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Publication in the Bulletin Is oconstructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received' at the office of the Assistant to the Preaident
until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday.
To Lead Germany In Arms Controversy
Classified Directory
VOL. XLV No. 124
at 11 a.m. All upper classmen are
especially requested to attend.
Alpha Nu meets at 7:30 p.m. in the
LANSING, March 19- (I)- An
anti-communist bill far more drastic
than any measure of its kind yet pro-
posed, was ready tonight for submis-
sion in the Legislature.
Senators Miller and Duckel (Rep.-
Three Rivers) announced that they
will introduce a bill tomorrow or
Thursday providing for a one to four-
teen year prison term or a maximum
fine of $5,000 or both for communistic
The measure would require school
teachers, professors in State educa-
tional institutions or others that are
tax exempt, and college students to
subscribe to antoath of allegiance to
the United States' and State consti-
tutions. Alien professors would be
required to submit to the oath before
their employment. Penalties would
be the cancellation of the appropria-
tion of a State supported institu-
tion or removal of the tax exemption
for others.
Soviet Is Exiling 1,074
Ex-Czarists To Siberia
MOSCOW, March 19 -()- More
than one thousand former members
of the Russian nobility, generals, sec-
ret police officials, and others are be-
ing exiled to Siberia, and many of
them will be tried for "activities
against the government," it was n-
nounced here today.
Their activities, it was asserted,
were "in behalf of foreign countries."
All of them were rounded up in
Thegarrests were announced by
the Commissariat of Domestic Af-
fairs which said 1,074 persons had
been rounded up on charges of vio-
lating resident and domestic pass-
port regulations. No names were
made public.
The total list, it was disclosed, was
made up of 41 ex-princes, 33 ex-
counts, 76 ex-barons, 35 ex-manu-
facturers, 68 ex-land owners, 19 for-
mer prominent traders, 142 former
officials of Czarist government and
ministries, 547 former generals and
other, high officers of Czarist army
and 113 former members of the secret
Governor Denies Offer In
Bruno Hauptmann Case
TRENTON, N. J., March 19 -a0)-
Gov. Harold G. Hoffman said today
that he had made "no promises or
commitments" in connection with the
case of Bruno Richard Hauptmann.
"I have not discussed the Haupt-
mann case officially with any per-
son," the Governor said when he was
asked to comment on a report that
Edward J. Reilly, chief defense coun-
sel, had told about his client that
he had "personal assurance from the
Governor of New Jersey" that Haupt-
mann's death sentence would be com-
muted if he c nfessed.
Schooner Is Aground,
116 Aboard In Danger
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras, March
19-(P)-The British schooner Laura,
with 104 passengers and 12 crew
members aboard, went aground today
off Utila, reporting herself in a pre-
carious condition.
Relief ships set out from La Ceiba,
Utila, and Roatan, in an effort to
take off the imperiled people.
The Laura had set out from Belize.
Most of the passengers are residents
of the Bay Jslands. They had gone
to sea on an excursion.
Venizelos Claims Greeks
Headed For'Dictatorship
NAPLES, March 19 - (P) - The+
present Greek government leads
straight to dictatorship, and dicta-+
torship to restoration of the monar-
chy, the fugitive former premier+
Eleutherios Venizelos said today.
Asserting the constitutional sys-
tem in Greece has been gravely im-
paired under Premier Panayoti T al-
daris' government, the 71-year-old
veteran of Greek politics said those{
tendencies compelled him to join the+
recent unsuccessful revolution.
BRUSSELS, March 19 -()- The
cabinet of Premier Gorgas Theumis
unexpectedly and dramatically re-
signed today in the face of an in-i
ternal controversy over-maintenance
of the franc on the gold standard. (
University Broadcasting:
9:15-9:30 a.m.-Laboratory Pro-
gram for University Speech Class.
2:00-2:30 p.m.-Vocational Guid-
ance Series - "College for Students
With No Definite Vocation in Mind,"
Georie E. Myers, Professor of Voca-
tional Education and Guidance.
Bronson-Thomas Prize in German:
Value $50, open to all undergraduates
in German. Awarded on result of an
examination and essay. Subjects for
1935: Examination, Life and Works
of Gottfried Keller. Essay (in Eng-
lish or German) Gottfried Keller as
a Writer of "Novellen." The exam-
ination will be held in 204 University
Hall, from 2 to 5 p.m. on Friday, April
5 next, by which date te essays must
be handed in.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information:
All students registered with the
Bureau, who have not filled in loca-
tion blanks for the second semester,
will please call at the office this week
to do so. Office hours 9 to 12, and 2
to 4.
Students, College of Engineering:
Saturday, March 23, will be the final
day for dropping a course without rec-
ord. Courses may be dropped only
with the permission of the classifier
after conference with the instructor
in the course.
Literar'y Freshmen: The five week
progress reports on the work of the
Freshmen in the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts will be sent out
by mail as soon as possible.
Women's Badminton Tournament:
The third round is to be finished by
Wednesday, March 27.
Mixed Badminton: There will be no
mixed badminton this evening, owing
to the badminto exhibition games to
be played at the Intramural Building
at 8 o'clock. Students who will be
needed to play in the exhibition will
be notified. Other students interested
in badminton are strongly urged to
watch. There will be some excellent
out of town players.
Academic Notices
Students in Hygiene and Public
Health, Medical Students and others
interested: Four reels have been ob-
tained, "Revelations by X-ray," "Be-
yond the Microscope" and "Drinking
Health" which will be shown at 5
p.m. today in the West Amphitheater
of the West Medical Building.
Students in the School of Architec-
ture are invited to exhibit any of their
work at the League Art Exhibit. Those
exhibiting are requested to leave their
work at Miss McCormick's office as
soon as possible.
University Lecture:
Prof. Lyman Bryson, of Teachers
College, Columbia University, will lec-
ture on the subject, "An Experiment
In Community Education," Thursday,
March 21, at 4:15 p.m., in Natural
Science Auditorium. The public is
cordially invited.
French Lecture: Prof. W. F. Pat-
terson will give the fifth lecture on
the Cercle Francais program: "Saint-
Amant, potte grotesque," today at
4:15, Room 103, Romance Language
Building. Tickets may be procured
at the door.
R. A. Smith, Sta'te Geologist, will
speak on "Non-metallic Resources of
Michigan" in Room 2054 N. S., Fri-
day, at 4:15. All interested are cor-
dially invited.
Events Today
Research Club will meet in Room
2528 East Medical Building at 8 p.m.
The following papers will be present-
"The Structure of the Atomic Nu-
cleus," by Professor S. A. Goudsmit.
"European Ideas in Nineteenth
Century America," by Professor H. M,
The Council will meet at 7:30 p.m.
Chemical Engineering Seminar: C.
H. Brooks will be the speaker at the
Seminar for graduate students in
Chemical Engineering at 4 o'clock,j
Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg., on the sub-I
ject, "Heat Transfer In a Kestner
Type Evaporator."
Civil Ergineering Students: Dean
S. C. Hollister, School of Civil Fngi-I
neering, Cornell University, will talk
to the Civil Engineering students in
Room 1213, East Engineering Bldg.
Alpha Nu room, fourth floor Angell
Hall. A discussion on the direct pri-
mary will be the feature of the pro-
gram. Men wishing to try out for
the organization should come pre-
pared to give a speech of from 3 to
5 minutes on a subject of their own
Sigma Rho Tau: Regular meeting
starts at 7:30 p.m. at the Union. Prof.
John L. Brumm will speak on the sub-
ject of raconteuring. The public is
invited. Circle meetings start at 8:15.
Pi Tau Pi Sigma rushing smoker
tonight, 7:30, Union. Room posted.
Members please be present.
Phi Sigma meeting at 8 p.m., Room
2116 N.S. Richard Deno will speak
concerning "The Sexual Cycle in the
Female Mouse." Refreshments.
Freshman Glee Club meets at 5
Weekly Reading Hour: Today's pro-
gram will be held at 4 p.m. in Room
205 Mason Hall. Professor Hollister
will read Tennyson's Maud. All who
are interested in these weekly meet-
ings of the Interpretive Arts Society
are cordially invited to be present.
Michigan Technic Tryouts: Fresh-
man and sophomore engineers in-
terested in working on the staff of the
magazine are asked to meet at 5 p.m.,
Room 3205, East Engineering.
Luncheon for Graduate Students
at 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea Room
of the Michigan League Building.
Prof. Benjamin W. Wheeler, of the
History Department, will speak in-
formally on "Venizelos and the Re-
cent History of Greece."
National Student League meets in
the Union at 8 o'clock. The main top-
ic of discussion will be "The Real
Significance of the Strachey Affair."
There will also by a critical sympos-
ium on the Hillel Play, "Unfinished
Picture." All are cordially invited to
All those still holding ticket money
for the Strachey lecture please turn
it in without fail at the meeting to-
Gargoyle: All Gargoyle salesmen
report behind the Library at 7:45
a.m. Be prepared to sell.
Coming Events
Vocational Series: Students of the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts:
A meeting will be held on Thursday,
March 21, at 4:15 p.m. Room 1025
Angell Hall, for students in the Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts and others interested in future
work in medicine. The meeting will
be addresed by Dean A. C. Fursten-
berg of the School of Medicine.
The next meeting of the vocation-
al series, to be held on March 26, will
be addressed by Dr. W. W. Bishop,
Librarian of the University and Head
of the Department of Library Science.
University Oratorical Contest: The
first preliminary tryout will be held
tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock in
Rom 4003 Angell Hall.
Freshmen Girls' Glee Club practice
will be postponed until Saturday af-
ternoon at 1:15 in the League. Room
will be posted.
Polonia Literary Circle: Important
meeting at the League Thursday,
March 21, 7:30 p.m. All students of
Polish ancestry are invited to attend.
Major plans for the balance of the
year and for the coming year will be
under consideration.
All Freshman Women are urged to
attend the freshman mass meeting
to be held in the League Ballroom
Thursday, March 21, at 4:30. Plans
for the freshman project will be an-
nounced and explained.
Senior Ball Committee will meet
Thursday night at 7:30, Room 323
Michigan Union.
Dr. Moore To Address
Music Association Meet
Dr. Earl V. Moore, director of the
School of Music and president of the
National Association of Schools of
Music, left yesterday to attend the
North Central Music Educators Con-
ference now being held at Indianap-
olis, Ind.
Dr. Moore is one of the speakers at
the conference, and in addition he will
conduct a section meeting on "Artic-
ulation of High School, College and
University Music." Dr. Stuart A.
Courtis, professor of education, will
also speak at the conference.
-Associated Press Photo.
Fast-moving developments in Germany followed the dramatic
declaration the Reich intends to increase its armed forces brought from
Kenstantin Von Neurath (left), foreign minister, a statement Germany
is ready to discuss armaments with England as originally planned, and
prujected General Erich Ludendorff (right), World war here, into the
limelight as a likely leading figure in forthcoming military plans.
ealth Service Reeords Show
Many Low Metabolism Counts
Place advertisements with Classified ;
Advertising Department. Phone2-1214
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance 11e per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two in:sertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephone rate -15c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
10%r discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one
month ............... ............8c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ..........3c
2 lines daily, college year........7c
4 lines E.O.D., college year........7c
100 lines used as desired..........9c
300 lines used as desiredn..........8e
1,000 lines used as desired........7c
2,000 lines used as desired ........6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
he per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10e per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7%,' point
PERSONAL laundry service. We take
individual interest in the laundry'
problems of our customers. Girls'
silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar-
anteed. Men's shirts our specialty.
Call for and deliver. Phone 5594
611 E. Hoover. 2x
WANTED: At once salesman experi-
enced in selling ladies' shoes. Call
2-3194. 158
SALES GIRL with ready-to-wear ex-
perience for part time work. Apply
at C. J. Hutzel Shop. 301 S. Main
St. 155
WANTED Immediately -very desir-
able two or three-room apartment
on East Side State Street. Call Mr.
Sharfman at 3936, between six
and seven. 157
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main . 7x
Arcade. Latest fiction, biography,
etc., 5c a day. 13x
selection in the couitry. Associated
Motor Services, Inc. 317 W. Huron.
Ph. 2-3268. "Let's get acquainted,"
Basal metabolism tests given at
the Health Service since January 1'
show a disproportionate number of
low counts out of the abnormal ones
recorded, Dr. Nelson A. Smith, Health
Service physician, stated yesterday.
Dr. Smith said that approximately
60 tests are made a month, and that
34 have shown abnormal count to
date, with 27 below normal and seven
above. Normal is determined as the
range between minus 15 and plus 15,
he explained.
"Basal metabolic readings are
an index of thyroid activity," Dr.
Smith said. "Plus readings indicate
Sale Of Tickets
For Jamboree
Is Continued
Tony Wons, Sylvia Clark
To Be Starred In S. C. A.
Benefit Program
Tickets for the annual S.C.A.
Jamboree which will be sponsored
April 2 for the benefit of the Fresh
Air Camp went on sale yesterday at
all the local bookstores, according to
John H. Jeffries, '37, general chair-
man of the jamboree.
The program for twe jamboree will
feature the well-known radio stars,
Tony Wons and Sylvia Clark. Wons
is famous as a humorist and phil-
osopher, and Miss Clark is a well-
known impersonator, comedienne,
and monologist. I
Other features of the program in-
clude the Varsity Band, and the
University glee club. Fred J. Lawton,
'11, will be master of ceremonies and
it was stated that "in all probability
a new song written especially for
the occasion will be presentsd some-
time during the evening."
The proceeds from the annual jam-
boree will go to suport the S.C.A.
Fresh Air camp, which is maintained
each summer for the benefit of boys
from Ann Arbor, Detroit, Wyandotte,
and several other communities. For
13 years the camp, described by
President Ruthven as "a project in
human engineering," has served the
needs of boys who could not afford
the advantages of a full paid camp.
The committees who will be in
charge of the jamboree were also'an-
nounced by Jeffries. Patricia Wood-
ward, '35, was appointed chairman
of the ticket committee, and assist-
ing her will be Ruth White '36, Eliz-
abeth Winne, '36, Elizabeth Ober-
dier, '37Ed, and Wilma Ratten-1
bury, '37.
ST. LOUIS, March 19. - (P) -Mrs.
Mary Molman, 71 years old, quietly
refused today to prosecute her 78-
year-old sister, Mrs. America Virginia
Haynes, for shooting her during a
quarrel. Officers said the two had
"made up."
-------TODAY - THURS.W-R---
--- Plus -__
,- _FRI. -- SAT.-
over activity. The patient is placed at I
rest, an oxygen circuit attached to
the lips, and the amount of oxygenl
consumed in six minutes of steadyI
breathing compared with the amount
used by a normal person of the same
age, height, weight, and sex, making
corrections for temperature and baro-
metric pressure.
"Since metabolism is the term ap-
plied to the process of turning food
into energy," Dr. Smith continued,
"the oxygen consumption measures
the rate of 'body metabolism, which
is determined by thyroid activity."
Dr. Smith explained that physicalj
exertion, digestion, fever, anemia, and
pulse influence metabolism. Exertion
is compensated for by putting the pa-
tient at complete rest, digestion by
fasting overnight before the test and
administering it before 'breakfast,
fever by temperature recordings, and
anemia by a blood count. The pulse is1
taken throughout the test, and a high
count is seldom obtained when the
pulse is above 80, he added.
Dr. Smith stated that basal meta-
bolism tests are made of any patients
who show any suggestion of sluggish
dmentality,obesity, thinning or loss of
body hair, dry skin, under weight,
if associated with a ravenous appe-
tite, nervousness, irritability, excessive
perspiration, rapid pulse, and unde-
termined continuous low fevers."
"Low metabolisms are usually rec-
orded in the case of sluggish men-
tality," Dr. Smith explained, "obesity,
thinning or loss of hair, and dry
skin. High metabolisms are obtained
with the other types of cases."
Dr. Smith outlined the treatment
for the two kinds of abnormal activ-
ity by saying that in the case of low
metabolisms thyroid extract is ad-
ministered to supply the deficiency in
active principle of thyroid. Moder-
ately high counts are given sedatives,
and constantly high counts, showing
evidence of goiter, necessitate surg-
ical removal -of the gland.
"It is interesting," Dr. Smith said,
"that here at the University we run
across low metabolisms in the ma-
jority of abnormal ones found. Just
why this is so is still a question
which our evidence to date does not
definitely answer. A case of meta-
bolism so high that surgery must be
used is very rare, probably not more
than one a year."
Counting Sheep Merely
Helps You Stay Awake
DALLAS, March 19-(P)-Counting
sheep is the surest way to keep from
sleep, Dr. F. G. Ebaugh, Denver psy-
chiatrist said here last night.
"We must remember," he said:
"that we do not put ourselves to
sleep. The mental effort of count-
ing kangaroos jumping over a fence
is sufficient to keep nearly anyone
awake-especially if they are having
a hard time of it anyway."
DAILY 15c to 6 P.M. I
STUDFNT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x
Pofit Motive
Taken Out Of
WarB YPlan
Industrial Salaries Would
Be Limited To $1,000
A Year, Sponsors Say
WASHINGTON, March 19.-- (11Th-
A sweeping plan for wiping out heavy
war profits by limiting industrial sal-
aries to $10,000 a year and seizipg
virtually all profits over 3 per cent
was made public today by the Senate
munitions committee.
It was outlined by John T. Flynn,
New York writer, who was retained by
the committee to put into shape its
findings bearing on efforts to make
war unprofitable.
"It is more important to prevent
war," Flynn said, "than to take the
profits out of war."
He roughly outlined the commit-
tee's plan as follows:
"To take 50 per cent of the first
6 per cent profits of corporations, and
100 per cent on all over that in excess
"To limit all individual incomes
to $10,000 and to take all over that
in income taxes.
"To impose income taxes on every-
body from $1,000 or less up in suffi-
cient amount to cover war expenses.
"To assess and collect income taxes
quarterly out of income as it is made.
"To check numerous known meth-
ods of defeating income tax levies.
"Publicity of all :salaries imme-
diately upon declaration of war.
"Industrial management draft-all
general officers of corporations to be
registered in a draft of management
and when deemed necessary inducted
into military forces of the United
"Close all commodity exchanges,
forbid speculation in commodities, fix
commodity prices at proper parities
and allocate to essential processors.
"Regulate all new private financing
through a war finance agency.
"A war finance corporation to as-
sist in financing of essential war in-
"Commandeering of essential in-
dustries and services.
"Licensing industries, establish-
ment of priorities in purchasing and
when essential, price-fixing."
k e
WILL the person who found the $2
just outside the Betsy Ross last
Wednesday noon please leave same
at the desk of the Michigan
League. 152
FOUND: A watch at Field House.
Owner call L. D. Bartely at 2-1417.
LOST: Tuesday morning, half of gold
filigree belt buckle. Vicinity of For-
est and Washington. Call Mrs.
James, 2-2281. 156
Find French Plane And
Corpses Of Occupants
BRUSSELS, March 19.- (A) - A
message to the colonial ministry to-
day reported the finding of the plane
in which Edouard Renard, governor
of French Equatorial Africa and his
party had been missing, with all its
occupants dead.
With Renard were his wife, prom-
inent socially in Paris, and five col-
onial army officers.
The plane was forced down in the
Congo jungles last Thursday.
"P EP ,,
and her melody
and his
..16 .0E016 l
wd4oa z
IT'S the big night on the air.
Dancing. Singing. Sport
thrills. With the color and
gaiety of the college campus.
Guest of Honor
7:45 P.M., E.S.T.
Last Day
- Two Features -
Jerome Kerns
dazzling musi-
cal romance
screened in
splendor I 1 ,
r iAdded Enjoyment
MNrral Choir Bach Festival
~~-:F, I -~ U