WDAY, MARCH 23, 1935
Favored To
Repeat In
_____ _ _ _.. _ ._ __ _ ____. e __ .
Ohio Will Be
Big Rival For
Title Holders
Michigan Represented In
Meet By Five Individuals,
'Three Relay Teams
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., March 22 -
(Special) - With one of the strongest
fields gathered together for the in-
door season, the Butler Relays will
be held here tomorrow night with the
University of Michigan, Big Ten
team champions, ranking favorites to
retain the team title in the University
division, won last year largely by the
individual efforts of Willis Ward, the
Wolverines' great star.
Featuring the meet will be the duel
in the 600-yard run between two for-
mer Indiana University stars who last
year kept the Hoosiers in the run-
ning against Michigan, Chuck Horn-
boestel and Ivan Fuqua. Otto Pon-
grace, midd?-distance star from
Michigan State, is also entered in the
The Wolverines have entered three
relay teams and five individual per-
formers, and are expected to retain
the team title on the basis of prev-
ious performances. The Wolverines
four-mile, two-mile and mile relay
teams are all rated capable of .bet-
tering times which were good enough
to win last year, and to place if not
win in all.
Ward, who last year took 13 points
of his team's winning total of 18%/4
with wins in the high jump, dash and
a second in the high hurdles, will
again lead the Wolverine individual
stars. Ward is entered in the two
hurdle events, high jump, and dash,
but is expected to run only in the
high hurdles.
In the high hurdles, run at 60 yards,
Ward will not meet Ken Sandbach,
the Purdue flash who set a new
world's record of 7.4 seconds in nos-
ing out the big Wolverine last year,
because of a leg injury which the
Boilermaker star suffered last year.
If Sandbach is able to run, he will
concentrate in the low hurdley.
Ward will be faced in the high
hurdles, however, by his sophomore
teammate, Bob Osgood, who defeated
him two weeks ago in the Big Ten
meet in winning the event as Ward
finished fifth.
In the dash Jesse Owens, world-
record holder, will be faced by Sam
Stoller, another Wolverine sopho-
more, who is conceded an excellent
chance of finally gaining an edge
over the Buckeye flash.
Another dual between Michigan
and Ohio State entries is expected in
the pole valut when Dave Hunn of
Michigan, and Whitey Wonsowitz of
Ohio State will renew their rivalry.
Both will be out to avenge their de-
feat in the Conference meet by Bob
Seely, of Illinois, who last week set
a new Armour Relays record in the
event at 13 feet, 5% inches.
In the high jump Vincent Murphy,
the sensational Notre Dame jumper,
is conceded a decided edge over the
rest of the field, although he will be
faced by stars including Konrad,
Moisio, Michigan's Big Ten title hold-
Pittsburgh (Kansas) State Teach-
ers College, 1934 team champions in
the college division, will enter a team
in defense of its title.
Other brilliant individual stars who
are entered include Ray Sears, But-
ler's distance ace, and Heye Lamber-
tus of Nebraska, who last year estab-
lished a world's mark in the 60-yard
low hurdles in the phenomenal time
of 6.7 seconds.
55 Teams Will
Enter Spring
Softball Race
The schedules for the spring In-
tramural sports program are rapidly
taking form. Fraternity softball will
start immediately after the spring
vacation with 55 teams in the race, in-
cluding Sigma Nu, defending title-
holders. There will be 11 leagues of
five teams, each playing every other
team in the league once. The league
winners will meet in a final tourna-
ment. A new feature this year will be
two leagues composed entirely of med-
ical and dental fraternities.
Alpha Kappa Lambda will defend
its fraternity tennis title against 48
other houses. Each team is composed
of one singles player and two doubles
combinations, with the winner of two
of the three matches taking the round.
Detroit Olympics Win
Way Into Hockey Finals
Detroit's Olympics, the favorites
for the International Hockey League
championship, beat Syracuse Thurs-
day night in the semi-final playoff 3
to 1, earning the right to meet Lon-
don, whose team defeated Cleveland
Hoytmen Seek To Bring Home This Trophy
Two Home Runs,
Hit In Outdoor
Practice Game!
Gee, Anderson, And Oliverj
The Michigan track team will be defending the Governor's Trophy
at Indianapolis tonight when thirty-six of the leading colleges and uni-
versities in the Mid-West compete in the third annual Butler Indoor
Relays. The trophy is awarded to the school scoring the highest number
of points, and was won in 1933 by Indiana, and last year by the Wol-
verines. Governor McNutt, seen with the cup, will act in the capacity of
honorary referee during the 1935 relays. Michigan is favored to repeat its
victory of last year.
A LOT of University students these
days are longing for the smell of
horse flesh and the rising roar of
"They're off." The Detroit track
doesn't open until late in May and
"Leo's," the downtown bookie, has
been closed for several weeks. In
other words, Ann Arbor followers of
the "sport "of kings" find themselves
at an impasse, where they can only
read the form charts, evolve systems,
and make paper bets... Besides drink-
ing beer and trying 4o convince
doubters, like me, that horse-racing
is the king of sports.
* * *
I had to laugh at the fellows
who, ;shouted about the great
"sport" of horse racing on sunny
winter afternoons, when they
climbed like so many blind moles
out of Leo's subterranean den,
after losing "two-bucks on a long
shot at Bowie." "Maybe cheering
thousands at the track get a
genuine thrill, but I think that,
too, is in direct proportion to the
money they have shoved across
the counter on Black Helen or
Eleanor's Choice.
Certainly there can be no great
thrill in listening to some illiterate
bookmaker drone out the telegraphic
account of a race, while you're packed
into a dank, smoke-filled cellar with
25 other none-too-clean bettors, un-
less, as I say, your thrill is in comput-
ing what a two-dollar bet "on the
nose" will bring if your hide wins.
My contention, which I have
fruitlessly tried to inculcate in
several system-makers, is 'that
any sport from a jumping-bean
race to a collegiate football game
would be as exciting, or more so,
than horse racing if it had the
betting element.
Of course the ponies do have an-
other charm for consistent followers.
That is the mass of records available
on each horse, extending from before
its birth to its last racing start. Every
follower imagines himself an expert,
so that hot tips and hotter arguments
fly whenever two "experts" start
"picking 'em" with the various sys-
tems they have evolved. The same
sort of interest is manifest by some
people, however, in major-league
baseball. Some of our local experts
on Michigan's Varsity trackmen know
everything about their favorites that
anyone could know about a horse; ex-
cept pedigrees.
THE evolution of systems is one of
the more mystifying forms of self-
expression adopted by our local turf
fans, most of whom hadn't even seen
a race horse before racing came to
Detroit last year. A system, in case
you didn't know, is a sure-fire way
of playing the ponies from day to day
and .making a sizeable profit. It is
done by finding out how long the hair
was on the winning horse's tail in
every race at Pimlico last year, then
betting on horses having that length
of hair, or something else equally ab-
Maybe the University librarians
didn't know it, but that is why
there has been such a demand for
newspaper files by ratty-looking
individuals during the past few
months. Only after looking up
results for a decade past can you
that he'll be making two thousand
a month when he gets out of school
with his "perfect system," which takes
into account everything from the
horse's disposition to the phases of
the moon, if he can get someone "to
put up twenty bucks to start with."
No- banker has yet proferred the
That is the charm of horse
racing, you can win thousands of
dollars every day --on paper. And
never risk a cent!
Tigers Swamp
Cards, 12-5, As
Sulivan Stars
The Detroit Tigers made up for
some of the losses suffered at the
hands of the St. Louis Cardinals when
they defeated the World Champs in
an exhibition game at Lakeland, Fla.,
yesterday afternoon. The Tigers piled
up 12 runs to the Cards' five.
Joe Sullivan pitched the last four
innings for Detroit, holding St. Louis
to two hits while his teammates bat-
ted themselves in 10 runs. His work
overshadowed the work of the Ken-
tucky southpay, Clyde Hatter, who
started for the Tigers.
Daffy Dean began the game for St.
Louis but got off to a bad start, al-
lowing three hits and two runs in theI
first inning. He was replaced by Bill
Walker in the fifth, and from here on
the Tigers opened up. They made 10
hits, one a home run by Charlie Geh-
ringer, during the remainder of the
While the Tigers were collecting
their 16 hits, the Cardinals had to be
content with seven, which were well
spread over the nine frames.
Jo-Jo White proved himself to be a!
real threat to the Cards when he
smacked out two hits, one of which
was a double. The other time he was
at bat he drove a long one to the rightj
field wall and just missed an extra
base hit when Joe Rothrock galloped
over and snagged it.
The Tiger hitting spree got under
way in the sixth with five runs by!
Rogell, Morgan, Sullivan, White, and
Gehringer. They continued their
blasting in the seventh, Walker, Ro-
gell, Owen, and Morgan getting
singles in quick succession and all
four scoring.
Share Hurling Burden
In 7-Inning Tilt
Another day of outdoor pratice, the
third in succession, and Michigan
batters showed improvement in their:
hitting yesterday at Ferry Field as
Matt Patanelli. first base candidate,
and Kim Williams. sophomore catch-
ing prospect, smashed out home runs
in a seven-inning practice game be-
tween the Varsity and the reserves.
John (Lefty) Gee, who held the Var-
sity hitless for two innings in Thurs-
day's scrimmage, hurled four frames
against the reserves, and was going
along nicely until e made the mis-'
take of pitching Patanelli a fast ball,
letter-high. Matt, who is now known
to his baseball associates as Zke,
swung and drove the ball high and
far into right field, past Vic Heyliger
and just short of the tennis courts for
a cinch home ru.
Williams duplicated the feat in the
fifth when he replaced Dick Berryman
for the Varsity. His first trip to the
plate, Williams caught one of Bill
Anderson's right hand slants and
blasted it out of George Rudness's
reach in center field for the second
home run of the spring training sea-
While the Varsity hitting with
George Ford leading with three
singles, the reserves couldn't do much
to either Gee or Capt. Russ Oliver,
until the last inning, when a single,
an infield hit, and a bunt filled the
bases, with one out. Oliver got out of
the hole with one run scoring.
Fisher called the game after the
seventh and had Ron Wolfe serve the
ball up to the reserves, while the
Varsity remainedon the diamond for
fielding practice. John Regecz,
George Rudness and Vic Heyliger
composed the outfield. George Ford,
at third, Jack Teitlebaum, at short, I
Clayt Paulson, at second, and Russ
Oliver made up what will probably
be the infield in the opening game
this year.
George Ford's swell arm, his ability
to cover a lot of ground at the hot
corner, and his good batting eye, made
him stand out as the best of the in-
fielders yesterday.
While Williams demonstrated his
superiority over the other catchers
as a hitter and a receiver he looked
bad in throwing down to second. On
about a half-dozen chances, Williams
nipped only 'one runner. Fisher is
still worried about the prospect of
baserunners wildly dashing around
the bases this season.
Theta Xi Defends
Track Title April 3
Earl Riskey, Intramural athletic
director, announced that plans for the
annual interfraternity and indepen-
dent track and field meet had been
completed and that the meet would
be held on the night of April 3 at
Yost Field House.
Theta Xi is the defending champion
in the fraternity competition, having
scored 22% points in last year's meet,
while the Blue Raiders are scheduled
to defend their independent title.
Ten events, including the 60-yard
dash, the 440-yard dash, the 880-yard
run, the mile run, the 65-yard high
and low hurdles, the shot put, the
broad jump, the high jump, and the
pole vault, will be run off. The dead-
line for all entries in all events is
March 28.
With three lettermen returning
from last year's team that won five
matches and lost but two, the Iowa
netters are looking forward to a very
successful season. Aside from Captain
John Fletcher, Frank Nye, and John
Van der Zee, the Hawkeyes have a
promising prospect in Ken Cline, Iowa
City and Southeastern Iowa singles
14-Year-Old Iedead
Disrupts Swim I §ea'f
A barefooted 14-year old red-
headed girl almost disrupted Var-
sity swimming practice yesterday
afternoon and caused a certain
All-America star no end of embar-
rassment when she suddenly ap-
peared in the pool gallery after the
natatorium had been cleared of
women spectators following the
preliminaries to the all-city chil-
dren's meet.
"I forgot my shoes." I'm going
in there," she shouted in reply
to a hurried warning, and brushed
past a male who was attempting
ineffectively to protect the swim-
ming team's modesty.
It still remains a question
whether she or the curly-haired
southern distance swimmer who
was just about to dive in the pool
sans apparel was the most sur-
prised. Anyway, they both had red
Joe Louis To Fight
Carnera June 19
Primo Carnera and Joe Louis have
been signed for a fifteen round bout I
at Yankee Stadium June 19, accord-
ing to an announcement made yester-;
day afternoon by John Boxborough,
manager of the Detroit colored heavy-
The show will be staged by the
Twentieth Century Club of New York
for Mrs. William Randolph Hearst's
milk fund. The fight has not yet been
officially sanctioned by the New York
State athletic commission, but there
is little doubt that the boigt will be
opposed or that the date will be al-
tered when the commission allocates
its outdoor dates next month.
Coach Dean Cromwell of Southern
California, who developed Charlie
Paddock and Frank Wycoff, predicts
that George Anderson of the Univer-
sity of California will be the fastest
220 yard runner in history.
'is :"" :zry17ipk' s respo"nse on
if ,x .of the sqiadi's going outdoors
.o quoIi:e concerning the style of
ball ih i an will be expected to
:how in the fall-
If' ill Renn ;t' is all in one piece
'nd Is ern 1s whiping out passes
I I ('d1a2mO -f whipping them
;t, Metiga'nr will display a wide-
SAln tyj _of play replete with later-
als teal' ,passes and long forwards
it i Vlatcrals at the end of them. Con-
t rary to a current conjecture, there
will be no great shifting away from
the old "Michigan system," although
the pass will be more obvious and the
prayer less so than last season.
Should the Maize and Blue cap-
tain fail to avoid his injury jinx and
not be available, Kipke expects to
build upon what he has in stock. At
present, he has Renner in good shape
and is basing his present action on
Renner remaining that way.
iAs would be expected, the big worry
right now is the development of a
center, since Jerry Ford and Russ
Fuog will graduate in June. Only one
letterman, Bob Amrine, will return
for that position. Amrine's experience
is limited and moreover he is not in
school this semester and will miss
spring practice. Kipke has an-
nounced he is looking forward to
working Harry 'Tiny' Wright, a tackle
last year, at that position. With his
230-odd pounds Wright would be an
asset at the position if he is able to
move about as the position requires.
Other possibilities are Tom Olyer,
Joe Rinaldi, and George Shakarion.
Ed Greenwald, a 210-pound freshman
tackle, has been working out occas-
ionally in the position as well.
Next in Kipke's worries seem to be
guards, with a distinct shortage in
material for that position. George
Marzonie, a freshman and an All-
State guard from Flint Northern, ap-
:;irng can in sn
other position.
However, three lcttermen guards
have not as yet appeared for prac-
tice. Bud Hanshue is sufiering an
injury, Harold Sears is shot-putting,
and Frank Bissell is wrestling in the
national meet. Frank Lett, who
worked at end last year, has been
shifted to work at a guard, while
three freshmen, Fred Ziem, Walter
Lillie and John Heering, also have
been used.
It has been a question since last
fall who would take Johnny Regeczi's
place in the kicking department, and
it now seems that most of the possi-
bility is in the freshman backs and
Cedric Sweet, last year's fullback. The
latter did not do much booting while
Regeezi was in shape and what he can
do will have to be seen in the fall for
his studies are keeping him too busy
to spare the time for spring work. Of
the freshman, Norm Nickerson, Uni-
versity of Detroit High lad, rates top
in Kipke's estimation. He has been
sending up long spirals the length
of the Field House. Art Leadbetter,
another frosh from Belleville, N. J.,
has been getting off some good look-
ing punts. Stark Ritchie of Battle
Creek, and John Smithers of Elkhart,
Ind., are two more possibilities.
Johnny Veigever, although out of
school now, will be back for the 1935
campaign and is the lone veteran
tackle. However, Ed Greenwald is a
strong contender for the other posi-
tion on the team, according to Kipke.
Bob Schroeder, a frosh Phys Ed, has
been called repeatedly to fill the other
position in the signal drill.
The squad will definitely move out-
doors on Monday afternoon and only
a burst of exceptionally bad weath-
er will keep it inside.
Long skull practices and chalk
talks inside are the alternatives in
event of bad weather.
Srv'e Of Footall Play In Fall
DepeWiIs On Players, Says Kipke
By EARLE V. LUBY pears to please the coach most. Ernest
- ll drpenxs upon the personnel" Pede .son has been getting the first
t ' " 1i i d il, k 'sh
1869 1935
Baere You Go -
Your vacation trip! Where will it be this year?
That's a decision that is always hard to make.
Wherever it is, though, make sure of one thing-
that your travel funds are in a safe, convenient
form. We recommend
Your boy curled up in a chair, reading a book, gives little thought to
his eyes. He does not consider whether the light is good or bad or
whether he has proper illumination on the page. Although he may be
straining his vision, although he may be permanently injuring eyesight,
it is almost certain that he will do nothing about it, because children
do not think of these things. That is a concern of PARENTS!
There are 5 rules by which you may secure good lighting in your
home. They are simple and easily followed. First, use correct size
lamp bulbs-"WATTS." In table and floor lamps with three sockets,
use 40 watts in each socket; with two sockets, 60 watts; with one
socket, 100 watts. Second, have at least one-tenth as much light in
the rest of the room as you have on your book, newspaper, sewing,
etc. Third, use SHADES on all lamp bulbs to prevent GLARE. Fourth,
use shades with light-colored linings to get the mast light. Fifth,
have enough lighting fixtures or portable lamps to insure the proper
intensity of light throughout the room.