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March 20, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-20

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The Weather

Partly cloudy today; tomor-
row showers, followed by colder
at night.

t r4 t

44 attlj

Publicizing The Hopwoods .
Federal Action In Ohio. ..




Chairman Of J.G.P.



While Germany Plans New
System, Rumors Say She
May Hit Treaty Again
'Watchful Waiting'
Is Attitude Of U.S.
France, Italy Displeased
At Mild Protest Raised
By Great Britain
(By Associated Press)
Sentiment against Germany's re-
armament slowly took shape Tuesday
with prospect that Britain, France
and Italy might meet over the con-
ference table to harmonize their views
concerning Adolf Hitler's renewal of
compulsory military service.
Germany, apparently paying little
heed to the furor stirred by Hitler's
announcement, began working out
plansfor the new system.
It was reported that the Reich is
considering an attack on still another
clause of the Versailles treaty, that
of militarizing the Rhine's left bank.
LONDON-French and Italian
displeasure at the r'mild" tone of the
British protest to Berlin was expected
to result in an emergency meeting of
their representatives.
BERLIN -By day and night mil-
itary planes hummed above Berlin
in visible demonstration of the Reich's
self-delivery of the treaty.
ROME-Insistent reports said that
France was anxious for Premier Ben-
ito Mussolini himself to participate
in the Italo-Franco-British meeting,
if it is held.
MOSCOW - Authorized Soviet
sources echoed French and Italian
criticism of the "weak" British note.
VIENNA -Minister of the Interior
Emil Fey, in an article in his own
newspaper, advocated conscription
for Austria and other nations whose
arms were limited by the peace treaty.
PARIS - Bitter attacks on Adolf
Hitler were expected' today in the
Senate and Chamber of Deputies as
several interpellations on defense
matters were scheduled.
States government maintained its at-
titude of watchful waiting and the
White House gave no indication as to
what action, if any, might be taken.'
TOKIO - Reports that Germany
and Japan were 'contemplating an
alliance were officially denied.
Griffin Talks
On Vocational
Lecture Series
Describes Opportunities
Open To Graduates Of
Business School
An increasing tendency on the
part of business men to select their
young men from the business schools,
together with a greater respect for
theory in business and a growing em-
phasis on scholarship, have marked
the advance of the study of business
administration, Dean Clare E. Grif-
fin of the School of Business Admin-
istration told an audience at the third
lecture of the vocational guidance
series yesterday.
"It has been perfectly possible for
young men going out of the four
business schools exclusively on a
graduate basis to obtain positions
even in the worst part of the de-
pression, and now there is no dif-
ficulty," he said.
Though business itself comes from
a very remote past, he pointed out

that the study of business methods
only recently supplanted apprentice-
ship as a means of business train-
ing. This change becomes increasingly
necessary, according to Dean Griffin
because of the growth of business to
such an extent that observation of the
whole field is impossible. The de-
velopment of new techniques, the sub-
stitution of policies for personal de-
cisions, and the fact that "apprentice-
ship teaches how a thing is done, not
why," further require detatched study,
he said.
As essentials for entrance into the
business school, he specified econo-
mics and accounting, and added that
ability to handle th~e English lan-
guage is becoming increasingly neces-
sary, Except for those specific re-
quirements, he advised a general lib-
eral study.
Judgment is now one of the most

J . Go P.5 'Tune
In On. Love,'
Opens Tonight
Leading Roles Are Taken
By Alison Tenant And
Claire Gorman
The opening of "Tune In On Love"
tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater will mark the culmination
of several months of work on the part
of the women of the junior class as
well as a climax in the collegiate car-
eers of the senior women who will
make their first appearance in cap
and gown at this performance.
This year's presentation of the an-
nual musical comedy will be one of
the most elaborate of campus produc-
tions. Two hundred women are ap-
pearing in the cast, in the choruses
or are working on the various com-
mittees for the play.
Leading Roles Announced
The book for the production was
written by Dorothy Shappell and the
leading roles will be taken by Alison
Tennant, who appears as Walter'
Beggs, "with two g's," as he insists,
and Claire Gorman as Amy Peabody,
"just like it sounds." Other leading
characters are Jean Fleckenstine as
the eccentric millionnaire whose chief
pleasure in life lies in riding up and
down all day on the Fifth Avenue bus
and Betty Greve, Marion McPhee,
and Gladys Hornung who makes up
Amy's thoroughly disagreeable and
thoroughly comic family.
Robert Steinle and the Union Band
will play the music which was written
in part by students and in part by
members of the band, and the chorus-
es will present the modern type dance
which includes dramatic interpreta-
In addition to the performance to-
night the show will be repeated
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
nights with a matinee on )aturday.
Tickets for the performances are on
sale at the Lydia Mendelssohn box
office and are priced at 75 cents and
one dollar for the evening perform-
ances and 50 and 75 cents for the
Patrons Are Named
Although the opening performance
is given in honor of the senior wom-
en, seats in the balcony are being
sold to other students, both men and
women. The faculty patrons and
patronesses who will also be honored
tonight are President and Mrs. Alex-
ander G. Ruthven, Dean and Mrs.
Joseph A. Bursley, Dean and Mrs.
Edward H. Kraus, Assistant Dean and
Mrs. Wilber R. Humphries, Dean Alice
C. Lloyd, and Assistant Dean Walter
B. Rea.
Others on the patrons list include
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Cram, Prof. Her-
bert Kenyon, Dr. Margaret Bell, Miss
Ethel McCormick, Mr. and Mrs. Stan-
ley Waltz, Miss Jeannette Perry, Mrs.'
Beryl Fox Bacher, Miss Dorothy Og-
burn, Valentine B. Windt, Prof. Mar-
garet Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. George
Stanley, Dr. Helene Schutz, Mrs.
Marian Durrell, Miss Laurie Camp-
bell, Miss Marie Hartwig, and Mrs.
Lucille Conger.
To Jail Wilkowski
On Contempt Count
DETROIT, March 19 - (/P) --Re-
corders Judge Thomas M. Cotter, who
is conducting a one-man grand jury
investigation of charges of fraud in
connection with the legislative re-
count in Wayne County last Decem-
ber said today that he will issue an
order tomorrow for the arrest of State

Senator Anthony J. Wilkowski, re-
count chairman.
Wilkowski will remain in jail, the1

Guild Stars
Booked For
1935 Season
Alla Nazimova Scieduled
To Appear With Romney
Brent In Shaw Play
World Premiere To
Be Presented Here
Ann Arbor To See First
Showing Of Reynold's
'The UglyRunts'
The complete program of plays for
the 1935 Spring Dramatic Season was
announced yesterday by Robert Hen-
derson following the approval of his
plans by the University Committee on
Theater Policy and the Civic Commit-
tee of the Dramatic Season.
The two headliners for the Sea-
son, which opens May 20 and runs
through June 22, are Madam Alla
Nazimova and Romney Brent, both of
the New York Theatre Guild.
The world premiere of Robert Rey-
nold's new play "The Ugly Runts"
will be included in the repertoire of
the Henderson company and will be
presented here prior to its New York
production this fall.
Reynolds was recently the winner
of the annual Harper $10,000 prize
for his novel "Brothers in the West."
The "Ugly Runts" is the author's first
play and centers about, the recent
crisis, which caused international rep-
ercussions, brought about by the band
of 400 Hungarian miners who, rather
than compromise in their demands
for fair wages, went down into their
mines and announced their intention
of dying.
Treated in New Manner
According to Henderson, the "Ugly
Runts" treats this labor theme in a
distinctly new and even heroic man-
ner, utilizing dancing and music in
addition to acting. The stars for this
play have not been finally engaged
by Director Henderson but the chore-
ography of the play will be directed
by Felicia Sorel and Demetrios Vilan
who will also dance in the production.
Miss Sorel is a dancer of inter-
national reputation, having recently'
appeared with Gluck-Sandor in a
transcontinental tour. She has recent-
ly been mentioned by the New York
Times as one of the candidates for
the position of the new ballerina at
the Metropolitan Opera House. In the1
cast will also be the distinguished
Russian diseuse, Mlle. Nina Tarasova.;
During the first week of the festival
Nazimova and Brent will appear in
four performances of George Ber-
nard Shaw's latest play "The Simple-1
ton of the Unexpected Isles," in which
both stars are now playing at the
Guild Theatre in New York.
Shaw's play will be followed by five
performances of Henrik Ibsen's
"Ghosts," with Nazimova as Mrs.
Awing and Brent as Oswald.
Supporting Cast Noted
The supporting casts for these two
productions will include McKay Mor-
ris, Lionel Pape, and Patricia Calvert,
all of whom are at present appearing
with Nazimova in New York.
Following a spectacular career in
Hollywood, Nazimova has now be-
come one of the ranking artists of the
stage. With Eva Le Gallienne she was
starred in Chekov's "The Cherry Or-
chard" and Andreyev's "Katerina";
while recently she created the role of
Christine Mammob in Eugene '-
Neill's "Mourning Becomes Electra."
Romney Brent, who is co-starred
with her has had an extended career
both in New York and London. In
England he was the star of "Words
and Music," a Noel Coward revue. In

America he has been featured fre-
quently in the Guild productions, and
scored an outstanding success as the
star of the "Warrior's Husband" with
Katherine Hepburn.
Third Production Announced
"Up to the Stars" is a third festival
production announced by Henderson.
This is an original revue with sketches
and songs from Noel Coward's "Words
and Music," none of which have been
presented in the United States be-
fore. Mr. Coward has given special
permission to the Ann Arbor season
for the American premiere of this ma-
terial, which includes his new hit
tunes'"Mad About the Boy" and "Four
The cast for "Up to the Stars" will
(Continued on Page 6)
Dr. Lemon To Speak
Before Church Group
"Shakespeare Our Contemporary"
will be the topic of a lecture to be
given at 6:45 p.m. tonight at the First
Presbyterian Church, at Huron and

New Leaders
Of Assembly
Are Chosen
Maureen Kavanagh, '36,
Is Elected President Of
Women's Group
Audrey Talsma To
Be Vice-President
Committees Are Named
By Eleanor Peterson,
Present Head
Maureen Kavanagh, '36, was cho-
sen president of the Assembly yester-
day at the regular meeting of that
organization. Audrey Talsma, '36, was
named vice-president, Gretchen Leh-
man, '37, secretary, and Betty Green,
'36, were picked to fill the treasurer's
In addition to these elections, Elea-
nor Peterson, '35, president of the
Assembly this year, announced other
appointments. Betty Green was se-
lected to head the committee working
on the Himelhoch's Style Show in
conjunction with the League. She
will be assisted by Kathleen McIntyre,
'36, and Jane Haber, '36.
The Installation Banquet Commit-
tee will be headed.by Marion Wiggin,
'35. Olive Webb, '35, Lillian Scott,
'36A, and Gertrude Penhale, '36Ed.,
will assist her. Miss Wiggin will ap-
point six women as ushers of the
banquet. Any women who are in-
terested may see her.
Is Active on Campus
Miss Kavanagh, from Detroit, is
chairman of the Social Cmmittee at
Mosher Hall. She was active in the
Sophomore Cabaret last year, and is
now vice-president of the Young
Democrats' Club. In addition she was
publicity chairman for the Assembly
Ball this year as well as the Assem-
bly Zone chairman. She also worked
with the Constitution Committee for
the Assembly. Miss Kavanaugh is a
member of the main cast of the
Junior Girls Play.
Miss Talsma was secretary of the
Assembly this year, and worked on
the Children's Theatre. She was a
member of the Ticket Committee of
the Assembly Ball. Miss Talsma
transferred from Grand Rapids Jun-
ior College.
Miss Lehman is a member of the
business staff of the Michiganensian,
the House Committee of the League,
and treasurer of Alpha Lambda Del-
ta, honorary Freshman fraternity.
In addition, she was the assistant
chairman of finance for the Assem-
bly Ball as well as a member of the
Ticket Committee. Miss Lehman took
an active part in the Sophomore
Cabaret this year, and was. on the
Music Committee for the Freshman
Worked On Assembly Ball
Miss Green has been active on the
committee for the bridge tourna-
ment. She also worked on the Assem-
bly Ball, and has been the chairman
of the bulletin and activities commit-
tees of Assembly.
The Assembly is composed of 40
women who represent the nine zones
and five dormitories. The zones in-
clude all of the non-affiliated women
on campus. The nominations of the
officers are made by the seniors in
the Assembly.
The chairman of the membership,
activities, bulletin, athletics, and
scholarship committees will be ap-
pointed by the new president cn the
recommendation of the seniors, and
will be selected from petitions sub-
mitted by each person.

s Carried0on
'LANSING, March 19 -OP)- Or-
ganized educators led their forces in-
to the capitol today in an effort to
secure favorable action on proposals
to appropriate millions for school aid.
A group of school officials was
scheduled to confer with Gov. Fitz-
gerald. Scores of witnesses were ex-
pected to be called in a public hear-
ing tonight in favor of the Thatcher
bill calling for an appropriation of
$25,000,000 for public school aid.
The governor met the situation
with a reiteration of his declaration
that he favors giving the schools all
they need to remain open and operate
efficiently, but will not commit him-
self to a definite sum which has not
been proven to be the known needed

Museum Officials
Are Mystified By
'Ghost' Of Skunk
It wasn't a question of what-
everybody at the University Museums
knew it was a skunk. It was a ques-
tion of how and where.
The scent of the odoriferous ari-
mal penetrated the Museums building
early yesterday. Dignified scientists,
pert office girls, and even Brother and
Sister, the Museums' bears, were
frank enough to hold their noses and
say "phew""
Where was it coming from? They
searched and they searched, and no-
body seemed to know. But the odor
kept coming and not diminishing in
They went out the rear entrance,
and, instead of lessening, the strength
of the penetrating smell increased.
They hunted through the grass, and
there, close to the building, they
found it. Their suspicions were justi-
fied---it was a defunct skunk-civet,
the scientists called it.
Well, that settled the question of
where, but how? That puzzled them,
until along came Miss Crystal
Thompson, curator of visual educa-
tion, and Elmer Berry, who takes
care of Brother and Sister and all
the other animals at the Museums.
They settled the question of how,
because Miss Thompson confessed
that she had used the skunk, or a
part of him, for her classes. Upon
which everybody at the Museums be-
gan to pity her classes.
Program For
May Festival
Is Announced
Organizations, Soloists,
Choral Works, Included
In Six Concerts
The schedule of soloists, organ iza-
tions and choral works which have
been arranged for the six concerts of
the 42nd Annual May Festival, to be
given May 15, 16, 17, and 18 in Hill
Auditorium, has been announced by
the School of Music.
The schedule is as follows :
First concert, Wednesday night,
May 15: Artist and Choral Concert
- Helen Jepson, Metropolitan Opera
soprano, soloist; University Choral
Union; Chicago Symphony Orches-
tra; world premiere of songs from
"Drum Taps" by Howard Hanson;
Frederick Stock and Howard Hanson,
Second Concert Schedule
Second concert, dThursday night,
May 16: Artist and Choral Concert
- Part I. "King David" by Honegger;
Soloists: Ethyl Hayden, soprano,
Myrtle Leonard, contralto; Paul Alt-
house, tenor; Paul Leyssac, narrator;
University Choral Union, Chicago
Symphony Orchestra; Earl V. Moore,
con dultor. Part II: Mary Moore, col-
oratura soprano, Metropolitan Opera
Association; Chicago Symphony Or-
chestra, Frederick Stock, conductor.
Third concert, Friday afternoon,
May 17: Young People's Concert -
Ruth Posselt, violinist, soloist; world
premiere of "Jumbles" by Dorothy
James; Young People's Festival
Chorus; orchestral accompaniment;
Eric DeLamarter and Juva Higbee,
Fourth Concert Schedule
Fourth concert, Friday night, May
17: Artist's night -Giovanni Mar-
tinelli, tenor, Metropolitan Opera As-
sociation, soloist; Chicago Symphony
Orchestra, Frederick Stock, conduc -
Fifth concert, Saturday afternoon,
May 18: Symphony concert -Josef
Lhevinne, pianist, soloist; Chicago
Symphony Orchestra, Fr e d eric k

Stock, conductor.
Sixth Concert, Saturday night, May
18: "Boris Godunof" in English by
Moussorgsky - Myrtle Leonard, con-
tralto; Paul Althouse, tenor; Wilbur
Evans, baritone; Theodore Webb,
baritone; Maxim Panteleieff (Boris),
bass-baritone, and other soloists;
University ' Choral Union, Chicago
Symphony Orchestra, Earl V. Moore,
Season tickets at reduced levels of
$2.00, $3.00, and $4.00 each, for those
holding Choral Union concert Festivalj
coupons, and $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 each
for others, may be ordered by mail by
addressing Charles A. Sink, president,
School of Music, Ann Arbor.
Mary Smith Wins
Peace Essay Prize
Mary Elizabeth Smith, '35Ed., of
Grand Rapids, is the winner of a $20
Peace Prize in a competitive essay
contest on the general subject of in-
ternational peace, it was announced
yesterday at the office of President
Alexander G. Ruthven.

Regent To Ask
Modification Of
Automobile Ban
Hemans Proposes Plan;
Mrs. Cram Opposed To
Change In Ruling
The possibility that the University
regulation banning students from us-
ing automobiles will be modified
loomed yesterday when Regent.
Charles F. Hemans of Detroit an-
nounced that he will bring before
the Board of Regents at their next
meeting a proposal for relaxation of
the ban.
Regent Hemans declared himself
in favor of a regulation which pre-
vents only freshmen and students de-
ficient in their academic work from
using automobiles.
In commenting on the likelihood
that the measure will be approved,,
the Regent stated: "I do not know,
the sentiment of the Board regarding
the auto ban because the question
has never been discussed during the,
time I have been a member."
"My personal opinion," he said, "is
that the ruling should be relaxed and
I intend to bring the proposal before
the next meeting of the Board in the
hope that the ban may be lifted by1
next fall."
In an attempt to survey "the sen-
timent of the Board," The Daily wired
all Regents at a late hour last night.
Only Regent Esther M. Cram, of
Flint, could be contacted. She ex-
pressed herself as believing the ma-
jority of students "are vastly better1
off without cars."
"Students who need to drive are
given permission but the number who1
require such permission is relatively
small and the rest of the students are
vastly better off without cars," shel
Regent Hemans, who made his pro-1
posal at Lansing, said that he is plan-
ning to consult with President Alex-
ander G. Ruthver on the subject
sometime before the March meeting
of the Board.;
In a statement made to The Daily
yesterday, Regent Hemans said, "I
see no reason why it would not be an,
improvement over the present situa-
Lyman Bryson
To Lead Ann
Arbor Forum
Will Consider Subject "Are
We Done With Democ-
racy" At Meeting
Lyman Bryson, former faculty
member of the University and head
of the organization work for the Red
Cross in Europe and Asia Minor dur-
ing the World War, will lead the sec-
ond Ann Arbor Community Forum
to be held at 4 p.m. Sunday, March
24, in the Perry SchAp.
The subject to be considered in the
forum will be "Are We Done With
Democracy?" Mr. Bryson has been
the leader of the Des Moines Forum
from January 1933 to June 1934 when
he led discussions on such subjects
as "America Faces the Future," "The
Economic Aspects of National Re-
covery," and "The Far Eastern
No admission charge will be made,
and the large representation of towns-
people which greeted the first in the
present series of forums is expected
to be substantially enlarged at the
Sunday meeting.

Mr. Bryson will speak at 4 p.m.
tomorrow on the subject "An ExperiT
ment in Community Education." At
2 p.m. tomorrow he will talk at the
Ann Arbor High School, and Friday
morning he will address a meeting at
the University High School, both lec-
tures dealing with the subject "What
the Average Citizen Should Know
About Foreign Affairs."
Gargoyle March Issue
To Go On Sale Today

Delegates Of University
Organizations Refuse To
Strike April_4
Ask Cooperation
Of Administration
Dean Bursley Commends
Students For Their Most
Conservative Policy
The aspect of the strike against
war and fascism was completely
transformed at the meeting of dele-
gates from 17 campus organizations
held last night in the Union. The
group unanimously vetoed the pro-
posed strike and took definite steps
to conduct a more conservative demo
Plans for a convocation at 2:00 p.m.
April 4 in Hill Auditorium featuring
a prominent anti-war speaker were
accepted, pending the approval of the
Administration. A parade for stu-
dents who wish to actively show their
feeling against war swill be held im-
mediately after the convocation. Ne-
gotiations are under way to provide
a band to lead the parade.
Committee Is Elected
"A' Committee Against War" con-
sisting of seven University students
was elected. This committee will be
the nucleus of all further work on the
demonstration. The student mem-
bers are: Eugene Kuhne, '35, chair-
man; John Edmonds, '37, Anna Mill-
er, '36, Wilbur Mindel, '38, Jerome
Watts, '36F&C, Richard Mattox, '36,
and Robert Edmonds, '37. Two Ann
Arbor High School students taking
part in the committee's work are Cle-
ment Barnes and Charles Freeman.
Dean Joseph Bursley, when asked
his opinion by the Committee's chair-
man, stated that he heartily approved
the decision to hold a convocation in
place of the strike. He said that a
strike would only have defeated the
purpose of the students.
Sub-Committee Also Chosen
A sub-committee was appointed to
contact President Ruthven and at-
tempt to obtain the University to
sponsor the convocation. If the Uni-
versity refuses to sponsor the convo-
cation, the committee will ask for the
use of Hill Auditorium for their own
Eugene Kuhne, chairman of the
student committee, declared that the
committee would try to obtain the co-
operation of every campus organiza-
tion in an attempt to make the dem-
onstrationias representative of stu-
dent opinions as possible.
A general meeting of all interested
students and delegates from campus
organizations will be held at 8 p.m.
next Tuesday in the Union, Further
plans for the demonstration will be
made. Serril Gerber, delegate to the
International Congress Against War
at Brussels held last year, will be the
guest speaker.
Strachey Is Denied
Use Of Auditorium
BALTIMORE, March 19. - (P) -
Evelyn John St. Loe Strachey, noted
British author, today was denied the
use of the Auditorium, a large down-
town theater, for his scheduled ad-
dress here Saturday night.
Strachey, who faces charges of il-
legal entry into the United States, is
being brought here by the Baltimore
branch of the American League
Against War and Fascism. The Work-
mans' Lyceum Hall, with a capacity
for 700 persons, will be used.
In denying the use of the Audito-
rium, Leonard D. McLaughlin, man-
ager of the theater, said the owners
do not object to Strachey himself
but they feared that "an opposition

faction might appear, and someone
might get hurt, or the property might
be damaged."
Hunt For Murderer
Reveals No Clues
The quietest day in all the nearly
two weeks' hi)nt for the murderer of
Richard Streicher, Jr., seven-year-
old Ypsilanti schoolboy ended last
night with police still without a
single clue to work on.
Authorities in charge continued to
investigate all leads. State police are

Exercises Are To
Replace Strike In

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