronomy department, who praised
him as a "promising scientist," and
wished him luck in his new position.
City Churches
To Hold Special
Services Today
Ministerial Association To
Sponsor Union Worship
At Methodist Church
God Friday Services will be held
by the various Ann Arbor churches to-
day. A union service, sponsored by
the Ann Arbor Ministerial Associa-
tion, will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. at
the First Methodist church. The Rev.
Allison R. Heaps, of the Congrega-
tional church, is in charge of this
St. Thomas Catholic church will
begin their worship today with a
solemn mass of the Presanctified at
8 a.m. The Rev. Arthur G. Reking-
er, assistant pastor, will deliver the
sermons for the Tre Ore worship to!
be held rom 1 to 3 p.m.
The ev. Henry Lewis, rector of

Saint Andrew's Episcopal church,
will speak on "The Disclosure of
Christ" which is also to be held from
1 to 3 p.m. Special anthems will be
presented by sections of the men and
boy's choir, accompanied by Nowell
S. Ferris, church organist.
"JesusOur Substitute"'is the topic
of the sermon to be delivered at the
St. Paul's Lutheran church at 10 a.m.
by the Rev. C. A. Brauer. The Pas-
sion history will be read from 1:30
to 3 p.m. An evening worship will be
held at 7:30 p.m. when the Rev.
Brauer will deliver a sermon on "The
Crucified -Our Proxy."
The Rev. Hugo Fenker, Ypsilanti,
will deliver a sermon at Zion Luther-
an church at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. E.
C. Stellhorn, pastor of the church,
will speak on "Jesus Glorified in
Death" at the 1:30 p.m. worship.
The First Baptist and the First
Presbyterian churches will join in
their services which will be held at
.. 1-

Spring Parley
Is Antiounced

Prof. Everett S. Brown of the polit-
ical science department described the
Senate investigations of the NRA in
an interview yesterday.
Professor Brown said he devoted
the major part of last week in Wash-
ington attending the hearings before
the Senate Committee on Finance on
the extension of the NRA.
When the National Industrial Re-
[ covery Act was passed nearly two
years ago, he said, President Roose-
velt characterized it as probably "the
most important and far-reaching leg-
islation ever enacted by the American
Congress." As this act will expire
legally on June 16, Proressor Brown
continued, its extension may be re-
garded as one of the major policies
of the Roosevet administration.
Owing to the many criticisms of
the NRA the Senate Committee on
Finance under the chairmanship of
Sen. Pat Harrison (Dem.-Miss.) has
been trying to reshape the new bill
make it as acceptable as possible to
political opponents in Congress, Pro-
fessor Brown said.
Many witnesses have been sum-
moned .before the Committee. They
represent large and small industries
Annual Speech
Contest Won By
Local Student
Douglas Reading, '36, Is
Victor With Talk Titled
'Puppets Or Patriots'
Douglas Reading, '36, of Ann Arbor,
won the annual University oratorical
contest yesterday from a field of four
contestants, discussing munitions and
war profits in a speech entitled "Pup-
pets or Patriots."
The other contestants were Silas S.
Ringo, '35, of Mount Sterling, Ky.;
Howard Meyers, '37, of New York
City; and Edward T. Downs, '35, of
For his victory, Reading will be
awarded the Chicago Alumni Medal
and will represent the University in
the Northern Oratorical Contest, to be
held here May 3. This will be the
first time in seven years that the
Northern Contest will have been held
in Ann Arbor, according to Prof. Louis
M. Eich of the speech department.
It goes to one of the nine universities
in the Northern Oratorical Association
each year, he said.
In his winning oration, Reading
discussed munitions, the campaign
against war profits, and the attitude
of youth toward war. He urged that
all enlist in the fight against war pro-
fits, and declared that "we should
appeal to emotion just as does the
profiteer, but in the interests of
The contest, which was in charge
of Carl G. Brandt of the speech de-
partment, was judged by four mem-
bers of the speech department faculty.
It attracted a large audience.
Nono Surzha Dawa of Tibet, who
came to this country from his native
land with Dr. Walter N. Koelz, Uni-
versity explorer, was being held in
Juarez, Mexico, pending the arrival
of his passport from Ann Arbor, which
will enable him to re-enter the United
Dawa, who is on a sight-seeing tour
of the Southwest with Dr. Koelz, went
to Juarez, Monday, and was refused
re-admittance to El Paso without his

in all parts of the country. While a
number of these interests were op-
posed to the extension of the NRA
in any form, Professor Brown stated,
the greater number favored the ex-
tension, but, in most cases, with modi-
fications. These modifications cen-
tered aroundsthe restoration of the
anti-trust laws and the prevention of
monopolies, a clearer definition of
the term "interstate commerce" and
an affirmative prohibition of price-
One manufacturer of rubber tires,
representing small industries, sum-
med up most of the criticism in a de-
mand for a few "simple rules, easily
understandable and not subject to
constant change," Professor Brown
said. He continued that it was appar-
ent from the testimony that over-
zealous administratorsnhad caused a
great deal of trouble by the severity
with which they had pursued small
"Undoubtedly in the future," he
stated, "the abuses along this line
will gradually disappear. They are
responsible in a large measure for
much of the opposition to the NRA
because they supply so large a pro-
portion of the human interest stor-
I (Contned on Page 2
Dogs-About-Town Face
War With City Council
The doom of the casual canines
who live, love and expire under the
eye of the campus was sealed last
night when the dog committee of the
City Council launched a two-month
campaign against stray dogs.
The dog committee came to the de-
cision after reading the city ordi-
nances and deciding to enforce some
of them. A University janitor when
interviewed issued a statement to the
effect that "they gotta ketch them
Soule fo onclude
Faculty Lectures
The concluding speech of a group
of eight to be given by local faculty
members on the 'University Lecture
series will be given Tuesday by Prof.
Malcom H. Soule, of the Medical
School, it was announced yesterday
by Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to
the President, who is in charge of
the lecture series.
Professor Soule's topic will be "Lep-
rosy in Ancient and Modern Times,"
and the lecture will be illustrated
with both slides and moving pictures.
Dr. Soule recently spent a leave of
absence at the School of Tropical
Medicine at San Juan, Puerto Rico,
and has done much work of late on
the relation of human leprosy to rat
70 Papers Entered
In Hopwood Contest
Announcement of the number of
manuscripts entered in the fifth an-
nual Avery Hopwod and Jule Hop-
wood Awards Contest which closed
Wednesday, was made yesterday by
Prof. Howard Mumford Jones of the
English department, acting director
of the Hopwood Awards in the ab-
sence of Prof. Roy W. Cowden.
Twenty manuscripts were received
for the major awards which this year
total $8,000, and fifty manuscripts
were received for competition in the
minor awards. In the minor awards,
more poetry than drama was submit-
ted, and in the major awards there
was less poetry than in any of the
other fields.

Title Chosei Is 'Social
Conflict At University
Of Michigan'
To Meet In May For
State-Wide Forum
Nominees For Chairman
Are Given To Executive
Committee For Choice
The subject of the 1935 Spring
Parley, scheduled for May 3, 4, and
5, will be "Social Conflict As Mani-r
fested at the University of Mich-
igan," it was unanimously decidedt
by the combined committee for the1
Parley last night at the League. 1
Suggestions for a student chairman
who will preside over the three daya
forum were made, and were thent
submitted to the newly-elected execu-
tive committee for definite recom-t
mendations before the whole group
at the meeting next Thursday. I
Executive Committee Meets 1
Nominees for the chairmanship1
are: Martin Wagner, Rhodes scholar-s
elect, John McCarthy, member of thet
Union Executive Council, Cyril Hets-t
ko of the Law School, Clinton San-
dusky, chairman of the 1934 Parley,
William G. Ferris, managing editor
of The Daily, Edward Litchfield, win-
ner of the National Public Discus- t
sion Contest, Mentor Williams, teach-r
ing fellow in the English department,
Ralph Coulter, editorial director oft
The Daily, Abe Zwerdling Varsity
debater, Jack Weissman, Varsity de-
bater, George Abernethy, Grad., andr
Wilbert HIindman, Earhart Scholar.i
The executive committee of. the
Parley, composed of 19 students ap-
pointed last night, will meet at 5 p.m.
today in the Union to begin work ont
the selection of a faculty panel, as well
as to arrange for the subdivisions into
which the Parley will be split during
a few of the sessions.t
Plan Open Oiscussiont
It was tacitly understood at the1
meeting last night that the arrange-~
ments and purposes of the 1935 Parley1
will be similar to last year's. There
will be a group of about 15 memberse
of the faculty in attendance at allX
the sessions answering written or oral
questions from students.
According to a statement made at
the meeting, last night, there will be
open discussion on any point brought
up. "There will be no attempt at1
suppression, but no group will be per-
mitted to dominate the discussion." 1
The members of the executive com-
mittee, which will henceworth steer
the proceedings of the Parley are:t
Abe Zwerdling, '35, Margaret His-
cock, '36, Thelma Chasman, '37, Nor-
man Sharfman, '37, Richard Rome,
'36, Martin Wagner, Grad., Sue Mah-
ler, '35, Winifred Bell, '36, Irving Le-
vitt, '36, George Abernethy, Grad.,
Patricia Woodward, Grad., David
French, Spec., Arthur Taub, '35, Guy
M. Whipple, Jr., '35, Jack Seidel, '35,1
C. C. Hsiad, Grad., and Arthur Carr,
Ickes Renewsj
His Attack On
Senator Long
Announces He Is Holding
Up Approval Of Projects
In' Louisiana
WASHINGTON, April 18 --P)-~-
Secretary of Interior Harold L. Ickes
said today that Sen. Huey P. Lang
was suffering from 'halitosis of the
In addition to renewing his attack
on Long, Ickes also said he "Did not
know how to be business" with an-

other critic of the Roosevelt Admin-
istration, Gov. Eugene Talmadge, of
Asked if the duel with Long was
"personal," Ickes replied at his press,
"WhenIused to read Ivanhoe you
didn't enter the lists except under
certain conditions."
Announcing that he was holding
up approval of severalnew Louisiana
PWA projects, Ickes simultaneously'
cancelled four Georgia allotments,
totaling $210,000 because Gov. Tal-
madge had vetoed a bill to validate
sale of statevhighway certificates to
the Federal government.
Earlier in the day, Talmadge as-
serted that President Roosevelt was

Warn N~azis
To Stay Out
Of Rhineland
Great Britain And Italy
Comlbine In Issuance Of
Warning Declaration
Adolf Hitler Will
Protest To League
German Plebiscite Idea Is
Ahandoned; Statement
To Be Issued
BERLIN, April 18. - (P) - Great
Britain and Italy, it was learned to-
night, have warned Germany through
their joint Stresa declaration to keep
hands off the demilitarized Rhine-
land zone.
The real purpose of the visits which
ambassadors of the two countries paid
to the foreign office yesterday was
to communicate the Stresa declara-
tion, it was disclosed.
Bernard W. von Buelow, foreign
undersecretary, took advantage of the
British envoy's call to deliver Adolf
Hitler's protest -which an embassy
spokesman today described as "siz-
zling" - against the League of Na-
tions Council's censure of German
'Plain Talk to Reich'
Diplomatic circles declared that the
action of the ambassadors was in-
tended to leave no doubt in Germany's
mind as to what the two powers meant
when they reaffirmed at Stresa their
intention to see to it that the Rhine-
land remains as it is.
Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler re-
mained at Berchtesgaden, his Bavar-
ian mountain retreat, closeted with
several close collaborators to consider
what form his reply to the League
Council's resolution shall take, if he
decides to make any further pro-
The foreign office strove to pour oil
on troubled waters and the press re-
ceived instructions to handle the in-
ternational situation with gloves, fol-
lowing the revelation that Von Buelow
had protested vigorously against the
League action.
An Italian embassy spokesman said
emphatically that none of the big
powers wants to burn its pledges with
Germany. That was one of the rea-
sons for the ambassadors' calls at the
Wilhelmstrasse last night, he said.
Instructions To Press
One government spokesman ex-
pressed the opinion that Hitler had
abandoned the idea of submitting the
League issue to the .German people at
a plebiscite, and instead would issue
some sort of statement, probably Sat-
urday, to acquaint Geneva and the
world with his future course.
The controlled pr'ess' policy hence-
forth, reliable quarters said, will be
as follows:
1. It will tell the people that the
Geneva resolution, howeverdeplor-t
able it may be, after all does noty
change the situation, since Germany
took upon herself the responsibility
for rearming.
2. It will point out that the resolu-
tion threatens sanctions only against
future--with emphasis on the "fu-
ture" - treaty violators.
3. It will declare Germany's re-
armament an accepted fact so far as
the powers which signed the Italo-
Anglo-French resolution are con-
cerned, accepted even though the res-
olution condemned it.



Bills Progress In

TJokes Are Oldest
Things On Earth,'
CHICAGO, April 18. - (') - If you
ever happen to meet Prof. Richard
Marvin of Northwestern University,
by all meanssdon't tell him your lat-
est "funny" story.
If you did, he probably would not
even smile, and might even embarrass
you by recalling it was in 304 B. C.
-or thereabouts -that they first
laughed at that one.
For years Marvin has been collect-
ing and cataloguing jokes. He says
they are the oldest thing on earth.
"If Adam came back today the only
thing he'd recognize would be the
jokes," he says.
The oldest of all he says is thej
one that goes, "John rocked the boat
as far as he could. and the funeral
will be Monday." The idea, he says,
goes back to the Bible.
"The use of cause and effect in that
manner," he says, "can be found in,
second Chronicles, 16th chapter, 12th
and 13th verses."
And the city editor is not being{
original-if even funny -when he
tells the cub "the story of the creation
was written in 600 words" as he turns
back one of 1,500 words for cutting.
Marvin traced that remark back to
1903 and says it's possible it had
whiskers then.
Entire Collapse
Of Fitzgerald's
Plan Expected
Governor Is Accused By
speaker Of Building Up
Political Machine
LANSING, April 18.-- (P)-An ulti-
matum went to Governor Fitzgerald
today from Speaker George A. Schroe-
der of the House, that threatens the
complete collapse of the administra-
tion program in the Legislature.
Schroeder sent a letter to the gov-
ernor charging the executive with an
attempt to build a political machine
through legislation. The letter dis-
agreed with the governor's insistence
that administration bills be released
from their committee dam to the floor
of the House.
"I find myself in disagreement with
you that your bills should be brought
to the floor," Schroeder said. "I do
not hold with the theory that the leg-
islative branch should be a rubber
stamp for the executive. I am forced
to say I am unable to find a single
shred of evidence that economy would
result from their enactment. On the
other hand, they would provide a huge
political machine that should rnot be
at the command of any governor. Your
proposed set-up of two new boards
and a finance director to replace the
administrative board would give the
governor more power than any one
many should have. They would make
the governor practically the dictator
of the state with almost unlimited

Drastic Measures N o w
Await Vote In Senate;
Amendment Dropped
Of Bills Is Upheld
M.S.C. Would Force All
Students To Be Ready
To Take Oath
LANSING, April 18-(P)-( Anti-
communism bills advanced on the
Senate calendar today with little de-
The membership approved in corn-
mittee of the whole drastic measures
making it a felony to advocate the
overthrow of government and deny-
ing the use of the ballot to any party
advocating such a principle. The
measures are now ready for a final
vote in the Senate.
Sen. Anthony J. Wilkowski, Demo-
crat, Detroit, caused the only debate
when he offered an amendment to
exclude religious and parochial
schools from a provision requiring \
college professors to subscribe to an
oath of allegiance to the constitution.
The amendment was defeated by a
heavy margin.
"It is time to compel some religious
schools to be American if they are
not," Sen. Andrew L. Moore, Repub-
lican, Pontiac, said. Sen. Joseph A.
Baldwin, Republican, Albion, co-
sponsor of the measures, said the
"bill is needed in religious institu-

LANSING, April 18 -()- Atty.-
Gen. Harry S. Toy declared today
colleges have a right to demand a
vote of allegiance from students on
The, attorney-general gave an op-
inion on the question atthe request
f Sen Miller Dunckel, Republican,
rhree Rivers, author of the anti-
communism bill now on the border
of final passage in the Senate. His
measure also. would make it a felony
to advocate the overthrow of the ex-
isting government by force orteach
such doctrines in public schools.
"By an overwhelming array of au-
thorities, it has been held that by
the guarantee of free speech the state
has not yielded its fundamental right
to preserve and protect itself against
unlawful attack," the opinion read.
"Liberty can never include licen-
tiousness; nor can freedom of speech
become a weapon to aid the radical
.n his subversive attacks upon the
very government which grants him
his asylum."
The attorney-general held the pro-
posed law did not abrogate the right
of peaceful assembly, violate the equal
;rotection clause of the constitution,
nor interfere with the right of per-
sonal liberty.
LANSING, April 18-(A)-The
State board of agriculture, governing
body of Michigan State College,
adopted a resolution today forcing
avery student to be ready to take
oath of allegiance to the United
Action followed the scuffle April 12
when five pacifists were thrown into
Red Cedar river by students. The
jesolution was placed before the
board of college deans. It becomes
effective during the fall terms.
The board resolved to ask a grant
of $335,000 in PWA funds for campus
improvements, including $128,000 for
completion of the Union memorial
SPRINGFIELD, Ill., April 18 -(A')
- The state Senate tonight took a
hand in the controversy over alleged
teaching of Communism in Illinois
schools by voting its own investiga-
tion into the matter.
'The Senate authorized appoint-
ment of a committee of five to in-
quire into reports of Communistic
teachings in tax-supported schools
and- in privately endowed institu-
tions which are accorded tax exemp-
tions by the state.
The University of Chicago, target
of charges last week by Charles R.
Walgreen, drug store magnate, that
it fostered "radical" teachings, is in-
cluded in the latter group.
Opponents of the resolution were
led by Sen. James J. Barbour, of
Evanston, who termed it a "damned

Statement Tells Of Forthcoming
International Library Congress

Railroad Expert Sees Necessity
For Control Of Buses, Trucks
By FRED WARNER NEAL competition has been demonstrated
The need for the proposed Federal by -the costly process of trial and er-
truck and bus bill was cited yesterday ror."~
by L. K. Sillcox, vice president of the Mr. Sillcox, who is noted for his de-
New York Air Brake Service and noted velopment of railroaQl mechanical
railroad mechanical lexpert, in a equipment, asserted th "It is not the
speech given in the Economics Build- fault of the railroads that they have
ing not made great technial advances."
H-. caid that the riticism levelled

The Second International Congress
of Libraries and Bibliography to be
held May 20 to 30 in Madrid and Bar-
celona was the subject of a descrip-
tive statementrecently issued by the
University general library.
The program which is already pre-
pared is regarded by local librarians
as certain to draw a large, represen-
tative and distinguished group of spe-
cialists in the field of library science
from all over the world. It has been
divided into four general sessions,
the opening ceremonies, the Inter-
national loan session, one devoted to
libraries and their place in modern
life, and a closing session in Barcel-
ona to vote on the business proposed
at the two preceding sessions.
The opening ceremony, according
to the program, will be attended by
the President of the Spanish Republic,
anA ..illliup f n rnnrCifinly Affiepr

An extensive program has been
outlined for the sections on popular
and special libraries. There are also
meetings planned for those interested
in libraries for research work and
higher education, the study of pro-
fessional library training, cooperation
between libraries and the subject of
overproduction in periodicals from
the point of view of the libraries and
librarians. A special branch meeting
will also be held for the discussion of
libraries and bibliography in Spain,
and Spanish literature and biblio-
graphy in other countries.
The various sections of the pro-
gram will bring together many of the
most eminent men in the field from
Paris, Bavaria, Madrid, Chicago, the
British Museum, the Library of Flor-
ence, the Prussian State Library, the
Librarieso f Tal. v the National Li-

Defending American railroads and
their practices, Mr. Sillcox told how
they were "pressed" by buses and
trucks. He said that the recent diffi-
cuties in which railroads have been1
involved proved the need of the Fed-1
eral bus bill, which was this week
passed by the Senate and is now be-
fore the House of Representatives.
The bill, he pointed out, provides for
Federal control of buses and trucks in
interstate commerce through the
agency of the Interstate Commerce;
If this bill becomes law, he declared,
it will put the bus and trucking in-
terests on a "more equal footing" with

te Sa1Q LULI 1U11111Vae
against the roads in this regard is
unjust because "they cannot adopt
any one advance in equipment without
making advances throughout their en-
tire system." As an example, he cited
the fact that an especially light car
could not be used in a train with heav-
ier cars. I
Describing new developments in
railroading, the air brake executive
commended the recent trend in
streamlining. He declared that it is
"very important" to high speed in pas-
senger trains. However, he was of
the opinion that more is to be gained
in the weight field, such as large
freight trains, by cutting down the

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