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March 17, 1935 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-17

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SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 1935


Publication in the Bulletin Is constructive notice to all members of the j
U0 versity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

a smoker at 5 p.m. at the Union.
Druids regular Sunday nights
per meeting tonight.


Coming Events


Fedfr4 Government
To Control Ohio Relief
WASHINGTON, March 16. -UP)-
President Roosevelt today directed
Harry L. Hopkins, the relief admin-
istrator, to take over administration of
relief in Ohio.
Hopkins imade public a letter from
the President to him containing the
At the same time Hopkins wrote
Gov. Martin Davey charging "incon-
trovertible" evidence of political cor-
ruption in administration of relief.
The President wrote Hopkins:
"This administration will not per-
mit the relief population of Ohio to
become the innocent victims of either
corruption or political chicanery."
$Sttler Atorney Plans
To Test Purported Will
RALEIGH, N. C., March 16. - -
J. M. Broughton an attorney for the
Statler ipterests, said today he would
lodge a test against the purported
will of Mrs. Elva Statler Davidson,
filed at Carthage.
Broughton said the action would
be filed within a few days. He did not
disclose the grounds upon which the
will leaving virtually all of the twenty-
two-year-old heiress' personal estate
to her husband would be fought.
Thee adopted daughter of the late
E. M. Statler, hotel magnate, married
H. Bradley Davidson, Jr., of Wash-
ington, two months before her death
at Pinehurst, Feb. 27.
Woolworth Heiress To
Divorce Prince jdivani
LONDON, March 16 -(AP)-Princess
Mdivani, formerly Barbara Hutton,
Woolworth heiress, has instructed her
attorney in New York, Millard Tomp-
kins, to take preliminary steps to ap-
ply for a divorce in Reno from Prince
Alexis Mdivani.
Princess Mdivani herself revealed
her decision, in an exclusive inter-
view in her suite at the Dorchester
Hotel today.
"Alec and I," she said, "have defi-
nitely agreed to part . . . but only
legally . . . I mean by that as a result
of this decision, we today are great-
er friends than ever and intend al-
ways to remain so."
Europe Aflame
As Result Of
Hitler Decree
(Continued from Page 1)
many before it had a chance to as-
sume the proportions of a general
agreement, the Communist Party or-
gan Prayda charged today.
The declarations of Air Minister
Hermann Wilhelm Georing making
the Nazi air force official is a blow
to the very foundation of the plan,
the paper declared.
"This is a big step toward open
legalization of German armaments
without waiting for formal consent
of the Powers," said the paper. "The
London plan was based on the condi-
tion that legalization should be pre-
ceded by conclusion of the Eastern,
Central European and air pacts, the
return of Germany to the League, and
a German agreement for conclusion
of a general disarmament conven-
LONDON, March 16 -(A)- Ger-
many has not only wrecked the Ver-
sailles Treaty but has openly an-

nounced her intention of establishing
German military superiority in Eu-
rope by Hitler's decision to intro-
duce general conscription, an official
British spokesman said today.
Despite the reticence of Berlin of-
ficials to make public the numerical
size of the army they are- planning,
it was stated authoritatively here that
Hitler bluntly informed Sir Eric
Phipps, British ambassador to Berlin,
that it will be 500,000 strong.

SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 1935
VOL. XLV No. 122
Student Loans: The Loan Commit-
tee will meet Tuesday, March 19, at
1:30 p.m., Room 2, University Hall.
Students who have already filed ap-
plications with the Office of the Dean
of Students should call there for an
appointment with the Committee.
J. A. Bursley, Chairman
Geman Scholarships: There are a
limited nurpber of scholarships avail-
able for summer school study at the
University of Munich. Anyone inter-
ested should make application at the
office of the German Department,
Room 204 U.H.
University Broadcasting - Sunday:
1:30-2:00 p.m.-Parent Program
(A) "Local Health Administration,"
Nathan Sinai, Professor of Hygiene
and Public Health, University of
(B) "Your School," Arthur B.
Moehlman, Professor of School Ad-
ministration and Supervision, Uni-
versity of Michigan.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information has
received notice of the following
United States Civil Service Examina-
Junior Physicist, $2,000.
Asst. to Senior Chemist, $2,600 to
Asst. Credit Union Investigator,
Farm Credit Adm., $2,600.
Announcements are on file at the
cffice, 201 Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information:
All students registered with the
Bureau, who have not filled in loca-
tion blanks for the second semester,
will please call at the office this week
to do so. Office hours 9 to 12, and 2
to 4.
Pectry Reading Contest: Prelim-
inaries for the annual poetry reading
contest conducted by the Interpre-
tative Arts Society will be held about
April 24, and the final contest about
May 8. This contest is open to any
rtudent eligible to take part in pub-
lish activities. Each contestant will
have 12 minutes in which to talk
about, and to read from memory,
poetry chosen by the contestant. This
poetry may consist of a number of
shorter selections or of parts from a
longer poem. Those who wish to en-
ter this contest should see Professor
Hollister or Professor Eich at their
earliest convenience.
Seniors in the College of Engineer-
ing: Call at once at Room 412, West
Engineering Building for your Draw-
ing 1, 2, and 3 plates.
University Lecture:
Profesor Campbell Bonner, of the
Department of Greek, will lecture on
the subject, "Classical Scholarship -
A Roving Commission," Monday,
March 25, at 4:15 p.m., in Natural
Science Auditorium.
This is the seventh of a series of
University lectures by members of
the University faculties, which facul-
ty members, students, and the general
public are cordially invited to attend.
French Lecture: Prof. W. F. Pat-
terson will give the fifth lecture on
the Cercle Francais program: "Saint-
Amant, poete grotesque." Wednes-
day, March 20, at 4:15, Room 103,
Romance Language Building. Tick-
ets may be procured at the door.
Choral Union Concert:
The Cleveland Orchestra, Artur
Rodzinski, conductor, will give the
following program in the Tenth

Choral Union Concert, Thursday eve-
ning, March 28, in Hill Auditorium at
Organ Chorale No. 1,
E major ........... .Cesar Franck
(Arranged for the orchestra by
Arthur Loesser)
Symphony Op. 10 . . . . Shostakovich
Allegretto-allegro non troppo
Allegro molto
Overture -Fantasia, Romeo
and Juliet .......... Tschaikowsky
Suite from the ballet,
Petrouchka ...........Stravinsky
Legerdemain - the charlatan with
his flute brings to life his puppets
Russian dance

The carnival resumed
Nurses' dance
Dance of the coachmen
The masqueraders

Methcdist Episepal Church:
9:45 a.m.- A class for young men
and women of college age meets in the
balcony of the church auditorium.
Dr. Roy Burroughs leads discussions,
on modern ideals of the church.
10:45 a.m.-Morning worship serv-
ice. "What Should I Do?" is the ser-
mon subject chosen by Dr. Charles
W. Brashares for the second in his
series of Lenten sermons.
Stalker Hall for Young Men and
Women of College Age:
12:10-12:40 p.m.-Young people
meet at this hour for an exchange of
modern Christian and social views.
6:00 p.m.- Wesleyan Guild Devo-
tional Service. President Edmund D.
Soper of Ohio Wesleyan University
will be the guest speaker. He will
have a message of interest to every-
one. Fellowship supper hour after
the meeting.
Harris Hall: There will be a cele-
bration df the Holy Communion in
the Willians Memorial Chapel in
Harris Hall at 9:30 a.m.
At 7 o'clock this evening there will
be the regular student meeting. Pro-
fessor Raymond Hoekstra will lead
the discussion. The topic is, "Value
and Religion." All students are cor-
dially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship today are: 8 a.m.
Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m. Church
School, 11 :00 a.m. Kindergarten,
11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Ser-
mon by the Rev. Henry Lewis. Today
will be the second Choir Sunday
when the men and boys will sing
additional special anthems. This jaf-
ternoon at 5 o'clock the Young leo-
ple's Fellowship will meet in Harris
Presbyterian Student Appoint-
9:30 a.m. - Student classes held at
the Church House.
10:45 a.m. -Morning worship.
"The Happiness of Misery." Dr. Wm.
P. Lemon.
5:30 p.n. -Social Hour and Sup-
per. }
6:30 p.m.--Student Forum. "What
Kind of a Utopian Are You?" Dis-
Congregational Church:
10:30 a.m. - Service of worship
and religious education. Rev. Heaps
will speak on "The Charge of the
Three Hundred," continuing the ser-
ies on "The Old Testament and the
New Times."
Prof. Preston Slosson will give the
lecture at 11:30 on "Calvin and the
6:00 p.m. - Student Fellowship
7:30 p.m.-Address by Mary Belle
Oldridge, secretary of North Central
Region Student Volunteer Movement,
on "Toyhiko Kagawa, Social Reform-
First Baptist Church and Roger
Williams Guild, 10:45 a.m., Mr. Syles
will speak on "The Last Discourse of
Jesus." 12:09 noon, Student group
meets for study at the Guild House.
6:00 p.m., Student Forum in form of
a debate participated in by four stu-
Lutheran Student Club meets this
evening. Supper will be served
promptly at 6 o'clock in the parish
hall of the Zion Lutheran church.
Unitarian Church: Service at 5:15
this afternoon. "Religion According
To the Masses" - a review of the
play banned in Boston, "Within the
Liberal Students' Union meeting at
7:30 p.m. Eugene Kuhne will talk
on, "Adventures With the CCC."
Engineering Open House Commit-
tee Heads: There will be a meeting
at 4:30 p.m., at the Union.

Scalp and Blade Society will hold


Vocational Series: Students of the
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts: A meeting will be held on Tues-
day, March 19, at 4:15 p.m., in Rooma
1025 Angell Hall for students in thet
College of Literature, Science, ands
the Arts and others interested in fu-t
ture work in Business Administration.;
The meeting will be addressed by;
Dean C. E. Griffin of the School of
Business Administration.
The next meeting of the vocation-
al series, designed to give informa-
tion concerning the nature of and
preparation for the various profes-
sions, will be addressed by Dean A. C.
Furstenberg of the School of Medi-
cine, on March 21.,
Rcscarch Club will meet in Room
2528 East Medical Building on Wed-
nesday, March 20, 8 p.m. The fol-
lowing papers will be presented: I
"The Structure of the Atomic Nu-I
cleus," by Professor S. A. Goudsmit
"European Ideas in Nineteenth
Century America," by Professor H. M.
The Council will meet at 7:30 p.m.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon meeting,,
Tuesday, March 19, at 8 p.m. in Room;
3065 N.S. Professor Lovering will ad-
dress the group on field methods in;
economic geology.
Adclphi House of Representatives
will meet in its room on the fourth
floor of Angell Hall on Tuesday,
March 19, 7:30 p.m. Tryout speech-!
es for membership in the society will
be heard, and members will discuss
their political philosophies. All men
students interested- in speech work
are cordially invited to attend.
Slide Rule Dance Committee meets
Tuesday at 5 p.m., Room 312, West
Michigan Technic Tryouts: Fresh-
man and sophomores engineers in-
terested in working on the staff of
the magazine are asked to meet Wed-
nesday at 5 p.m., Room 3205, East
Michigan Technic Staff: Important
meeting Monday at 5 p.m., Room
3036, East Engineering. The staff
banquet scheduled for Wednesday,
March 20, has been postponed until
Wednesday, April 3.
Assembly: Important meeting at
the League Tuesday. March 19, at
University of Michigan Radio Club
meeting Monday, 7:30 p.m., Room
1041 of the East Physics Building.
Dr. E. J. Abbott of the Engineering
Research Department will talk on re-
cent applications of radio technique
and methods to industrial noise prob-
lems. Dr. Abbott will illustrate the
talk with a number of experiments.
Roger Williams Guild Banquet,
Friday evening, March 22, in Baptist
Chur.ch parlors, 6:15. President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven will speak on "Mu-
tual Relationships Between Students
and the University."
Monday Evening Drama Section:
Will entertain the hubands of the
members of the group Monday, March
18, at 8 p.m. in the small ballroom
of the Michigan Union. The hostess
list includes Mrs. L. A. Baier, Mrs.
J. C. Palmer, Mrs. Shorey Peterson,
Mrs. G. Y. Rainich, Mrs. F. E. Ross,
Mrs. W. E. Bachman, Mrs. J. H. Sams,
and Mrs. A. L. Clark, Jr.
Michigan Dames: The Child Study
group will meet at the Michigan
League Monday, March 18, at 8 p.m.
Mrs. F. W. Peterson will speak on
"Story Telling for Little Children.''
All those interested, whether mem-
bers of the group or not, are cordially

Tuesday Afternoon Play Reading
Section, Faculty Women's Club will
meet Tuesday afternoon at 2:15,
: 1

Campan To Be
Started By Local
Garden Clubs
The "Stop Useless Fires" campaign,
a state-wide effort to put a stop to
the useless marsh, woods, and road-
side fires resulting from carelessness,
was launched Friday by the State
Department of Conservation and the
Federated Garden Clubs of Michigan.
According to Mrs. James Cristy,
president of the Ann Arbor Garden
Club, plans are being made for the
starting of the campaign in Ann Ar-
bor within the next few days.
The state-wide plan is that school
children will circulate pledge cards,
which will be signed by adults and
which emphasize the responsibility of
everyone to put a stop to the useless
fires. A button signifying the partici-
pation in this campaign will be given
to every school child who turns in
five signed pledge cards, according
to Mrs. Cristy.
Adults will be requested to sign a
pledge card containing three prom-
ises, which are: 1. I will see that no
act of mine causes a useless outdoor
fire. 2. I will personally take re-
sponsibility for extinguishing all
cooking and other camp fires and of
urging care in the use of tobacco and
matches on any outing which I may
attend. 3. I will give every possible
cooperation to municipal, county,
state, and Federal officers in report-
ing and controlling useless outdoor
President Alexander G. Ruthven re-
cently endorsed the campaign in a
letter to Mrs. H. B. Earhart, presi-
dent of the Federated Garden Clubs
of Michigan.
"No citizen of Michigan," President
Ruthven wrote, "who realizes the
damage which has been done to the
natural beauties of the State in the
past by carelessly kindled fires can
do otherwise but look with approval
upon the "Stop Useless Fires" cam-
paign which the Federated Garden
Clubs in Michigan are initiating."
Former Kidnaper
Will Speak Today
"Pat" Crowe, former kidnaper and
burglar, will lecture at 3 p.m. today
at the Ann Arbor Y.M.C.A. His sub-
ject will be "Crime Prevention."
Crowe is now completing his thir-
tieth year in his campaign to reduce
crime in America. During his career,
he has lectured in almost every state
in the country.
He is also scheduled to speak at 8
p.m. Thursday in the Salvation Army
Building. Both lectures are open to
the general public.
Alumnae Room of the Michigan
Appointments of the Disciples
(Church of Christ) Guild:
10:45 a.m. - Morning worship serv-
12:00 noon - Upper Room Bible
Class taught by Rev. Pickerill.
5:30 p.m. -Social and tea.
6:30 p.m.-Dr. Louis A. Hopkins
will speak to the group on "Our Ex-
panded Universe."
7:30 p.m.- Evening worship serv-
All members and friends of the
Guild are cordially invited to keep
these appointments.

"ANIAK CHAK" Novelty Travel
Silly Symphony
Sunday until 2 p.m. - 15c
After 2 - 25c

Classified Directory


Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance lic per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
"0c per reading line for three or
more insertions.'
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephone rate -1 i5c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date ofelast insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one
4 lines E.O.D., 2months..........3c
2 lines daily, college year ........7c
4 lines E.O.D., college year........7c
100 lines used as desired..........9c
300 lines used as desired..........8c
1,000 lines used as desired........7c
2,000 lines used as desired.......6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7%1 point
ROO S FOR RENT: $1.75 and $2.00.
Suie $3.00. Garage. 518 Packard.
University Broadcasts
Sunday, 1:30-2:00 p.m.-Par-
ent Program. "Local Health Ad-
ministration," by Prof. Nathan
Sinai of the hygiene and public
health department and "Your
School" by Prof. Arthur B. Moehl-
man of the school administration
and supervision department.
Tuesday, 2:00-2:30 p.m.-Mich-
igan, My Michigan Series. "Sweet
from Michigan Beets," by Prof.
Walter L. Badger of the chemical
engineering department.
Wednesday, 2:00-2:30 p.m.--Vo-
caticnal Guidance Series. "College
for Students With No Definite Vo-
cation in Mina," by Prof. George
E. Myers of the vocational educa-
tion and guidance department.
Thursday, 2:00-2:30 p.m.-Span-
ish Language Series. "Rosina es
Fragil," a one-act play in Spanish
under the direction of Prof. Her-
bert A. Kenyon of the romance
language department.
10:00-10:30 P.m.-The Univer-
sity Band in a program of Mich-
igan marches and concert selec-
I tions, conducted b y Bernard
Hirsch, acting director.
Friday, 2:00-2:30 p.m-Men-
tal Hygiene of Adolescence Series.
"The Adolescent: His Future and
entation To His World, by Prof.
Howard Y. McClusky of the edu-
cational psychology department.

PERSONAL laundry service. We take
individual interest in the laundry
problems of our customers. Girls'
silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar-
anteed. Men's shirts our specialty.
Call for and deliver. Phone 5591,
611 E. Hoover. 2x
STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x
LOST: On State Street, gold snake
bracelet Finder please call Sue
Potter, 2-2419. 150 .
FOUND: A watch at Field House.
Owner call L. D. Bartely at 2-1417.
1115 S. University. Special Monday
and Tuesday, shampoo and finger
wave, 35c. Rest of week, 50c. Per-
manents $3-$6, end permanents,
$2. Phone 7561. 12x
GOLFERS: Clubs rewound, refinished
and reconditioned by experienced
expert. 25c per club, $1.00 for set of
seven or under. Phone 2-1717. 148
WILL EXCHANGE one set of matched
golf clubs, one pair of size nine
ice skates and electric clock for a
canoe. Peterborough preferred. Box
13, Michigan Daily. 149
selection in the country. Associated
Motor Services, Inc. 317 W. Huron.
Ph. 2-3268. "Let's get acquainted
STUDENTS with selling ability. Good
wages, steady employment. Apply
200 N. Main.
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main . 7x
WASHINGTON, March 15. -()-
Testimony that William B. Shearer
threatened to kill a shipyard official
in a dispute over pay was denied by
the big navy advocate today with the
assertion "I would not threaten to
kill anybody who owed me money."
Earlier, the Senate munitions com-
mittee heard W. C. Hushing, spokes-
man for the American Federation of
Labor, express the opinion that con-
scription of industrial labor in time
of war would mean "slavery" and
would "set labor back 100 years."

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