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March 14, 1935 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-14

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Publication in the Bulletin Is constr
- Unilverity. Copy received at the offl4
untl 3y.30;11:30 a.m. Saturday.
VOL. XLV No. 119
N E W To The Members of the University
W S senate:
At the -.±eeting of the University
_ouncil on March 11 the following
,3mmunication from the Standing
Greek Revolution Ends- Committee on Educational Policies,
r oncerningacademic rank and pro-
Rebel Forces Routed motion, was adopted subject to the
approval of the Board of Regents:
ATHENS, March 13 -(A)-Eleu- I. The standards approved in
therios Venizelos, leader of the short- principle by the Regents on May 25,
lived Greek revolution, was tonight at 1925, have been fully accepted in
Rhodes, the tiny island where pi- practice, and they seem less suitable
rates interned Julius Caesar 2,250 under present conditions than when
years ago. adopted. It is the opinion of the
Meanwhile, the Cruiser Averoff,l rcmmttee that as a matter of Uni-
which dropped Venizelos, his Angelo- versity policy, standards should be
Greek wife and other rebels at the raised and reinforced from time to.
Italian Island of Cassos yesterday, time, and that the present is an op-
arrived at Salamis to complete the portune time for such an advance.
government's reconquest of the in- For several years most firms in the
surgent fleet. business world have been reducing
While the Loyalist Army continued salaries and either discharging em-
"mopping up" after routing land reb- ployees or at least reducing the
els in Macedonia, court-martials number of new appointees. In con-
started grinding away at the grist sequence the number of college grad-
the 12-day revolt left for them. uates applying for teaching positions
Those rebel soldiers who did not has increased even in the face of re-
flee to neighboring countries prob- duced employment of teachers. In
ably will be amnestied, it was indi- spite of the financial condition of the
cated, but their officers and those country the number of graduate stu-
soldiers who joined the movement as Idnts has risen, so that in practically
volunteers were expected to face all lines there is a surplus of candi-
military courts. dates possessing higher degrees. The
committee therefore considers this a
John Simon, Eden, Will proper time to eliminate the title
Hitler"junior instructor" which has in
Confer With A. Hitler reality had little use, and eco
LONDON, March 13.-(A)-Sir John mends that the title "teaching fel-
Simon, foreign secretary, and Capt. low be used for those new ap-
Anthony Eden, lord privy seal, will pointees not possessed of a doctor's
go to Berlin March 24 for conversa- degree or, in the case of the profes-
tions with Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler sional departments, its equivalent in
on questions of European peace, con- professional experience.
versations which were postponed by This advance in the standard for
Hitler. an instructor calls for a similar
Hitler, it was said, expressed a de- strengthening of the qualifications
sire to discuss the entire Anglo- for an assistant professorship.
French plan involving an air conven- The associate. professorship was
tion, an',Eastern pact, Austrian in- discussed at length and the commit-
dependence, Germany's return to the tee recommends that the rank be re-
League of Nations and a general dis- tained but that it be not considered
armament agreement. merely as a promotion after long
service to one who can not hone for

uctive notice to all members of the
ce of the Assistant to the President

Student Loans: The Loan Commit- by March 16. If impossible, telephone
tee will meet Monday, March 18, at;Gertrude Morris, 7037, this week.

1:30 p.m., Room 2, University Hall.
Students who have already filed ap-
plications with the Office of the Dean
of Students should call there for an
appointment with the Committee.
J. A. Bursley, Chairman

pointed for a one-year term, but University Broadcasting:
those who have proved their 9:15-9:30 a.m.-Laboratory Pro-
ability here, may be reappoint-
ed foratwoya em gram for University Speech Class.
ed for a two-year term. 2:00-2:30 p.m. --Spanish Language
Assistant Professor. teach-fSeries - Topic: "Leyendas Espanol-
a. Demonstrated ability as as," E. A. Mercado, Instructor in
Spanish, and students. (In Spanish)
b. The doctorate or its equivalent. 10:00-10:15 p.m.-"Uniform Traf-
c. Defiite record as scholar or fic Laws," Roger L. Morrison, Pro-
independent investigator as evi- fessor of Highway Engineering and
d Y d UUnr by b Hli 4Utin hw r t



aence oy p011cL~ons I Hghway Transport
d. Appointments shall be for a ,1015-10:30 p.m.-"Music at the
three year term, except in the University and the May Festival of
case of men new to the Univer-- 1935," Earl V. Moore, Professor of
sity or as an indication of pro- Music, Musical Director of the School
bationary status. of Music, Musical Direc r of the
Associate Professor. University.
a. Established reputation as a Uniersty
teacher; candidate must have Faculty, College of Literature,
already shown such capacity Science, and the Arts:
that he may be expected to at- Instructors are requested to send
tain a full professorship. The their "Freshman Report Cards" to
rank should not be considered Room 4, University Hall, not later
merely as a reward for long and than Saturday, March 16.
acceptable service.
b. Established record i produc- Mentor Reports: The first report
tive scholarship and other,
scholarl a sp and throf the second semester will be col-
scholarly activities. lected during the sixth week, March
c. Demonstrated capacity to di~ 11-16, and made available through
rect research work; established Mentors beginning March 20. Blanks
reputation for other original for reporting will be issued to faculty
work of a professional charac- members late this week or on Mon-
ter may be' taken into consid- day.
d. An Indeterminate Appoint- Mechanical Engineering Seniors:
Professor. C. H. Lang of the General Electric
a. Established reputation as a Company will be in Room 221, West
M( dvffvc r.nm M ffwrch

University Lecture:
Dr. John B. Condliffe, Director of
the Economic Intelligence Service of
the League of Nations. will lecture on
the subject "The Planning of Inter-
national Trade." Thursday, March
14, at 4:15 p.m.. in Natural Science
Auditorium. The public is cordially
Stephen F. Voorhees, New York
architect, Chairman of the Construc-
tion Code Authority and a member
of the Advisory Council of the Fed-
eral Housing Administration, will
speak in the Architectural Building
at 1 p.m.. Friday.
The Exhibition of the Association
of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
is now being shown in the large ex-
hibitiom room, Architectural Build-
ing, open daily 1 to 5 p.m. The exhi-
bition will continue through March
20. Visitors are cordially invited.
Events Today
Vocational Series - Students of the
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts: A meeting will be held at 4:15
p.m., in Room 1025, Angell Hall, for
students in the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts and others in-
terested in future work in Education.
The meeting will be addressed by4
Dean J. B. Edmonson, of the SchoolC
of Education.
Thesthird vocational talk, to be
addressed by Dean C. E. Griffin of
the School of Business Administra-
tion, will be held on March 19.

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance lie per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephone rate -15c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one
month ...... ............8c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months........
2 lines daily, college year.......7c
4 lines E.O.D., college year.......7c
100 lines used as desired.........9c
300 lines used as desired.........8c
1,000 lines used as desired.....'..7c
2,000 lines used as desired.......Go
The above rates are per reading line,
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Tonic type, upperand lower case. Add
Gc per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add Gc per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7% point


LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x MEDICAL MAN SPEAKS
i Prof. Raphael Issacs of the School
STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea- of Medicine will lead a discussion on
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006. "The Jew In Science" at 8 p.m., to-
9x day at the Hillel Foundation.




teacher. ~ig~ei1 i
teacher.Engineering Bidg., on svonuay, w-a i
b. Record in productive scholar- 18, for the purpose of interviewing
ship and other scholarly activi- those men interested in talking about
ties sufficient to give at least employment with this company. Will
national reputation within the you please make an appointment
profession. prior to that time.
c. Exceptional success as director
of research work. All Students Interested in the Stu-
d. An Indeterminate Appoint- dent Volunteer Movement, which is
ment. a national organization of students
II. We approve what we under- interested in mission work, and who
stand to be the present declared pol- would like interviews with Miss Mary
icy of the University that promotion Bell Oldridge, the National Secre-
should not be automatic, or be based tary of this organization, are asked
primarily on seniority; at each grade to call Mrs. A. D. Tinker, at 21679.
of advancement and at each reap- Miss Oldridge will be in town on Sat-
pointment the proper authorities urday and Sunday, March 16 and 17,
should reexamine the usefulness of and will be available for interviews
the candidate from the standpoint of Saturday evening and Sunday after-j

I h'm Present

Economics Club Meeting at 7:45
p.m., Roonm 302, Michigan Union.
Speaker: Dr. John B. Condliffe, di-
rector of the Economic Intelligence
Service of the League of Nations.
Subject: "Monetary Policy and the
Price Level."
Geological Journal Club meets at
7 p.m., in Room 3065, N.S. Program:
Twenty minute papers by R. Breed,
G. Tague.
Brief Reviews by: Miss Kline, Mr.
Hatton, Schmeling and Heller.
Sigma Xi: Meeting at 8 p.m., in

t '

the department and of the University
as a whole. It should be made clear to{
all new recruits to the teaching staff
that the fact of initial employmenti
affords no guarantee of advancement.
On the other hand, a deserved pro-
motion should always be made if the
resources of the University permit; it
should not be made dependent on the
chance uncertainty of an "outside
call" or be subordinated to the multi-
plication of new departments, fields,
courses or other units, or to other
expenditures of available funds.
III. An advance in rank should
always be signalized by an advancej
in salary, even if only a nominal one.I
This does not imply, however, that in
exceptional cases the salary of two
different ranks in the same college!
may not overlap, since it may some-
times happen that long and faithful
service may demand exceptional fi-
nancial recognition even when it does
not warrant advancement in rank.
This principle will apply with partic-
ular appropriateness to members of
the staff of the rank of Assistant
Professor, who have shown marked
success as teachers.
As finances permit, the administra-
tive officers should review the salar-
ies of the members of the staff, in or-
der to adjust inequalities that have
arisen in the cases of persons of the,
same rank and ability.
Louis A. Hopkins,1
Secretary, University Council

noon.-j lecture room on the main floor of
I the University Library. Exhibition
Seniors -A fee of $1.00 must be of papyri, and illustrated talks by
I paid by March 25 if, you wish your j Prof. A. E. R. Boak, and Prof. J. G.
name included in Senior Literary Winter, concerning the University
Commencement Programs. Names papyrus collection.
will be omitted, and invitations will

not be issued to those who have not
paid this fee. Dues are payable in
Angell Hall lobby.
Activity Point Check-up, for all
women on campus that have taken
i nnrt. in Campus Activities since

any part nu u x,~ -_
the opening of the 1934-35 school
year is being held in the Undergradu-
ate Offices of the Michigan League
'on Thursday and Friday, from 1 to 3
p.m. All girls are urged to report
these points either in person or by
proxy to Georgina Karlson, chair-
man of the merit system.
Senior Women may get caps and
gowns for Junior Girls Play between
1 and 5 p.m. on Monday, March 18,
in the League ballroom, or at the'
same time on Tuesday, March 19, in
the Garden Room. They will not be
given out any other days. The total
price will be $6.25, which includes
$1.75 for the sale of the cap, $2.25
for gown rental, and a $2.00 deposit.
Collars will also be on sale.
Badminton Tournament: All match
games in the second round of the
women's doubles are to be plaved off

Applied Mechanics Colloquium:
Prof. S. Timoshenko - "Engineering I
Laboratories and Research Work in I
California Schools," and Dr. J. L.
Maulbetsch - Review of Literature.
Meeting will be held in Room 445,
West Engineering Building at 7:30
p.m. All interested are cordially in-
vited to attend.
A Joint Meeting of Metallurgical
Group and the Student Branch of
A.I.Ch.E. will hear a talk on the sub-
ject "Recent Developments On the
Grain Size of Steel," Room 1042, East
Engineering Bldg. The speaker will
be W. G. Hildorf, chief metallurgist
of The Timken Steel and Tube Com-
pany. Members are urged to attend.
Electrical Engineers: There will be
a meeting of the student branch of
the A.I.E.E. in Room 248, West Eng.
Dr. B. F. Bailey will speak about
unusual electric motors.
Junior Engineers: An important
(Continued on Page 6)





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She: Personally






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