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April 17, 1935 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-04-17

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* THE MICHIGAN DAILY __..__________________..__

Eva Jessye Negro Gordon Loud Does utstandin
Choir To Give Two W -
.____ra m-Feld. ArchaeologY
Recital Pro gramns y___


Guild To Hold Authority On Prints
-cSr e To Talk At League
Special Service ,,

Two programs, both arranged by
he directors, will be given by Eva
;; choir of Negro artists which
:ill be heard in recitls a 4 p.m. and
3:15 p.m., April 23, in Lydia Mendel-
ohn Theater. The appearances are
:ucncred in Ann Arbor by the Dun-
bar League and the Congregational
it dent Club.
The program for the afternoon con-
rert has been arranged in a series of
cpisod es fron the life of Christ, the
exceruts to be expressed in spirituals.
Te night -rformance will consist
of ra~ lar a r airrr n

'This is the second in a series of
articles about the occupations of
prominent alumni:
Credit for last year's most impor-
tant discovery in the field of arch-
acology has been given to a Univer-
sity of Michigan graduate, Gordon
Loud, '22, who is now director of the
University of Chicago Oriental Insti-
tute Iraq Expedition.
Loud, who was excavating at the
palace of Sargon II, at Khorsabad,
discovered a small clay tablet with
CuneCiforma inscriptions bearing the
names and dates of 95 Assyrian kings
who ruled in unbroken succession

. Miss Isabel Weadock of Detroit will
This Sunday speak cn prints at the last lecture
meeting of the season held by the
The Wesleyan Guild has made Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti branch of
plans for a special Easter service tothe American Association of Univer-
be held at 6 a.m. next Sunday in the sity women at 3 p.m Saturday in
auditorium of the Methodist C'hurch. the Grand Rapids R:om, the League.
The meeting will take place of the Miss Weadcck, who has been cur-
Guild's iegular Sunday evening serv- ator of prints at the Detroit Institute
ice. of Arts since 1922, received her train-
The program is to be built around ing in the art department of the New
the events of Holy Week, various per- York Public Library and the Boston
,ons representing the happenings of Museum of Fine Arts,
cash day. Those participating in the Mrs. Adele Brewer Mitchell will en-
p ogram will include Dorothy Arr-
v ong, '36. who will give the intr c.. ertain Wiss Weadock over the week-
duction; Ruth Sonnanstine, *, w end, at her home on Martin Place,
will present the events of Palm San- and will honor her guest at a small
day; and Phyllis Huston, '37; Iett dinner party on Saturday night. Other
Reading, '37; Bertha Kolb, '38, Mary guests invited to the dinner are Prof.
Lunny, '35, Wilma Rattenbury, '37, and Mrs. Morrison, Dr. and Mrs. Meh-
Margaret Forsythe, '38, and Harriet met Aga-Oglu and Prof. Bruce Don-
Breay, '37, who will present the aldson.
events of Monday, Tuesday, Wednes-
day, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and .embers of Kappa Phi at Stalker Hall
Easter Sunday respectively. Special at 7 a.m. following he sunrise service
Easter music has been planned for and at 9:39 a.m. between the first
the occasion by Helen Byrn, '38SM. and second church services. Tickets
The service will be followed by an are priced at 25 cents and may be
Easter breakfast to which the public purchased at either Stalker Hall or
is invited. It will be served by the at the office of the Methodist church.


or secular andt rehg sous songs. _ rmte2t
x ighf men, seven wonen, and Miss reioth century
iress Jessye, all of whom are college grad- Before this f
Mece Da?=I, attra ve debutante. uates, compose the choir. All of a few isolated
1z° n ;?chn F. the P cen of the them have a wide background on the archaeologists,
cottEn ca3nival oi be held in Memphis, stage, and some have been starred or cf Sargon, his
T~n. Th, cornival will take place have had leading roles in New York moved the re:
Tcnn. h stage successes. Nineveh.
early i v May,
Critics have especially noted the Spends
skill with which the choir dramatizes After gradua
Stantey Flecher S its renditions. Their familiarity with sity in 1922, L
the songs and the natural ability with vard Architect
Facic ,onCert 10 which they interpret them make it there in 1923.
cossible to substitute roles, if neces- in Egypt as are
e wen Sunday sary, with no loss of effect.
auma, about 40 z
Stanley Fletcher, instructor in the s next year he j
school of nusic, and winner of two stitute at Chic
contests sponsored by the Nationalb
Federation of Music Clubs last week, ,dyears he was s
will give a Faculty Concert program dIsfeorm ardt e
at 4:15 p.m. Sunday, April 21, in Hill 1 desert site ne
Auditorium. Ta ondstratatonin
Mr. Fletcher will play the same 2000 B.C
program in his concert Sunday that .Durng this
he gave before the State Federation "There is a great divergence be- r this
of Musc Clubs in Grand Rapids on t tween what we feel and what we know. et f
^ l 10 h Sunerian cult.
April 10 when he won the first prize Our minds have been educated but our ofte cult.
and also the program he gave at the of the gods x
emotions have remained as tney were are important
di;-ict Conte:=t in Indianapolis on
April 13 when he again received first when we were children," stated Prof. studying Sume
place. John L. Brumm, professor of jour- Describes
His concert includes works of Bach, nalism and chairman of the depart- The hair, an
Beethoven, Chopin, Chadwick, and ment of journalism, in an informal ored with bitur
Debussy. During the latter part of talk at a luncheon for graduate stu- inlaid with she

century down to the

ind the names of only
kings were known to'
because at the death'
son, Sennacherib, re-
Cords to his place at
Time in Egypt
ting from the Unive -
oud attended the Har-
ural School, finishing
He then spent a year
chitect for the Univer-
an Expedition to Fay-
miles- from Cairo. The
pined the Oriental In-
ago, with which he has
d ever since. For two
stationed at the expe-
rters at Tell Asmar, a
ar Baghdad, working
winingyhouses and pal-
moghly from. 2500 to'
expedition he discov-1
known statues of the
They were the figures
worshipped then, and
archaeologically in
rian sculpture.r



fect condition, although constructed

:Statues Found
3d the beards are ccl-
men, and the eyes are
11 and black limestone


dents at 12 o'clock yesterday, in the
Russian Tea Room of the Michigan
Professor Brumm spoke on the sub-
ject of "Keeping Up With One's In-
telligence." He said that the trouble
with the present system of education
is that it is concerned only with the
knowledge of the mind or intellect,
while the equally important factor of
the emotion is entirely overlooked.
"Since no machinery is available by
which to educate the emotions," as-
serted Professor Brumm, "the duty
drops on the individual. Therefore
each student should endeavor to im-
prove and train his emotions as well
as his intellect."
Because of this emotionai weak-
ness, continued Professor Brumm,
persons do things impulsively which
they would not do with trained emo-
tions, and also fail to do things which
their intelligence prompts them to do
because their emotional feelings pre-
vent them.
Where T10
Mation Pictures: Whitney, "Great
Expectations" with. Phillip Holmes,
and "Happiness Ahead" with Dick
Powell; Wuerth, "Caravan" with Lor-
retta Young and "Babbitt" with Guy
Kibbee; Majestic, "Lightning Strikes
Twice" with Thelma Todd and "Car-
nival" with Lee Tracy; Michigan,
"Princess O'Hara" with Jean Park-
er and "Transient Lady" with Gene
Exhibitions: Collection of water
color paintings made in Europe and
in this country, open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
daily, Architectural Building. Exhibi-
tion of photographs, Alumni Memo-
rial Hall.
Dancing: Hut Cellar.

or lapis lazuli. They also show the!
styles of hair-dress used 5000 years!
At Khorsabad Loud's expedition is
engaged in excavating where the
French left off at the city of Sargon,
II. In commenting on his expedi-
tion, Loud said, "What lies within the
walls ot this ancient city has never
been known. It is the investigation
of that area which will, I hope, keep
me occupied for some seasons to come
in -an effort to learn more about the
every day life of the Assyrians, whose
military exploits in building up that
great empire have long been known."
Paa-e had 186 Rooms
The palace of Khorsabad, built at
the northwest of the city, contains
186 rooms arranged about open courts.
Inside the palace were six temples,
dedicated to the Assyrian gods.
The city itself is notod for its im-
posing gates at the citadel. These
gates were huge human-headed
winged bulls, which are still in per-

2600 years ago.
Find List Of Assyria-i Kings
The tablet containing the lists of
the Assyrian kings was found under
a pile of rubbish in a small room in'
the temple of Nabu, the god of WIs-
dcm, which was built on a flatform 25
feet above the street.
Living conditions at the Khorsa-
bad excavations are not as primitive
as one might imagine. In a recent
letter Loud said, "You may think of
us as living in tents and eating the
strange concoctions which make up
the diet of the Oriental. As a matter
of fact there are very few of the com-
forts of western civilization which
we are without. Our house is of mud
brick with a thatched roof, primarily
a native house done over to suit our
requirements, but I must admit the
addition of bath rooms and a living
room as well as the tent-like cloth
ceilings so placed as to prevent the
descent of wild life, said to consist of
mice, snakes, and scorpions, in the
Petitions For Positions
On Committees Dune
Petitions for positions on
League committees must be sub-
mitted today. Women interested }
in positions on the orientation,
house-reception, merit system,
theater and arts, social, and pub-
licity committees may hand in
their petitions at the Undergrad-
uate office. L

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