Of New W. A.A.
Board Is Made
Ex-Officials Combine With
Present Officers To bssie
Appointments to the W.A.A. board
made by senior members of the ol
board and the new officers, Brenda
Parkinson, '36, president; Jean Gour-
lay, '37Ed., vice-president; Elizabeth
Howard, '36Ed., secretary; and Dor-
othy Shappell, '36, treasurer, were
announced today by Miss Parkinson.
Kate Landrum, '37, was selected
from the house athletic managers to
act as Intramural manager. Adele
Gardner, 37, will take over the posi-
tion of point recorder while Edith
Frederick, '37, will report on the
American Federation of College
Women. Elsie Pierce, '37, will take
charge of publicity.
The following will act as sports
managers: Martha Bragg, '37, arch-
ery; Louise Paine, '36, badminton;
Bessie Curtis, '36, basketball; Thel-
ma Peterson, bowling; Julia Wilson,
dance; Grace Gay, '37, fencing; and
Louise Nack, '37, manager of golf.
Further appointments are: Angie
King, '37, ice-hockey manager; Jane
Reed, '35, ping-pong manager; Betty
Greve, '36, riding manager; Harriet
Kanouse, '37, rifle manager; Mary
Montgomery, '37, swimming manag-
er and Jane Quirk, '38, tennis man-
The old and new board will meet
at 5 p.m. today in the lounge of the
Women's Athletic Building. The early
appointments make it possible for
the old members to assist the rew,
orienting them to their new positions.
Speech Groups
To Hold Debate
On Munitions
Adelphi and Alpha Nu, national
speech societies, will hold their annual
debate between freshman teams at
7:30 tonight in the Alpha Nu room in
Angell Hall.
The Alpha Nu freshmen will uphold
the affirmative of the question "Re-
solved: That the Several Nations
Should Declare Government Mono-
polies on the Manufacture and Sale
of all Combat Instruments of War."
This team is made up of Lowell Kreig,
'38, John Clark, '38, and Clarence
Kresin, '38.
The Adelphi team debating the neg-
ative is composed of Bruce Johnson,
'38, Eugene Gressman, '38, and Harry
Shniderman, '38, with Dragon Mit-
rovich, '38, as alternate. Mr.Carl Rob-
inson, coach of the Ann Arbor high
school debate team, will give the de-
Dance Recital
To Raise Funds
F o r Teachers
"Juniors On Parade" will be pre-
sented April 24 to 27 under the spon-
sorship of the King's Daughters of
the State to raise funds for the two
teachers at the school for the children
at University Hospital who are paid
by this organization.
This will be the third time the show
has been produced. As last year,
over 250 children will take part, all
being trained in the studio of Roy
:foyer, who has written and will di-
rect the production. Last year more
than $1,100 was made.
Mrs. Max Goldman will serve as
general chairman again this year.
Assisting her will be Mrs. J. M. Nick-
elsen, Mrs. Caniel G. Meikle, Mrs.
Frank A. Mickle, Mrs. Walter Walz,
Mkrs. C. L. Starbuck, Mrs. Arthur
Schlee, Mrs. Harvey Rettick, Mrs.
Russell T. Dobson, Jr., Miss Florence
Goodrich, Mrs. Claude Gill, Mrs.
George Gill, Mrs. R..H. Kingery and
Mrs. Clifton Dey.
All members of the King's Daugh-
ters and others who are interested
in assisting in sewing costumes for
the performance, will be welcomed.
Students To Design
Dance Decorations
Over 100 students have been se-
lected to compete in the design of
the decorations for the Architects'
Annual Dance to be held at Grangers,
May 10. The students selected are
from the classes of drawing, paint-
ing, sculpture, and architecture in the
College of Architecture.
This contest gives promise of great
originality and creative work among
the students, George Narovec, '35E,
chariman of publicity, said. The
decorations are to be a feature of the
"Architects' Cartoon" Ball which will
take the form of a masquerade.
President Of W.A.A.
Brenda Parkinson, '36, newly elect-I
ed presiajer, of W.A.A., has an-
ncunced the members of the board
fu 19395-36.1
Informal Tea Gown
Features Both Filmy
And Tailored Types
A combination of the flimsy and
the tailored may seem a bit strange,
but it is this effect that the designers
have achieved in the latest informal
tea gowns.
Gauzy, mysterious, flimsy mate-
rials are being used almost exclusive-
ly. Chiffons, nets, and laces are
combined with contrasting touches
of organdie and pique to continue
the contrast of the severe and the
Contrast With Collars
Black and navy blue are the most
popular colors, but are most out-
standing when combined with con-
trasting collars and cuffs. One gown
which has attracted much attention
is of black marquiset with pink quilt-
ed satin collars and cuffs. Another,
a navy blue chiffon gown, has a nar-
low, white organdie collar.
Shirring and tucking are an out-
standing feature of the best-selling
gowns. One black net dress is char-
acterized by shirring the full length
of the skirt and a completely shirred
cape.sTucks and smocking are be-.
ing used to soften the more harsh
lines of the tailored styles.
Shirt-Waist Top Goo
Variations of the shirt-waist top
are being used to a great extent, but
not in the usual "tomboy" fashion.
The collars are slightly larger and are
tucked or smocked in front and in
back. A powder blue chiffon dress
has been displayed which uses this
combination of the sport style and
the dainty.
The sleeves in the spring tea-gowns
are almost all of a type. The full,
flowing sleeve with a tight wristband
can be seen on almost any fashion
plate. The sleeves are varied some-
what by cording and novelty tucking,
but as a whole, they flow, and are
full length. Elbow length sleeves are
being shown, but whatever the length,
th9fy must be full.
Tunic Is Featured
The short tunic will continue to
play an important part in the styles,
but it will be a tailored tunic. A black
net gown which is popular has the
tunic style, but the tunic is open in
front and is cut on square lines. Pique
collars and cuffs add to the tailorei
style of the dress.
And, when speaking of the tea
gown, one must not forget to mention
the popular blouse back. This style
Pas been varied, too, with shirrs and
Fullness Emphasized
The most important thing, how-
ever, is that the dress must be full.
From top to bottom, in waist, sleeves
and skirt, the dress must hang limply
in order to be up with the latest mode.
Other tea gowns than flowing chif-
fons are being shown if you are quite
certain that you can't be yourself in
one of the gauzy creations. Starched
organdies are going to be worn. One
which is on display is made of a
bright plaid material, featuring the
enormous puffed sleeves and full
Michigan Dames To Hold
Group Meetings Today
The child study group of the Mich-
igan Dames will meet from 3 to 5
p.m. today at the home of Mrs. E. A.
Gilchrist, 1911 Packard St., for the
March birthday party for the chil-
dren. Transportation may be ar-
ranged by calling 6690.
At the regular Sunday meeting of
Phi Eta Sigma, national freshman
honorary society, held at the Union,
delegates were chosen to attend the
society's convention to be held April
22 and 23 at Norman, Okla.
T--ri (Cox. 47R. and 'Berth'vfnuit.
Faculty To Be
Feted Tonigbt
By Newberry
Dormitory Residents Plan
Affair; Miss Wojtowicz
Heads Committee
Several members of the faculty
have been invited to be guests at
the Helen Newberry Carnival to be
held at the dormitory tonight. The
central committee, headed by Har-
riet Wojtowicz, '35, assisted by Betty
Hill, '35; Margaret Cutler, '36; Ruth
Friedman, '38; Helen Schwartz, '35;
and Mary Jane Bratherton, '37, has
planned the activities.
Dinner will be served at small and
large tables in the regular dining
room. Balloons and confetti will dec-
orate the room, andi there will be
programs and paper hats at the
tables. During the dinner Margaret'
Campbell, '38, and Marian Iddings,
'38, as cigarette girls will distribute
their wares' Byron Hildinger will play
the accordion, and Shirley Redding,
'38, will give a tap dance.
A program will be presented in the
parlors after the dinner. This will
consist of a Midget show, a presenta-
tion of Romeo and Juliet, and a big
magician act. The latter will be given
by Arthur Cutler, '37. There will also
be regular carnival booths in the
main room. These have been planned
by Ruth Clark, '37; Jean Schmitt,
'37P; Betty Newman, '38; Ruth Fried-
man, '38; Florence Freeman, '38; and
Beth Bazant, '38. These will include
an animal show for which prizes will
be awarded, a weight-guessing booth,
and fortune telling.
The faculty attending include Miss'
Dorothy Beise, Prof. and Mrs. Henry
Adams; Prof. and Mrs. Louis Karpin-
ski, Prof. and Mrs. Arthur Bromage,
Miss Irene Field, Prof. and Mrs. J. G.
Hays, Mrs. Martha Ray, Prof. and
Mrs. George M. Stanley, Prof. and
Mrs. Peter Okkelberg, Miss Kathleen
Hamm, Dean Alice Lloyd, Miss Byrl
Bacher, Miss Jeannette Perry, Missi
Dorothy Ogborn, Miss Ethel McCor-
mick, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Power, Miss
Henrietta Scranton, Mrs. Henry Doug-
las, and Arthur Cutler.
Mu Phi Epsilon, national honorary
music sorority, held its annuall rum-
mage sale Saturday, March 23. The
sale was held in the Marchese Build-
ing on South Main Street. Miss Vida
Patten of Chickasha, Oklahoma and
Miss Gladys Schultz of Ann Arbor
were in charge of the sale.
Henry Moser H
Students Wi
"A Midsummer Night's Dream,"'1
everybody agrees, was written for3
some nobleman's wedding. That is;
why there is so much music and
dancing, and why Shakespeare was
able to make such large use of the'
fairies. There is no doubt that the
play was performed with the utmost
splendour of which the Elizabethans
were capable. The last scene, espe-
cially, with the dance of the fairies,
through the dark house, was effec-
tive, and nowadays calls for resource-
fulness from a modern producer. The
play is epoch-making as it settled
once and for all what fairies were go-
ing to be in European literature. All
fairies in Western literature, since "A
Midsummer Night's Dream" became
known to Europe, owe something to
The play is a perfect example of
thakespeare's art of construction.1
You have numerous couples on num-
erous levels or "planes" in love with
one another. You have an absolute
mix-up of all this love making, but
you never have a confusion in the
spectator. Everything is kept clear
and brought to the expected conclu-
This may sound like the idolatry
of Shakespeare which is so much out
of fashion, but there really is no
other example in dramatic literature
in which so complicated a plot is
constructed with such a firm and
clear line.
Furthermore, it is the supreme ex-
ample in literature of the power of
evoking a landscape and the whole
spirit of the mood of Nature. The
Midsummer's Night is in all Euro-
pean countries, a famous night in
which girls meet their lovers and
there are all sorts of spells in the
air. Shakespeare has ciptured the
spirit of this wonderful time and
brought it onto the stage. The art
by which he has done this is as won-
cerful as his skill in construction. It
is all a matter of implication - di-
,ect description, there is none. His
3hief difficulty, of course, was to make
the fairies alive on the stage. Other
dramatists, when they bring such
supernatural creatures into the thea-
ter, keep them too far removed from
our lives for them to be effective.
Shakespeare, by a bold stroke, asso-
iated a queen of the fairies with
the thickest numb-skull and the
clumiest blunderer of all the humans,
and at once the fairies are real to us.
Further, of course, the fairies take
glds Class For
ta Speech Defects
an interest in human love affairs, and
both Oberon and Titania are very
human in their own love affairs. The
result is that with all this 'mixture
of interest, the play never drags for
a moment. The dramatic interest
is keen and intense from the first
word to the last.
Shakespeare, of course, carefully
calculated his values and we must not
forget that music, song, and dance
were aql essential part of the play
from the beginning.
Two European
Art Exibitions
In )etroit Now
Two free exhibitions now showing
in Detroit offer a rare opportunity
to view both the sculpture and the
original drawings of modern European
artists. An exhibition of "Contempo-
rary European Sculpture" opened this
week at the Society of Arts and Crafts,
and the Detroit Institute of Arts is
showing an exhibit of "Modern Ger-
man Sculpture Drawings."
Many critics believe that the mod-
ern age will be remembered longer
for its sculpture than for its painting.
At the Arts and Crafts the carved
figures of man and animals illus-
trate the modern trend toward strong,
clear cut, cubic shapes. Unlike the
Expressionists, modern sculptors pose
their models naturally. Their works
possess a peaceful, lyric quality. This
same feeling characterizes the simple,
bold drawings at the Institute.
Both exhibitions include the work
of such great sculptors as Gerhard
Marcks, Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Ernst
Barlach, Ewald Matare, George Kolbe,
Renee Sintenis, Ernesto Fiori and
Richard Scheibe. The Arts and Crafts,
47 Watson Street, is open daily from
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Shakespearean Play Set Status
For Fairies In Our Literature
To flush red with embarrassment
every time one speaks - to fight a
battle in order to push out the simp-
lest words, and to be weak with ex-
haustion at the end of a speech - it
is no wonder that stuttering causes
its victims more agony, perhaps, than
any other defect. Yet most of us
glib talkers never realize what it
means to stutter.
A recent survey estimates that 52
per cent of college freshmen have
defective speech, blurred articula-
tion, rasping or strident voices, if not
actual stuttering. It is to help these
people, particularly the stutterers,
that Henry Moser, instructor in
speech, is conducting a corrective
class, and the departments of speech
and linguistics are doing laboratory
research into the causes of stuttering.
Stutter When Embarrassed
All of us stutter in embarrassing
situations, Mr. Moser says, and the
stutterer has a double handicap to
overcome. His defect has made him
so sensitive that embarrassment takes
away what little voice control he has
when he recites or gives a speech.
Before rythmical exercises can do any
good he must become accustomed to
talking publicly and lose all sensitive-
ness about his defect. It is this com-
plex built up from the attitude of
shame which has tortured the stutter-
er all his life that Mr. Moser finds
so hard to change.
Many feel their lack so keenly that
they will submit to C's and D's rather
than expose themselves by talking
to what they feel is the ridicule or
pity of the class.
Left-Handedness A Cause
Recent discoveries show that left-
handedness and stuttering not only
run together in families but that most
stutterers started life left-handed and
were made to use their right hands
in school. Several experiments in
the speech laboratory show that stut-
terers have a different correlation of
their hands than normal. If a right-
handed person writes simultaneously
upon a blackboard with both hands,
his right-hand figures will be legible,
his left-hand backwards and unread-
able. The stutterer almost always
shows tendencies instead to make the
left-hand pattern the legible one.
Graph Nerve Impulses
Another experiment explains the
theory. Electric graphs are made of
the nerve speaking impulses on each
side of the jaw. The stutterer has
two different nerve messages to obey
that fight for dominance. The result
battle, while a normal speaker has
a uniform nerve impulse, showing
that one side of his brain domin-
ates his speaking. When a left-
handed person has been made ambi-
dextrous, he incidentally develops
both sides equally, so there is no long-
er a smooth nerve path, and he often
becomes a stutterer.
Although almost all of Mr. Moser's
cases exhibit a history of left-handed
children being made right-handed,
there are other factors in speech de-
fects, such as impediments of the
speech organs, malnutrition, and ill-
ness when a child is learning to speak.
Stuttering has many baffling and
contradictory aspects that make every
case individual. Some talk perfectly
in conversation, but go to pieces on
the platform, while for others debat-
ing is simple, and talking impossible.
Mr. Moser tells the story that he once
walked into a room where one of his
cases was giving a speech in great
oratorical style, but that when the
boy recognized his surprised face, he
immediately began to stutter.
League Style Show
To Be Held Today
The latest spring fashions will be
displayed at the style show, to be
given at 3 p.m. today in the League.
The whole second floor will be opened
to the public, and the models will par-
ade through the ballroom, the Ethel
Fountain Hussey and the Grand Rap-
ids rooms.
The show is sponsored jointly by
the League and a Detroit apparel
shop. No admission charge is made,
but tea may be ordered for 15 and 25
cents. Proceeds go to the Under-
graduate Campaign Fund. Miss Ei-
lene Yeo, a University graduate, is
assisting in arrangements for the
Models include Harriet Heath, '37,
Betty Ann Beebe, '37, Ann Osborn,
'35, Jane Servis, '36, Mary Stirling,
'35, Mary Garretson, '36, and Louise
French, '36.
University Alumni
Announce Betrothal
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kunkle, Ann
Arbor, have announced the engage-
ment of their daughter, Esther, to
Stanton J. Ware, son of Mr. Elmer E.
Ware, Detroit.
The engagement was announced at
a dinner dance at Oriole Terrace,
Detroit, Friday, March 22. Both Miss
Kunkle and Mr. Ware graduated from
the University in 1934. Mr. Ware was
affiliated with Phi Kappa Psi. No
plans have been made as yet for the
I1 1
April First Presenta tion of
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