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March 19, 1935 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-19

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_ _ m

County Should
Be Made Health
Unit, Says Sinai
Township Organization
Still In Nuisance Era,'
He States In Radio Talk
SpeaksOver WJR
Claims That Best Returns
To Taxpayers Will Be
Had By Unifying System
A recommendation that the county
be made the basic unit of public
health was made Sunday by Dr. Nath-
an Sinai of the department of hy-
giene and public health in his radio
talk over station WJR in the parent
program broadcast direct from the
campus studios in Morris Hall.
"As far as township health organi-
zation is concerned," Dr. Sinai said,
"Michigan is still in the 'nuisance
era' of public health. The township
may have had some merit as an ad-
ministrative public health unit in
1846. It has none today."
In cities, he pointed out, budget
cuts have reduced the health depart-
ments to skeleton organizations.
Recommending the county as a
public health administrator, Dr. Sin-
ai said, "Certain counties of the State
have junked the township and village
system and have developed unified
health departments. All of these
efforts are in the interest of sound
administration, giving adequate re-
turns for the taxpayer's dollar."
Other recommendations made by
Dr. Sinai were:
That the town and village be abol-
ished as units of public health admin-
That the present plan of permitting1
two or more counties to form districtf
health departments with the approval
of te state health commission be
continued; and
That counties be assisted in the fi-
nancing of health departments by
State funds.
"These recomgendations," Dr.. Sin-
ai asserted, "mean that Michigan
should look forward to a plan of re-
organization which, in its culmina-
tion, will make possible a wider ap-
plication of public health practice,
a r duction in -the number of official
health departments and an improve-
ment in the personnel engaged in
public health work."
Prof. Arthur B. Moehlman of the
School of Education, who talked on
"Your Schools" during the same pro-
gram, pointed out the fields in which
parents should make themselves ac-
quainted with schools.
"How effectively is the school car-
ing for the children?" was the first
question Professor Moehlman asked
his parent listeners. The type of in-
struction and the course of study in
the schools, he said, should require at-
Building facilities, proper lighting,
and adequate playgrounds were also
emphasized by Professor Moehlman
as requiring the attention of parents.
Festival Scenic
esigner To Be
Stewart Chaney

How The Armies Of Leading Nations Compare

44 5,000
1 35,000
1 93 5

U. 1

7 20,000
2 50,000
1 82,000

i 0 - " * . I

-Associated Press Photo
Adolf Hitler's dramatic announc .ment to scrap th e Versailles treaty and reestablish compulsor.y military
training was expected to be the signal for a rush am-ng European nations to increase the size of their
standing armies. This Associated Press chart shows the relative strength of the various nations' armies at
present compared to the number of troops in 1913 bcfore the World War.

House Vote On
Bonus Payment
Definite Affirmative Vote
Is Expected; Method Of
Paying Is Debated
WASHINGTON, March 18-(R)--
The question whether the $2,000,000,-
000 soldiers' bonus should be paid im-
mediately is to be brought before the
House tomorrow. It is generally
agreed that the House, bysa hugema-
jority, will say "aye."
Strong difIerences remained today
as to the method of paying. The
rules committee was called into meet-
ing to ratify the procedure under
which the house would be allowed to
choose between the Patman bill,
which provides for new currency, and
the Vinson-American Legion bill
which leaves the method of raising
the money to the government. In the
procedure was involved a double
chance for votes on the Tydings-
Cochran "compromise" bill, which
would give the ex-soldiers negotiable
bonds instead of cash for their cer-
As the program shaped up, it was
Tomorrow, the Vinson-American
Legion bill will be called up on the
floor. It, and other bonus proposals,
will be debated for 10 hours - per-
haps three days.
Then it will be in order for all bonus
bills to be offered as substitutes for
the Vinson plan. Among these are
the Patman and the Tydings-Cochran
measures, as well as other proposals
to limit payment to the needy and to
pay in installments.
If the Patman bill is rejected on
the first vote, supporters of that
measure subsequently will be allowed
to move to send the whole thing back
to the ways and means committee
with instructions to approve the Pat-
man bill and report it back imme-
diately. If the Patman bill is ac-
cepted, a similar motion will be al-
lowed on the Vinson bill.


(By Associated Collegiate Press)
NEW YORK, N. Y., March 18. -
The college students of the United
States have adopted a scholarly atti-
}ude to replace the "rah-rah" spirit of
he '20's, the Carnegie Foundation for
the Advancement of Teaching says in
its annual report.
"The student on the campus is no
longer the blase, sophisticated stu-
dent of the '20's." Walter A. Jessup,
president of the foundation and for-
mer president of the University of
Iowa, writes. "He is a hard-working,
serious-minded person who demands
more of the college library, the lab-
oratory and the instructor than did
his brother of a decade ago."
"Survival" will be the keynote of
the activities of the 800-odd colleges
and universities, for the Foundatiori
predicts an acute struggle for exist-
ence for many of these institutions.
"Survival will be conditioned," the
report said, "by intelligent leadership,
high morale and the courage to be
sincere with the students by selecting
and educating them only in the field
of institutional competency, and in
that field doing a genuine and sig-
nificant job.
"An honest inventory of resources
in view of the obligation to students
might well suggest to some institu-
tions the wisdom of narrowing their
field. Some institutions, bearing the
name of college, have so little to offer,
that they should disband.";
The multiplication of institutions
was attributed by Pres. Jessup to the
"ambitions of a boom period." In,
predicting the disappearance of many
colleges he said the survivors would
not necessarily be the ones with the'
most money, nor the failures those
with the least money.
E. W. Tinker,,regional forester in
the United States Forest Service, was 7
here Sunday to confer with Dean S.J
T. Dana and Prof. W. F. Ramsdell of'
the School of Forestry and Conserva-
tion on current forestry problems. In-,
creasing the amount of Federal for-
ests in Michigan, increasing the

Make Way For The

Tis Said

Is Maintained
By U. S. Men
Airplanes, Radio Trucks
Employed In Offensive
Against Criminals
WASHINGTON, March 18 --(P)-
The government today sought gang-
land dens, hunted for moonshiners'
hidden nests and swept the seas for
smugglers in its announced intention
of putting the "fear of the revenue
officer" into the hearts of criminals.
Using fast radio trucks and air-
planes, treasury agents, aided by state
and local police, captured yesterday
a mountaineer wanted for the wound-
ing of a Federal officer and the kill-
ing of an Alexandria, Virginia, police-
The mountaineer - bearded Thom-
as Quisenberry, possessor of a deadly
aim with a powerful rifle - was found
asleep in a ditch near Leesburg, Vir-
ginia, after a long search through
the tree-studded slopes of Catoctin
mountains. Earlier, agents said, he
had exchanged more than 50 shots
with pursuing officers, one of which
killed Clarence J. McClary, of the
Alexandria police force.
Word of Quisenberry's capture was
flashed to Washington by a radio
truck which had been used in the
search. Only a short time before Sec-
retary Morgenthau had received a
report that 2,389 had been arrested
since the nationwide anti-crime drive
started Friday.
The 2,389 arrested included alleged
bootleggers, dope peddlers and smug-
glers. The alcohol tax unit, secret
service, coast guard, narcotics squad
and even the intelligence division of
the bureau of internal revenue con-
tinued to participate. The coast
guard boarded 1,660 vessels in two
days and assessed fines of $12,150.
number of CCC camps, and future
plans for the forest service were dis-

'Rah-Rah' Student s Crime Drive


A London Production co-starring
Leslie Howard and Merle Oberon, and
featuring a well-selected English cast
of supporting players. Also a Pete
Smith novelty studded with wisecracks
and delightful moments -"Donkey
Baseball"; the best Barton organ pro-
gram Paul Tompkins has presented in
many moons (it includes the bestaand
most favored of the Irish songs as a
commemoration of St. Patrick); and a
news reel,
Of late the dearth of new and truly
beautiful leading ladies has become
the bane of confirmed cinemagoers.
A brief and enticing respite is af-
forded, though, in the Michigan The-
ater's current attraction, the British-'
produced and British-cast "Scarlet
Pimpernel." The rapturous youngI

leading lady is completely a new-
comer - Merle Oberon. All that can
be said, and more eloquent it is, in-
1 deed, than a million words, is that
you must see her! With Miss OberonR
alone, it must be conceded in all dis-
passionacy, "The Scarlet Pimpernel"
would be a success. But add to its
lovely young star the ever-pleasingl
Leslie Howard, of "Berkeley Square"I
and "British Agent" fame, and throw
in an absorbing plot dealing with the
plots and counter-plots of the French
Revolution, and you have what would
once have been rated in this column
a four-star picture (****) with no ifs,
ands, or buts.
"The Scarlet Pimpernel" combines
the best elements of love, adventure,

romance, story-weaving, and expert
direction. That its genesis is almost
entirely English is an interesting
commentary on the American method
of peddling motion picture produce
for its avid, albeit discouraged, Amer-
ican market.
For those who do not remember (or
who have not read) the absorbing tale
of Baroness Orezy, suffice it to say
that the Pimpernel is a highly-com-
petent English nobleman, who, posing
for benefit of disguise as a conceited
young fop, occupies himself with the
thrilling task of snatching members
of the French nobility from the bloody
knife of the guillotine and transport-
ing them to the safety of "perfidious
Albion." That his wife and the French
snooper-extraordinary, Chauvelin, are
both ignorant of his deeds adds mo-
mentum to the unfolding of the tale.
And a rare one it is! But if only for
Miss Oberon herself, you shouldn't
miss treating yourself to the adven-
tures of "The Scarlet Pimpernel."
--G. M. W.,Jr.




I 1



Selection Of
'Find Of The

Season' Is

Robert Henderson announced to-
day the engagementof Stewart Chan-
ey as scenic designer for the Dramat-
ic Festival, to be presented for five
v'iecks in the Lydia Men 4lssohnE
Theater from Monday, May 20.
through Saturday, June 22.r
Stewart Chaney has scored an out-
standing success this season in New;
York. For his settings in "The Old
Maid," starring Judith Anderson and
Helen Menken, he received notices
from the New York critics equalling
in enthusiasm those accorded the
He has designed six productions in
New York this season, including "The
Old Maid," the recent production of
Bourdet's "Times Have Changed"
with Robert Loraine, and "The Bride
of Torotzkc" for Gilbert Miller. Other
settings have been designed by Mr.
Chaney for "Kill That Story," "Dream
Child" and "On To Fortune."
Three years ago Stewart Chancy
was saenic designer for the Dramatic
Season in Ann Arbor. "The festival
gave Mr. Chaney his first position in
the professional theater," RobertI
Henderson pointed out, "and his work
was as brilliant then as it is today.
But he was not famous then. Today
New York has discovered him and he
is the new 'find' of the season. He
returns to the festival as one of the
foremost designers in the American

You find me the welcome third. Iam always
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made of center leaves, only. Those small,
sticky top leaves are sharp and. bitter. Sand
and grit destroy the flavor of the bottom
leaves. But the choice center leaves grow
to mellow ripeness, preserving every bit of
fragrant tobacco flavor. I am made from
these fragrant, expensive center leaves. I do
not irritate your throat. This gives me the
right to sign myself "Your best friend."

Copyright 1935, The American Tobacco Company.

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