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April 17, 1935 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-04-17

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Committees Of
New Assembly
Are Announced
President Selects N e w
Members From Women
Maureen Kavanah '36, newly-
elected president of Assembly, has
announced the appointment of chair-
men and committee members of As-
sembly for the coming year.
The Membership Committee will b
headed by Gertrude Penhale, '36, and
Catherine Peck, '37. They will be
assisted by Jeanice -Byrne, '37SM,
Bessie Curtis, '3GEd., Janet Karlson,
'38, and Edith Turteitaub, '37.
The Scholarship Committee will
be composed of Voltairine Hirsch, '37,
and Thelma Chasman, '37. Ellen
Brown, '36, has been named chair-
man of the Activities Committee.
Members of her committee included
Joanne Kimmel, '38, Marian Schultz,
'36, Mildred Herkner, '37, Roberta
Melin, '38, and Lillian Rosen, '36.
Marjorie McIntosh, '37, has been
named to head the Publicity Com-
mittee. She will be assisted by Mary
Ellen Heitsch, '37, Martha Ann Wise,
'38, Thelma Buelow, '36, Jean Jack-
son, '37, and Rose Weiss, '37.
Independent women who were in-
terested in serving on 'committees for
the Assembly submitted petitions to
Miss Kavanagh. She made her selec-
tions from these petitions on the
basis of leadership, scholarship, and
service. Her appointments were
passed on by the Assembly Board.
Recommendations which were made
by the seniors were also considered
before appointments were made.
The Assembly is composed of 40
independent women representing the
nine zones and five dormitories. The
zones are so arranged in order that
they may include all of the non-af-
filiated women on campus. The re-
mainder of the committees will be
announced some time in the near fu-
ture by Miss Kavanagh.
Ferinine Touches
Are Important To
N e w A ccessories
Accessories attuned to the feminine
mood always constitute a vital part
of the smart woman's wardrobe. This
seasn they are created in the very
essence of spring - all ruffles an
cascading frills. Illustrative of this
effect are mousseline gilets, whic
may be set in at the front of the
waist, falling down in an abundanes
of fluff.
One of the newest of tricky ideas
is to have a bunch of violets tucked
under the chin or on the lapel of a
coat collar. These come in natural,
pink, or parma. To go with the vio-
lets and gilet a long pearl necklace,
the sheerest of chiffon stockings,
together with velour suede gloves in
white or black are in order. Then
there should be a purple handbag
and, as a last finishing touch, a
purple linen handkerchief of a clever
printed design.
Little bunches of buttercups, too,
are very much in vogue as accessories
and lend a touch of freshness sug-
gestive of 'the countryside. This
flower is particularly appropriate for
the tailored suit or the sport en-
semble. The yellow idea suggested
in the flower may be carried out
in the suit itself, the tailored shirt
matching in shade.
Then comes a large bag of tan pig

grain calf, pouchy in shape rather
than flat, matched with a pair of
capeskin gloves, also in tan. Into the
bag goes a tan printed handker-
chief and such itemp as a cigarette
case carefully initialed with vanity
to match.
And flowers do not ieave off here;
they are being worn on hats, and
hats, incidentally, are being worn
with veils. Flowers are being worn
in the hair, too - flowers made up
in comb effects or clumped in semi-
circles above the curls.

Assembly President

Good Friday Music Festivity Instead Of Basketball High School Gives ALPHA NU
m Alpha Nu of Kappa Phi Sigma, na-
Program Planned 1 Cantata Tomorrow tional speech society, will hold a

By E. William Doty
E. William Doty, instructor in or-
gan, will give a special organ pro-
gram of Good Friday music, at 4:15
p.m. Friday in Hill Auditorium. Mr.
Doty is in charge of the organ de-
partment of the School of Music
during the absence of Palmer Chris-
Mr. Doty has won wide recognition
as a performer by music critics. He
F as appeared in concerts in many of
the most important music centers of
this country, and is known as one of
-the younger American concert per-
For his Good Friday program he
has chosen selections which are pure-
ly religious in character. His con-
Maureen Kavanagh, '36, who was etI
recently elected president of Assem- such composers as Bach, Brahms,
bly, has announced the chairmen and Wagner., Reger and Phillip.
cemmittee members tha have been He will open his concert with "Pre-
appcinted to work with her for he lude in E Minor" by Bach. This
coming year prelude is filled with sadness so char-
acteristic of Bach's period. Contin-
uing, he will play three of Bach's

1 11yV U IL4 L IL.,,E, k LULar aAItl ' - meeting tonight in the Alpha Nu


The University High School will'
By JOSEPHINE McLEAN 1 ited of acts from the Soph Circus present its Seventh Annual Spring
I ~Cantata at 11 am. tomorrow in the!
The Penny Carnival, which will be and the Junior Girls Play. High School Auditorium.
held from 8 p.m. to midnight Satur- Games End Hg Ester Anttri er.
day in Barbour and Waterman Gym- The last of the basketball games An Easter Cantata, "Life Eternal"
nasiums, promises to be more gala was played in 1930 before the crowd by d olton, wl sn bya
hhnevrbfde chorus of 50. The 10 solo voices are.
than ever before. d gathered. An aquatic meet held
Besde th vrity f ntetan-in the locker room pool proved ans Jeanette Gibb, Margaret Meloche,
Beides the variety of entertain- raction. To niven the atmos- Philip Newman, John Swisher, Jean;
ment, focos and drinks offered by the LaRue, Ethel Smith, Jean Wills, Fred
tcoths, the dancing to Al Cowan's phere in Barbour Gymnasium a three ' Guthe, Beth O'Roke, and Patricia
crchestra, and the parallel bars exhi- piece orchestra was engaged. although Michael.
bition presented by Dr. George May's dancing was still banned. Miss Odina Olson is the director
acrobats who have performed all In 1931 the carnival was held on of the production. and Miss Gladys'
over the state, a $1 penny raffle will Saturday istead of Wednesday night Schultz will play the accompaniment.
be feat ted 5 yw so as to permit dancing. The foi-
e fure. lowing year entertainment in the "
The winner of the raffle will noi form of tap and tango specialties and
locoger be embarrassed for pennies singing was added.
with which to pay the state tax. The entertainment was curtailed in
Henceforth, he will chew gumr with a 1933, featuring only a waltz in cos-
ngeance and will ever be posted on tume by Dorothy Dishman, '33. Last
Thi enight.year the melodrama "Wild Nell of the
The carnival has not always been Plains," which was read by Elsie
such an elaborate affair, however.I Pierce, '37, and acted by 10 women,
The finals of the intramural basket-'was received enthusiastically.
ball tournament was the principal at- The proceeds from the Penny Car-
traction on a Wednesday night in nival are used to support the projects
the spring of 1927 when the Penny sponsored by the Women's Athletic - . ...,.
Carnival was initiated into the extra- Board.
curiicula ativities.

room, 4003 Angell Hall. The program

State at Liberty
-- - -

Methodist Women
Present Program
Kappa Phi, organization for Meth-
cdist women on campus, held one of
its regular dinner meetings Tuesday
evening at Stalker Hall. Betty Read-
ing, '37, was in charge of the pro-
gram which was built around the
Easter theme.
Several members of the organiza-
ion presented incidental music and
another group gave speeches repre-
snting the days of Holy Week. Those
:articipating in the program includ-
d Dorothy Armstrong, '36, Ruth Son-
ans tine, '36, Phyllis Huston, '37,
ertha Kolb, '38, Mary Lunny, '35,
Vilmia Rattenbury, '35, Margaret
'orsythe, '38, Harriet Breay, '37, and
Aiss Reading.
The same program will be repeated
t 6 a.m. Easter Day for the Wesley-
.n Guild Service in the Methodist
5hurch. After the service Kappa
hi will hold a breakfast at Stalker

chorale preludes including "Christ
Lay in Death's Dark Prison," "Be-
loved Art Thou, Jesus Christ," and
"O Spotless Lamb of God."
These chorale preludes of Bach
represent some of the finest ton'e
paintings to be found in musical lit-
erature. The first two of the group
are miniatures, while the third is
more elaborate.
Mr. Doty has chosen "O World I
Must Leave Thee" by Brahms for his
next number. The organ is at its
best in this piece offering a freedom
of rhythm and design. Next will be
a chorale by Reger.
The well-known "Christ's Moth-
er Stands With Pain" and "Jesus, To
Thee We Cry" by Philip will fill the
next part of the concert. Both of
these selections are German hymns.
Mr. Doty will continue with "Geth-
Cemane" by Malling, and "Were You
Tlere When They Crucified My
Lord" by Miller.
This special program of Good Fri-
day music will be concluded with
"Priere des Orgues" from 'Messe des
Pauvres', by Satie, and "Prelude" and
"Good Friday Music" from 'Parsifal'
by Wagner.

Scatters Confetti
Women in the role of clowns scat-
tei ing confetti and serpentine among
the audience supplied the gaiety.
Theseacomedienes put on "horsey"
stunts between halves.
Following the game, jitney dancing
which was discontinued in 1928 as a
result of the regulation prohibiting
mid-Week dancing, was held in Sarah
Caswell Angell Hall. Vaudeville acts
and games were substituted for it.
The basketball tournament lost its
prominent position in the evening's
entertainment in 1929, being run off
earlier than usual. Emphasis was
placed on the floor show which con-
I.O.T.C. Ball Tickets
Must Be Claimed Today
All Reserve Officers and basic
R.O.T.C. students must call for
their reservations for the Mili-
tary Ball by 5 p.m. today at R.O.
T.C. headquarters. Failure to do
this may result in loss of the tick-
ets, it was announced by Don
Norton, ticket chairman.

Mrs. Lucille Conger, executive sec-
retary of the Alumnae Council, spent
Spring vacation in the east, at-
tending the annual convention of
Alumnae Secretaries in Washington.
She also visited University Alumnae
groups in Washington and Philadel-
Delta Gamma sorority announces
the pledging of Helen Purdy, '38, of

L1Y ?
ti .

406 East Liberty Street





Every dress . .. every suit . . . every hat ... every blouse ... is new, Spring
merchandise -- priced special for this Pre-EASTER SELLING. Included
in the Dress and Suit Groups are ELLEN KAYE Fasihions... Your definite
assurance of Quality, Value and Style.



j i
t han-o n b a n d .. . .

Tailored and Dressy Styles
... some with taffeta blouses
Values to $25.00
Sizes 1 1 to 18



; ,c- ^
,l!- ':
j1Ets 1 y
/ ti j f,
% .
, i \ .
,I .
A \fJ lr
f /\/ f / l Jf
:\ f % jf:
. j % 1
.,r \/
Z j +j

Plain and Printed Creles.. .
Tailored and Dressy Styr e

r A C r 7r"

Values to

to r tf\Z IL K

"An Inside-Out Hose"
Two-Thread, 48-Gauge
"Sheer-Cleer" Chiffon
Runstop below weit and
underwelt. Heavily re-
inforced all silk heel,
sole and triple-ring toe
within double toe. Run-
stop in toe.
$1 3 5


friday, ni e till
r ne- Wsat rday
unine till twelve.
~1OOper couple


of the latest Easter fashions.
Straws, Fabrics, Black,
Brown, Navy.
Values to $5.00


T11 n se _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __(. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __TTTS 7TA 3 T T C 7TA' A'

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