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March 14, 1935 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-14

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Prof. McFarlan
Describes Job
Of Surveyor
Accuracy Is Prerequisite,
Engineer Says In Talk
Over Radio
The duties and prerequisites for a°
surveyor were outlined yesterday by
Prof. Harold J. McFarlan of the geo-
desy and surveying department in his
radio talk of the Vocational Guidance
Series broadcast direct from the cam-
pus studios of WJR in Morris Hall.
Accuracy, P r o f e s s o r McFarlan
pointed out, is one of the main prere-
quisites for the surveyor. "The sur-
veyor in his struggle for accuracy,"
he stated, "is engaged in a constant
fight against mistakes and errors. He
needs to be extremely careful in
choosing the standards on which he
bases his judgments. He must be log-
ical, in his application of these. He
has to study the nature and causes
of errors."
Pointing out that surveying activ-
ities are extremely varied, Professor
Mcarlan said that they have to do
only in part with mapping and loca-
tion of points and lines on the ground.
"They are basic and fundamental tc
the carrying out of any construction
project," he asserted. "Estimates are
needed to determine the worth of a
plan. After it is made it has to be
laid out on the ground. It is the sur-
veyor's task to direct the work to
make sure that the structure is built
according to his layout and when it is
completed many of the payments are
made in sums that he has computed.
He is both an investigator and a su-
pervising engineer."
The work of the surveyor, Professor!
McFarlan brought out, may be done in
the most dense part of the largest city
or in the least populated jungle or
desert area.
He advised those interested in tak-
ing surveying as a life work that they
should not become too discouraged be-
cause of the fact that there are many
competent surveyors unemployed. He
told them not to be misguided by
thinking that conditions remain fixed.
"It should be stated with emphasis,"
Professor McFarlan declared, "that a
large amount of surveying work is ab-
solutely necessary in order to main-
tain the present manner in which
people live."

Shrinking Man Makes Fight For His Life

Geography Department Offers

'University Man

Three Siiner Field Projects Is Selected To

ican Society of Civil Engineers;
Leighton W. Rogers, president of the
Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce;
Frederick W. Rogers of the Institute
of Pacific Relations, and John S.
Campbell, of Portland, Ore. ,

Go On Mission

An.nouncement of three summer
projects as part of the summer ses-
sion activities of the geography de-
partment was made yesterday by thc
A graduate field course in the up-
per peninsula, around the Green Bay
district 15 miles north of Menominee,
will be conducted by Prof. Kenneth

The regular summer camp of the;
departent,. hold jointly with the
geology cleartment. is located in the
mountains of southern Kcenucky.
Prof. Preston E. James will direct the
geographiral activities of the camp.:
Courses offered are designed pri-
marily for undergraduates and, after'
an initial period in which the funda-

C. McMurry, chairman of the geog- mentals of mapping are learned, the
raphy department. The first two major part of the six-week session is
weeks of this course will be spent in spent in field interprctation work,I
a study of systematic methods of land intemive studies being made of the
inventory. wide variety of landscape designs
Following this introductory period, prcsclted ill the region.
the next two weeks will be devoted to The last week of the course is used
checking over land survey maps, com- by the (ampers to I ake reconais-
paring the maps made several decades sance trip across the Appalachian and,
ago with present survey maps. The the Coastal Plain, finally ending at
course will conclude with special work Washington, D. C.
in aerial mosaic maps and a general A un,-e surnmer project is being
analysis of land surveys already made. offered this year by Prof. Robert B.
Hall of the department, who will take
now retired from an exciting life - a group of students to Japan. The
which has jailed her twenty-six times group will leave about the middle of
for her devotion to anarchism - is June and travel by way of the Pacific
able to view the tumult of conflicting coast and Hawaii. Upon arriving in
interests with a neutral eye, at least Japan they will proceed to the Yama-
without too much high expectation, to Plain, where they plan to spend a
The play does not undertake to six-week period of study, and famil-
show that the kingdom of heaven is iarize themselves with the spirit and
within -or without. It does seem to the customs of the Japanese people.
stress the fact that some kind of eco- The Yamato Plain offers one of
nomic security is essential before any the most ancient settlement areas in
meaning can be given to human as-iJhe mancentrese fnaasesn
pirations. It lacks a vivid focus of Japan. Many centuries of Japanese
itent, just as life itself lacks it. It civilization are recorded in the land-
lifts the curtain on a rather average scape patterns, and through an in-
American home to discover the path- tensive study of these patterns the
etic defeat that the circumstances of group will come to understand some-
life bring to pass. It solves no prob- thing of the broader cultural history
lem. Its theme is "Things as they are of the Japanese race. The physical
today." Life may grow better or it may data obtained through this study will
grow worse. In either case, Mr. Cohen be used in attempting to interpret the
will probably write a play to celebrate interrelations existing between the
the event. land and the peoples that have lived
-J. L. Brumm. on the land.

(Continued from Page 1)
the chair of economics at Williams
College, and finally his present post'
at the University of Michigan.
Professor Wynne is at present a re-
search associate at Yale University,
where he has been located since 1933.
Members of the mission, in addi-
tion to its chairman, Mr. Forbes,
and Professor Remer are: Eugene P.
Thomas, president of the National
Foreign Trade Council; James A.
Thomas of the American Asiatic As-'
sociation; Walter F. Dillingham of
Honolulu; T. Y. Wickersham of the;
Chicago Board of Trade; J. Harold
Dollar of the Dollar Steamship Lines.
Others are: G. Ellsworth Huggins
of the Textile Institute; John B. Cha-
valier, director of the National Coun-
cil of American Importers and Trad-
ers; Charles L. Carroll of the Amer-

(Continued from Page 3)


Dick Degener
Bennie Oosterbaan.
Dizzy Dean.
Harry Newman.
Chuck Bernard.
Ivy Williamson.
Harry Kipke.
Max Baer.
Omer Lajeunesse.
Mutt DeBaker.


-Associated Press Photo.
George Bocklet, 49-year-old commercial artist of Azusa, Calif.,
stricken by a strange affliction which is causing his body to shrink
mysteriously, as his head grows larger, is shown with his physician,
Dr. Frank G. Nolan, who says Bocklet is faced with possible death within
two years unless the nature of the disease is determined.

$1.10 Value
Coty's Face
54C Tooth-
Special, 39c
5-lb. Bags
A Perfumed Luxury
for the Bath
Face Pwdr $1.10 val.
Perfume... 75c val.
Crm Rouge 35c val.
$2.20 val.
All for 98c

and you'll want to shave
Twice a day!
Complete with
Two Blades
All for 25c
Blades Fit Any Gillette
Type Razor

Old Golds, Raleighs
Camels, Luckies,
2 packs 25c
'U per
Tooth Paste
34c per tube
3 tubes for $1.00
$1.10 Jar
Pcquin' s
Hand Cream
Special, 79c
50c Jergen's Lotion
or 50c Hind's
Honey and
Almond Crm
Your choice for
$1.25 Size
Haliver Oil
50 Capsule boxes


"Unfinished Picture," by Theodore
Cohen, is a notable piece of student
writing, and it holds out every promise
of being a notable theatrical produc-
tion. In the first place, it exhibits a,
vivid awareness, on the part of the
rising generation, of its own lack of
faith in life. Again, it records this
sense of helplessness, in winning to
whatever ideals it may foster, with-
out either glorifying or discrediting it
in comparison with the conventional
morality and outlook. Finally, the con-
ventional outlook, exemplified by the
parents, is given its full measure of
value, perhaps more than it deserves.
A wise old aunt, a child, two middle-
aged parents, two grown daughters
and a son engage the business of the
play. The three grown-up children are

trying to find their places in life,
under the anxious care of their par-
ents. One of the girls, beguiled by the
communistic philosophy, is eager to
make social justice to prevail in the
world. Her sister, yielding to artistic
urges, experiments with life rather
pathetically and brings great hurt to
her parents. The boy, favored by his
parents for a scientific career which
there is insufficient money to provide,
grows weary of the painful grind and
elects to give it up and settle down
to a prosaic family life. The parents
strive valiantly for the conventional
ideals of success and happiness, suffer
the bitter disappointments that are
the special portion of self-sacrific-
ing parents, and in the end find
themselves helpless amid the chaos of
the world of today. Only the old aunt,

Superior Dairy Company
Phone 23181

These Specials Available Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at
Campus Cut Rate Drug Co.
218 So. State St. (Goldman Bldg.) Phone 9392 (We Deliver)

(Contnued from Page 2)
class meeting at 4 p.m., Room 348 W.
Eng. Bldg.
Alpha Kappa Delta meeting in
Room 313 Haven Hall, at 5 o'clock
sharp. It will be short but important.
All members please plan to arrive
on time.
Cercle Francais meeting Thursday
evening in Room 408 R. L. Mr. Hoot-
kins will give a short speech. Re-
freshments will follow. Members are
requested to be in the room promptly
at 7:30.
Engineering Council meets at 7:30
p.m., in the Computing Room of the
West Engineering Building.
Freshmen interested in trying out
for the business staff of the Michigan-
ensian will please report at the Stu-
dent Publications Building at 4 p.m.
Hillel Foundation: Regular Thurs-
day afternoon open tea at the Foun-
dation at 4 o'clock, sponsored by the
Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity. Every-
one is cordially invited to attend.
8:00 p.m. - Dr. Raphael Isaacs will
conduct his lecture on "The Jew In
Science," at the Foundation. Every-
one is cordially invited to attend.
Billiard Exhibition: Allen Hall,
world famous three-cushion billiard'
star will appear in a free exhibition
at the Michigan Union tonight. His
exhibition and instructions will last
from 7 to 9 p.m. and the exhibition
itself will be completed before the
start of the special bowling match
in the Union Alleys.
Coming Events
Political Science Journal Club: The
meeting for today has been post-
poned until next Thursday after-
noon, March 21, 3 to 5 p.m., in Room
2037 A.H.
English Journal Club: The meeting
of the English Journal Club, post-
poned because of conflict with Dr.
Sapir's lecture, will be held in the
League, Friday, March 15. Business
meeting at four* program open to
the public at 4:15. Subject: Modern
Trends in Biography.


....remember how I brougtyouw

I give you the mildest, best-tasting
smoke-because I am made of center
leaves only. The top leaves are unripe,
bitter, biting. The bottom leaves are
coarse, sandy, harsh. The center leaves
are the choice leaves. They are mildest,
mellowest, yet richest in fine tobacco
flavor. And I offer you the fragrant,
expensive center leaves exclusively. I
do not irritate your throat. That's why
I dare to say, "I'm your best friend."



Cosmopolitan Club: Board meeting
Friday, March 15, at 5 p.m. in Dean
Bursley's office. All members please
be present.
Outing for Graduate Students: All
graduate students are invited to go
on the Graduate Outing Club hike
Saturday. The group are going down


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