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March 30, 1935 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-30

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Berryman And
Oliver Suffer
Heyliger Is Expected To
Report Back For Action
Two more Michigan baseball play-
ers came up with injuries in yester-
day's practice session at Ferry Field.
Captain Russ Oliver was hit in the
cheek bone with a pitched ball in bat-
ting practice, and Dick Berryman,
second string catcher, reported for
practice in street clothes and an-
nounced that his left shoulder had
been injured in an automobile acci-
dent Thursday night. Neither injury
is serious.
Ball Hits Oliver
A fast ball thrown by Coach Bennie
Oosterbaan who was serving the ball
up in batting practice caught Oliver
a glancing blow on the cheek. Oliver
retired temporarily to the training
room in Yost Field House to apply
cold water to the bruise, but returned
a few minutes later, looking like an
old time ball player with a cud parked
in his left cheek. The chunky first
baseman silenced the snickers of his
teammates and evened the score with
Oosterbaan by slapping out a doublere
in his next turn at bat.
Berryman had a story to tell about
a celebration given for the hockey
team Thursday night. The host and
hostess, admirers of the Big Ten
championship outfit, entertained at
their home several miles out of Ann
Arbor. In returning home the car
in which Berryman was riding over-
turned and injured his shoulder.
Coach Ray Fisher devoted most of
yesterday's workout to batting prac-
tice for the Varsity, and considerable
improvement was noted despite the
uncomfortably cold weather.
Team Uses Heavy Bats
Fisher hopes that the inability to
hit is due to the cold and to the
heavy bats that are now being used.
The mentor pointed out that when
the team goes South lighter bats wills
be used in the games and that the'
boys should then get the "feel" of
Such hitters as Oliver, George Ford,
and Jack Teitlebaum should be start-
itigi to club the ball soon. John Re-I
geczi, Clayt Paulson, Kim Williams,I
and Joe Lerner are hitting pretty1
well now. But warmer weather wouldI
do all good.
Vic Heyliger, who sprained his ankleI
last Monday, will report in uniformt
for practice today. His activities will
be limited to limbering up his throw-t
ing arm. He hopes to start work-c
ing back into condition in earnest
next Monday., '
Union Enters-
Picked Team In
Bowling Match
The Michigan Union will enter an
all-star bowling team in the South-I
eastern Bowling tournament to be
held tomorrow at Lansing. The team
was picked from a list of the twenty
best bowlers who competed in an
elimination meet in which the con-e
testants bowled three games and the
six high scorers automatically com-
posed the starting combination. The
sixth man is being used as an alter-
nate. The team that represented the
Michigan Union in 1933 won thee
championship and a plaque which has
been hung up in the bowling alleys.
This year's team and the compar-
ative scores of each of the men in the
elimination program are as follows:
Captain Ralph Sidman, 567; Jack
Browne, 542; Ben Falk, 539; John
Schmieler, 530; George Seeley, 528;

and Harry Kimmel (alternate), 526.
A good average for three games is
considered to be 535 according to
Sidman. The quintet is being coach-
ed by Professor Layin K. James and
the manager of the team is Wood-
row Hunter.
The winning team of 1933 is con-
sisted of the following players: M.
Fontana, P. L. James, R. Klahn, R.
Maloney, H. Pendorf, and J. Pend-
Silverman Wins Union
Ping Pong Championship
Mel Silverman, '36, defeated Dick
Stone, '38, yesterday,3-2 to win the
Union ping Pong championship. Law-
rence Pratt, '35, and Bob Magee, '37,
reached the semi-finals.
Stone, who has been bowling over
his opponents with amazing regular-
ity, gave the veteran Silverman a
scare when he started off to an early
lead of two games to one. Silverman
was unable to overcome Stone's im-
penetrable defense in the first three
games but his experience finally de-
cided the issue.
Do you remember away back when?
On January 15, 1926 the Union Pool
was officially dedicated with' the
Michigan-Wisconsin swimming meet
being the first event held in the new
tank. Michigan's team at that time
appears to have been composed of
championship material as it is today

Wolverines Who Will Fill The Catching Post

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Kim Williams and Dick Berryman are two sophomore catchers who
appear to havfa hold on the backstopping duties this season. Williams
has an edge over Berryman as a hitter, having banged out two home
runs in spring practice thus far.
Staehle, Townsend, Mason, And
Stein Lead Frosh Track Squad

With the indoor season completed
and the outdoor season in sight, it
is with some degree of accuracy that
freshman track Coach Ken Doherty
can calculate his potential Varsity
material. Of course, he doesn't clas-
sify it with his aggregation of last
year, which probably was the great-
est collection of trackmen ever placed
under his wing..
"There are a few better than aver-
age performers on my squad this
year," he confessed," but the rest are
just, to put it in my own way, just
Staehle Breaks Record
In Bill Staehle, his outstanding
performer in the mile and two-mile
Doherty has a prospect who seems
to be developing into a good distance
man. In the last week of indoor tele-
graphic competition he smashed the
freshman Field House record in both
of his favored events. If he should
continue to improve at the rate he has
during the past indoor season it is
certain that Michigan will be ex-
ceptionally well protected next year
in both the mile and two-mile.
Ray Fink, Staehle's running mate
in the mile and two-mile, has been
showing improvement also and on
several occasions has beat Staehle to
the tape in both events.
Coach Doherty has a shot-putter
this season. John Townsend, In-
dianapolis basketball prospect, looks
like the man to settle Coach Hoyt's
shot-put difficulties next year. He
has tossed the ball over 44 feet in the
Field House. It remains to be seen
if he can better his mark outside. Two
other boys show promise in this
event. Bob Cooper and Bob Schroed-
er have been placing in most of the
indoor meets, although they can't
be classed as certain potentialities.
Mason Looks Good
The man who has been causing the
most excitement in the dashes is Stev-
ens Mason, Grosse Pointe contribu-
tion. He shows, most promise in the
440, having run this event on several
occasions in 52 flat. Mason also looks
good in the 60-yard dash and recently
has been showing that he can hurdle

if he must, preferably over the lower
In the pole vault, Harold Stein,
Monroe former state high school
champion, has been consistently
clearing over 12 feet. He hit his best
mark of the indoor season in the last
meet against Illinois, vaulting 12 feet
4 inches. Sanford Farrell manages
to clear the bar at 12 feet regularly.
In addition Farrell has been scoring
points for the yearlings in the broad
The half mile accomplishments rest
mainly in the h nds of Bill Stan-
nard. Stannard has not failed to do
his part in the scoring column of the
indoor meets, but does not as yet ap-
pear to have reached his best form.
British Tennis Ace
May.Turn To Pros
Chances for the United States to
recapture the Davis Cup are greatly
enhanced with the announcement
that Fred Perry, English tennis ace,
would probably turn professional
within the next few days:
After the International Federa-
tion meeting in Paris rejected Great
Britain's proposal to allow amateurs
to receive pay for tennis roles in
movies, Bill O'Brien, New York ten-
nis promoter, stated that he had al-
most completed negotiations with
thworld's first ranking player.
Intramural Relays To
Be Held Monday Night
The Independent and Fraternity
relays will be held from 7:30 to 9
p.m. Monday, April 1, at the Yost
Field House. Fraternity entries in-
clude Phi Kappa Psi, whose time of
1:40 for the half mile was best in
the preliminary trials, Psi Upsilon,
Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Tau Omega.
The All-Stars, independent con-
tender, tied the Intramural relay rec-
ord of 1:38.4 in the preliminaries
and will be favorites in their race
against the Hops, D.D.'s, and Law

Hoyt Plans To
Drill Thinclads
Outside Today
Squad That Will Compete
Against California To
Be Announced
With fair weather this afternoon,
Michigan track fans will be given
their first opportunity of seeing the
Wolverine squad in action outdoors,
as Coach Charlie Hoyt plans to put
the team through its paces. Time
trials will be held in the two-mile run.
In addition the personnel of the 22-
man squad which will go to Califor-
nia will also be announced today.
Yesterday, despite a cold wind,
time trials were run in the low
hurdles, half-mile, 220-yard dash
and quarter-mile. Although no times
were given out by Coach Hoyt, he ex-
pressed himself well satisfied with
the showing in view of the weather
conditions and short training period.
Osgood Beats Hunt
Bob Osgood, sophomore Confer-
ence champion in the high hurdles
won handily from Moreau Hunt, still
conscious of a bad knee injury, while
Captain Harvey Smith led Clayton
Brelsford, Howdie Davidson, and Paul
Gorman home -in the half-mile in
that order. A late sprint by Brels-
ford just failed to take Smith.
Fred Stiles, sophomore sprinter,
ran one of the finest races of his life
in the 220 to finish ahead of Tony
Serakos, and in the quarter Stan
Birleson ran ahead of Harvey Patton
and Frank Aikens in considerably bet-
ter than the 54 seconds which Hoyt
had ordered.
With Osgood rounding into even
better form than that which marked
him as a brilliant prospect last year,
Michigan's chances of cleaning up in
the hurdle events against California
are materially increased.
California will present three high
hurdlers capable of better than 14.8
seconds, and three capable of about
24 seconds in the lows.
Ward To Enter High Hurdles
In the highs Michigan will have
Willis Ward, who in 1933 was credit-
ed with running the event in 14.3 sec-
onds, coming in close behind Jack
Keller in the Conference meet as the
Ohio State star was timed at 14.1.
Osgood's best time in the high hurdles
as a freshman was :15.4, but with
indoor performances which included
a time of 7.5 seconds in the 70-yard
event at the Butler Relays, is ex-
pected to go below :14.8 with no
In the low hurdles Osgood is ex-
pected to have an even better chance,
however, with his combined hurdling
and quarter-mile experience. His
chief competition from California is
Dell Fishback, who this year has
done :23.8.
Moreau Hunt, who has been con-
siderably. off form in favoring an in-
jured knee suffered in the Conference
meet, is also considered a good pros-
pect to place for Michigan in the low
California not only seems to be the
best state, according to Californians,
but in the sports world seems to hold
its .wn so far as record holders go.
Some American records held by Cali-
fornia tracksters are -Frank Wy-
ekoff in the 100, Ben Eastman in the
440, Charlie Paddock for the 300-
meter race, Bill Carr 400 meters, 440-
yard relay by University of Southern
California, and the same team hold
the 800-meter relay and the 880-
.yard event, the pole vault record held
by Bill Graber, and the Decathlon
held by Jim Bausch of Los Angeles.

to a point today where simple pre-
dictions, like who will win the Amer-
ican League pennant, are frowned
upon. To be really good you havel
to be able to give the team's indi-
vidual batting averages, the pitchers'l
records, and tell how many of thec
players will have marital trouble dur-
ing the season.
"Doping" has become some-
thing adjacent to a mania with
certain of the touts who hang,
around any sports 'desk, ours in-1
cluded. At 3 1.m. yesterday I
found this notice tacked to my
"He who is known as a smart
horse backer;
Will lay two megs on Whipper-1
One dollar to win, one to place,
See if I'm right, old Horsefa ce!"
That, besides being disrespectful,'
was a downright challenge which no
doper would ever disregard. My un-
known informant had not long to
wait. On a sheet headed, "Second
Racing Note," I found this:
"Disregard that whippersnapper,
And his dope on Whippercracker.
Have you read about the mores?
Put your dough on Joe Flores."
The poetry was poor and, I do not
doubt, the tips were poorer. Both'
colts had to run without my support.
Today's racing sheets will show how
much I might h'ave won. (Refer to the
results of the sixth at Arlington
Horse race doping, however, is
only one small branch of a much
wider field. In California, for
example, the sport writers dope
intercollegiate track meets with
fiendish intensity. They un-
have alreadyhdecided
dow manly points Michigan will
get in its meet at Berkeley next
month, and are now trying to

of chance here can be cut down to
something infinitesimal. Swimmers
don't carry droppable batons or get
boxed on turns, like track men, nor
are they as temperamental as race
horses, where a filly (female horse)
can upset the biggest dope bucket
in the world.
If a swimmer whom you know per-
sonally and have confidence in, swims
a 2:15 furlong one day you can expect
him to come pretty close to that a
week later, although you can hardly
believe how water conditions can vary
from day to day, and effect times.
One day I became incensed at
swimmers murmuring, "Gosh,
what a slow pool!" when they
climbed out after a particularly
poor effort, and asked, "You Fish,
how can that pool be slow, isn't it
the same water and everything as
it was yesterday?"
I was speedily informed that pools
could be slow and fast on successive
days. It seems that speed of a pool
depends on: 1. How full of water
it is, and z. How much the water is
If the pool is correctly filled so
that the water is just even with the
scuppers which take up the overflow
and thus reduce the surface agita-
tion. In a small pool the agitation
is less than in a large, obviously. Of
course times are always poorer in a
long pool than in a short one.
THIS HAS nothing to do with sur-
face agitation, but depends simp-
ly on the number of turns made in a
given distance. All swimmers gain
time on the turns and rest during the
push-off so that they can swim harder
in between turns.
That, incidentally, is why so
many record-breaking times were
chalked up at the Michigan-Iowa
dual meet this year. The meet

ONE OF THE MORE highly spe- figure out how many steaks it'll
cialized of campus "Sports Which talic to fee: the VlvcrInes on
Are Not Sports" is the game of "dop- their trans-continental trek.
ing" the results of athletic events or
anything else that is reasonably pre- PERSONALLY, I lean to doping
dictable. The sport has been carried swimming meets. The element

Scrimmage To
STAR'DUSThNS Be Held Today
By Grid Squad


Football fans will get their first
glimpse of what Michigan's 1935 foot-
ball squad will look like when the
Maize and Blue gridders hold their
first official scrimmage of the spring
training pciod at 2 p.m. today on
Ferry Field.
For the last three days, Coach
Kipke has been sending his charges
through short, brisk scrimmages in
an effort to find out just what men
will fit into the gaps to be left by
graduation. From now up until
Spring Vacation scrimmage, no doubt,
will be carried on every day with just
this idea in mind.
In today's scrimmage all the boys
will probably see action before the
day is over. It is not certain just
who will start the action but Coach
Weber expressed the opinion last
night that probably the team that has
been seeing a great deal of action so
far this week would start.
The squad lines up with Valpey and
Ghesquire on the ends, Schroeder and
Luby at tackles, Marzonie and Ped-
erson at the guard posts, Wright
at center,'Cooper calling the signals,
Pillinger and Ellis at halves, and
Mumford at fullback. The freshman
members of the squad have been see-
ing the most action so far and they
are expected to share the brunt of
the work today.
was held in a 20-yard tank, in-
stead of the conventional 25-yard

II ,,I


Michigan Union
the last Membership Dance to be


held prior to the Spring holidays,
tonight, from nine until twelve.
With the popular UNION BAND
furnishing the melodies, you may
be sure of a most enjoyable evening
of pleasant dancing. Tickets are
only $1.00 per couple.

There is no substitute for the services
of an eyesight specialist, but proper
lighting helps to protect eyes good
and bad, young and old. Your child's
eyesight is far too precious to gamble
with. His eyes are one of his most
important possessions, and defective
vision will handicap him in his school
activities, in his studies, in later life.
Poor lighting is a major cause of
crippled eyesight . .. figures show
that one out of every five school child-
ren has defective vision. Is YOUR
home lighting adequate? You owe

assure reasonably good lighting in
your home. They are practical and
easy to follow: (1) Use correct size
lamp bulbs-"WATTS." In table
and floor lamps with three sockets,
use 40 watts in each socket; with two
sockets, 60 watts; with one socket,
100 watts. (2) Have at least one-
tenth as much light in the rest of the
room as you have on your book,
newspaper, sewing, etc. (3) Use
SHADES on all lamp bulbs to pre-
vent GLARE. (4) Use shades with
light-colored linings to get the most

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