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March 17, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-17

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The Weather

Snow, much colder in south
portion Sunday; Monday gen-
erally fair.

LY ]v

Sir igau

4:3at 't


The First 98 Years ...
Spare Time Opportunities . .





Fifth Consecutive
Swimming Crown

Score 59 Points
Illinois And
Big Ten Meet

To Lead
Iowa In

Defies Treaty

Robertson Takes
Two First Places

K asley,

Drysdale, Medley
Team Victorious;
Records Fall

URBANA, Ill., March 16 - (') -
Michigan won its fifth consecutive
Western Conference s w i m m i n g
championship tonight with a total of
59 points in a meet that saw every
standing Big Ten record, with one ex-
ception, shattered.
Illinois finished in second place
with 25 points, and Iowa trailed close-
ly behind with 24. Other teams
scored: Ohio State 20, Northwestern
14, Chicago 9, Wisconsin 7, Indiana
4, Minnesota 3.
The title-winning Wolverines placed
four -individual champions and one
relay winner. Chuck Flachmann
won two first places for Illinois in
eclipsing the Big Ten record in the
50 and 100-yard dashes, and Bill
Busby of Iowa annexed first place
in the fancy diving to account for
the other first places.
Michigan's 300-yard relay team
clipped 7 seconds off the old record
and bettered the National Collegiate
mark in winning the event in 3:03.5.
Taylor Drysdale set a new mark at
1:39.3 in the 150-yard back-stroke.
Jack Kasley, ace Wolverine breast-
stroker, set up a new record in the
200-yard event, with a 2:30.3 race. Tex
Robertson smashed the old 440-yard
free-style record by 8 seconds with a
4:58.6 effort.
The other mark was bettered by
th ' 40',free-style relay squad
whenI negotiated the distance in
400-yard relay: Won by Illinois
(Hansen, Hickey, Overman, Flach-
mann); second, Michigan; third, Ohio
State;- fourth, Chicago; fifth, Iowa,
Time, 3:40.1. (New Conference record.
Old record by Michigan 3:43.6.).
200-yard breast-stroke: Won by
Kasley (Mich.); second, Wehmeyer
(Ia.); third, Horn (N.); fourth, Col-
ville (O.); fifth, Vandervelde (Mich.).
Time, 2:30.3. (New Conference record,
Old record by Schmieler, Michigan,
150-yard backstroke: Won by Drys-
dale (Mich.); second, Cody (Mich.);
third, Westerfield (Ia.); fourth, Jew-
ell (N.); fifth, Webb (Minn.). Time,
1:41.9 (New Conference record by
Drysdale in preliminaries, 1:39.3. Old
record by Drysdale, Michigan, 1:41.6).
50-yard dash: Won by Flachmann
(Ill.); second, Kirar (Wis.); third,
Taraskell (Wis.); fourth, Hansen
(Ill.); fifth, Rollinger (N.). Time,
:24.2. (New Conference record set by
Flachmann in preliminaries, :23.4.
Old record by Flachmann, :24.).
440-yard swim: Won by Robertson
(Mich.); second, Barnard (Mich.);
third, Woodford ().; fourth, Wilson
(C.); fifth, Strack (Ind.). Time,
4:58.6. (New Conference record. Old
record by Kennedy, Michigan, 5:06.4.).
100-yard dash: Won by Flachmann
(Ill.); second, Bryant (0.); third,
Schneidermann, (Ind.); fourth, Dal-
rymple (Mich.); fifth, Hansen (Ill.).
Time :52.9. (New Conference record.
Old record by Wilcox, Northwestern,
Fancy Diving: Won by Bill Busby
(Ia.); second, Fehsenfeld (Mich.);
third, Diefendorf (Mich.); fourth,
Jansen (Ill.); fifth, Grady (Mich.).
220-yad free-style: Won by Rob-
ertson (Mich.); second, Jacobsmeyer
(Ia.); third, Wilson (C.); fourth, Bry-
ant (0.); fifth, Barnard (Mich.).
Time, 2:18.2.
300-yard medley relay. Won by
Michigan (Drysdale, Kasley, Dal-
rymple); second, Northwestern; third,
Iowa; fourth, Ohio State; fifth, Min-
nesota. Time, 3:03.5. (New Conference
record. Old record, 310.4, by Mich-
Lecture Series For
Freshmen To Begin
Designed to aid freshmen in ad-
justing themselves to University life,
a series of lectures and discussions
for freshmen men relative to their
individual exeriences and problems

-Associated Press Photo.
National Crime
D rive Pushed
By Authorities
Treasury Agents Arrest
Nearly 2,000 Criminals
During Two-Day Period
WASHINGTON, March 16 -[P)-
Nearly 12,000 treasury agents renewed
their drive today on the nation's crim-
inals. Indications were that by to-
night, the second day of intensive
roundup activities, the total arrests
might reach 3,000.
Harrassed by raids and activities
from the land, sea and air, demoral-
ized underworld elements sought new
refuge havens from the relentless pur-
suit of Federal agents.
2,000 Arrested1
Nearly 2,000 arrests have been
made. During the night scores were'
arrested as the agents searched doz-
ens of ships for smuggled goods and
narcotics, raided counterfeit money
plants, battered into opium dens and
harried bootleggers and tax evaders.
Local police in many cities were
cooperating with the Federal officers
in the campaign.
The drive, it was indicated, will be
pushed vigorously today and tomor-
Treasury officials reported that the
narcotics and custom bureaus, coast
guard, secret service, the alcohol tax
unit, and the intelligence division of
the internal revenue bureau were
"cooperating perfectly in their first
coordinated drive."
"Big-Shots" Taken{
Narcotic Commissioner Harry J.
Anslinger reported that his investi-
gators are striking "a terrfic blow"
against the dope traffic, arresting
scores of the so-called "big-hots"
in the racket.
Coast guard cutters and planes
were patroling the eastern and gulf
of Mexico coasts, pursuing six Brit-
ish ships, alleged rum runners, in an
attempt to prevent them from land-
ing their cargoes.
A rum runner however, was re-
ported to have evaded the blockade
and landed 6,000 gallons of illicit al-
cohol in Louisiana.
Agents thus far have seized millions
of dollars in narcotics, lottery, tick-
ets, jewelry, automobiles, boats and
State To Drop Remaining
Charges Against Insulls
CHICAGO, March 16 -(P) - The
only remaining State charges against
Samuel Insull, Sr., and his brother,
Martin J. Insull, will be dropped, it
was announced today. State's At-
torney Thomas J. Courtney instruct-
ed his assistants to nolle prosse in-
dictments containing aother charge
of embezzlement against the two.
Courtney stated:
"In view of the acquittal of the In-
sulls (Samuel and Martin) on the
strongest indictments against them,
and because of the fact that the evi-
dence in the pending case has been

To Relief Bill
Is Approved
McCarran Measure Fails;
Is Downed By Roosevelt
Emergency Relief
Extended By Act
Giant Act Has Delayed
Entire Relief Program
Of Administration
WASHINGTON, March 16. -
- (IP)-The Senate today ap-
proved an amendment to the $4,-
880,000,000 relief bill extending
the Emergency Relief administra-
tion until June 30, 1936, but a-
tion on a proposal to extend the
Public Works administration until
June 30, 1937, was deferred until
WASHINGTON, March 16. - (P) -
Elated over the defeat of the McCar-
ran prevailing wage amendment, the
Roosevelt forces in the Senate sought
today to turn back a bi-partisan at-
tempt to chop the $4,880,000,000 work
and relief bill down to a fraction of its
present size.
To maintain the momentum of last
night's drive, in which they beat the
McCarran amendment 50 to 38, and
passed an administration compromise,
83 to 2, the leaders summoned the
Senate to its first Saturday meeting
since this Congress began.
They were intent on sweeping the,
giant bill, center of a debate which has
delayed the whole Roosevelt program,,
to the White House in a form accept-
able to the President.
They were confident they could do
this, though a final vote is not ex-
pected until the middle of next week.
Republican regulars and a sizeable
bloc of Demociats were ready to at-
tempt to cut the bill. For instance,
Senator Byrd, (Dem., Va.) and Adams,
(Dem., Colo.) want to slash it to $1,-
880,000,000 and $2,880,000,000 respec-
The Democratic leaders were de-1
scribed as confident these efforts
would not get very far - despite the
fact that Senator Glass (Dem., Va.),
who is in charge of steering the buf-
feted measure as chairman of the ap-
propriations committee, is known to be
in sympathy with the idea of a smaller
The successful compromise - to
which most of the McCarranites ral-
lied after the defeat of their amend-
ment-was proposed by Senator Rich-
ard B. Russell, Jr., of Georgia, who at
37 is the youngest member of the
Senate. It leaves the President free to
pay "security wages," estimated by of-l
ficials at $50 a month, provided they
do not "affect adversely" the wage
scale in private industry. On all per-1
manent Federal building projects,]
however, he must pay the prevailing
Dean Clare E. Griffith To
Talk In Vocational Series
The next lecture on the vocational
guidance series, arranged by Dean
Edward H. Kraus of the literary col-
lege, will be given at 4:15 p.m., Tues-
day, in Room 1025 Angell Hall, by
Dean Clare E. Griffin of the School
of Business Administration, who will
speak on the opportunties and re-
quirements for work in the field of;
On Thursday Dean Albert C. Furst-
enberg of the Medical School will;
speak on the requirements for admis-

sion to the school and the various,
fields of work open.

Police Seek
New Clues In
Neighbor Reports Seeing
Streicher Alive Late On
Murder Day
Relations Quizzed
By Local Officials
Books Of Tool And Die
Company Are To Be
Edward Streicher, uncle of Richard
Streicher, whose body was found in
Ypsilanti beneath a foot bridge nine
days ago, was called to state police
headquarters yesterday to aid police
and county officials in the hunt for:
possible clues to the identity of the
child's slayer.
The parents of Richard Streicher
were also brought to the station for
their fourth questioning at the hands
of investigating officials. With them,
were brought in the books and ac-
counts of the Streicher Tool and Die
Co. of Ypsilanti, a firm in which both
the boy's parents and uncle are in-
terested. Officers hoped to uncover
some possible motive to fill in the now
vacant background of the slaying.
Late last night no progress was re-
A change in the hour at which
Richard was last seen alive was pro-
vided yesterday by Mrs. Walter Win-
eager of Ypsilanti. Mrs. Wineager
reported that between 4:30 and 5 p.m.
the day of the murder she saw Rich-
ard and an unidentfied small boy
playing on a sled in front of her+
house. Mrs. Wineager lives in the
first house east of the Streichers'. As
the coroner's finding placed the time
of Richard's death between 4:30 and
5:30 p.m., Mrs. Wineager was believed
by officials to have been the last per- I
son with the exception of the murder-
er to see the boy alive. It was be-
lieved to have been but a matter of a
few minutes afterwards thaW theimut-
derer appeared.
Police are deluged by a multitude
of reports but have no reliable clues.
A trip to Elkhart, Ind., by members of
the group of officials working on the
crime in response to a mysterious tip
from that city proved fruitless. Other
officers have been investigating the
report that a ransom note was re-
ceived on the afternoon of the murder
by the maternal grandparents of theI
slain boy at Scott Lake, Mich. The+
grandparents were called to head-
quarters for questioning yesterday, but
nothing new was elicited. Neither ap-
parently had any recollection of such+
a note.
A report yesterday morning by the
fingerprint expert of the Ypsilanti
police, Patrolman William Franklin,
revealed that of 13 fingerprints found
on the boy's sled eight were those of
the father and mother, both of whom
had handled the sled before the child
disappeared. Police believe that the
slayer may have touched the sled and
that his prints are among the five
which have not as yet been identified.
Senate Votes To Extend
Emergency Relief Work'
WASHINGTON, March 16. -(P) -
The Senate today approved an
amendment to the $4,880,000 relief bill
extending the emergency relief ad-
ministration until June 30, 1936, but
action on a proposal to extend the
public works administration until

June 30, 1937, was deferred until Mon-


University Professors Comment
On Action Of German Reich

Prof. Heneman States
Action To Be Expected
Harlow J. Heneman of the political
sciencedepartment, in commenting;
last night on the action of Germany,
said that such action by the Reich
could well be expected since that
country hasfbeen rearming more or'
less openly for some time past.
Mr. Heneman also expressed his
opinion that Germany has had a
strong case in denouncing the Ver-;
sailles Treaty as far as armaments go
ever since the War. Her case might
reasonably have been weakened in the
eyes of the other World powers since
Hitler seized the government, he said,j
but other countries have not disarmed
in accordance with the spirit of the;
treaty and therefore Germany could
be expected to take some action on
her own part.
One reason why the action came at
this time, Mr. Heneman said, might be
that both England1 and France have
recently made commitments which
might reasonably put Germany in aj
mood to retaliate. In the case of Eng-
land, he explained, it was the White1
Paper, the official document issued by
the British cabinet, which gave notice1
of Britain's stand on the armament
question. France recently extended the
period of compulsory military trainingi
from one to two years.1
Europe Aflame
As Result Of
Hitler Decree
Germany Now Admits It
Has 'Official' Air Force;-
Washington Stirred
(By Associated Press)
Intense excitement gripped Euro-
pean capitals Saturday as the Ger-
man government, suddenly sloughing
off the military provisions of the Ver-
sailles Treaty, decreed compulsory
military service in the Reich.
The action following soon after
General Hermann Wilhelm Goering's
announcement that Germany has an
"official" military air force, was taken
in many quarters, to be the Reich's di-
rect answer to the French adoption of1
two-year compulsory service and the
recent British White Paper criticizing
German rearmament.
Telephone wires between London,t
Paris and Rome, prime movers in at-
tempt to weld European nations into
an inclusive security agreement that
might lessen the dangers of war, were
kept hot as statesmen of the three
nations consulted as to the signifi-
cance of the German move.
WASHINGTON, March 16. - (') -
The German rearmament declaration
that stirred Europe today re-echoed
in the White House here with Presi-
dent Roosevelt summoning state de-
partment officials to his desk shortly
after word of the action reached the
There was immediate speculation on
the conference's import in view of the
fact Germany's action in quadrupling
its peacetime army violates not only
the Versailles treaty, but also Ger-
many's separate peace treaty with the
United States.-
OnCapital Hill, Senator Borah, of
Idaho, ranking Republican on the
Foreign Relations committee, saw
nothing in the German move for the
United States to "get excited about."
"Those whom we must sympathize
with are the taxpayers of Germany,"
Borah added.
PARIS, March 16. -() - Official
circles today said that Germany's
open defiance of the military clauses
of the Versailles Treaty threatens to
toss the whole suggested scheme for
European peace into the discard.
The announcement at Berlin was
regarded by French officials as direct

answer to the French government's
action in extending the compulsory
military service to two years, approved
by the Chamber of Deputies early
In parliamentary circles, it was sug-


Slosson Says Peace
Hopes Are Shattered
Peace hopes will be shattered by
an almost inevitable European arma-
ment race of the utmost seriousness,
as a result of Adolf Hitler's decree of
compulsory military training and de-
mand of release from further obliga-
tions under the Versailles treaty,
thinks Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department.
"Whether other nations will adopt a
fighting attitude can not be said.
Certainly there is some degree of
justification in Germany's charge
that disarmament in Germany was to
have been followed by general dis-
armament, and no such action has
taken place," Professor Slosson said.-
"With the exception of the territor-
ial settlements practically no portion
of the Treaty of Versailles remains
as it was originally written. The
Treaty has been violated in many
ways; the reparations agreements,;
though less serious, have not been
paid according to agreement. ,
"Russia was the first modern coun-
try to devise a system of compulsory
military training," said Professor
Slosson in tracing the history of the
military policy, "and the success of
the Prussian system during the Napo-
leonic war caused it to be imitated
everywhere throughout Europe ex-
cept in Great Britain.
The Peace Conference at the end
of the war limited Germany to a
standing army of 100,000 men of
long-term voluntary service, with no
compulsory service, pointed out Pro-
fessor Slosson. "Now, Germany hasE
not only repudiated Versailles with
respect to the size limitation (al-
though this was suspected more thanj
a month ago) but now takes the new
step of reintroducing the principle
of compulsory service."
Huey Long Denounces
Gen. Johnson Again
ATLANTA, March 16.- P)- Sen-
ator Huey P. Long today rapped Gen.
Hugh Johnson as a "dead mackerel"
and said he planned to campaign in1
several states during the 1936 elec-
Definitely announcing his plans to
seek reelection to the Senate next
year, the Louisiana "Kingfish" turned
on Senator Joseph P. Robinson, Dei-
ocratic Senate leader from Arkansas.
"I like Joe Robinson so well I want
to go back to the Senate so it will
give him an excuse to get out," Long
Results Of Case
Club Contests
Are Announced
Winners in Case Club competitions
in both freshman and junior divis-
ions which were held during the past
week were announced yesterday by
Milton Selander, '35L. The winners
in the freshman arguments proved
themselves superior to more than 200
of their classmates in competitions
held throughout the year.
Honors for the freshmen in the
final arguments went to Clinton
Sandusky, Charles Lemert, Jacob
Weissman, Rowe Bolmer, Phillip
Barnthouse Olin Scott, Walter Bien-
eman and Elbert Gilliom.
Out of the 80 men originally en-
tered in the junior Case Club con-
tests, Donald Quaife and Patrick
Quealey have earned the right to
meet Frank Barnaka and Earl Kight-
linger in the final competition for
the Henry M. Campbell Award. The
presentation of the award will be
made on Founder's Day, after Spring

The faculty men who acted as
judges in the semi-finals of the jun-
ior arguments are Professors Leidy,
Sunderland, Waite, Blume, Durfee
A R Qim' '

Versailles Treaty Doesn't
Obligate Reich Further,
Chancellor Declares
Action Is A Reprisal
For French Decree
National Safety Of State
And Disillusionment Are
Cited ByReichsfuehrer
BERLIN, March 16-(P)-The
German government, declaring Ger-
many no longer obligated under the
Versailles treaty, today announced
approximate quadrupling of its regu-
lar army.
(Under the Versailles treaty, signed
at the conclusion of the World War,
Germany's armaments are sharply re-
stricted and her standing army limit-
ed to 100,000 men.)
Simultaneously Chancellor Adolf
Hitler, lashing out bitterly at earma-
ment over Europe, disclosed that the
Cabinet, in decreeing compulsory
military service throughout the-Reich,
acted in direct answer to the French
move increasing the term of army
conscript service to two years.
To Increase Army
The Cabinet's decree provided that
Germany's future peace-time army
shall consist of 12 army corps of three
divisions each, or 36 divisions in all.
It will number, according to semi-
official estimates from 325,000 to
The Fuehrer, reiterating Germany's
peaceful intentions, said her national
safety demanded an increased army.
He cited rearmament throughout Eu-
rope, assailed violation of the Ver-
sailles pact on the part of other poW-
ers and said "under these conditions
Germany had to take the necessary
measures to put an end to her de-
Issues Appeal
He had rushed back from. Berch-
tesgaden and issued the appeal in Ber-
lin, emphasizing that failure of other
nations to live up to the reductions of
armaments called for in the Versailles
pact releases Germany from treaty
He emphasized that Germany is
animated solely by peaceful inten-
tions, but that rearmament is essen-
tial to safeguard the Reich's terri-
torial integrity and to command in-
ternational respect as a co-guarantor
of European peace.
A spokesman for the Reichswehr
ministry later said that it was impos-
sible to give the figure of Germany's
future army at present.
While first official and semi-offi-
cial estimates of its probable size
ranged from 325,000 to 480,000, the
Reichswehr official said that "the fig-
ure is uncertain and will be fixed in
a coming law."


Attacks All Rearmament

Germany Quadruples Its


Dr. Pinkus Explains Hospital's
WorkIn Artificial Tissue Culture

Human body tissue, hundreds of
miles from its donor, yet growing day
and night for many years - flesh ex-
panding, hearts beating - and all on
the cold hard glass of the laboratory.
Such an Alladin-like tale was told
by Dr. Hermann K. Pinkus, research
fellow in surgery at the University
Hospital, in an explanation of the
Hospital's most recent undertaking of
body tissue culture in artificial media.
In 1910 an obscure professor at
Yale University made the accidental
discovery that animal tissue could be
made to grow in the laboratory, and
as a result of his find there lies to-
day in the University Hospital a wom-

Here, in a laboratory donated by
Mrs. Dorothy Parker of Ann Arbor,
Dr. Pinkus has been conducting fur-
ther experiments, particularly in the
field that has been baffling medical
experts for maiy years - that of
cancer and its cure.
By stimulating the growth of can-
cerous tissue in artificial media Dr.
Pinkus and his associates have been
able to study at close range the ele-
ments which make up this dangerous
disease. Several discoveries have al-
ready been made which will undoubt-
edly prove valuable in combatting
According to Dr. Pinkus, the cure
for that well known curse of human-
ity - the common cold -will be the

Finds Hopes Unfulfilled
In his appeal to the nation, Hitler
"When Germany laid down her
arms and submitted to humiliating
conditions in 1918, she hoped to serve
"Nowhere was the idea of the
League of Nations more welcomed as
a substitute for war than here.
"Only because Germany expected
that general international disarma-
ment would follow in the wake of
Germany's disarmament was she will-
ing to destroy her vast military equip-
"No real pacification followed, yet
Germany fulfilled all the Inter-Allied
University Reaches
Ninety-Eighth Year
Tomorrow marks the ninety-eighth
anniversary of the passing by the state
of "An Act to provide for the organ-
ization and government of the Univer-
sity of Michigan." This bill was passed
March 18, 1937.
Two days later, March 20, 1837, a
companion act was passed definitely
locating the University at Ann Arbor.
The law passed in 1837 is the Or-
ganic Act upon which depended the

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