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March 19, 1935 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-19

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19, 1935




Fraternities, Sororites Announce

Recent Initiations And Pledgings

Local Chapters
Report End Of
9 Initiations
pring Elections For Next>
Year Occupy Meetings At
Chapter Houses
Nine fraternity and sorority houses
have announced the completion of
their formal initiations for this se-
mester, and this concludes the total
list of these functions. Rushing din-
ners are being held and several -
cent pledgings are reported. Busi-
ness meetings are now primarily con-
cerned with the election of officers
who will assume their duties late this
Spring and retain these for the next1
two years.
On Sunday, March 17, the follow-
ing men were initiated: Weimar mu
Christman, '38, Ann Arbor; Robert at
Clark, '36E, Grand Rapids; William
Cogger, '38E, Detroit; Donald Gra- T
ha m,'38EWalkerville, Ontario; Mac- U
Kellar Graham, '38E, Walkerville,
Ontario; Melvin Kramer, '38, Toledo;
John Reed, '36, Charlotte, Mich.
Alpha Delta Phi
Alpha Delta Phi fraternity an-
nounces the initiation of 10 pledges Wi
at ceremonies held last Saturday af- peopl
ternoon. A banquet followed the ini- press
tiation. seaso
The following men were initiated: just
Robert Alexander, '36, Grand Rap- perso
ids; Harold W. Sears, '37, Grand Rap- Alt
ids; Kenyon Bevan, '38, Atlanta, Ill.; seldo
William J.. DeLancey, '38, Elgin, Ill.; styles
Dean E. Glidden, '38, Kewanee, Ill.; frequ
Max H. Graff, '38, Flint; W. Leroy Th:
Haskell, Jr., '38, Toledo; John Kollig, more
'38, Saginaw; Edward Stannard, '38, dance
Fair Haven, Vt.; and William Warner, moth
'38, Wyoming, O. room,
Alpha Omicron Pi carefu
Stella Glass, '35, was in charge of tulip,
initiation which was held Saturday, looki
March 16. Those received into mem- od of
bership are as follows: Charlotte Bax- the b
ter, '38, Springfield, Mass.; Helen nows
Holden, '36, New York City; Martha these
Jane Howard, '38, Ludington, Mich.; less s
Rebecca Lotridge, '36, Flint, Mich.; ing b
Charlotte Mitchell, '38, Cleveland
Heights, O. For
Mary Louise Mann, '37, of Detroit, in de
Michigan, is a new pledge of Alpha {
Omicron Pi.
The elections held March 15 areĀ¢
as follows: Delta Glass, '36, presi-
dent; Ruth Sonnanstine, '36, vice- a
president; Ruth Hess, '36, recording
secretary;dMary Alice Baxter, '36,
corresponding secretary; Ruth Hess, ,
rushing chairman.h
Alpha Xi Delta
Initiation services were held yes-
terday for Katherine Buckley, '38,
Alice Meader, '36, and Merida Ho-
bart, '38. A bouquet was given at
the chapter house last night in honor are ev
of the new initiates and of Ruth tion o
Rowell, '36, Dorothy Graff, '35, Julia airy b
Ann Ellis, '36, and Amber Johnson, ing sh
'36, who were initiated earlier during lookin
the year. bowl.
Speakers at the banquet included Per
Virginia Minsker, '36, president; Mrs. heldr
Jean Cowden Hindman, who present- Watso
ed the scholarship cup, Miss Elizabeth
Shull, representing the alumnae, and man,
Miss Buckley, the new initiates. Speich
Bowls of spring flowers and ivory Krans
candles were used for table decora- and B
Delta Sigma Delta The
In recent elections Delta Sigma nounc
Delta chose the following as officers ler, '37
for the ensuing year: George S. Har- :36, Al
ris, '36, president; L Benson Bristo, Nel L
'36, vice-president; Millard Pugh, '36 Warer:
Spec., secretary; Frank Rennell, '36, 37.
steward; Richard Huffman, '36, The
house manager. Epldgi
Mu Phi Epsilonpedi

Mu Phi Epsilon, .national music Last
sorority, will hold initiation this after- ority
noon at the home of Mrs. Charles A. rity_
Sink. The ceremony will be followed
by a buffet supper at which Mrs. Sink
and Mrs. Clarence D. Yoakum will be
joint hostesses.k
Those to be initiated, all junior
and senior students who are in the
top quarter of their class scholastical-
ly are Anne Langston Farquahar, '36,
Leona May Haefner, '35SM, Emily
Phillips, '36SM, Clarawanda Sisson.
'36SM, and Mary Louise Stevens, '36
Theta Chi
Theta Chi fraternity formally ini-
tiated the following at a ceremony
c "Nate "
We have a grand assort-
ment of Prints, Navy's,
Pastels, Crepes, and
Priced at $10.75
Also a Special Group at


Their Work On J. G.P. Nears Completion


Chairman Tells
Fiiial Plans For
Slide Rule Ball
Johnny Hamp' :Band lo
Play At Annual Dance
On March 29
Final plans for the annual Slide
Rule Dance to be held March 29 in
the Union Ballroom have been an-,

Elizabethan Spirit To Dominate
'AMidsummer Night's Dream '


Announced For
SCA Jamboree

A formal stage with its stylized
woods will be used in the production
of "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
to be presented by the Play Produc-
tion, combined with the School of
Music, next week opening Wednesday
The formal stage does not mean
a balanced, severe set, but rather a
setting which uses forms as ramps
and platforms to achieve the desired

nounced by the general chairman and effect.
assisting committeemen. The tickets There will be no attempt at realism
priced at $2.50 may be procured now in the production. The trees and
from committee members and at Ul- background for the diamond-shaped
rich's book store. Engineers only ramp will be draped in green. The
may purchase these until Saturday, ramps afford four acting levels and
March 23; at that date they will be will give the effect of varying levels
placed on an all-campuss sale. of the ground's surface of the woods.
Extreme care will be taken in the

Barbara Bates (left) and J
usic and dance work of "Tune
the Lydia Mendelssohn The
ni que Flowe
e With Fla
th spring in the offing, n
le turn to flowers as a way of
gin their spring fever, for at
n dressing up a house becc
as important as dressing up
hough the flowers themse
)m change from year to y
in arrangements change
ently as dress or hat fashio
is year, the florists have le
and more away from an ab
e of flowers such as our gra
ers used to "dress up" the li
to fewer blossoms and m
ul arrangement. The ar
for example, can be made
modernistic by the'simple me
turning the petals back so
lack center contrasts with
straight red petals. A few
blossoms placed among t
ophisticated sisters make a st
Floats Of Many Kinds
the table, floats are even r
mand than when they were f
introduced s
time ago. R
broken clos
the flower
that just
trumpet of
blossom sht
best suit the
selves to1
idea becc
they are on
the few doul
f 1o w e r s,
dati odil
en more springey. A combi
f these yellow blooms with
lown glass bubbles that are
own so much are especially g
g floating in a deep cherry
haps the newest effect in c
recently: John Pickering,'
n Gilpen, '38, Thomas Hepr
38E, Louis Greiner, '36, Wal
m, '37, Frank Furry, '37E, J
her, '38, Robert Boyer, '36, P
, '37E, Richard Eiserman,'
ruce Cheever, '38.
Theta Xi
ta Xi fraternity wishes to
e the initiation of Robert BuE
, Walter Pleiss, '38, Hugh WE
ec Neil, '37, Robert Cook,'
evenson, '38, Whitney Prall,
m Prall, '38, and Charles Holk

Johnny Iamp and his 15-piece
ane Fletcher (right) are in charge of the band will play for the occasion. They
B in On Love" which will open Wednesday are now playing at the Lowry hotel
ater. in St. Paul, and are broadcasting
regularly over station WCCO in St.-
Paul. They have just completed an
r A r anze entsChicago, and have played at many
r rrcingern n sggment t the Drake hotelnin
college dances throughout the coun-
ar ts Fon try. Kay Kernan is the featured
vocalist of Hamp's band.
Joseph Wagner, '35E, is general
any terpieces has been achieved by a chairman in charge of these arrange-
f ex- unique combination of bowl and flow- ments: Robert Sloane, '35E, is the
this . chief asistant. The publicity com-
ames ers that gives a soft gray impression. mittee is made up of Robert Thorne,
the Two circular hoops painted an off- '35E, chairman, and Lester Colwell,
white provide for eight candles in all; '35E. Salvatore Tramontana, '35E, is
elves a crome bowl outlined by white loopedi in charge of the tickets, and Albert
year, wiring, which is complimented by Marshall, '35E, is also on this com-
as mittee. Allen Stevens, '35E, heads
ns. white flowers, usually snap dragons the program and invitation commit-
d us or calla lillies, gives in its entirety a tee; and Edward Jaros, '35E, is chair-
bun- pleasing gray and blue cast. man of the orchestra arrangements.
end- Another centerpiece of this same
ving type is done in chromium and gold Sei Sup Tickets
Ore with a basket top that allows theI
tes oflorist to fix the flowers at any anglel On Sale At League Now
eto desired. This diamond shaped hold- limited number of tickets may
that er is striking if filled with the bright still be procured today and Wed-
the colors common to spring flowers and siy atrthederda ed-
the combined with matching candles in nesday at the Undergraduate Of-
tof hesidblk-kehrm cndefice for the Senior Supper. All
heir the solid, block-like chrome candle ersSenior women attending this func-
rik- ion are requested to meet by 6
Chromium Silver Balls p . Wednesday night in the Ethel'
Chromium receives its final laurels Fountain Hussey and Grand Rap-
pore however, in an end-table decoration ids Room at the League.
first, including only a simple round ball, Caps and gowns may be rented
Dme which gives back ' between 1 and 5 p.i. today in the
oses a silver, reflection Garden Room of the League. The
e to of the single gard- fee is $6.25.
so 'enia placed in the
th openhe orchid, to, ~jI -_ week Court Is
ows has been elevated sAw
em- from the corsage Esta lsed .'fit Iowa1
this category to other
use heights. A cylind- (By Associated Collegiate Press)
e of rical v a s e, ar- IOWA CITY, Ia.-- A "court" has3
bles ranged to resemble been established at the University of

12JALICmLIC ualcwillh tckeni the
lighting. By this method, with lights
from the sides and back of the set,
cheesecloth drapes will be made to
look like the trees in a forest. The
ramps are draped so as to give a solid
appearance, yet there will be places in
the ramps which afford Puck a chance
to do his disappearing acts.
The interior scenes will be made
on the unit set by dropping a colon-
nade in front of the forest set.
Variation in the scenes will depend
upon this colonnade and the lighting.
Oren Parker, instructor in stagecraft,
has designed this set after the plans
of the Reinhardt production.
In the costuming, an attempt will
be made to carry out the spirit of
Campus ShOwgirls
Tune In On Ldove'
In Modern Manner
Anyone who sees "Tune In On
Love," the Junior Girls Play which
opens tomorrow night at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater, will recognize
how radically different such a truly
modern musical comedy is from the
same type production of the early
day. The day is passed when a chor-
us of lovely blonde chorines stood
in a perfectly straight line before a
piece of scenery representing a flower
garden or a bit of seaside, sang' a
song about love, and executed a one-
two-three-kick dance routine.
The only thing that "Tune In On
Love" has in common with these earl-
ier musical shows is the love element.
Certainly nothing could be further
r ~emoved from the early conception of
a dance chorus than the "Americano,"
in which the various phases of Amer-
ican life are shown in a dance of
dramatic characterization, perhaps
more truly called caricature.
Then there is the syncopated wed-
ding scene, which is perhaps the most
up-to-date hit in the show. It is so
far removed from the traditional
musical comedy ceremony that there
isn't even a church, let alone the cus-
tomary two dozen beautiful brides-
maids in picture hats.
Besides the music and dances there
is the plot itself which includes much
more humor than the early sweet and
simple show, but for that thanks is
due to the modern way of life which
provides so much material for satire.
Residential Summer School (co-
educational) in the heart of
=EFrench Canada. Old Country
French staff. Only French spok-
en. Elementary, Intermediate,
Advanced. Certificate or College
Credit. French entertainments,
sight-seeing, sports, etc.
Fee $150, Board and Tuition.
June 27-Aug. 1. Write for circu-
larnto zsecretary, Residential
French Summer School.
Montreal, Canada

the original production and the Eliz-
abethan order will be followed. Al-
though the play itself has some ref-
erence to the Greek setting and cos-
tumes, it is felt that the rococo ele-
gance of the 1590's really suits the
spirit of the play better. The Athenian
conventions will be followed how-
ever, for the outer garments and the
headdresses. The costuming at the1
end of the play will, however, com-
pletely abandon these and will use
only the Elizabethan styles.'
In the dresses for the fairies, thel
G'reek and Elizabethan influences
are combined. Titania and Oberon are
however. both dressed in the regal
study of Elizabeth's day.
To contrast these members of the1
immortal kingdom, the mortals will
wear heavy bright costumes, richly
ornamented which will give them
an air of solidarity.
Mrs. William Doll is making the
costumes which were designed by her
on James V. Doll, Grad. Both Mr.s
and Mrs. Doll worked on the cos-
tumes for "Iolanthe."
The Tatterman Marionettes will
present their production of "Aladdin'
Friday and Saturday, March 22 and
23 at the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
The performance Friday will begin
at 4 p.m. and the one Saturday willA
begin at 10:30 a.m.
The Tatterman Marionettes arej
coming here from their own theater
at the Chicago World's Fair, where,
according to reports, they performed
for more than 300,000 people last
Admission will be 25 cents for(
children and 50 cents for adults.
Tickets will be on sale at the box1
office in the League beginning March

The members of the student com-
mittees who will be in charge of
f he annual All-Campus Jamboree
which will be held April 2 was an-
nounced yesterday by John H. Jef-
fries, '37, general chairman of the
The Rev. John Schilling was ap-
pointed chairman of the ticket sales
committee and students working with
him are: Patricia Woodward, '35,
Ruth White, '36, Elizabeth Winne,
'37Ed., Elizabeth Oberdier, '37Ed.,
and Wilma Rattenbury, '37.
Richard S. Clarke, '37, will head
the committee in charge of adver-
tising and publicity. Francis Robin-
son, Grad., and Eugene Benroth,
will assist in handing the advertis-
ing for the programs and posters.
The entertainment for the jam-
boree will be headed by such well-
known radio stars as Tony Wons and
Sylvia Clark. Wons is 'famous for his
"homey philosophy" and humor, hav-
ing appeared on more than 4,00 radio
programs, and the impersonations of
different moving picture artists given
by Miss Clark have also made her a
well-known star.
The proceeds of the Jamboree will
all go to the support of the S.C.A.
Fresh Air Camp. Described by Pres-
ident Alexander G. Ruthven as a
project in "human engineering," for
the 13 years the camp has served the
needs of more than 1,000 boys in
showing them the way to a more
healthful and sanitary life.
Dean S. T. Dana of the School of
Forestry and Conservation will leave
tomorrow for Washington, D. C. to at-
tend a director's meeting of the Amer-
ican Forestry Association. According
to Dean Dana, the meeting will be
climaxed by a testimonial dinner for
Robert Fechner, director of the CCC

- ._

Hie Away to the
and Buy Yourself
a Grand Spring

s if

glorified smoke stacks, allows the Iowa here to mete out strict and sev-
muave blossoms three levels. Calla ere punishment to those fraternities
lilies in white and yellow can also who abuse their pledges during "Hell
be placed at different heights, a deco- Week" activities.
ration that would lend stateliness to Established by the Inter-Fraternity
any living room. Council, the court is empowered to
Mirrors which were fast becoming discipline the brotherhoods overstep-
commonplace have also undergone ping the hazing rules. The court will
drastic changes, so that one which have power to remove social and in-
can be placed under a spring bouquet tramural privileges of any fraternity
has a white wire frill looking almost disobeying the rules in the future.
like lace.
In fact, not only the colors of theI
freesia, narcissus, iris, daffodil, and; WT er11711
double stock but the pottery that goes J
with them' lend themselves easily to
beauty of arrangement. Combine Motion Piitures: Wuerth, "The
any of those yellow and lavender White Parade" with Loretta Young;-
shades with the heavy solid pottery Michigan, "The Scarlet Pimpernel"'
in every shade of raspberry, mauve, with Leslie Howard; Majestic, "Ro-,
and even peacock blue, and you'll berta" with Fred Astaire; Whitney,
have an unusual spring bouquet. "Secrets of the Chateau" with Jack
LaRue and "'Big Hearted Herbert"
Beatrice Abergfell, '37, River Forest, with Guy Kibbee.
Ill., and Dorothy Pray, '35D, Traverse Exhibitions: Exhibition of the As-
City. The pledging of Helen Linder, sociation of Collegiate Schools of Ar-
'38, Lakewood, O., and Mary Jane chitecture, open from 1 to 5 p.m. daily,
Thomas, '38, Ann Arbor, is also an- Architectural Building.j
nounced. Dancing: Hut Cellar.

* STOP IN and select
from a grand assort-
ment of desirable, very
smart styles in daytime
and evening frocks. . .
They're from our regu-
lar early spring selec-
tions, reduced in price
for this special selling.
and two - piece wools,
gay prints, tailored
models and dress - up
styles . Just four eve-
ning gowns - one has
a Z2acket.
SIZES 12 to 16



fraternity also announces the
ng of Francis Ready, '38E.
Zeta Tau Alpha
Saturday Zeta Tau Alpha sor-
held a formal initiation for



The uio'irsPlay
will be the main event of
interest o the campus this
coming week-end ...
The roles of the leads as well as their general na-
tures indicate that they are ladies of discrimi-
"Whether it's 7Tniing In On Love' or just campuis
playdays, I have my garmeiints RE-TEXTURED becau se
it niakes thene stain-resisting and water-repellant.
Goldman's have always kept my clothes in the neatest



The Gillie Tie is a popular fa-
vorite on the campus - and
it's such a smart companion to
your new spring suit and school
ensemble. Either in brown or
K:cCk, it's priced at



"I have ali eye to economy as t'ell as to neatness.
That's why Goldman Brothers do my cleaning. Their
cleaning and Pressing service cits my bill in half, be-
cause the cquality work. of RE-TEXTURING keeps the
colorful brillialice iin 'v a harel " Arnx TSON T r ANT



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