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March 23, 1935 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-23

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for the third in his series of Lenten F e e o
sermons. r I 10


ALJA A At A1-X X " IUj.'Jl..L i &i ll St.alr HerHalfi YomingMen and
lication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of khe Womncn of College Age:
Uiislty. py received at the office of the Assistant to the President 12:10-12:40 p.m. - Young men and
uwomen will meet at this hour for a
discussion of "Keeping Up With Our
SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1935 University Choral. Union, Chicago Intelligence." Prof. John L. Brumm
VOL. XLV No. 127 Symphony Orchestra, Earl V. Moore, will be the leader.
Conductor. 6:00 p.m.-Wesleyan Guild De-
Notices Season tickets at reduced levels of votional Service. A guest seaker
A $2.00, $3.00, and $4.00 each for those has been arranged for. Fellowship
Alumnae Council Awards: Three dsupperhourafter the meeting.
fellowships of $500 each, one to be holding Choral Union concert Festival
awarded preferably in the field of coupons, and $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 each Hariis Hall, Sun(. y:
medicine, are offered by the Alum- for others, may be ordered by mail Celebrating of the Holy C:mmun-:
nae Council to women pursuing grad- by addressing Charles A. Sink, Presi- ion in the Chapel t hlarvis Hall in
uate work during the year 1935-36. den, School of Music, Ann Arbor. the morning at 9:30.
Any woman with an A.B. degree may _.Regular student meetiug in the
apply. Two senior scholarships of l Exhibitions evening at 7 o'clock. Achilles Talia-
$100 each will be awarded to om- .1 feria, student in the Snool of Music
$10 ac wllb aaredtowo- Exh'1ibi- Architectural Burildaing:i and organ <ist of the Methodist Church
en of high scholastic standing in the An exhibit of housing and commun-rC
class of '36. All awards will be grant- ity planning is now hung in the: will lead a discussion on, "Giegor-
ed on a competitive basis. Applica- gound floor cases of the Architectur- ian Church Music."
Lions should be registered with the al Building. Open daily, except Sun- Saint A- drew s Episcopal Church:
Dean of Women. days from 9 to 6 The nubic is cor- v o,<r- -

Jron Ore Rise Enters
In Mellon Tax Hearing
PITTSBURGH, March 22. - (UP) -
A study of the rise of the iron ore
industry in the Lake Superior region
was introduced in Andrew W. Mel-
lon's income tax hearing before the
Board of Tax Appeals today.
Dr. William Otis Hotchkiss, presi-
dent of the Michigan College of Mines
and Technology, showed from a bus-
iness chart that the consumption of
iron ore in the United States increased
from i10,000,000 tons in 1890, to 56,-
000,000 in 1915, and to 62,000,000 in
The testimony was designed by
Uellon's attorneys to support their
contentions of the high value of the
McClintic-Marshall Corp., a steel fab-
ricating concern, in 1913, the first
year of the income tax laws.
Wituess For Hauptmann
Is Indicted For Perjury
FLEMINGTON, N. J., March 22 -
(MP-A witness for Bruno Richard
Hauptmann at his trial for the Lind-
bergh baby killing was indicted for
perjury today.
ProsecutorAnthony M. Hauck, Jr.,
declined to reveal the name of the
person indicted but it was learned
from an authoritative source that it
was Benjamin Heier, New York res-
taurant cashier.
Heier swore at Hauptmann's trial
that he was sitting in his parked au-
tomobile near the gate of St. Ray-
mond's cemetery, The Bronx, on the
night of April 2, 1932, the date of the
payment of the $50,000 Lindbergh
ransom. He said he saw a man who
resembled the late Isador Fisch,
Hauptmann's business partner, jump
from the cemetery wall.
In rebuttal, the state called a wit-
ness who testified that Heier's auto-
mobile struck his car in mid-town
New York about the time Heier said
he was at the cemetery.
Rev. Brooks A cqtted
Of State LIcense Charge
CHICAGO, March 22-- (P) - The
Rev. .dward L. Brooks, head of the
Beliah Maternity Home at Beulah,
Mich., and former head of a similar
institution in Chicago, was acquitted
today on a state charge of operating
a maternity home without a license.
Brooks was acquitted by Judge Mi-
chael Feingberg in the Criminal Court
after the state had placed on the
stand. Three unmarried mothers,
who told of being accepted as pa-
tients by the defendant.
The state rested, and attorneys for
Brooks then moved for a directed of
not guilty, which Judge Feingberg
Food Law Approved By
Commerce Committee
WASHINGTON, March 22. - () -
A few minutes before the dispatch
of a message to Congress by President
Roosevelt asking adequate legislation
on the subject of Senate commerce
committee today approved a new bill
giving the secretary of agriculture
broad authority to govern packing
and advertising of foods, drugs and
The President expressed hope for
early enactment of food and drug
legislation, which, he said, should be
"directed primarily toward a small
minority of evaders and chiselers."
The measure, reported by the com-
mer ,e ommittee by a vote of nine to
six, was drafted by Senator Royal S.
Copeland, New York Democrat, who
said it would give "greatly increased
protection" to the public, without im-
posing unjust regulation. He predicted
it would be acted upon at this ses-

Lectureship At
To Prof. Crane
(Continued from Page 1)
London. Other historians who have
given these lectures include Prof.-
Charles H. Haskins of Harvard Uni-
versity; Prof. Michael Rostovtzeff of
Yale; and Frederic L. Paxon, formerly
of Michigan and Wisconsin, now of
the University of California.
Professor Crane, who came to Mich-
igan in 1930, for ten years previously
had held positions in the history de-.
partment at Brown. He has also been.
a visiting lecturer on two occasions at
Harvard, and has taught in the sum-
nmer quarter of the University of Chi-
cago. He holds degrees from Michigan,

Spen Mony
SIn An Arbor
Plan For School Children
To Circulaite 1 e (1 g e
Cards Aiuoig AchdLs
The stalewide "Sop Useless Fires"
campaign, which was launched March
15 by 76 Federated Garden Clubs of
M"'higan and the State Department
of Conservation, will be inaugurated
Monday in Ann Arbor and will last
until April , according to P.of. Shir-
lcy W. Allen of thp School of Forestry
and Conservation, who is acting as
adviser for the campaign.
The Ann Arbor Garden Club will,
have school children from the fourth
3to the ninth grades circulate pledge
cards bearing the promise to cooper-
ate in the campaign and to be signed
by adults. To every child securing five
adult signatures a red and black but-
ton signifying the part played in the
drive will be awarded.

Classified Directoryj
-ASTFUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
ADV ERTI SINGsonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006.
Place advcrtisements with Classified LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
AdvertisinmgDepartment. Phone 2-1214. Careful work at low price. 4x
The classified . columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no NOTICE
extra charge.__
Cash in advance 11c per reading line
(on basis of five average words to NEW AND USED CARS - Largest
line) for one or two insertions, selection in the country. Associated
10ce pe r reading line for three or
more n tirrtrons.Motor Services, Inc. 317 W. Huron.
nim3 lines per insertion. Ph. 2-3268. "Let's get acquainted.
Telepone rate - 15c per reading line
fo~r one or two insertions. 10X
14c per reading line for three or ------.-
nmore insertions. WTANTED ________
l0; discount if paid within ten days ANTED
from the date of last insertion.-__ ___ ________
Minimum three lines per insertion. WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW
By contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol-
{ month...............e
4 lines E.O.Di., 2 months..........3c lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
2 lines daily, college year ...c cagoBuyers. Temporary office, 200
4 lines E.O.D., college year ........7c
100 line, usedc as desired ..........9c North Main 7 'x
300 flnes used as, desired..........8c - _______
1.000linesu as desired-.-.- B U SI N E S S opportunity offering
The above rate are per reading line, worthwhile income for capable, am-
based on eight reading lines per inch. bitiouS girl who qualifies. Phone
Ionic type, upper and c lower case. Add iusgrwh qaaiesPon
Sc per line to above rates for all capital 2-3493 for personal interview.
letters. Add 6c per line to above for 163
bold face, upper and lower care. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face - - - -
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7z point ANGELL TO SPEAK
type. _Prof. Robert C. Angell of the so-
Lciology department will speak be-
LOST--- A-----O - - fore the Cosmopolitan Club at 8:15
LOST: Silver Delta Gamma ring. In- p.m. Saturday in Lane Hall, it was
itials on back. F.J.W. Call Jane Wil- announced last night.
loughby at 2-2591. 164 His topic will be "The Future of
__._-' Minority Groups in the United
LOST: Kappa Kappa Gamma key. States." An open discussion will fol-
Virginia Hunt. Phone 7005. Reward. low his address, which is open to the
161 general public.

Seniors - A fee of $1.00 must be
paid by March 25 if you wish your
name included in Senior Literary
Commencement Program. Names
will be omitted, and invitations will
not be issued to those who have not
paid this fee. Dues are payable in
Angell Hall lobby.
Notice: There will be a meeting of
teachers in emergency nursery schools
on April 2, 3, and 4, in Ann Arbor.
A list of available rooms for mem-
bers of the conference is being made
ip at the present time. Persons
having rooms to rent for women are
asked to call Mrs. Hile, Room 2509
University Elementary. School, Uni-
versity Exchange 326, and give her
information as to the nature of the
accommodations available and the
A Midsummer Night's Dream-Play
Production in conjunction with the
School of Music Symphony Orchestra
and a picked chorus of 50 voices, will
piesent "A Midsummer Night's
Dream" at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater, on March 27, 28, 29, and 30.
Tickets may be reserved by calling
6300. Box office will open Monday,
March 25. Admission 35,. 50, and 75
Begining Class in Social Dancing
will not meet Monday, March 25.
Academic Notices
GEclogy 11 & 12: Make-up blue-
book Monday at 3 p.m. in Room 3056
University Lecture:
Professor Campbell Bonner, of the
Department of Greek, will lecture on
the subject, "Classical Scholarship -
A Roving Commission," Monday,
March 25, at 4:15 p.m., in Natural
Science Auditorium.
This is the seventh of a seies of
University lectures by members of
the University faculties, which facul-
ty members, students, and the general
public are cordially invited to attend.
May Festival:
The following schedule of soloists,
organizations, and choral works, has
been arranged for the six concerts in
the 42nd Annual May Festival, to be
given in Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor,
May 15, 16, 17, and 18.
First Concert: Wednesday evening,
May 15. Artist and Choral Concert.
Helen Jepson, Metropolitan Opera
soprano, soloist. University Choral
Union, Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
World premiere of songs from "Drum
Taps" by Howard Hanson. Frederick
Stock and Howard Hanson, Conduct-
Second Concert: Thursday evening,
May 16. Artist and Choral Concert.
Part I. "King David" by Honegger.
Soloists: Ethyl Hayden, Soprano.
Myrtle Leonard, Contralto, Paul Alt-
house, Tenor, Paul Leyssac, Narrat-
or. University Choral Union, Chica-
go Symphony Orchestra, Earl V.
Moore, Conductor.
Part I. Mary Moore, coloratura
soprano, Metropolitan Opera Asso-
ciation. Chicago Symphony Orches-
tra, Frederick Stock, Conductor.
Third Concert: Friday afternoon,
May 17. Young People's Concert.
Ruth Pooselt, Violinist, soloist. World
premiere of "Jumblies" by Dorothy
James. Young People's Festival
Chorus. Orchestral accompaniment.
Eric DeLamarter and Juva Higbee,
Fourth Concert: Friday evening,
May 17. Artist's night. Giovanni
Martinelli, Tenor, Metropolitan Op-
era Association, soloist. Chicago
Symphony Orchestra, Frederick
Stock, Conductor.
Fifth Concert: Saturday afternoon,
May 18. Symphony Concert. Josef
Lhevinne, Pianist, soloist. Chicago
Symphony Orchestra, Frederick

Stock, Conductor.
Sixth Concert: Saturday evening,
May 18. "Boris Godunof" in English
by Moussorgsky. Myrtle Leonard,
Contralto, Paul Althouse, Tenor, Wil-
ber Evans, Baritone, Theodore Webb,
Baitone, Maxim Panteleieff (Boris)
Bass-Baritone, and other soloists.

, u ssiia' . .--N1- kzei vices co worshmi) sundiay r:
dially invited. a.rm. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m.
Church School, 11:03 a.n. Kinder-
Events t'odaygarter, 11:00 a.m. Rite of Confirma-
Eent odAssy:tion by the Right Rev. Hayward S.
Teliiousg Education Association: Ablewhite. D.D.. Bishop of Marquette,
Thetfollowing program is scheduled Morning Prayer and Sermon by Bis-
for the meeting of the Michigan Unit hop Ahlnn;hi 50 g

of the Religious Education Associa-
tion of the U. S. and Canada at the
Michigan Union.
12:30 -"Function of Religion To-
day." J. M. Artman.
3:00 ---- "Problems of Belief." Dr.
Mary C. Van Tuyl.
6:30 -- "Community Cooperation
and Character Outcomes." A panel
Freshmen Girls' Glee Club prac-
tice at 1:15 in the League. Room will
be posted.
Cesmopolitan Club: Prof. Angell
of the Sociology Department, will
speak on "The Future of American
Minorities" at the regular meeting,
at 8:15, at Lane Hall.
Outing for Graduate Students: All
gi aduate students are invited to go on
the Graduate Outing Club's hike.
The group will meet at Lane Hall at
2:30 and hike out to Bartoh Pond for
supper, for which there will be a
charge of 20 cents.
Hillel Foundation - Dr. Hirsch
Hcotkins' class in "Jewish Ethics"
will meet at the Foundation at 1:00
So'clock promptly. The subject will
be "The Development of the Misnah
and Gemorah."
Coming Events
Vceational Series: Students of the
Cdllege of Literature, Science, and the
A meeting will be held on Tuesday,
March 26, at 4:15 p.m., Room 1025
Angell Hall, for students in the Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts and others interested in future
work in Library Science. The meet-
ing will be addressed by Dr. W. W.
Bishop, Librarian of the University
and Head of the Department of Li-
brary Science.
The next meeting of the vocational
series, to be addressed by Professor
Emil Lorch of the College of Archi-
tecture, will be held on March 28.
Acolytes: Meeting Monday, March
25, 7:30 p.m., Room 202 S.W. Dr.
Eernard Heller will speak on "Mai-
monides, and His Reconciliation of
Philosophy and Religion."
Athena: Initiation services for eight
pledges to Athena, women's honor-
ary speech society, will be held Tues-
day, March 26, at 4 p.m., Ethel Foun-
tain Hussey room at the Michigan
League. All old members and pledges
are to be present.
Engineering Open House Commit-
tee Chairmen: There will be a meet-
ing Sunday, March 24, 5 p.m., Union.
International Relations Supper of
A.A.U.W.: Sunday, March 24, Mich-
igan League. Prof. Jose }Santos,
gives an illustrated lecture on the
Faculty Alumni Dance: The last
dance of the series will be held Mon-
day evening at 9 o'clock, Michigan
Methodist Episcopal Church, Sun-
9:45 a.m.-A class for young men
and women of college age meets in
the balcony of the church auditorium.
Dr. Roy Burroughs leads discussions
on the Social Creed.
10:45 a m. - Morning worship serv-
ice. "Why Fear Sin?" is the subject
chosen by Dr. Charles W. Brashares

w ;U..11.According to Professor Allen. all
People's Fellowship will meet at the the public schools in Ann Arbor and
Y.W.C.A. fo ra pot-luck supper. the county have stated that they
would cooperate with the campaign
Appcinitments of the Disciples by distributing the pledge cards to
(Church of Chris:) Guild, Sunday: students.
10:45 a.m. - Morning worship serv- T
ice with sermon. "The League of The pledge card contains three
Micah," by Rev. Fred Cowin. promises to which the adult must ad-
12:00 noon - Upper Room Bible Ihere if he signs. They are:
Class taught by Rev. Pickerill. 1. I will see that no act of mine
a ccauso 1l.hmo ftd fir


r5:30 p~m. -Social and tea. C;U'UiU(~lS uao le
.j :0 p~. - ocil an tea 2 will personally take respon-
6:30 p.m.-Discussion meeting ofsi2. i ingisngakl rospn-
the guild with Mrs. H. L. Pickerill, sibility for extinguishg all cooking
topic, "Building Personality Through Iand other camp fires and of urg
toporship, " nu care in the use of tobacco and matches
Worip.m- E-on any outing which I may attend.
7:30 p.m. - Evening worship serv-!
ice nd ermo, "edittio O~la 3. I will give every possible co-
icem adsrnon,"Meditation.ir operation to municipal, state, county.
Memorable Hymn," by Rev. Fred and Federal officers in reporting and
Cowin. controlling useless and outdoor fires.
All friends and members of the Officials expect more than 200,000
guild are cordially invited to attend signatures in the state before May 1.
these meetings. According to Professor Allen, the
main causes for the useless fires are
Reformed Students: Rev. John those which are set accidentally and

7 }
. {
j 4

Bureau f Appo
Retiurn TOGe
A definite upward business trend
and a return of general prosperity
are indicated for 1935, according to
statistics compiled by the Bureau of

Minnema will conduct services on unintentionally; deliberately-started Appointments and Occupational In-
Sunday, March 24. Services will be I grass fires which spread to marshes, formation.
held in the Michigan League Chapel wccds, and fences where they burn The Bureau, which attempts to find
at 9:30 a.m. valuable property; fires which are employment for graduates, reports
set for a definite purpose, such as 1 that more than twice as many con-
Unitarian Church: Sunday services burning trash, but which are left un- cerns have filed lists of available posi-
at 5:15 p.m. "Asia-Mother of Re- tended and finally spread; and camp- tions for Michigan graduates this
ligion"- dedication service of eight fires which are so large and hot that year as compared to the same period
flags of the historical religions. Lib- no cooking could be done on them, Illast year, even though conditions
eral Students' Union discussion at I out which escape to surrounding ter- were improved in 1934 almost 100 per
7:30 p.m. Harold S. Gray of the ritory and cause great damage. cent over 1933.
Saline Valley Farms will speak on I The "Stop Useless Fires" campaign The types of businesses are more
"The Future and Value of the Co- is now being carried on in Mus- varied than they have ever been be-
operative Farm." kegon County where great success is fore, indicative of better business con-
reported. Detroit, Grand Rapids, and ditions and a reduction in unemploy-
P- Lansing will open their drives next ment, officials stated. This does not
rof. Bonn erweek. mean a job for every man, although
P--------- great steps are being made in that
1T o Sp eak ICr1t7c-zes Stude ntdirection, and it the belief of the
Bureau that Michigan graduates are
rov . ,, 1 in great demand because of superior
Of(Qf [Q training, although similar organiza-
tions at other universities also report
The new student government pro- a rise in employment figures.
Prof. Campbell Bonner, head of the posal as passed by the Undergraduate In the education department of
Greek department, will give the next Ccuncil was scored by Russell F. An- the Bureau the number of applica-
of a group of eight lectures by the derson, '36, president of the Student tions for prospective employes has
local faculty to be given on the Uni- Christian Association in an interview also increased over 100 per cent. Col-
versity Lecture Series at 4:15 p.m. yesterday. leges from all over the world are ap-
Monday, in the Natural Science Audi- I("A plano f s1tudc apnt arier xrn-n-. a. -
- - ---- ---- I ~ ~ ~iii~it±~~-a -

itnients Notes
-nerae Prosperity
plying for teachers with University
training, an illustration being the case
of Judson College in Rangoon, Bur-
ma, desiring to engage a Michigan
graduate out of a choice of several
other top-rate colleges.
Seniors are being interviewed daily
now, and positions are being sought
for Michigan men and women of good
scholastic standing, special attention
being given to those who have been
particularly brilliant in any certain
line of endeavor in which employ-
ment may be found for them.
Unless statistics lie, a return to
prosperity is indicated, according to
the Bureau, and the problem of un-
employment may be materially de-
creased within the next few years.
PALO ALTO, Calif., March 22.- (A')
- Former President Herbert Hoover
probably will make another trip to
the Eastern Seaboard early next
month, it was learned today.
is Always Friends.
Meal Tickets - $6.16 worth $5.00
Michigamme Restaurant
Next to Michigan Theatre

.. . , . A- V -A a u AkA~ n JJUJ U auen governmnenL can- i
torium, when he will speak on "Classi- not be formulated until such a time
cal Scholarships -- A Roving Com- as some authority defines the point
mission," it was announced by Dr. where the jurisdiction of the Univer-
Frank E. Robbins, assitant to the sity administration ends and the
President. power of the student begins."
Professor Bonner, who has been on In direct criticism of the new pro-
the faculty here since 1907, has made posal Anderson stated that the find-
many trips to Greece and the Near ings of the questionnaire which was
East, and there has made extensive sent out to students were not utilized
researches into his special field of in- in the formulation of the submitted
terest, the history or religions. In plan.
this connection he has done much "The new proposal is merely a dup-
work with .papyri of all sorts. lication of the plan under which the
In addition to one of his most re- present inefficient, farcial student
recent, trips, as an exchange professor government is operating," Anderson
in Athens, he went to Karanis, Egypt, f concluded.
where he spent some time at the Uni-
versity's excavations. Philological Association, the Classical
He has been president /in recent Association of the Middle West and
years of such noted philological and South, and the Michigan Academy of
classical societies as the American Science, Arts, and the Letters.

Begin Excavations On
New Therapeutic Pool
Excavations for the University Hos-
pital's new therapeutic pool were be-
gun yesterday, according to the re-
port of Geogre P. Bugbee, office man-
ager of the Hospital.
Despite the recent rumors that
there would be an indefinite delay in
carrying out the construction plans
for the pool, Mr. Bugbee stated that
the work would continue steadily tun-
til the end of the summer, by which
time the pool is expected to be com-






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