Wo lverineSluoragersFaiTo Hit As Moundsinen Bear
Rookie Pitcher *
Holds Varsity
To Two Singles
Jennings, Will Be Back
Saturday; Heyliger Out
For Two Weeks
Berger Larson and Earl Meyers
hooked up in a hurling duel yester-
day on Ferry Field to the discomfi-
ture of Michigan's sluggers who got
only four hits off the two right hand-
ers in an eight-inning game between
the Varsity and Reserves.
Meyers, who has had very little
pitching experience, turned back the
Varsity with only one hard hit, a
double by Paulson, in the six innings
he pitched. Oliver beat out a bunt
in the opening inning for the other
hit. The chunky right-hander was
wild at first, and didn't know what
to do with men on the bases, but he
had the Regulars reaching clumsily
for his slow curve and popping up on
his fast one.
Larson, who has the best curve ball
among the hurlers, and has shown
the most stuff so far, had the Yan-
nigans eating out of his hand when
he wanted to bear down. On one
occasion he struck out the side, whif-
fing the last two on six pitches. Park-
er and Verbeek lined out singles off
No changes were made in the Var-
sity lineup. Oliver, Paulson, Ford
and Teitelbaum formed the infield,
Regeczi, Rudness and Lerner patrolled
the outfield, with Williams catching.
With two stitches and a bandage
over his right eye, the result of be-
ing struck with a flying bat Monday,
Ferris Jennings, second-string short-
stop, viewed practice from the side-
lines. He will probably return to ac-
tion Saturday.
Vic Heyliger, outfielder and catch-
er, who sprained his ankle sliding
Monday, will be out for a longer pe-
riod. X-rays taken yesterday showed
no break or torn ligaments, but ac-
cording to physicians, the injury will
not stand intensive action for at least
two weeks.
Kappas Take Swimming
Title; Barbour Second
Kappa Kappa Gamma won. the In-
tramural Swimming meet last night
at the Union pool. Betsy Barbour
was second and the Independents
third. The Kappas had only two
entrants and the independent team
was a one 'man' affair. Mary Red-
den, '38E., was their only entrant.
Johnston of Kappa and Redden of
the Independents were high scorers
with 11 points.
25-yard free style - Won by John-
ston; second, Goutremont; third,
Montgomery. Time 14.7.
25-yard free style (consolation) -
Won by Higby; second, Krieger; third,
Porter. Time 21.4.
25-yard breast-stroke - Won by
B. Howard; second, M. Howard;
third, Little. Time, 21.3.
25-yard side-stroke - Won b y
Howard; second, Atlee; third, Gil-
lespie. Time, 18.9.
40-yard free style - Won by Red-
den; second, Johnston; third, Mitch-
ell. Time 274.
Diving-Won by Mitchell; sec-
ond, Freund; third, Redden.
100-yard relay - Won by Jordan;
second, Mosher; third, Kappa Alpha
Theta. Time, 27.3.
SAny Man who doesn't make
the Best of his Appearance is
-4R 1111r1n a .
TODAY, Ladies and Gentlemen, we
continue our series on "Sports
Which Are Not Sports" with some
frank words on the avaricious Gorg-
ons which infest drug stores and res-
taurants, taking nickels from unwary
students who would earn an easy
dime or two.
These Gorgons (you may call them
baseball or football games, or even
old-fashioned "poosh-em-up" games)
are well designed to give each victim
his nickel's worth in mental torture
before the tenth ball has fallen into
the "O" hole. This is the only re-
ward most of us ever get for our
nickels, so we enjoy each spine-shiv-
ering quiver to its very dregs.
Of course you must remember, Dear
Reader, that the innocuous words
"Skill Score Only" and like phrases
meaning that you don't get any
money if you win, are just blinds for
the avoidance of numerous and com-
plicated city ordinances against gam-
ing devices. Ten skill points are the
equivalent of 10 cents inhany lang-
uage, including the Danish.
Don't think that I am hinting at
gambling, far from it. I object, sole-
ly, to being made to think it is a
gamble when there is no element
of chance involved. The only ques-
tion is one of time - how long will it
Ford. Signs To
Coach Junior
Yale Gridders
]Michigan Center Is Also
To Assume Position As
Eli BoxingCoach
Jerry Ford, Varsity center of the
1934 Wolverine football team, an-
nounced yesterday that he had signed
a 17-month contract to coach foot-
ball and boxing at Yale.
Under Yale's athletic system, the
ffootball squad is divided into a Var-
sity and a Junior Varsity. A line
coach was needed for the Junior Var-
sity squad and Ivy Williamson, end
coach of the Eli and former Mich-
igan captain, sug- . .
gested a Michigan ,.
man. The Yale '
athletic board ask-
ed Coach Harry ?
Kipke to name a
-capable prospect :::: :'. :: .
who could fill the
position, and he .,'}: ::
recommended Jer-
r Ford.
After due con-
sideration the rec-
ommendation was approved and Fod
signed the contract March 15. The
position is intended to be permanent
according to Ford, and will last as
!ong as he wishes to hold it. It is a
full time job and will entail, in addi-
tion to his duties as line coach, a
oosition as assistant boxing coach in
Uhe winter between the conclusion of
the regular grid season and the be-
inning of Spring practice.
Yale also plans to use Ford as a
sout during the regular football sea-
son, and will depend upon him to a
large extent in tutoring the Junior
Varsity in the plays of Yale's oppon-
ents. The Junior Varsity under the
New Haven system, takes the place
of the freshman team at Michigan in
unning through dummy scrimmage
psing oppents' plays, as the freshman
team there plays a regular schedule
with outside schools.
Regular $6.50
Playboy & Bantam
by "Society Brand"
take the Gorgon to get as many
nickels as you may possess at the out-
We read, and quiver with horror
at the pictures invoked, of the tor-
tures of the Inquisition, of people
slowly torn into their component
parts on the rack, or jellied on the
wheel, but did vengeful priest or
sadistic layman ever invent torture
so devilish as this, this watching one's
nickels trickle away on the wings
of a littl9 ball which always falls in-
to the wrong hole?
Let me cite a typical case, one, un-
fortunately, which has left a scar up-
on the writer's soul forevermore. X
was feeding the Gorgon. X had been
doing just that for some time, and
had murmured more than once "Just
one more time!"
This time things looked rosy. The
first ball dropped in "1,000" with-
out any soul-tearing gyrations. Ball
No. 2 clinked solidly into a "300"
hole amid hushed groans, but No. 3
pivoted smoothly around a would-be
tackler, got some nice interference
from a row of pins and ended in
"1,500." The goal of 9,600 seemed
pleasantly near.
Ball 4 chalked up 500, which was
quite safe, but not too good. No. 5
shied daintily away from several two
and three hundreds and was shot out
of most of the "cannons" on the board
before it nestled triumphantly in a
"2,000" hole, to bring the score to
5,300 on five balls.
The time was at hand to put on
the pressure. No. 6 rolled lazily in-
to "1,000" amid cheers from the as-
sembled throng. Sixty-three hun-
dred, not bad! Bad news Seven pre-
sented a polished cheek to the plung-
er and was promptly corralled in a
"1,500" hole, bringing the total to
7,800, with three balls, including the
"double" to go.
The end is now history, Eight and
Nine registered 500 apiece, so that
the score stood at 8,700 when the
white "double" ball swooped up the
runway with the prayers of the mul-
titude behind it. It slowed up, it
bounded off a row of pins, it carrom-
ed against the side and dropped in-
to the mouth of a "cannon," from
whence it.was ejected with all haste,
directly at a "200" hole. It side-
stepped nicely, curtsied to the crowd,
and dropped into a "2,000."
"Pay me!" yelled the nerve-racked
contestant to the proprietor. The
crowd glared at the be-aproned in-
dividual as he counted up the score,
"Yup, 12,700, that pays 20 cents, but
I can't pay you, the 'tilter's' off!"
P.S. - To the uninitiated, the "tilt-
er" is a little ball atop a pyramid,
which rolls off said pyramid when
the machine has been tilted.
Trials Are Held For I-M
Foul Shooting Contest
The Intramural Department is
sponsoring an All-Campus foul shoot-
ing contest which will take place be-
tween March 27 and April 5. In order
to qualify the contestant must make
15 out of 25 shots. If he passes the
above requirement he is permitted 75
more trials. The one scoring the
greatest number of goals out of 100
attempts will be declared the winner.
Previous to the recent Open House
program the contestants entered in
the fraternity division staged their
own elimination ,tournament. Thus
the players that made 15 or more
shots out of the regular 25 limit will
be declared eligible for further com-
petition in the All-Campus tourney.
Entries have been tabulated for the
All-Campus badminton feature which
will begin this Thursday, March 28
and continue till spring vacation.
Members of the Ann Arbor badminton
club who will take part in the tour-
nament are D. Coursey, N. Shaw, H.
Kasabach, and J. Carrichael.
Yearling Track
Team Defeats
Woh erines Are Outclassed
By Illinois In Second
Telegraphic Meet
Michigan's freshman track team
split even in its two final indoor
telegraphic meets of the season, win-
ning from the Wisconsin yearlings,
56-48, and losing to the strong Illi-
nois first year men, 79-24%/.
Illinois proved her strength with
exceptional performances in every
60-yard dash - Won by Lehman
(I) ; second, Burling (I); tied for
third, McClure (I) and Mason (M).
Time, :06.3. ,
65-yard high hurdles --Won by
Robinson (I); second, Huntley ();
third, Brunton (I). Time :06.1.
65-yard low hurdles-Won by
Robinson (I); second, Huntley ();
third, Mason (M). Time, :07.5.
440-yard run-Won by Orlovich
(I); second, Mason (M); third, Tiede-
man (I). Time, :51.3.
880-yard runi- Won by W. Ride-
out (I); second, Gaines (I); third,
Edgar (M). Time, 1:57.4.
Mile run - Won by B. Rideout (I);
second, Gaines (I); third, Staehle
(M). Time, 4:29.9.
Two-mile run - Won by Staehle
(M) ; second, O'Connell (I); third,
Fraser (I). Time, 9:47.2.
Shot put -Won by Gragg (I); sec-
ond, Townsend (M); third, Cooper
(M). Distance 44 ft. 33/4 in.
Broad jump - Won by Spurgeon
(I) ; second, Farrell (M); third,
Stocker (I). Distance, 22 ft. 10 in.
High jump - Won by Roessler (I) ;
second, Spurgeon (I); third, Garri-
son (). Heighth, 6 ft. 21/2 in.
Pole vault- Won by Stein, (M);
second, Garrison (I); third, Farrell
(M). Heighth 12 ft. 4% in.
Mile relay-Won by Illinois (Hanes,
Condit, Tiedeman, and Orlovich).
Time, 3:28.6.
60-yard dash-Won by Zinzer (W);
tied for second, Haebig (W) and
Mason (M). Time, :06.4.
65-yard high hurdles-Won by
Willison (W); second, Bratt (M);
third, Stein (M). Time, :08.7.
65-yard low hurdles - Won by
Willison (W); second, Mason (M);
third, Newburn (M). Time, :07.5.
440-yard dash --Won by Mason
(M); second, Searle (M); third,
Zinzer (W). Time, :52.1.
880-yard run - Won by Bunt (W);
second. Edgar (M); third, McKay
(M). Time, 2:02.8.
Mile run -Won by Staehle (M);
second, Fink (M); third, Fenske (W).
Time, 4:29.1.
(New Michigan freshman Field
House record).
Two-mile run - Won by Staehle
(M); second, Pratt (W); third, Fink
(M). Time, 9:47.2.
New Michigan freshman Field
House record).
Shot put - Won by Behr/ (W) ;
second, Townsend (M); third, Coop-
er (M). Distance, 46 ft. 3 in.
Broad jump - Won by Farrell
(M); second, McCloskey (W); third,
Schmidt (W). Distance, 21 ft. 7 in.
Pole vault -Won by Stein (M);
second, Brindler (W); third, Veirig
(W), Heighth, 12 ft. 4 in.
High jump - Won by Peck (W);
second, Parker (W); third, Bratt
(M). Heighth, 5 ft. 8 in.
Mile relay - Won by Michigan
(Searle, Edgar, Czeresko, and Mason).
Time, 3:34.4
New Cars for Taxi Service
H 4 UI
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Yale, U.S.C. Seek To Relieve
Wolverine Swimmers Of Title'
A six-man Southern California weak in comparison to Kasley's recent
team, champions of the Pacific coast, 2:27.6 performance.
and a Yale squad that has been pub- Paul Buckingham scored only 91.08
licized to the skys in eastern news- points in the diving event, and the
papers, but boasts as its only star a two Dicks, Cooroon and Cooke did
very erratic free-styler, stand in the not shine as they placed third and
way of Michigan's sixth National fourth behind a 2:20:7 performance
Collegiate in nine years. in the 220-yard free-style.
Coach Matt Mann's mermen are Norris Hoyt did better when he
heavy favorites to retain their crown annexed the 300-yard individual med-
in Harvard's pool this week-end, but ley event in 3:46.3, as compared to
swimming observers in the east and Drysdale's intercollegiate record of
far west seem to think that their 3:44.1, but his winning time of 5:06.4
champions will take over the title. in the 440 is mediocre.
Southern California captained, by Taking the results of the I.S.A.
Jimmy Gilhula of Detroit, finished meet as a standard by which to mea-
in second place last year and have sure the Yale natators, and consid-
most of their place-winners returning. ering the performances of Southern
Gilhula finished second to Jack California this season, it can be seen
Medica in the 440 and 220 at Colum- that Michigan's tankmen should not
bus last March, and since that time have a great deal of trouble holding
has broken the latter's world record their title for another year.
in the longer distance and the inter- -
collegiate 220 mark formerly held by
Captain Dave Livingston of Yale. Gil-
hula's performances at Cambridge"
will be watched closely, for the Tro-
jan leader has the disconcerting habit
of faltering every time he meets Med-
ica. co ts
Fletcher Is Sprint Star
I. I'7 N N I C1
Gene Fletcher has done :23.4 in
thet 50 and :53.9 in the 100-yard free-
style, while Johnny Kaye finished
second to Michigan's Taylor Drys-
dale in the back-stroke last season
and is a threat again now.
Los Angeles sport writers are point-
ing to Frankie Kurtz as the next div-
ing champion. He scored 145 points
to beat "Mickey Rliley" Galitzen,
former Olympic champion, recently.
John Paulson has taken most of
the California titles in the breast-
stroke, but should not cause Jack Kas-
ley much trouble. Bill Shaw is a sec-
ond diver who may come east, but is
not of Kurtz's caliber.
Yale won the Intercollegiate Swim-
ming Association championship for
the eleventh straight time in the C.C.-
N.Y. pool last Saturday, but the Eli's
times in this meet and throughout the
season prove that the New Haven boys
are not all they are cracked up to be.
Livingston Leads Eli
Captain Livingston has held nu-
merous records in the shorter free-
style events, but is a most erratic
performer, wavering especially in the
National Collegiate meets. Saturday,
Livingstonnegotiated the 100 in :55.1
and finished second in a :24.3 50-yard
Connie Mittendorf placed third in a
1:43.5 back-stroke event, and Alex-
ander Brown took fourth in the 200-
yard breast-stroke that was won by
Ed Simpson of Rutgers in 2:36.4,
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WE BELIEVE the Quality and
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One draw on a COMOY English Briar
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