THE. MICHIGAN... _..._.... ..... ..............
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Michigan's greatest industry, the
automobile industry, which furnishes
the United States with 96 per cent o:
its automobiles, was discussed b3
Prof. Walter E. Lay of the mechanical
engineering department in the "Mich-
igan My Michigan" program broadcast
yesterday over Station WJR originat-
ing in the campus studios in Morris
"The business of making automo-
biles," said Professor Lay, "is the
largest industry in the United State:
and the seat of this industry is ir
our own State of Michigan."
The Detroit area alone, he pointeC
out, makes 56 per cent of all the
cars used in tis country.
Professor Lay tempered the state-
ment that such a large number of
cars are "made" in Michigan by say-
ing, "The Chevrolet and Ford organi-
zations have assembly plants in ke;
cities all over the United States. Th
parts of the cars are mainly made a
the home plant, and, after assembly
into such groups as the engine, trans-
mission, rear axles, and so forth, are
shipped to the assembly plant where
they are put together to make th(
complete car."
Eighty-seven per cent of the motor
trucks in the United States, ac-
cording to Professor Lay, are also
made in Michigan.
"The volume of automotive business
is affected by very large fluctuations,'
he said. "Sales during April or May
may be six or seven times those in No-
vember." He attributed this to the fact
that when rainy and snowy season;u
are over and the sun begins to shine.
Mr. John Public seems to get a feve?
and trades in the old bus for a bright
and shiny new one.
Professor Lay pointed out that the
motor vehicle is of little use without
good roads to travel upon. In orde;
to emphasize the extent of the net-
work of roads in the United States, he
said, "An American motorist would
have to drive at 50 *miles per hour.
24 hours per day for seven years tc
travel over all the roads in this coun-
People of other countries, he stated;
consider the modern automobile plant
the eighth wonder of the world, sty
great has been the development of
its equipment.
LANSING, March 26.-- (A) - The
Baldwin Bill, requiring all college in-
structors to swear to support the state
and Federal constitutions, was passed
by the Senate last-night.
The measure applies to all colleges
supported by the state or enjoying
tax exemption. The bill was given im-
mediate effect.
Violation of the law would consti-
tute ground for cancellation of ap-
propriations and exemptions.
--Associated Press Photo.
Robert Switz (above), who with
his wife and 19 other co-defendants
went on trial in Paris, said he en-
Porpoise Skeleton Now At
Museum Reveals Water
A nine-foot porpoise skeleton,
showing how the mammal,, through
millions of years of evolution, adapt-
ed itself to the water, is on exhibit
in the University Museums, Miss
Crystal Thompson, curator of the
visual education department an-
nounced yesterday.
The skeleton, which is at the rear
of the fourth floor show room, il-
lustrates how the arm bones of the
porpoise have shortened and flat-
tened, together with the fingers, to
make paddles. The pelvic girdle, to
which legs were once attached, has
been lost completely.
Miss Thompson pointed out how
the elongated jaw, with nostrils on
top of the forehead, are particularly
advantageous to a water inhabiting,
animal, which has to grab and swal-'
low its food. The teeth of the skele-
ton, unlike those of land-dwelling
mammals, are all exactly alike.
An 18-inch model of a mounted'
porpoise is to be set -up next to the
skeleton this week, Miss Thompson
promised. This shows the fish-mam-
mal as it looks in the water, she said,
and helps in gianing an understand-
ing of the transformation.
University paleontologists esti-
mated the number of years necessary
for the evolution of the porpoise at
40,000,000. It is probable, they stated,
that the porpoise took to the water
in the early tertiary age, assuming
the habits of fish as the sea lion is
doing today. The tail developed when
the need for propulsion in the water
became necessary, they explained,
and the pelvis dropped off from lack
of Use.
Frechette0, On
Trial For Life,
Begins Defense
Admits Stealing Death Gun
From Gasoline Station
In Chelsea
HOWELL, March 26.-1--Clar-
ence Frechette, dapper and perfectly
at ease, laid the groundwork in cir-
cuit court today for his claim that
he killed Robert Brown, Kalamazoo
trucking contractor, in self-defense.
The 25-year-old murder trial de-
fendant admitt-ed on the witness
stand that he stole from a Chelsea,
Mich., gasoline station the pistol with
which Brown, his employer, was killed,
but said he sold the gun to Brown a
day or two before the young trucking!
contractor was killed, on Jan. 29. He
said Brown had suggested that he get
him a gun.
He also admitted that he bought
from a Kalamazoo sporting goods
house shells to fit the pistol, but
claimed that the purchase was made
for Brown.
The state has contended that Fre-
chette planned to kill Brown because
he was aggrieved over his employer's I
refusal to return the title to a truck
that Frechette once owned, and be-
cause Brown had threatened him with
arrest over failure to surrender money
he had collected for Brown.
Frechette accounted for Brown's,
possession of the truck title by testify-
ing that his employer had offered
to get public utilities license plates
for him.
WILSON, March 26. - (A)- Elec-
tric workers were stringing temporary
lines into Wilson today after a $15,-
000 fire burned out the town's power
wires Monday.
Three families who lived above the
William Roberge general store and.
postoffice, abandoned their posses-
sions. Fire fighters salvaged the mail,
the store safes and some merchandise.
yt . K IJ.ii, ii
As far as the University Dental
Clinic is concerned, modern adver-
tising of mouth washes and tooth
pastes is- well - mouth wash. Ac-
cording to Dr. U. Garfield Reckert,
of the Clinic, modern advertising
claims as to the efficacies of the prod-
uct in question is "bunk."
For instance, Dr. Rickert said, one
company lays great stress on the
cleaning ;properties of its particular
tooth paste, claiming that the pepsin
in the paste digests the film on the
teeth. By actual tests, he went on
to say, the Clinic experts have proven
that it takes 38 minutes for a pepsin
solution, stronger than that in the
paste, to even begin the work of di-
gesting the film, and much more time
for any actual digestion to take place.'
The claims that bacteria in the
mouth are harmful were also at-
tacked. "We have come down through
the centuries with bacteria in our
mouths," said Dr. Rickert. "If they
were harmful, nature would have
done something about it long ago."
A moderate amount of bacteria in the
mouth, he said, is not only harmful,
but perhapstactually necessary.
As far as the killing of the bacter-
ia is concerned, Dr. Rickert said that
any mouth wash strong enough to
kill the bacteria would assuredly at-
tack the tissues of the mouth. But
'n spite of this obvious fact, millions
of people are being fleeced each year,
he said, by companies which almost
deliberately misrepresent their prod-
Some tooth pastes are not only use-
less. but actually harmful, according
to the doctor. Some of them contain
grit, others soap, and some of them
contain both. Those with grit in
them will clean - by removing the
cnamel. Those with soap in them,
well, they may clean, but if the soap
is strong enough to do any cleaning,
it will sear the tissues of, the mouth.
Quackery in the field of dentifrices
nostrums have been seized by the
United States government for viola-
tion of the Food and Drug Act, ac-
cording to the Michigan Dental So-
ciety's Journal.
And not only do the companies
which manufacture such products de-
ceive the public, but they also force
reputable companies to follow their
lead, and misrepresent their prod-
ucts. One well-known company re-
cently dropped from the approved
list of the American Dental Associa-
tion, on the grounds that it had to
misrepresent its article in order to
compete with other companied, con-
cluded Dr. Rickert.'
Autos Less Per Pound
Than 'Hamburg' Steaks
"Cheaper than bad meat," was the
reference to present day automobiles
made yesterday by Prof. Walter E.
Lay of the mechanical engineering de-
partmerit in his address over Station
"The average car cost less per pound.
than a good steak, or even a poor one,"
said Professor Lay. And while he did
not predict that the automobile would +
ever be used as a table commodity,l
he pointed out that the car in the]
low-priced range costs less than 20;
cents per pound.
In his figures he included the ex-'
pensive materialshused in making an
automobile, such as steel, aluminum,1
copper, nickel, rubber, and cloth.
DETROIT, March 26..-(P) -Ossip
Gabrilowitsch, pianist and conductor,
of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra,
was in Henry Ford Hospital tonight
undergoing treatment for what was
described as "acute intestinal compli-
cations." He has cancelled all concert
engagements for the next few weeks.
Dental Clinic Investigators Call Shakepearean
MiOtwwashl Adveitising rBunk Comedy Opens
10 months, some 55 different dental j'
(Continued from Page 1)
cobweb, and Jean MacKaye, 10 years
old, as mustardseed.
The orchestra will begin promptly
at 8:30 p.m. today and people will
not be seated during the overture,
Mr. Windt said. Tickets are priced
at 50 and 75 cents and may be pur-
chased at the box office in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater at any time.
Because of the concert by the
Cleveland Symphony O r c h e s t r a
Thursday night, the performance of
"A- Midsummer Night's Dream" on
Thursday will be a matinee. It will
begin at 3:15 p.m. and tickets will be
only 35 and 50 cents for thisper-
formance as well as the Saturday
matinee. There will be no evening
performance Thursday.
The Mendelssohn music is partic-
ularly adapted to the play, Mr. Windt
said, because of the beautiful ele-
ment of whimsy, comedy, and joy
embodied in it.
The costumes, designed by James
V. Doll, Grad., were made by Mrs.
Anna V. Doll, and are described by
the director as beautiful and original.
Following the performance a re-
ception will be held at the League to
honor all the groups involved in the
production of the play. These groups
are the speech department, the music
school, and the physical education
department. Special guests will be
the University Committee on Thea-
ter Practices and Policy, the Ann
Arbor Civic Theater Committee, and
the English department.
206 N. Main St. - DOWNTOWN
Our Location- Saves You Money.
tered the alleged spy ring
intrigues for France. He
others of spying against
Soviet Russia.
to cover its
accused 19
France for
Third Issue Of,
'Advance' On
Sale Thursday
The third issue of Advance will go
:n sale Thursday on campus, and at
mnost book stores and drug stores, ac-
.ording to J. C. Seidel, editor-in-chief.
The size of the magazine has been
enlarged to thirty pages, doubling the
zize of the last issue.
"Something I Don't Know What" by
K. Ratliff is the featured short story,
The third issue of Advance also in-
cludes another story, "The Auction,"
by Alfred Morange, which is set in
the hard Puritan atmosphere of New
England. Eleanor Tugford has the
feature critical article, "Incjpient
Fascism in American Literature,"
wvhich is an analysis of an important
trend in American literature today. J.
C. Seidel has an analysis of T. K. Co-
hen's play, "Unfinished Picture." And
Mr. Cohen has written a reply.
Faculty Members
Return From Trips
Prof. Merwin H. Waterman and
Prof. Edgar H. Gault of the school
>f business administration were out
:f town yesterday to attend meetings
in Albion and Chicago.
Professor Waterman, assistant di-
ector of the bureau of business re-
search, delivered a lecture before the
Economics Club of Albion College
yesterday afternoon, while Professor
Gault, a specialist in the subject of
marketing, went to Chicago for a
conference with department store of-
ficials. Professor Gault was working
on a problem relative to the business
surveys being conducted in the de-
partment store field. This is one of
several conferences at which the pro-
fessor will be present.
Tiers something about a Chesterfield
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