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March 14, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-03-14

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The Weather
Fair and cold Thursday,
followed by snow or rain with
rising temperatures at night
and early Friday.


it iau


Approved Eating Places
Pink Slip' Publicity .



Pr o fe s s o r 'No Reason For Existence Of
Holdin 0 (lies7I --aIirfran

Council Will Strachev
Reduce Hell

To Speak Here

Will Serve
On Mission
Charles F. Remer Will Act
As Expert Adviser On
International Trade
Yale Faculty Man
Fills Campus Post
To Spend Six Weeks In
China; Will Also Visit
Prof. Charles F. Remer of the eco-
nomics department and a recognized
authority on the economics of China
has been appointed to accompany the
American Economic Mission to the
Orient in the capacity of expert ad-
visor on problems of international
trade, according to an announcement
made by President Alexander G.
Ruthven yesterday.
A leave-of-absence for the remain-
der of the semester was granted toi
Professor Remer yesterday by the ex-
ecutive committee of the Board of
Professor Remer will leave Ann Ar-
bor Friday to meet the other members
ofhthe mission in San Francisco, from
where the group will embark on Fri-
day, March 22.
Wynne To Serve Here
Prof. William H. Wynne, at pres-
ent connected with the economics de-
partment at Yale University, will
take over Professor Remer's work on
the campus. The Executive Commit-
tee of the Regents has confirmed his
appointment to Lecturer in Econom-
ics for the remainder of the semester,
The mission, which will include 13
members under the direction of the
Hon. W. Cameron Forbes, former
governor-general of the Philippines
and also former American ambassa-
dor to Japan, was organized by the
American Foreign Trade Council, af-
ter consultations with the Federal
Departments of State and Commerce.
At least six weeks will be splent in
China, where the group will visit im-
portant and commercial cities, for
the purpose of surveying opportuni-
ties for the promotion of reciprocal
trade agreements between 'the United
States and China.
Recognized As Authority
It is also planned to include in the
itinerary of the mission shorter vis-
its to the Philippine Islands and to
Associated with Far Eastern affairs
for more than 20 years, Professor
Remer is recognized by those in the
American-China trade as one of the
leading authorities on the trade posi-
tion of the Orient. He has written
extensively on this subject.
Since his journey to China in 1930-
31, when he conducted research in
foreign capital invested in China, he
has published two authoritative books
on Chinese economic problems, name-
ly "Foreign Investments In China"
and "A Study of Chinese Boycotts."
After graduating from the Univer-
sity of Minnesota in 1908, he served
on the bureau of education in the
Philippine Islands. Later, he was
appointed instructor in economics at
St. John's University in Shanghai.
He then returned to the United
States, earning his master's degree in
1917 at Harvard. Professor Reme
later accepted a full professorship
in the Shanghai university, where he
remained until 1922.
Professor Remer then held success-
ively an instructorship at Harvard,
(Continued on Page 6)

Condliffe Will
Speak Today
On Commerce
Dr. John B. Condliffe, director of
the economic intelligence service of
the League of Nations, will discuss
"The Planning of International
Trade" today on the University Lec-
ture series arranged by Dr. Frank
E. Robbins, assistant to the President.
The lecture will take place at 4:15
p.m. in the Natural Science Audito-
riuin and Dr. Condliffe will also speak
to the economics club at 8 p.m. at the
Dr. Condliffe was educated at Can-
terbury College at the University of
New Zealand, and in Caius and Gon-
ville Colleges in Cambridge, after-
wards becoming professor of econo-
mics at Canterbury College.
He later became research director

AM... . U'UB'A P B X1,.,4 9 ! a U1[Ai NJ 7_" A - a lu " a- a u$'L. a 4-
g pj
Accord with President Roosevelt's, Prof. Shorey Peterson, who conducts
message to Congress Tuesday in courses in the economics department,
which he declared that "The utility devoted to corporation problems, was
holding company with its present sharp in his attack on the abuses of
powers must go" was expressed by utility holding companies, emphasiz-
Prof. I. L. Sharfman and other mem- ing the un-social aspect of their
bersrofathe economics department methods of financing.
"By and large," stated Professor He declared that the corporate or-
Sharfman, "past experience of hold- ganization of most of these holding
ing companies shows that they have companies are "extreme examples of
no real reason to exist. The pending the great looseness that has long pre-
legislation designed to outlaw public in corporate finance in this
utility holding companies is unques-
tionably the direct response to a long "The huge corporate superstructures
series of abuses in the public utility that have been erected over operat-
holding company field."' ing companies in the electric power
The chairman of the department, field, quite apart from their effect up-
who is acting in an advisory capacity on the control of the industry, are
to the Interstate Commerce Commis- doubtless properly open to attack."
sion and who is now completing a The increased difficulty that state
book on some of the problems involved regulatory commissions find in ef-
in public control explained that in fectively controlling public utilities
some cases holding companies do because of the intrusion of holding
serve a useful purpose. companies on the scene was enipha-
He said, "There are doubtless sit- j sized by other members of the de-
uations in which legitimate purposes partment as one of the reasons why
may be served by these holding com- this type of organization should be
panies, but it is questionable whether outlawed. A state commission can-
their contemplated eradication would, not regulate the activities of these
aside from temporary disturbances, corporations because they frequently
interfere with sound economic devel- extend their activities over state lines,
opment." I it was declared.
- - - - - - - - - - - ---

Two NBC Stars
Head Program
For Jamboree
Tony Wons, Sylvia Clark
Tp Perform On Benefit
Program April 2
Tony Wons and Sylvia Clark, Na-
tional Broadcasting Company radio
artists, have been secured for the All-
Campus Jamboree, to be held April
2 in Hill Auditorium for the benefit
of the University Fresh Air Camp,
John H. Jefferies, '37, chairman of
the program, announced yesterday.
Wons is a humorist and philosoph-
er, and Miss Clark is a noted singer,
comediene and impersonator.
J. Fred Lawton,, '11, author of
"Varsity," has been named master of
ceremonies, and will head the pro-
gram of varied entertainment. In
addition to the two radio stars the
University of Michigan band and the
University glee club have been se-
cured for, the program. Chairman
Jefferies stated that as yet the pro-
gram is not complete and that more
entertainers from Detroit and Ann
Arbor will probably be added.
A new Michigan song, written es-
pecially for the occasion, by Lawton,
may be presented to the public for
the first time on the night of the
Lawton Writes Song
All the proceeds of the entertain-
ment go to the support of the Uni-
versity Fresh Air Camp for under-
privileged boys. The S.C.A. is spon-
soring the program for the second
year, it having been established last
year to support the annual Camp
Tag Day.
For 14 years the camp, "a project
in human engineering," has been in
existence, supported by University
alumni, and by Michigan studenfs. An
average of 400 boys each summer has
been giventan opportunity to enjoy
from two to three' weeks apiece in
the camp. It is located on Patter-
son Lake, near Pinckney, and is or-
ganized "to render a much-needed
social service to underpriviliged boys
by bringing them into personal con-
tact with the college men interested
in their welfare, and to give under-
graduate college men an opportunity
to understand boys from the crowded
centers of the cities, and to gain
through service" in the words of the
camp circular.
"Get Money's Worth"
In an interview with the camp di-
rector, George G. Alder, he stated,
"We believe students are tired of con-
tributing to every tag-day that comes
along, therefore with the Jamboree
we plan to- give the students some-
thing for their contributions. The
program will be more than worth the
individual investment."
This year's program is being jointly
sponsored by the S.C.A., and many
campus societies and organized
A meeting of the committee in
charge of the program has been
scheduled for tonight at 7:30 p.m. in
the auditorium of Lane Hall.
Noted Architect To
Talk Here Friday

Killer Search
To Be Taken
OverBy State
Fingerprints On Sled Are
Only Clue To Slayer Of
Richard Streicher
Michigan State Police were ordered
yesterday by Governor Frank D. Fitz-
gerald to take charge of the search
for the murder of seven-year-old
Richard Streicher, Jr.
Headed by Capt. Donald S. Leon-
ard, of the State Police, the troopers,
Washtenaw County sheriffs, and Ypsi-
lanti police worked frantically last
night to find a definite clue on which
to work. Early this morning, they ad-
mitted that they were still at a stand-
The only tangible clue disclosed so
far was five sets of adult fingerprints
on the sled of the slain Richard, dis-
covered yesterday by ProsecutorAl-
bert Rapp. The fingerprints have been
photographed andsentto Department
of Justice identification bureau in
Washington. Authorities here stated
they expected a report on the prints
either today or tomorrow.
In the meantime, State Police stated
that they are "hunting for a lead,
and are following up every possible
incident that may have any connec-
tion with the case."
Belief that the prints might be
those of the parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Streicher, of Ypsilanti, led
Ralph Southard, Ypsilanti police
chief, to have them fingerprinted.
Photographs indicated that they were
not the same as the ones on the sled.
Dr. Stacy C. Howard, of St. Joseph's
Hospital here, again reiterated the
statement that the 14 wounds made
in the body could have been inflicted
with sled runners. Mrs. Steicher says
she is inclined to put faith in the
sled clue because of the way she found
the sled. It was placed against the
house with the runners out. "Rich-
ard," she told police, "was a very
orderly boy and always put his sled
away in exactly the same manner
--with the runners toward the house."

Week Rigors
Interfraternity Group Will i
Consider Modifications
At AprilMeeting
Rules Will Not Take
Effect Till Next Year
Executive Committee Acts
On Violations; Paddling
Out During Probation
Rules and regulations modifying
Hell Week practices were formulated
last night by a special committee
appointed by Philip A. Singleton, '35E,
president of the Interfraternity
Council, and will be submitted to the
Council at their next meeting.
This meeting, according to Single-
ton, will be held early in April. "Be-
cau ,ne rules will not go into effect
until next year there is no point in
calling a special meeting to vote on
them." Singleton said.
If the rules are passed by the gen-
eral Council, all paddling during the
probation period will be eliminated
and the rules further stipulate that
"all practices which might be injur-
ious to either the physical or mental
health of anyone concerned shall not
be condoned."
Rules AnnouncedC
The members of the committee who
formulated'the modification rules and
regulations are Edward 'T. Downs, '35,
Trigon, chairman, William F. Morgan,
'36BAd., Psi Upsilon, Joseph L. Whit-
mer, '35, Theta Chi, and Thomas E.
Groehn, '36, Theta Delta Chi.
The rules and regulations in full
are as follows:
1. There shall be no paddling of
any manner during the probation pe-1
2. All Hell Week activities shall enda
not later than midnight on nights pre-
ceding days of classes, and shall begin
not earlier than 7 a.m. on class days.
3. Each house shall be responsible
in so far as possible, for insuring the,
attendance of pledges at all scheduled
4. Each pledge shall have at least
three hours per day for unmolested
5. At no time shall the activities
of Hell Week to be of such a character'
that they attract public attention or
cause a public disturbance. Neither
shall they at any time cause incon-
venience to anyone not affiliated with
the fraternity in question.
Hell Week Limited
6. The duration of Hell-Week shall
in no case be longer than four days.
7 . All practices which might be in-
jurious to either the mental or phys-
ical health of anyone concerned shall
not be condoned.
1e8. At no time shall any practices
be indulged in which are in violation
of the dictates of common sense.
9. The same persons who are n'ow
held responsible to the University fqr
the adherence of each individual fra-
ternity to social and financial reg-
ulations shall be held responsible for
the strict observance of these rules
by their fraternities.
10. ° Any violations of these pre-
cepts shall fall within the jurisdiction
of the Executive Committee of the In-
terfraternity Council, and shall be
punishable by imposition of social pro-
bation, or the forfeiture of rushing
privileges, or both. The duration of
such penalties in each case shall be
at the discretion of the aforemen-
tioned Executive Committee.

'Charge AgainstI
He Says As
Union Aids In

Chicago Professor
Puts Up His Bail
Federal Officials Say He
Is 'Self-Confessed Red';
Briton Makes Denial
NEW YORK, March 13 -(P)-
The American Civil Liberties
Union tonight quoted John Stra-
chey as having disclaimed any de-
sire to take part in American poli-
tics as a storm of protest arose in
liberal circles over the British
author-lecturer's arrest by Wash-
ington authorities.
The Communist party's agita-
tion propaganda department de-
nied Strachey was a Communist
and declared the government's
action against him represented
"the organized move of the New
Deal regime.
CHICAGO, March 13.-P)-Ev-
elyn John St. Loe Strachey, British
author, promised a "last ditch" fight
today against government efforts to
deport him as an alien Communist.
While repercussions of his case rif-
fled the calm of official and political
quarters' from here to London and
evoked protests from fellow liberals,
the towering young'economist boarded
a train for Cleveland to continue his
lecture tour.
He appeared before Fred J. Shlot-
feldt, immigration inspector here, and
posted a $500 bond for his release
under Federal charges of gaining
entry to the country through false
statements and advocating Commu-
nist doctrines.
'Charges False'
"The charges against 'me are abso-
lutely false," he asserted. "I will fight
them to the last ditch."
Flanked by sympathizers and attor-
neys furnished by the American Civil
Liberties Union, he spent 40 minutes
in conference with the inspector. He
said he was not interrogated on his
alleged advocacy of the overthrow of
the United States government. The
hearing was limited to the bail ques-
Prof. Robert Morss Lovett, liberal
member of the University of Chicago
faculty, who said that he acted as a
representative of the Union, settled
that by producing bond. Schlotfeldt
announced after the closed session
that Washington officials would fix
the time and place for formal hearing
of the charges.
Federal officials contended that the
young Briton was a self-admitted
Communist, that he was stumping the
United States as an active advocate
of communism andthat therefore he
was subject to expulsion.
'Not a. ommunist'
"The charge is absurd," Strachey
rejoined. "I am not a member of the
Communist party and I firmly deny
that I entered the country through
any misstatements. I have never ad-
vocated the overthrow of the United
States government by force or vio-
He asserted that he would ask the
government to prove its accusations.
Then Prof. Lovett made this state-
"The question before authorities is
a definition of Communism. Strachey
doesn't believe in Communism polit-
ically but has followed the teachings
of Marx, so therefore, he might be
called a Communist."
The British consul took no stand
in the affair.
Strachey had little time to elaborate
his arguments after the hearing. He
wrapped his bulk in a three-quarter
length leather coat, pulled a slouch
hat over his eyes and raced for his
Britain Amused
LONDON, March 13. - 1P)--Brit-

ish official quarters and the London'
press viewed with quiet amusement
today the threatened deportation of
Evelyn .John St. Loe Strachey, ar-
rested in Chicago on charges of en-
tering the United States by making
false statements.
The three principal extremist par-
ties of Britain, the Communists, So-
cialists, and Fascists, joined in repu-
diating the well-to-do young scion of

To Explain Stand
A petition addressed to the Uni-
versity Committee on Lecture Policy
requesting clarification on five specific
points arising out of the Strachey af-
fair was :igned by 22 prominent stu-
dents yesterday. The petition was to
be sent to Carl Brandt, secretary of
the lecture committee, this morning.
The text of the petition is as fol-
"The John Strachey lecture inci-
dent has demonstrated that consider-
able confusion exists concerning the
lecture policy of the University. It is
unfortunate that occasions may arise
where concepts of freedom of speech
become confused with purely mechan-
ical problems in sponsorship, What-
ever the external effects of such sit-
uations may be, the antagonisms
and misconceptions which ensue are
distinctly subversive of harmony with-
in the University.
Ask Five Questions,
To avoid the recurrence of any suchI
incident, we request the University
Committee on Lecture Policy definite-
ly to indicate, for the benefit of those
who may wish to obtain University f a-
cilities for a lecture :
1. What constitutes a responsible
2. What procedure must such an
organization follow to obtain the use
of a University building?
3. What must be the personal qual-
ifications of a lecturer?
4. What limitations are placed on
the subject matter of a lecture to be
given in a University building?
5. What definite provisions relating
to lecture policy exist in the By-Laws
of the Board of Regents and in Deeds
of Gift of University buildings, and
how are these to be interpreted?
Martin Wagner, Rhodes scholar-'
elebt, who is chairman of the student
group which collected the signatures,
emphasized that the names were notI
necessarily indicative of the sentiment
of the organizations with which they
were affiliated.

Me False,' Prominent Students
Liberties Committee

'If It'&Humanly Possible;
Will Contest Dep1 ortation

Doubts He Can Get Away
From Chicago Hearing
N.S.L. Receives No
Word From Agents
If Lecturer Comes Here,
He Will Give Address
In Granger's Hall
A special Associated Press dispatch
early this morning quoted John Stra-
chey as saying he would lecture here
tonight "if humanly possible," but
that he doubted he would be able to
get away in time from his immigra-
tion hearing in Chicago this morning.
The report came from Cleveland,
where the British "intellectual Com-
munist" filled a lecture engagement
last night.
No word has been received by the
National Student League, sponsor of
Strachey's speech, from W. Colston
Leigh, the new York agency in charge
of the lecture tour.
Meanwhile arrangements were com-
pleted by the Strachey Lecture Com-
mittee for holding the lecture in
Granger's Ballroom in the event that
Strachey appears.
The subject for the projected talk
is "The Coming Struggle for Power."
The meeting will open at 8:15 p.m.
Prof. Roy W. Sellars of the philos-
ophy department will introduce the
speaker and Davis Hobbs, '35L, will
act as chairman, according to the
plans. A question period will follow
the talk.
Carl G. Brandt, secretary of the
University Committee On Lecture
Policy, last night again declined to
make any comment on the refusal of
the request by four University pro-
fessors to hold the lecture, under their
full responsibility, in Hill Auditorium.
He declared that "the matter is com-
j pletely closed, as far as the commit-
tee is concerned."
Prof. Louis C. Karpinski, one of the
four professors, said yesterday he
had been informed in a telephone
i conversation with Mr. Brandt that a

The petition was signed by the fol- I statement regarding the refusal was
lowing students: ,to be mailed to him, but asserted that
he had received no such letter. Mr.
Signers Of Petition Brandt also refused to com'ment on
Russell F. Anderson, '36, president this statement.
of the S.C.A.; Harold F. Falls, '36M,
president of the junior medical class'
H. Roy Mooi, '36M, president of the flicag University
Methodist Student Guild; Edward P.
Troxel, Grad., Earhart Fellow; Gord- Begins 'Red' Quiz
on H. Stow, '36A, president of thel_
Roger Williams Guild; David G. CHICAGO, March 13 -IP)- While
French, '36, president of the Presby- one of its co-eds was in court on be-
terian Student Guild; Donald Elder, half of a young Communist convicted
'35, Irving Levitt, '36, president of the today of unlawful assembly, the Uni-
Council of Religion; Martin Wagner,' versity of Chicago announced its reg-
SGrad., Rhodes Scholar elect; An- ular quarterly "checking-up" on radi-
thony Luchek, Grad., Earhart Fel- and other student groups on
low; W. L. Hindman, Jr., Grad., Ear- calmpus
hart Fellow; Edward H. Litchfield, George A. Works, dean of students,
36, chairman of the Spring Parley made the announcement about the
Committee;William G. Ferris, '35, time that Jack Kling, 22, secretary
managing editor of The Daily. Iof the Young Communist League, was
R. E. Ackerberg, Jr., '35L, board of of u ly
governors of the Lawyers Club; Cyril convicted of unlawful assembly. Ap-
F. Hetsko, '35L, board of governors pearMig as a defense witness for him
of the Lawyers Club; Davis R. Hobbs, was Miss VirGnaBash,22,daugh-
'35L, Barrister's Society; G. Mennen ter of Maj.-Gen. Louis H. Bash,
Williams, '36L, A. D. Kennedy, Jr., United States Army, She testified
'36L, Robert E. Cowden, Jr., '35L, she heard the address Kling gave,
Barrister's Society; Edwin N. West, but addere Communists at the Uni-
'35L, Lawyers Club Council; Herbert C"hr r omuit tteUi
A. Milliken, '35L, Law Club Council; versity, but I am not one of them."
anWillian'BabcockJr., '35LpDean Works said that Miss Bash
frequently was warned by university
dent of the senior law class. All but officials regarding the publication
Ackerbury, Cowden, and West are of "Upsurge," which she edits, of an
Law Review rank."Usre"wihsedtofa
article charging the university main-
Itin, t'he o rnnnttitn- tnwn rd Na-


Wood Advocates Reorganization
Of State's Welfare Department
By SHELDON M. ELLIS was appropriated for that work last
Reorganization of the Michigan year.
State Welfare Department into a The plan recently prepared by the
unified integrated agency was strong- Michigan Conference of Social Work
was praised by Professor Wood. The
ly advocated by Prof. Arthur Evans proposed system is headed by a board
Wood of the sociology department in of public welfare composed of a
an interview yesterday. physician, an educator, a social work-
"Complete decentralization of de- er, an engineer, a lawyer and two
other members, all appointed by the
partments in te present set-up of tle governor for staggered six-year terms.
wele tagencies is provig costly tDirect control over the administra-
the State," said Professor Wood. "The tion of the agency falls upon a trained
absence of a responsible, authorita-,mioea edby andtred
tiv bord as edto nefectvework commissioner, appointed by, and re-
tive board has led to ineffective wr sponsible to the welfare board.
from the various departments," he The work of the various depart-
stated. ments, according to the plan, is di-
Professor Wood pointed to the con- vided into three groups: the division
trol of prisons as an example of the of relief and social service; the divis-
lack of a powerful authority under ion of mental hygiene; and the divis-
the present welfare system. "Wardens ion of correction. Each group is
of the prisons are responsible to a headed by an experienced director,
Prison Board composed of five men, appointed by the welfare board up-
yet they continue to be appointed by on the recommendation of the com-
the governor of the State," he said. missioner.
Lack of funds is another obstacle "I believe that the Michigan Con-

Tilden Defeats
Lott As Vines
Beats Nusslein
William T. Tilden and his troupe
of professional court stars put on
their annual tennis exhibition before
3,000 spectators at the Intramural
Sports Building last night. George
Lott, Ellsworth Vines, and Hans Nuss-
lein were the other performers.
In a one-set singles match against
Lott. Tilden asserted an easy supre-
macy and defeated the Chicagoan, 6
to 2. Vines defeated Nusslein in the
other singles match, finishing with a
score of 7-5, 7-9, 6-4, for the three
Playing against Tilden and Vines,

ua11 mleWrnVlg au'u e owua ve-
gro students. The charge was not
true, the dean said.
Wisconsin Investigation
Will Begin Next Week
MADISON, Wis., March 13 -('P)-
Chairman E. F. Burnett, said today
that investigation by a State Senate
committee on Communism and other
"subversive" doctrines in the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin and other state
educational institutions probably will
begin next week.
Burnett said the delay in starting
the investigation had been an advan-
tage to the committee because it had
led to revelations of additional in-
formation about conditions the com-
mittee plans to investigate. A group
of University of Wisconsin students
last week held a protest meeting

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