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March 14, 1935 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-14

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TH19 -, NJCHIGAW, D Xlt y

Chairman Says
Frolic Tickets
Are# All Sold
Annual Fpreshman Dance
To Be Held Tomorrow
Night At Union
A complete sell-out of tickets for
the Frosh Frolic was announced last
night by Walter True, general chair-
man. The annual underclass dance
will be held at the Union tomorrow
True, with his guest, Eleanor Heck-
athorn, '38, will lead the grand march,
a traditional feature of the affair,
during the intermission at 11:30. Pic-
tures of the march will be on sale at
Francisco Boyce' starting Saturday,
according to True.
Margaret Curry, '38, in charge of
the decorations committee, announced
that a spring motif will be carried
out in the decoration of the ballroom.I
The orchestra stand will be surround-
ed with a hedge of huckleberry shrubs,
Miss Curry said, and large baskets of
spring, flowers will be placed at the
head of the steps leading to the stand.
The patrons' booth will have a back-I
ground of palms interspersed with
vases of spring cut flowers.
Dancing at the Frolic will start at
9 p.m. and continue until 1:30 a.m.
Women students attending the dance
have'been granted 2 a.m. permission,
Truc said.
Weekly Duplicate Bridge
Winners Are Announced
The winners in the weekly dupli-
cate bridge game Tuesday night were
as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ens-
minger, high, with a score of 145;
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Riggs, second,
with a score of 1311/2. East and West'
the winners were Dr. White and Ray
Whipple with a score of 1361/2, and
second, Prof. Clyde Love and Mrs.
R. K. McAlpine with a score of 120/2.
Prof. Jesse S. Reeve of the politi-
cal science departmeit will address
the Monthly Club Night meetiig of
the University Club tomorrow night
in Alumni Memorial Hall.

Rodzinski Is Living Example
Of Theory Of Predestined Life

Artur Rodzinski, conductor of the
Cleveland Orchestra which will give a
Choral Union concert Thursday
March 28, in Hill Auditorium, is a
living example of the theory that pre-
destination determines the life of
In response to his father's wish he
studied law instead of music. But al-
though it was law by day, it was
music by night for the young Rodzin-
ski, for he was brought up in Vienna,
that city of rich musical tradition,
where Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and
Brahms lived the major part of their
Born In Dalmatia.
Artur Rodzinski is a Pole. notwith-
standing his cosmopolitan record.
Born in Dalmatia, educated in Aus-
tria, most successful as a musician
in the United States, of which he is a
citizen, he represents that type which
contributes to American life the finej
flavor of old world culture with keen'
sensibility for the arts.
During the latter part of his youth
Mr. Rodzinski was allowed to study
music. Scarcely out of school, he
joined the Austrian army and served
on the Russian front until seriously
wounded and invalided home. At
making Lwow in Poland his music
began with modest choral work.
Then came the opportunity to try
conducting at the Lwow Opera. Per-
formances of "Ernani," "Carmen,"
and difficult Polish work, "Eros and
Psyche," brought the young maestro
to the attention of Warsaw. He was
summoned and engaged to conduct
this Polish opera there. His success
earned him a position there.
Comes To America
After five years in Warsaw, con-
ducting not only opera but also the
Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra in
concerts, came the fatefill day when
after a performance of "The Master-
singer of Nuremberg," a "tall blonde
man" appeared in his dressing room
to congratulate him on the perform-
Then came the surprising qjues-

, r,
tion, "How, would you like to go to
America and become my assitant
conductor? Your technique is similar
to mine; it would be good for my
orchestra." The unknown visitor was
Leopold Stokowski. And so America
came to claim this gifted son of Po-
Hillel .Players
To Broadcast
Excerpts from "Unfinished Pic-
ture," the Hillel Play, will be broad-
cast at 9:15 a.m. today over station
WJR, Detroit, from the campus stud-
io in Morris Hall, it was announced
yesterday by Robert K. Adams, Grad.,
who is directing the play.
According to Mr. Adams, a special
15-minute broadcast has been ar-
ranged. Parts from several of the
most important scenes will be given.
"Unfinished Picture" is to be pre-
sented Friday and Saturday nights
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
by the Hillel Players group. The cast
is headed by Harriet Kesselman, '35,
who will portray the part of the moth-
er of the Richards family, upon
whose life the play is based.
Tickets may be secured at Wahr's,
Ulrich's, and Slater's book stores.
Seats may be reserved at the Lydia
Mendelssohn box office.
Registrations For Bridge
-Tournament To Be Made
Registrations for the Campus
Bridge Tournament may be made
in the Undergraduate Office of the
League from 3 to 5 p.m. until Tues-
day, March 19. Registrations will
be free to both sorority and independ-
ent women.
"Teams are urged to register as
soon as possible," Marie Metzger,
chairman of the reception committee,
who is making arrangements for the
bridge tournament, said today.
The contest is being conducted in
conjunction with the Union Bridge
Tournament. Winners of both con-
tests will play each other.
Where To Go

-made of the newly
developed Supplespun
-with the


'Tune In On Love'
To Be On The Air
Several of the attractions from the
Junior Girls Play will be presented
over the air 'from the University
Broadcasting Station at.9 a.m. tomor-
row. Julie Kane, general chairman
of the production which will be pre-
sented March 20 to 23 in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, will speakas
part of the program. and Dorothy
Shappell, the author, will give a syn-
opsis of the plot.
The theme song of the play, "Tune
In On Love," will be presented by the
trio composed of Barbara Bates, Val-
erie Rancu, and Jean Seeley, and
Florence Chaikin, featured singer of
the production, will sing the "Amer-
League Style Show Will
Be Held At Future Date
"The League Style Show scheduled
for Friday has been postponed until
some future date to be announced
soon," Ann Osborn, social chairman
of the League, whose committee is
making the arrangements for the
Style Show, said today.
New plans are being made for the
Style Show which will be held in the
evening instead of the afternoon as
originally planned. "Further plans
will be made known in the near fu-
ture," Miss Osborn stated.
K w\A/

First Exhibit
Of Student Art
Will Be Shown
The first of a series of art exhibits
will be held March 20 through the
ifternoon of March7, in the League.
Phis exhibit will be exclusively a dis-
play of student work.
The other art exhibits will be held
throughout the semester until June.
The next one will include work of
people living in Ann Arbor, and will
be followed by a faculty exhibit, and
a miscellaneous exhibit.
This will be the first opportunity
for students to display their produc-
tions. The Theatre and Arts Com-
mittee of the League, with Sue Cal-
cott, chairman, will take charge of
this project. Dorothy Geldart, '37,
is in charge of the student exhibit.
Contributions may be left in Miss
Ethel McCormick's office before Tues-
day, March 19.
Miss Geldart will be assisted by
Betty Goutremont, Jane Koffman,
Jane Kretchmer, Marjorie Mackin-
tosh, Mary Olds, Catherine Brucher,
Virginia Smith, Betty Besse, Mary
Reed, Mae Herndon, and Ruth Anne
Jernegen. There will be no sale of
these student productions.
Italian- Abyssinian
Clash Is Topic Of
Ehrmann' s Speech
A desire for the consolidation of
the Italian colonies separated by
Abyssinian territory and for economic
concessions in the region was termed
the cause of the Italian-Abyssinian
clash by Prof. Howard Ehrmann of
the history department, who spoke
before the Graduate Club at a lunch
eon meeting held yesterday at the
"The root of the trouble goes back
to the '80's," Professor Ehrmann said,
"when Italy began her policy of try-
ing to establish a protectorate over
Abyssinia in order to consolidate her
colonies of Eritrea and Italian Soma-r
liland." He then traced the Italian
policy in the African problem, saying
that she had temporarily gained her
end in a treaty with the Sultan.
Although this protectorate was re-
pudiated in a few years, Italy did not
cease her attempts, he said, and
eventually went so far as to make a
three-power pact with England and
France providing for the partition of
Abyssinia. "However, they were un-
able to accomplish this," he contin-
ued, "and although Italy did her best
to obtain the territory during the
peace conference of 1919 in Paris,
she has been unsuccessful so far."
According to Professor Ehrmann,
the question can be settled only if
Abysinnia agrees to rectify the boun-
daries of the Italian colonies and to
grant her other economic concessions.
All those who expect to usher for
the Junior Girls Play must meet
with Sue Thomas, chairman of
ushers, at 3 p.m. today in the

- -v~ ": \"
O See what
a bit of
can do!

economics, the department of fine dan civilizations and others, Miss
arts, the division of fine arts, geog- Black is studying Japanese under Mrs.
raphy, history, oriental languages and Yamaguva, who is a graduate of the
literatures, political science and soci- University and is now on the campus
ology. in graduate work. She has also taken
Fine Arts Chosen Chinese from Dr. J. W. Stanton of
Both Miss Black and Miss Bouchard the history department.
are concentrating in Chinese fine First To Enroll
arts. Miss Bouchard intends to use the The first to enroll in this pro-
knowledge she gains in museum work. gram, Miss Black expressed surprise
"Museums are not the dead spots so that not more students had also
many people believe them to be," she done so. She said, "If for no other
stated. "Rather they are a continuous reason, it is worth taking as an ex-
source of new information connecting cellent background culturally. The
the past with the present." Chinese government is the oldest that
Miss Lester is specializing in Far has continued to the present day, and
Eastern history and political science we have much to learn from its civili-
with especial attention on Japan. She zation.
would like to enter diplomatic service GARDEN TALK GIVEN
in Japan.MGADendALKsieN
Another field to which this course Misses Alice and Jessie Bourquin
of concentration can be applied very gave an illustrated lecture on "The
---- --- -- Development of the Home Grounds"
at the Garden Section of the Faculty
Patronesses For Woman's Club which met at the Un-
ion yesterday.
Dinner Announcei
W.A.A. patronesses for the Insta Learn What a Really GO(
lation Banquet, to be held Mond: y
night, March 25, in the League ba -L A OR BRSP R I
room, were announced yesterday. New
officers for W.A.A. are to be installe
at the same time as the new Lear e Gives a Finer Fav
officer. Deiveretod your dome in caws ofs
The list of patronesses includes Dr PHONE 8O7f FOR
Margaret Bell, Dr. Helene Schutz
Miss Laurie Campbell, Dr. Mabel Ru--
gen,. Miss Irene Field, Miss Marie AL .I 0I SIRItIN4
Hartwig, Miss Virginia Peaseley, Miss 416 West Huron
Dorothy Beise. Miss Hilda Burr, and
Miss Emily White.


Three Junior Women Choose.
Unique Field Of Concentration
By JEWEL WUERFEL I advantageously is educa.ion. The
Three junior women on campus en- world is showing an incresing inter-
joy a rather unique privilege of being est in the East and toere are an
the only women in their particular increasing number of opcnirxgs for
field of concentration. They are Joyce teachers in every phase of its civiliza-
Black, Marybelle Bouchard, and Wil- Lons. Commercially there are numer-
ma Lester. The field is the degree pro- ous and growing opportunities for
gram of oriental civilization which was persons with definite knowlecge of the
offered for the first time in the fall Orient.
of 1933. Lives In Orient


An unusual feature of this degree
program is the diversity of subjects it
offers. One is given his choice of
studying civilizations of the Near East
or the Far East in general or of spe-
cializing in one of the many depart-
ments and divisions combined to form
the program. These are anthropology,

Miss Bouchard accredits her inter-
est in the Orient to three years she
spent in Tientsin, China, the site of
Pei Yang University, where her father
was a member of the faculty.
Besides her regular curricular sub-
jects. on Greek mythology, geography
of the Japanese Empire, 1Mohamme-






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